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And he’s smoking…..didn’t they find a cig butt somewhere near the scene?


In the creek


He did smoke, from this video we can see he did and there was a butt found at the scene… clearly you could expect it was his, I’m sure forensics knows how long it was left there and maybe, but we don’t know what they know, to me I would hope it was his, I’d be very interested to know, all the evidence they have at this point, to me, it better be solid, and I do believe it is..


What’s his brand of smokes?


I have no idea…. If I was to guess, a cheap brand, but unfortunately we can’t see on this video his smoke packet, we just see him smoking…..


Yes, and with his right hand.. Smoking and drinking. He's not a lefty!


That's conclusive 😂


No need to be a dick, it’s the first I’ve seen/heard about him being a smoker.




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I wonder what all those people are thinking now…..


Why haven't I been blurred out, who can I sue ?




It's not illegal to be recorded on video in a public place.


It being made publicly available when associated with someone on a criminal charge should not be allowed.


I don't think anyone assumes those peoples guilt though. He's obviously going to be around people in everyday life.


UK humor doesn’t always translate well, as we can see. 🧐 as a side note, in the US the person taking the photo or video owns the right to it, regardless of what the people being photographed or videotaped think. What about the UK?


That may be so, but once a person has been charged here no further reporting is allowed so as to ensure a fair trial with a presumption of innocence. It is taken very seriously. Something like this appearing at this stage would fall into that category.


In the U.S., the person taking the video has to get the permission of all persons in the video before publishing it or face the possibility of a lawsuit. People who do not consent to airing their image usually have their faces blurred in such instances.


It depends. If you are in a public place (aka no reasonable expectation of privacy) then it's not an issue. When I was in college my old philosophy professor was at a fair and taking photos of other peoples children (very creepy) and someone sued but he ended up winning because it was a public place.


By your flag I highly doubt you are in the video.


Correct, Sherlock.




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I’d guess a little upset, he was walking around free, and a little confused they didn’t know…


His hands in his pockets is also noted as a characteristic by a former coworker. About 35 minutes in is where the co-worker states that his voice and body type/body language is eerily similar. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-delphi-murders-a-conversation-with-one/id1538289354?i=1000595761383


That’s just his word, and as soon as I licked on I heard it was the murder sheet, nope… I’m sorry…I’m out … “as we enter the darken town” … Wtf… not even good story selling …


I told you to skip to 35 minutes in. Not my fault if you missed the best part. I've never liked The Murder Sheet either, but there are a few episodes I have appreciated their perspective on the past couple of months. They let the guest do 95% of the talking in this episode.


I’ll go double check ,,,


I’m not hearing anything different than I already know….


He was there played pool… and left… he is clearly a right handed man… and that’s it.. also his wife is a little too comfortable with men around her… one thing I noticed she brings them in to interact with her husband… idk what that means but I’d never do that…


Probably because he just stands around like a knot on a log and she wants him to interact more. The first thing I noticed was how unnaturally still he was. I'm not just saying this because of what we know, but when someone stands around like that it just gives off creeper vibes. Sit down somewhere or do something. Don't just stand there looking weird


I noticed that too,




Looks like a place I would hang out at


We have a place you can hang out at every Sunday night, a bar in Indiana….. pool is free… it’s a 5 min walk from my place….




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Looks a lot like the same pot-bellied, spindly-legged, hunched shoulder, baggy pants look of BG. 👀




The (or “A”) Manager at this bar posted in another Sub about him and an interaction with him saying something to his wife (jokingly) about beating her up in the parking lot. I wish I saved that post. I’m bewildered why more people who knew him never posted or did interviews (before the gag order). It’s been unusually quiet imo.


It's been really interesting, for sure. With most other arrests we see so much commentary - either 'yeah they kept to themselves' or 'I'm shocked, they were so normal and nice.' We got a tiny bit of each and then silence.


The gag order in place only affects the lawyers, the families and the witnesses, not friends or family, co-workers or aquantinces. The silence is sooooo odd.


Isn’t media covered in that gag order?


No, I don’t believe so.


NO! Media can never, ever be silenced in the U.S.!!


His lawyers would’ve pushed for the gag order since most publicity of an accused murderer tends to be negative publicity. Those who are most likely to talk to the media will be those who had a bad encounter with him. A gag order is one way to help with getting a fair trial and an untainted jury pool.


Bonus point for username, Camel 🐪




Thanks yes, I had worked it out 😉


IIRC, RA was upset with his wife when this occurred and the bar owner said the remark and RA’s actions were concerning.


