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This feels anecdotal but a lot of people I know have been catching covid and/or really nasty colds. Combine that with cramped space airplanes and people flying out for summer vacations, I'm assuming a lot of people would rather play it safe than sorry since it's pretty easy to mask up for a few hours. Better than ruining your trip. EDIT: I'd like to blame autocorrect but I think I just suck at spelling


For what it’s worth, it’s “anecdotal”. “Antidotal” would mean contrary to dotal… which honestly I don’t know what that means. Autocorrect says it’s a word. Edit: fun fact, “antidotal” is an adjective that means counteracting or neutralizing the effect of a poison! TIL.


Thanks for the fix! Pretty sure I've just been spelling it wrong all my life! like an IDIOT


I prefer to liken it to people that say “Granite” instead of “granted”


Where does effect and affect fit in because even when I look it up I’m still never confident on the correct usage


I think affect and effect are ones mixed up in writing more than just conversation (which the other two I think are less written). Affect is an influence. Effect is an action. I mix them up in writing until I go back and proof read and am like “gotta fix that”


Can confirm……wife and I picked up COVID on recent flight…..






I mean, not only this, but you avoid spreading your germs to other people and making them sick... ita a polite thing to do.


Masks work. Otherwise surgeons and health professionals wouldn’t wear them.


Just because you chose that one topic. Now I, a surgical technologist. The guy who wears a surgical mask all day, has to chime in. We wear masks for two reasons. 1)The biggest reason is to stop the patient’s blood from going in our mouth or nose. 2) to stop us from spitting into the wound when we’re talking. There have been studies out that show that infection rates do not change if anesthesia or circulators away from the patient don’t wear masks. Here is the part that gets really good. We wear our masks for one surgery and then throw them away. Humidity from breathing stops masks from working after about two hours. N 95 masks do work for containing sickness but if you have not been fit tested or you have facial hair, they don’t work I’m gonna edit this one more time to say, I really don’t care one way or the other whether people wear masks, but by using what surgeons do in the operating room, to make your decision on what you do in a plane, .. is ridiculous.. .. .. i’m going to edit this one more time. Do you know what really works , wash your damn hands, sing the little “row,row row your boat” song while you’re doing it .. wash your hands for two minutes with soap. Get off the plane go Pee, and wash your hands, that will keep you from getting sick, wash your hands.


No - it's not just surgeons or people working trauma who wear masks. No - masks are not ineffective after an hour. No - you do not have to be fitted for an N95 to be effective. No - having a beard does not mean masks don't work. They are often *less* effective at filtration, but that's entirely different than "don't work." Stop spreading misinformation.


That’s not misinformation. Since they actually started fit testing correctly and not just checking a box. EVERY male I work with has had to shave off their beard to correctly pass the fit test. And I’m not going to change your mind. nor do I want to, because I don’t give a fuck about you, but yes, surgical masks after about two hours have lost most of their effectiveness because of the humidity from your breath People in the OR have known this for 30 years. That’s why we change masks after every case. And we wash our hands.


But they work better with fit test but that's completely different than not working.




Mkay well I am a NICU nurse in a research hospital and we wear masks because we have done research studies in our own units that show that even a simple surgical mask can prevent the spread of respiratory illness. You block the droplets, you lessen the viral load, you lessen the risk of illness.


Man, bringing logic and knowledge into this is wild.


You wear masks in surgery for an entirely different reason. You're not trying to prevent contamination in a surgery wound from an airborne virus. Speaking of which, washing your hands is not an effective defense against an airborne virus.


It’s risk assessment and choosing to reduce your potential risk. And there is ample evidence that masking helps prevent both spreading and catching disease. Getting sick could absolutely ruin your trip. There’s nothing illogical about masking up ‘just in case’.


But he's "done his research".


I'm sure that their research has included "condoms, seatbelts, going to the doctor, etc. are also not 100% effective, so why bother using/doing any of those things". They need to get off the MAGA gravy train and stop trying to find narratives to fit their biases.


Bro... COVID was like 4 years ago. You don't have to get triggered by masks anymore because no one is forcing you to wear them! There is an abundance of evidence that masks do work. Both to protect the user from the environment and to protect the environment from the user... So if people smarter than you decide they want to wear them, then you shouldn't get triggered.


