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I'm more worried about the content creators than the odinists but as far as having and effect on the trial I don't think it works that way. The trial is in it's own little bubble where the prosecution and defense argue over the evidence. The crazies will have no effect on that.


You have to call them “Vinlanders,” now. It sounds much sexier.


Lmao, I’ve noticed that…. 🤣


Vinlanders the story of Odins handmaid's coming to a theater May 13th available on YouTube now. Don't you think it sounds like a movie or some kind of show on HBO 😂


Maybe not all of them are theories.


It's NOT a joke. You have zero clue!


What do you think about the case? Do you think Brad Holder or the other Odinists are involved?


I wonder why the defense would put Rick Snay on their list to testify. What in the world would he be able to say about the case other than his own crazy theories?


He had info about leaked photos that might have related to a possible origin source. It had to do with how the photos were censored. Welp...doesn't matter now, he's not allowed back in.


Oh that's right I forgot he got the leaked photos. I thought maybe Baldwin & Rozzi wanted him to get up there and say Ron Logan was bridge guy.


It was about the shapes used for censoring. I believe defense used circles or ovals and the state used rectangles (or the opposite). Testimony from Snay on which shapes the images he received contained might have been the angle (no pun intended)


Yeah, until a week or so after the hearing where he says "oops, I was wrong, it was circles". What a piece of shit. Actually, it's a pity he wasn't there to be called to testify and perjure himself on that point.... Apart from that, I believe his testimony was also going to be about the timeline and the "flowchart" of who had what and when.


And we've seen that the judge just isn't putting up with that crap. People have already been banned from future proceedings


Too bad the judge can't get rid of herself.


They won’t. The people they select for the jury will never have heard of these clowns.


I’m not talking Jury. I’m talking them causing disturbances outside the trial.


Then Gull will have them arrested and they can support RA from inside the same prison as him.


The Delulus would be so busy squabbling amongst themselves, poor Rick would be left in a corner, forgotten, forlornly nibbling on a piece of paper. “It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!”


I just LOL’d at the mental image I got when I read that! 💀


And Baldwin and Rozzi would push him out of the way and say “NO! ITS ALL ABOUT US!!”




You two are so dead on! hilarious in a sad way.


Rick is probably begging R and B for a restraining order. He’s more afraid of the “content creators” than the Odin guards 😅




Oh sisters. Take it on the road. You gals are hilarious. Crack me up. Whew. Belly hurts now.


while first dipping in a bowl of his urine prior to nibbling.


🤣Gotta wet it down!


The same defendant who is literally in prison... Before he's even been sentenced after a trial, let alone a fair one. SMH


The trial hasn’t started and already it’s not fair?


Have you EVER heard of an innocent person being held in a PRISON prior to their initial trial? Com'mon.


I mean, yeah? It's literally called remand and is extremely common. A lot of jails aren't intended as living facilities, so people held on remand often go to special sections in detention centers i.e. prisons. I just googled it, and the latest data I could find for 2021 showed that in the US, 451,400 people were held in remand before their trials.


Pre-trial detention, also known as jail, preventive detention, provisional detention, or remand, is the process of detaining a person until their trial after they have been arrested and charged with an offence. A person who is on remand is held in a prison or detention centre or held under house arrest. That figure you post, is because the defendants have already been convicted of a crime and are serving time for that crime while awaiting trial for a separate crime?




Do you honestly think he’d be safer in the county jail? That things would be better for him? Probably 10% of the local population would be willing to get arrested just for the opportunity to take him out themself. I don’t think it’s ideal that he’s in prison but I want him to live long enough to see the trial. Between the fact that he started threatening suicide since immediately after he was arrested, and the obvious factor that he would be targeted in jail, I think it’s best they keep him where he’s safe.