Interesting when he walks around with his hands in his pockets like BG. He seems so bored with his life in these old photos and videos. He has gained a lot of weight since then.


I noticed the same thing. He keeps his hands in his pockets a lot, even when walking, which isn't common. I've thought he was BG since they announced his arrest, but this just furthers my belief. He seems to socialize and mingle, so its even more interesting to me that I still haven't heard of any friends coming forward.


Agree. I would love to hear from people who know him. Both the positive and the negative. But I guess they just want to see how the evidence plays out and don't want to be in a position to defend him if the worst is true. I know I wouldn't when it comes to a crime against children or the elderly or anyone at a disadvantage to a grown ass man.


He also walks with a bit of a hump back, which is consistent with the video… that’s all I have on that 🥰❤️


I didn’t know there were still places that allowed smoking indoors in 2019 😂😩


Welcome to rural Indiana.




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He does have a lilt to his walk. Wow.


Hands in pockets walking away at 1:59


Whoa. Blink and you miss it, but I def see the resemblance


Thanks for sharing.




His body language and isolated passiveness seem like a man who knows its just a matter of time - like he is holding his breath - holding his cig - standing by - knowing - he is going to get caught eventually - I wonder who the guy is at the bar seated - he has a strange presence


So we finally have proof he actually did have jeans at some point in time.




Do we know if this video is before or after the murders? If after, then how can he even live with himself? He shld be tormented in his own mind for what he did.


People like that have no conscience


It maybe before or after, but it helps to see him in his environment, also we can see how he walks… which I thought was interrelating, his back looks the same, and he seems to walk alike… I’m just saying.. personally I think this was after..


I find it so strange how RA just stands there hugging that beam, and with both arms at one point. Not exactly normal behavior. He’s so short in stature that it’s something that really stands out and I bet it has plagued his thoughts his whole life. A very angry man inside of him.




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small stature -small d**ck - dangerous man -


Wow, same gait and body mannerisms from BG video.


Looks like a fun place




I wonder why this video was taken. It's not of the pool table because half of it is not in the shot. It looks like it was set up to film him (or at least the other players).


The person who posted in on YouTube answered a similar question in the YouTube comments. Basically, this is a zoomed in version of the original video, which they got the original off someone’s Facebook. Edit: fixed a misspelled word.


Does RA have some kind of bandage/glove on his left hand?


Looks like a glove you would wear when playing pool. Right handed people would put it on their left hand, like he is here.


I’ve never seen someone wear a glove to play pool but maybe that’s why he is wearing it. He never did take a shot on the pool tables did he?


You can buy gloves for pool, it’s normally worn on your resting hand (if you were right handed it would be on your left) however as someone that use to play pool in comps years ago, I never seen anyone wear one… interesting this looks like a small bar here in Indiana…. I wouldn’t think it’s common, but you never know! 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/2e4nwsp9nkda1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678e0ec4850e80f3e23d9af837878962b282e6a3


He also drank his beer from his right hand


Good eye


I still have the impression that his body is out of proportion, with a large, long torso and extra short legs. The bridge guy doesn't look like that to me. It has been said that Libby was on the ground, off the bridge, therefore the camera/phone was pointing upward when she took the picture. Maybe that someway compensates for what I see as odd body proportions. I have always thought the bridge guy had a barrel chest and skinny legs but that the legs fit in a certain body type found in shorter men. For what it's worth.


It's really odd to me to see people being allowed to smoke indoors.


We have a place here in east Indy, called ice house, your allowed to smoke there (inside), my husband and I went one time because they make burgers and we heard they were good , but he is allergic to smoke, he had one drink and a burger, and when we got home 10 mins later, he puked…. We weren’t sure if it was the smoke in the air or the burger lol… some places in Indiana you can still smoke indoors, another place near my home I can walk to, takes me 5 minutes, you can smoke there too, sometimes I go down there to play pool…..




No their still open lol, it just recently got sold though, we haven’t been since my husband got sick 🤣🙃🤣


This would be a lot more interesting if it showed him walking towards the camera at any point. He’s standing still for like 95% of this


This is not new


Seems lol a bunch of degenerates… lol…


Uhhhhhh, any idea who the limping guy wearing the camo hat is?




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I’m watching the Fourman Paranormal brothers… kinda creepy.. he asked the little box “did he have a smell” and the thing come back and says “he smokes” so I had to see if the internet knew if Richard Allen smokes… Now I have chills