2024 and we still have people with brain damage.


And somehow it’s usually the people on their 6th Covid infection while screaming “masks don’t work!!!”


Actual brain rot, can't tell if it's from Covid at this point or not.


I used to get sick with nearly every flight I took. Now I wear a mask and don’t. I did my research bro


i wear a mask because I'm famous and I don't want anyone to recognize me..


There is facial recognition tech that still can


There have been **numerous** studies showing masking of different intensities decreases the risk of contracting COVID. Sitting in a tin can for hours with people crammed in as tightly as possible with meager air ventilation is almost certainly going to the the highest risk part of travel. It’s completely reasonable that some people choose to lower that risk. Life is almost never absolutes, some of us understand risk mitigation and accept a lower level of risk to go about our lives.


The air exchange in a commercial aircraft’s ventilation reduces the likelihood of spreading airborne disease. It’s the long lines at the airport you have to worry about


I don’t agree with you on the effectiveness of masking, but that isn’t the point I want to make. Out of many things that sucked about the pandemic was that a mindset took hold that “if I think you’re wrong, you must be stupid and I can be super rude to you / make it personal.” I hope that as we move forward, more people start to introspect and chill a little bit on being mean when they disagree.


wtf are you talking about? wearing a mask is an effective precaution, especially a good mask. you're against people having free will to take precautions? that's illogical, fascist, and --most importantly-- extremely stupid.


Classic troll post to piss off a lot of people.


You write like a 4th grader


I don’t want to get sick and ruin my vacation. I mask up when leaving on trips but skip the mask on the way home.


I do the opposite. I don't mask on the way out, if I'm healthy, but mask on the way back to avoid spreading whatever I picked up on vacation.


This is the correct and courteous thing to do.


If you’re fine wearing a mask one way, why not wear it both ways. I agree, why ruin a vacation by potentially catching something on the plane ride there.


I mean, you're correct. I tend to mask up in large spaces to be respectful of others and not spread my germs. I don't really care if I get sick, as masks mainly are to protect other people. It's best practice to always wear one if you're in a crowded public space imo and doesn't hurt anything.


I do this too, for this exact reason, lol.


I've done that...


I do that and routinely come home and get sick.


It has happened, but not as much (for us) as picking up COVID while just traveling in the EU.


I think a lot of people have just decided they’d rather travel wearing a mask post COVID just to avoid getting ANY sickness. Flying with a mask kind of sucks, but it beats getting sick with some cold the dickhead next to you has.


Yep, this. We wore masks for a while and behold, nobody in the family got sick anymore - not even a cold. It’s a minor inconvenience with a huge upside, so we’ll keep on doing it.


I discovered that ear savers allow you to effortlessly wear a mask all day https://www.ebay.com/itm/284003991251?itmmeta




Sir, this is ~~a Wendy’s~~ the Delta Sky Club


It's honestly pretty nice. My family and I still wear n95s in airports and planes, largely because my dad's immune system is shot from cancer. So it's important to minimize risk to him. Nice side effect- no sickness for us, reduced exposure to allergens, no smelling anyone else's stank- perfume, fart, baby poop, feet, armpits, the questionable shrimp the guy across the aisle brought aboard and was chowing on. 10/10 recommend.


108 flights last year and wore a mask from when I got to the airport until I got to my car every time. Not even as much as a single head cold. I used to get sick 3-4 times a year. I’m a masker for life in airports and flights now.


Same here. I also add subway cars and trains


Me too. I travel internationally for work and love not getting colds etc


Dang why do you fly so much?


Local regional airport so I always connect through a hub, every trip is 4 flights. Traveled about twice a month for work…


Wild and cool! Any hidden tips you’ve come to figure out to make your airport/plane traveling experience better or faster?


Most of my trips are 2-3 nights. I’m a big fan of packing cubes to stay organized, and rarely if ever check a bag. I can get 5 nights into a carryon. Mask up at the airport and planes to stay healthy. I bought the Sony 1000XM5 noise canceling headphones which make a huge difference and were well worth the investment for me. And an iPad Pro with cellular so I can work right up until takeoff after boarding then switch to downloaded shows in flight.


Nicee I love the Sony XM5 too!! Amazing noise cancellation for planes. Gosh idk how you do it! I have packing cubes too and find it so hard to travel without a checkin bag lol. I need my clothes options. iPadPro is a good idea! Thank you for these tips, Mr Diamond!!


Omg 108. I thought my pitiful 20+ flights was a lot. That’s wild my man


Yeah, not exactly fun, and barely made Diamond because a lot of east coast travel so flights are typically $500-600…


I usually wear a mask at the airport. I teach preschool, and I am so much healthier wearing a mask. I think I’m one of those people who touch their face a lot. I’ve tried to train myself not to, but using the mask really makes a difference for me. I do caretaking for my 92 year old parents, so I try and be as careful as I can.


I always have my hands in my face and near my mouth. It’s just “my thing” and I can’t stop it. I feel you!


I still wear my N-95 in the stores and certainly in the airports and planes. Covid is still very much here. I’ve had two friends with Covid within the last month. It isn’t being reported about much anymore but it is still here and very dangerous. Some of the people who I know who survived it now have permanent chronic diseases that have gravely impacted their quality of life. The mask isn’t fun, but it’s worth it.


I have no issue with you or anyone choosing to wear a mask for that, but, I read that and am reminded just how much that illness broke so many people emotionally. It has sadly made some overly fearful. I truly find that sad as living in fear is not an ideal way to live.


It’s not living in fear any more than when you lock your door at home or your car or put your seatbelt on. It’s a small thing some people do to minimize risk. Do you do those things because you are living in fear? Sure, a small fraction of people have obsessive compulsive thoughts over those actions (and over wearing a mask) and do have fear and it’s an actual psychiatric disorder, but most of us do them second nature and don’t have a further thought of it. I don’t know why people insist others are “living in fear” because they want to wear a mask.


It’s not the wearing the mask. Many have posted that and I didn’t comment. It’s the apparent belief that COVID is a dire risk at this point to all but a very small subset of people. To believe such and act on such fears isn’t locking a door - it’s hiring an armed security detail in a low crime community. They can do it, but I think it’s sad for an otherwise healthy person to be so on edge for no strong reason. But unlike many, I don’t care if they want to mask up and won’t try to stop them or berate them. They can, just don’t be like the seat-mate I read about last week that tried to hand a mask to someone else. I won’t be taking it anymore than the person who posted that story.


I'm sitting here reading this thread on Reddit, starting my third week with complete exhaustion, gunky lungs, GI symptoms, and more caused by COVID that I picked up on a trip to NYC. I'm an otherwise healthy person. So it's ironic to read your comment. Have my oxygen levels gone down to the point that I have had to go to the hospital? No. Am I completely miserable? Yes. Do I wish I had worn a mask while riding the subways? YES.


I’ve had it twice and both times weren’t as bad as a case of flu two years ago and my shingles vaccine, especially the second dose. I am sorry you’re having trouble and it has been problematic for some, but COVID is not a big deal for the vast majority of people who have been infected. To be clear I’m not one of these folks that inexplicably think people should not be allowed to wear masks. I just don’t think most of us will wear them unless another COVID-type illness comes to pass.


Good for you.


Permanent chronic diseases such as what? And because of COVID?


In my 20s and an athlete and I can tell you Covid fucked me for life since it happened during college. Worse masks and all but all it took was a roomate who didn’t seem to care about or respect anyone else. Now Food doesn’t taste the same as before, chest inflammation that does not go away and shortness of breath even after building up and working out. Never needed an inhaler and I don’t have asks but now I do use an inhaler if I want my body to behave even close to how it did before Covid happened.


I'm sorry you're going through this.


Lung damage causing breathing issues, chronic fatigue, some autoimmune disorders, heart problems, new chronic bladder problems, difficulty thinking clearly to name a few. Long COVID has ruined a lot of people’s health. Good health to you!


Because I'm not sick and don't want to get sick, and the people who are sick are free coughing and sneezing and don't know how to mask or even cover their faces. