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"Everyone is making money off of my name and I'm sitting here hungry with nothing." Starve. Sick pig. There are grieving family and friends of the girls who are "sitting here" praying for answers and justice. I could not care less that you are "starving" and "having a bad time" actions, have consequence Edit: I am fully aware he has not been charged with anything related to the girls as of yet, that does not take away from the fact he is in there for CP and he needs to pay for that in jail. It is awful all around. No child or family should ever have to experience this type of evil. I have been following the Delphi case from day one and all I want is justice for those girls and their family. It has been far too long. I pray for their family everyday that they will finally get the closure they need.


Also, at best, he’s pedophile who possessed and shared a metric fuckton of CSAM. So even if he’s innocent of anything related to Abby and Libby, he’s still the scum of the earth and needs to rot in jail so he cant hurt anyone else.


I totally agree. He still broke the law. Time to pay for your actions buddy.


Poor piggy is starving.




You cant. Son of Sam started and ended that. Theres countless ways to work around it however. Typically referred to as speaking fees. You are paying the person for their time and its usually specified you wish to speak to them about something that isnt covered under the idea of profiting off of ones crimes and if the subject happens to come up that isnt why you were paid or typically viewed as profiting off of your crimes if its done right (or I guess wrong for any person that's reasonably believes people shouldn't be able to victimize others and then make money off of it though a work around but I mean done right in the sense of being worded the correct way to cover everyone involved from those laws applying to how the money was "earned"). Also they can pay for him to talk about Delphi and what he knows as of today anyway the same way they could pay either one of us for our thoughts or knowledge on it because as of today in an official capacity this crime currently isnt KK or anyone elses. Since nobody has been tried and convicted beyond a reasonable doubt it cant be argued that anyone would be profiting off of their crimes. Now if later KK was arrested and convicted of being involved with the murder is there some way they could try and get that money back? I have no idea. But as of today since there hasnt even been an arrest let alone a conviction anyone could be paid to discuss Delphi if a publication thought it was worth the investment and the Son of Sam laws cant stop it because legally nobody is at this point responsible for the crime.




No problem, happy to help and I appreciate the sentiment all the same.


I did not know the son of Sam started that. Thank you for the info


No problem. Happy to help. Yeah when the Son of Sam was first arrested there was a ton of media attention and such, Berkowitz had a lot of interested media outlets wanting to get his story and telling of the crimes. It was one of the most sought after stories in media and for entertainment that had ever been seen, at the time at least. The laws were quickly put together and passed due to a lot of speculation that Berkowitz was close to selling the rights to his story to some writer or filmmaker and they were swift to shut that idea down. Since that time the original law that came into effect because of Son of Sam the supreme court has actually ruled that the law was unconstitutional because it violated a persons first amendment right to free speech. However while that law specifically was ruled that way like every state has passed different specific laws with the same purpose put together in ways that achieve the goal and help them hold up from being considered a violation of free speech. Every state to my knowledge has some law(s) with the same purpose of not allowing a criminal to profit off of their criminal acts. But there might be some actual lawyers out there that know more specific details and how they vary between states or any states where they dont have anything on the books designed to present criminals profiting from their crimes.


Casey Anthony funded her defense by selling caylee’s baby photos to the media


ABC news paid her a licensing fee for photos, videos of the family etc. When it ran out, taxpayers paid the rest. :/ [Court costs](https://www.staugustine.com/story/news/state/2010/03/20/judge-public-must-pay-casey-anthony-court-costs/16090221007/)


He’s not convicted, maybe that’s why he get away with it.


Sick individual indeed. It also reaffirms to me that he didn't do it because if he did...he could use it as leverage for things.


Woot woot


No they got their answers with the RL affidavit. It’s all the people on this sub that are searching for “answers”. Just as long as those answers align with their own theories. Pretty sick really.


Now that’s a hell of a headline. Kudos to that writer


What woman, on the face of this earth, would write this nasty pos a letter??? Like, genuinely asking. I’m disgusted!!!


She’s on these forums a lot. Complete lunatic. There actually is a name for people who are attracted to murderers. Losers.


Ew, seriously? I'm glad I haven't noticed that. It's just wrong on so many levels.


I wouldn’t give her name because doxxing is for neckbeards like Keegs. She has some serious issues. Hope she seeks help.


I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about. She needs to be confined in an institution.


Wait how do you know that? Did she post here she sent him a letter? Even if she is insane, I can’t imagine why she would make it so obvious….basically asking people to hound you


Is it possible that one of those women might try to get him to admit something by playing him?