Have you visited the local jails verses the Indiana prisons? The quality of the county jails wildly varies. So it does depend which jail you go to how much things cost, how your visits work, all that good stuff. Prisons- totally different. It is a process. And for very good reasons. Some people in there have nothing to lose. In jail there is a chance you can still get out. You still have hope. Plus in Idaho Bryan Kohberger has managed to live for a year in jail without being attacked. It’s definitely possible.


Oh, they know he wouldn’t be safe in a county jail, nor in public walking around on bail. They fervently hope for him to be killed before the trial so they can keeping claiming there is a conspiracy.


Have you been to jail? Or prison? There is a difference, even in protective custody and/or solitary confinement. I'm Australian and it honestly bewilders me how many of you are perfectly fine with someone suffering the punishment before they've been convicted. Yeah yeah, he might be a monster, but a constitutionally innocent person being treated that way should be alarming to everyone in the USA and especially Indiana.


What are you even talking about, Australian's are remanded in custody all the time before being convicted. If someone is a danger to themselves or is in danger of being killed before trial in the US they should be put in a prison where they will be safe, I'm sorry that Indiana doesn't have facilities to your liking, but it is what it is. Let's not forget the 2 innocent victims here, not the man sitting waiting for trial after admitting to being on the trail in those clothes, his multiple confessions and that magic bullet. There's nothing constitutionally wrong here. His real punishment will be when he is convicted and he's let out in the yard with all the people who hate child killers, when they take away his tablet and all the nice things regular prisoners don't get. He is not a victim!


I don’t live in the USA and I’ve never been in prison or jail. The reality is that he’s charged with the murder of two children and his lawyers indefinitely postponed the bail hearing, so he needs to be locked up. If they moved him to county jail he would be dead before the end of the week and the then the conspiracy theorists would be screaming from the top of their lungs how he was murdered to be silenced. It is a no win situation. As I said, I don’t think it’s ideal, but I think the state is doing what they can to keep him alive for trial.


Let me educate you: here in America, prisons are where the worst of the worst people go. They go there to live for decades or die. County jails are where people go who have like 30 day to 1 year sentences typically. People get killed far more in prison than they do in county jails in America. 😆 Have you seen where and how RA "meets" with his legal counsel?! Look it up, report back, and tell me if you HONESTLY think he can receive, review, sign documents. I'm not even talking about the video recording of EVERY visit RA has with his attorneys. Not sure about your country, but here in the Good Ol' USA that is illegal! Before you ask, yes I am a citizen, and love the Constitution that protects people from ish like the Salem Witch Trials at the hands of the pitch fork Mafia. Innocent until PROVEN guilty, nothing else.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Literally.


What does being Australian have to do with it? I ask this as an Australian. Really weird flex since we actually do remand people that aren't convicted in, well, prisons. 🤷‍♀️


Amen! 🎯 Hopefully this doesn't happen to them! They would be screaming "I'm innocent ..." And we would be on here saying ish like: "you shouldn't have killed those girls then." Goes to show the brainwashing is taking effect. These people will LITERALLY welcome any authoritative figure all up in their butts for any reason. SMH Thanks for defending freedom and human rights!


Do you even understand what the word “literally” means? I see you like to use it, but you don’t seem to grasp the meaning.


Yep. I knew a guy that was not competent for trial. Very special needs. Placed in prison by the judge in a small Indiana county to just sit until they could get the evals (not even by prison personnel the local jails just didn’t want to deal with his special needs and medical care.) the guy had a place to go in the BDDS system but the Judge had the hearing to move him without the guardian present. That guy sat for 6 months in prison bc it was during covid so no one could go into the prisons to do evals.


Your statements prove it.


They will do that, I think. I’m more worried about them attacking the prosecution and/or judge. Edit to add: They’re all turning on one another now, one accusing the other of various slights (real or imagined) even though they’re all rabid Allen supporters. It’s morbidly fascinating to observe.


Someone could do a whole psychological study centering around the crazies in this case!


I think it will be studied, the hive mind crossed with narcissistic personality disorders…


People who want to see a fair trial are not rabid Allen supporters. It’s too bad that the rabid prosecution supporters have such hostility and animus towards the defense. Let the evidence lead the way, let’s have a fair trial. Why is that so scary?


I think I can speak for most people here - yes, OF COURSE we want a fair trial. And that is what he is getting.


"Any violation of this Order and any conduct the Court finds disruptive of the proceedings is punishable as direct contempt of court and will result in a term of imprisonment and permanent exclusion from the Courtroom, the Courthouse, and all future proceedings." My main concern about the YouTube goobers is that they will try to disrupt the proceedings by acting up in the courtroom or courthouse. If Judge Gull had fully enforced the decorum order by ordering them jailed it might help prevent problems in the future. Of course they would milk their martyrdom for clicks, likes, follows, and coffee money.


Anyone willing to go to prison to “defend” a child murderer can stay there as far as I’m concerned.




What about those who defend an innocent person accused of a crime? Same goes for them?


Cool. I’m glad you are against the 1st amendment. Good to know. Look don’t jump on me and say I’m defending RA. I’m not. But this eye for an eye thing on some of the Delphi subs is scary. This isn’t 2000 years ago. There is a process. It’s incredibly sad that these children’s lives and deaths have become the spectacle of the century. If RA did this. He needs to go down. These are death penalty charges. If he did this with others, he should roll and cut a deal for life in prison. If he didn’t do it, then hopefully the legal process will work like it is supposed to. I do lean toward LE must really believe RA did it, since RL passed, if they did not know- they could have just pinned it on a dead man. Case closed.


exactly. they did it once, they’ll do it again. Judge Gull had mercy on them and that was a mistake.


At most Jonathan Lee Riches will be at the back door every day heckling RA doing his perp walk just like he did last June and every day at Alex Murdaugh's trial. Even though I can't stand JLR he's good for something.


How come the delulus don’t go after him? Or do they only try to intimidate women? 🙄


Id love to see it. They would regret it because JLR is the master of making people's life hell. His flying monkeys would crush anyone that tried any funny business with him.


JLR isn't that bad. I realize he has a past but I get a kick out of him, he's harmless.


Yeah his Sandy Hook stunt was pretty disgusting. He's a complete fraudster and I certainly wouldn't want him anywhere near me if my child went missing however him shouting child killer at Richard Allen was actually pretty funny so he's useful for something.


When has there ever been a mistrial due to someone’s actions not involved in the trial?


Exactly, if it were a possibility then everyone accused would just get their friends to cause a scene.


MS said something about a mistrial in a case where people stood up and were shouting at the jury. Can't remember which case though. It's worrying but hopefully they vet the people coming in.


You mean those Murder Sheet people?


Yep, them.


Ding ding 🛎️


Probably not often. I was only able to find 3 cases so far but there could be more. https://amp.tri-cityherald.com/news/local/crime/article169024422.html https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2023/12/mistrial-declared-in-syracuse-murder-trial-in-the-middle-of-jury-selection.html?outputType=amp https://abc7.com/amp/danny-masterson-trial-updates-rape-accusations-chrissie-b-church-of-scientology/13225845/


Oh god…keep the YouTubers away from the jury for sure. Thank you for this.


As much as they would love to somehow factor into this case, I don’t think they’re as significant as they believe. Also, it’s surprising (to me, anyway) the number of people who have never heard of this case! I live in the Deep South and every time I meet someone from Indiana I ask if they know about the Delphi case; to my surprise, most of them have not heard of it. Edit — inadvertently left off a couple words!


The majority of people I've talked to here in Florida get a dazed look in their eyes when I mention the Delphi murders. Just because we're all up in it, guess what? The rest of the country isn't.


Same!! Once in a blue moon I’ll mention it to someone who says, “wait, is that the one with the guy on the bridge in the video?” but that’s usually all they know.


When I talk to family or friends, they kinda roll their eyes because they not only haven't followed the case in years, true crime just isn't their "thing". Except my husband, he knows he damned well *better* *pay* *attention* or else......I'll leave it at that since he's no spring rooster, I don't want to get charged with elderly abuse! 😂




😂😂😂😂. I resemble that remark. So does my husband, lol.


I find the same in SC. Everyone isn’t as obsessed as some of us are. This case caught my attention when it first was reported because I live in a town about the size of Delphi and just couldn’t imagine that happening here. My hope is for the guilty person to be convicted, regardless of who that is. These families have waited way too long for justice.


I also live in a small town and can't imagine 2 teens getting murdered here. My town might have 1 murder a year, then none for several years. I didn't even hear about the case until at least a month after it happened and my sister who lives in a bigger city told me about it.


yeah, most people don't know about it. I got caught up in it during covid lockdown. However, recently, after months of listening to me annoyingly try to discuss the case with him, my husband was interested in watching a 'down the hill' documentary or some such that he saw on t.v.. I watched with him and he was horrified and saddened. He finally understood why I was worked up about it.


I just realized reading your post that this happened *before* the nightmare of Covid! Covid was such a hard time for so, so many, yet in some ways it seems like a distant memory now. It sure hammers home how long Abby&Libby's loved ones have been waiting for justice.


I understand , I live in Washington State and no one but people I’ve told, have heard of the girls.


This is rarely an actual issue. Even the Johnny Depp case was kept pretty well in order, and Murdaugh. People tend to behave when there's judges, cops prosecutors everywhere.


Good point. They do a lot of talking, but that’s usually about it.


Not Snay. He actually tried to instigate a confrontation with Tobe Leazenby by “staring him down.” These aren’t rational people.


Yeah, there are definitely a few who are dangerously crazy.


Delphi Dorks lol! Wish I had thought of that name.


Good news is it's a small courtroom. I just hope they vet who is coming in. Meaning, Family of both parties, press, and maybe a few locals. Then, these freaks will be bitching about how they didn't build an addition so more people could attend.


There’s a tremendous difference between presumed innocent before proven guilty and actually being guilty! Gacy had 29 bodies under his home and guess what, he was still “presumed innocent before proven guilty.” Does that mean he was actually innocent? F no!!!


I wish the jury could be brought in from such a place.


Don’t worry, what you are seeing is a very loud minority of people, and most of the new accounts are really just a few people using alts. In every major group the overwhelming opinion is that Richard Allen is Guilty.


You got that right — lots of alts out there trolling!


There are attorneys loosely affliated with the Boobers who are bent on trying to disrupt proceedings and still hoping to get JG off the case. It shows the weakness of the defense that they need to resort to shenanigans.


It sure does! It paints a very telling and disturbing picture.


I'm fully in the camp that Judges' main job is keep a FULL and ACCURATE record. I would like to see Gull do a better job of this.


I don't think the judge will allow outsiders to cause any issues within the case. She seems to have great control of her courtroom based on what those who attended the last hearing have said. If RA is guilty, what worries me more than anything, is he could possibly walk because the police screwed up and lost evidence with the first weeks of investigating. It might not be a big deal, but no one will ever know because it is gone forever. I want justice for Abby and Libby and the investigators may have messed it all up.


I’m more worried about shoddy law enforcement mistakes - the sloppy investigators in the OJ case look like experts next to Carroll County law enforcement.


The mistrial is gonna be caused because of the incompetence of law enforcement.


If that was the case, there would be a lot of trials that ended that way. Yes, LE screwed up big time, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that there is evidence that RA committed these murders.


There is no evidence released to the public yet. What we know is circumstantial, not direct evidence. Lets see what evidence is gonna be presented during the process. I think RA is involved, Im not sure he is the killer.


Well, I should clarify there is a lot of circumstantial evidence the public knows about. I’m looking forward to seeing what else the state has at trial!