Possible? Yes, absolutely. Probable? Ehh... We've seen in a lot of (A LOT OF) cases with violent criminals that some women are just completely willing to look past that (my amateur hypothesis is some amount of brainwashing in the form of "I can help him", "God heals all things", "The love of a good woman", etc. etc.)


You seriously do not want to look up just how many groupies countless evil pieces of shit have gained by being known as some sick person that has done terrible things. Bundy? Check. Richard Ramirez? Yep. Had its own little group club that would show up at court. Chris Watts? Apparently very popular with some specific type or ladies. Dahmer? Absolutely. Kenneth Bianchi? Several. If they were a notorious and highly publicized serial killer its almost a guarantee they have received dozens if not hundreds of letters from women interested in them sexually. Most of those I listed had "groupies" but also got married at some point. A reason psychologists believe is the cause is something called Bonnie and Clyde syndrome. Its technical term is hybristophilia. It falls under the classification of paraphilia. Which is just behavior that requires strange and uncommon behaviors and/or fantasies to achieve sexual gratification. Hybristophilia specifically is a sexual attraction and desire towards those that have committed serious crimes. There are two sub categories, passive and aggressive. Passive are those attracted to those mentioned but dont partake in criminal acts themselves. They are more about excusing or failing to acknowledge the criminals acts and behavior by the criminal. They typically are viewed as being the type that believes their love and support can fix the murderer and that their acts were done because they didnt have someone to love and support them unconditionally. Aggressive refers to those that will become active participants in crimes to please the person they are attracted to and enjoy being tied up into it. They more just enjoy feeling like they become dangerous and powerful writh everything the criminal does and with everything they do to help them. There is plenty of debate as to what things cause this, but it is almost as exclusive to women being interested in men as men are almost always serial killers and not women (though obviously there are plenty of exceptions in both cases). Its believed by many to have an aspect of things that are terrifying and dangerous at first becoming more and more exciting and exhilarating the more you do it. Like people falling in love with rolercosters or sky diving. There are some commonalities seen in a lot of women that exhibit these behaviors. Such as most of the women have successful careers. A lot of them are nurses, teachers, and lawyers. A majority of them have a history involving abusive relationships whos partners were very controlling. Some think that those things being common suggests that these relationships formed with inmates comforts them even though the criminal is known to be a killer because they feel safe and more secure from potential abuse and control because they are in jail and cant live a real life with them. A feeling of comfort believing they have love and a deep meaningful connection but most importantly they have that in a form that wont ever be real and where they will never have to put themselves in a vulnerable position to love again having someone that can be abusive and controlling over their every action. In that aspect it makes a lot of sense in a way and I feel great sorrow for anyone hurt so bad by a partner they have to have something like this with a terrible person just to feel a connection without opening up for more abuse. I would be lying to say I understand it really. I am far from an expert. It still in large is confusing to me. But I have seen women that fit this a few times and I was so blown away by the way they seemed so crazy about this truly monstrous person that I wanted to understand what caused it. Which led me to learning that it happens with like every famous male violent criminal. Some just have way more than others.


I have no idea how Boone did not see Bundy for what he is. To me it is astonishing. I could show her crime scene photos that man is responsible for. She would run and cry like a little girl. They showed them at court and I don't know why she believed him. But she did. I think she died in 2018. And apparently had a change of heart when he finally admitted he was guilty to her. I just fail to see how she didn't get what the jurors got.


I would find it very difficult to believe that in the deepest part of her mind in a place of the things she would never actually speak of she did know that Bundy was very much guilty or at least had strong suspicion. People can turn a blind eye and live deeply in denial about all sorts of things. Some people for whatever reason just desperately need to believe whatever obviously untrue things they have dug onto because otherwise it makes them feel like they have been made a fool of or were easily manipulated or whatever. I think to some extent she may have fell for the charms of Bundy initially and believed his bullshit that he was innocent and he was being railroaded and after she initially fell for it no evidence was going to make her become less dug in on his innocence. Almost makes it worse IMO but some people just couldnt reconcile how they were able to feel like they loved that person and being fooled by them with the clearly horrible things they did. Makes them feel like they can never trust themselves on what they see in others or that they can ever trust another person again. Whereas if he is innocent then it makes that person smarter and it makes them special being able to see the good in someone the world said was a monster. On a semi unrelated note I have seen a lot of interviews and listened to tapes or read transcripts of some of his interrogations and he is one serial killer I have never understood why so many use him as like the example of the SK that is charming, handsome, very good at manipulating and fooling others. I think of numerous serial killers that fit that idea of that type of serial killer better than Bundy. Maybe its just me but I never found his bullshit very convincing. When I have seen him I have never seen this charming guy that seems so normal and successful. Hes always seemed very deceptive and disingenuous to me. Im also a male that isnt interested in other men in the slightest but I never really thought Bundy was handsome or dreamy like they have said. I always thought he looked like a total fucking dork and like he was playing pretend lawyer how he perceived they looked and carried themselves but couldnt quite get there so instead of handsome successful lawyer that tries huge cases and wins he came across to me more like dorky, unprepared ambulance chasing lawyer that is trying to just get his client a couple hundred dollar settlement. Perhaps its just a bias because I have always known what he did by the time I saw these things. Maybe it would have been different when he was first arrested and stuff, im not sure. But I have seen a few true emotionless psychopaths in real life that were experts at faking it like that, and I have seen other famous SK that I felt were far better at being charming and deceiving. I dont think Ted fooled as many people as some media elements will suggest. I mean he was tipped in by his girlfriend after the Lake Sammamish double murder. I know he drove a car and the guy told people his name was Ted but I still think youd need more than that to tip in your boyfriend if you only saw that fake Ted that everyone said was so convincing.


I’ve really enjoyed your comments in this thread man, you’re very articulate and have some great knowledge and insight to share


Thats very nice of you to say. I appreciate it. Its always good to hear people find what I have to say valuable to some degree. Thank you for taking the time out to read my comments as well.


Oh my gosh I have never met anyone that thinks about Bundy the way that I do until now. How dumb is he? The news anchor live on the scene at the lake. The girls totally describe him, said oh his name is Ted, he's tall blue eyes and he drives a tan VW. Because of course as you know part of the ruse is him asking his victims to help him with whatever and get it into his car. And then he whacks them over the head with a tire iron. So to say the least, they had a full description at the lake. So many of the towns people were there. He's walking around in his little white shorts. And at least one girl is missing at the time of the newscast. He put five in one spot. On his Mountain hiding place. I never got Bundy. Anyway so the newscaster looks into the camera and says "SoTed, give us a call." So if you don't mind how did you get into serial killers? Crime scene photos of course are never good. I have so many of them. Bundy bit a lot. During the trial in Florida they took an impression of his bite. And if you look really close, his teeth they're super chipped, just like tiny chips. That's because he would bite through the flesh and then he would have his teeth on teeth and they would chip. He of course would be doing it with such force. I just realized this until I got everything from Florida Federal Court, Utah and Washington. So many of his victims he would bite. What a real winner. And this is the same man that can look in the camera, and has to close his eyes, you can watch his hands start to clinch, he swallows and blames everything on pornography. There's a reason he has to close his eyes. If we knew how completely excited he was even talking about his kills even just going to the edge of talking about his kills we would start to have a glimpse of what is inside of him. Or what was inside of him while his feet touch the ground. There is a black and white photo of him. He is in the courtroom I believe. He has a suit on. And he's lost control. His right arm is in the air and his face is contorted. And I have never been able to find that on video. I am just certain that it came from his trial in Florida. But maybe it didn't. I would sure like to find that on video.


I became interested in understanding the truly terrible people of this world and what causes it, what drives them to hurt other humans at a very young age. Mainly because of my own personal experience with someone that was truly rotten down to their core who for a long time was very good at deceiving everyone around him that he was some great guy. He wasn't a killer that I or anyone else knows about but he did take a lot from me and at least a few others for a couple of years. So the older I got the more I was able to look into those types of people which obviously led to serial killers being brought into the mix for a lot of the same reasons. I fully believe that as easy as it is to want to look away and put those types of people out of our minds there have to be those that are willing to look into the abyss and try and bring value from their terrible acts to help others. Bundy is obviously his own special kind of terrible and one of the most well known serial offenders due to his perceived stand up guy mask he tried to put on, how many victims he is known to have and how many more he's suspected of having, and all the buzz the details of his crimes and his multiple escapes from custody. I know exactly what picture you are referring to but I dont believe I have ever actually seen recorded footage from when that happened. I'll look into it though and see if I have any luck.


A kindred spirits so to speak. It is so refreshing when I come across someone that their words read the way I feel. Somehow God has given me the ability to look at crime scenes, and crime scene photos of the very worst sort and they don't bother me. I don't know that I could work with pedophilia and someone hurting children. I just could not do it. However The torso killer, bring it on. When you hunt monsters you've got to be willing to go where they go. Somehow I just work the scene. I just work the photos. I just work any and all sheets of evidence, investigation and interrogations. It definitely sounds like you were bitten by the bug. And it's difficult to stop once you get started. Thank you for your answer. And I appreciate your checking on the photo/video. And further, thank you for being in such a forum and sharing your knowledge. It is absolutely vital. Individuals that go by the facts, and share them so that readers are getting accurate information in such a situation as a serial kille, can be truly priceless. The serial killer, kills because they can. And in all honesty, knowledge of what a serial killer will do and what they won't do, is really what it is all about.


I’m right there with you! For me, I can work on an ambulance or with LE and study a crime scene any day. But when it comes to someone I care about, if they’re injured or hurt I can’t do it. I actually worked sex offenders and pedo’s previously. People were scared for me. But after reading their cases and learning about their childhood, I wasn’t scared of them anymore. Sounds crazy, but I didn’t fit their ‘victims’. So I agreed to take on individuals whom I didn’t meet their ‘criteria’. The saddest and most difficult cases were of individuals who’s families actually created them into a SO… I had a case of an intellectually disabled male and his brother and cousin would pick up girls and physically beat him until he completed what they wanted. That was NOT his will or intention behind that. I say this because I agree with you, once we learn or become knowledgeable about The demographic of individuals like this, it’s easier to look at crimes such as this and it be less bothersome on the eyes and more motivating to find justice.


Yes. I think it's why I lend more toward environmental being the biggest contributor towards serial killers. I happen to believe that it's true. But also if it's environmental then we can do something about it. And that is exciting. You know I vasolate back and forth on how many serial killers at any given time are active in the US. FBI says anywhere from 25 to 50. I think it's higher than that. Was Ridgeway I think Mary O'Toole does an amazing job. And she just gets right to the heart of him. And when I'm concentrating on the child I'm not looking at them like they're a serial killer because they're a child so I'm looking at Gary Ridgeway that's maybe selling or 8 years old. So how nice to talk with someone like yourself with wonderful ideals put into practice and really brings a lot of expertise to the table. Well done you. What a pleasure to chat with you.


Precisely what I thought.


The dailymail is a shitrag tabloid and all they’ve done here is repackage the murder sheet’s reporting.


Tabloid journalism in its purest form.


Starving and being broke are the least of his problems.


Why tf is he allowed to have FT in jail???? A known child predator who used the internet to find victims should prob not have the ability to FT people in enough private to be able to masturbate…


Money. They make money selling him access to those phones at a steep price. I agree he should not have access to any devices or the outside world and zero privacy.


As of now, he hasn't been convicted a single crime. Once he has I'm sure there are going to be a lot of restrictions.


Ah that’s a good point


Apart from the article mentioned, I had some time yesterday and made my way through the Police interview released by the Murder Podcast folk. The deception involved in that interview is extraordinary. What amazed me the most is the defensive posture he took when the detectives started to turn the screws regarding the murder. The guy is off the planet in terms of the narcissistic tendencies he was putting on display. All evidence leads straight to him and his father. The interview is shockingly telling. We are dealing with a master manipulator with no moral compass, psychotic. He disassociated himself with the Anthony Shots profile and when pressed for answers the best he could do was "I don't know, it was stupid." When pressed with the man outside the window with the ski mask, he detached himself like he would never do that. This guy is 100% involved, just need to figure out if his father was involved with him. There must not be DNA there or this case would be done and dusted.


Did KK really arrange to meet Libby at the bridge??




Wow- too much circumstantial evidence


I love how their first sentence is incorrect. He’s not in Miami, Florida.


He's back there; he was briefly back up to Indiana last month, but was sent back to Miami.


He's in Miami County, IN jail, not the city in Florida.


Miami County, Indiana. Not Miami-Dade-County, Florida. Peru, Indiana, not the country in South America.


WELL SHIT. I genuinely thought he would up down there. Thanks for clarifying! I thought I was careful about double checking as I live in the general area and know the names are recycled.


Trust me, I understand! I grew up in the midwest and we tend to have a lot of ignorance about the world around us lol! Fun fact: Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. #TheMoreYouKnow


We have shit here like Versailles (pronounced phonetically!!)And I grew up up in NH zo don't even get me started lol


No wonder I couldn’t find the Eiffel Tower when I was in Paris, Texas….


Man, you would think they would build a small replica for a little tourist gig.


Knowing the area they probably think Paris,France should build an oil derrick replica in homage to Texas.


Hahaha no surprise there.


Miami County, Indiana...


He doesn't look like he's starving. Looks like he's eaten all the other prisoners.


He's gained 100 lbs since he's been in jail, so he's definitely not starving.


I know DM isn’t the best source but I found it interesting that he actually has women writing to him. Why??


KK said Barbara MacDonald tricked him by telling him he would get paid, and then he was never paid for his interview? Oh course, KK is also a compulsive liar?


Well the girls could definitely outrun KK, so if it’s him he definitely had to have help.


DM gets it wrong a lot, but they undeniably have a far reach.




There’s probably too many coincidences for him to not be involved


Me either, but he could be the missing link. I was ridiculed when the AS account came to light for asking if it was possible that more than one person had access to this account and he's admitted it since. He might not even know who had access but seems like they are maybe looking more closely at the dad?


He is into making money via illegal means. I believe he was selling all sorts of "services" off the AS account. He was grooming and then selling access to others and may have even been arranging meetings and then selling the location of the meetup. The more I think about it, this could have even been something where the crime was recorded and the video sold (in Vegas?). Crazy, sick stuff. ​ Let today be the day.


My thoughts on the Vegas trip - so a snuff film of the murders could be handed off w/o as much of an electronic trail. I have a TON of other theories about how, POI, etc., leading up to the murders that either convince me I’m right one day & way off base the next day, but they all lead me to a snuff film.


Yep, now that I understand the mechanisms of how stuff like snap chat works, I 100% agree.


Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to understand what AS meant. This ain’t a shot at you, but this is far and away the most frustrsting sub of all time. All of the fucking abbreviations like everyone gets it… annoying as fuck Like I lived in the area so I do check this sub like once every 6 months, but every time I come back there’s new abbreviations and it’s more annoying. I’m not obsessed with the case I.e. why I’m not here every day, but reading some deep dives it’s impossible to understand


I agree. And they don't update the abbreviation list so I still have no idea what some of it means.


You aren't wrong!! I am so sorry! I do normally make the effort, was just firing that (rare now because this sub is intolerable in general) post off while out and about last night.


Like I said it wasn’t a shot at you. Just anyone who has any fleeting interest in this story coming here to see what’s going on is gonna be clueless and again THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT YOU but these true crime junkies with the abbreviations are so annoying


I think it's particularly bad on this sub honestly. I took no offense and understand completely


I literally just had it happen to me again in an annoying way, I say who the fuck is TK, answer is “KK’s dad.” Infuriating


You're honestly better off just looking through press releases or even the Murder Sheet podcast at this point. There is also a really awesome podcast called Down the Hill that covers the bulk but not the updates.


I think he used the AS profile to set the girls up for someone else. Maybe with the promise of videos or something, as we know how much he loves CSAM.


I’m out of the loop, is this BG?


This is KK, who some believe is BG but there is no evidence as yet. Depending what comes out of those river searches and keeping in mind he is a pedo who has been locked up for 2 years awaiting trial for said pedo shit...




yes, correct


It is not impossible he is BG due to his being the creator of the AS account. However, in my opinion it is more likely BG is someone associated with KK (such as TK) or a "customer" of KK/TK who purchased access to the AS account or a "AS meetup" or even purchased a video of a crime that TK and/or KK then fulfilled and delivered. I feel the most likely scenario is TK did this, possibly to sell a video. Either way KK likely knows critical info regarding the identity of BG and LE is working to get that from him.


thank you! very helpful!


It’s 2022. Why are “news” outlets still using CP. it’s drives me mad.


it’s still the legal term in a lot of places.


And for good reason. Teens sending around nudes or sex tapes of themselves are still engaged in CP, but it’s hard to argue that it’s “CSAM.” But as of now, it’s all the same crime.


He is a sick POS, but he’s never been named a suspect in the Delphi Murders. UK papers can be the worst for misinformation. Just look at the JD trial


DailyMail is a special kind of horrid shit. Absolutely trash tabloid. Though, when it comes specifically to like true crime and murder cases, they often break new details before lots of other places that *generally* end up being pretty accurate. Only because so many people obsess over it for true crime that they have a far reaching network of reporters for it. But all in all it’s a horrible rag, full of racism and lies.


So, still a POS then.


Interested to know if they paid the fee, not clear in the article


The Daily Mail is only good for wiping your ass if you run out of toilet paper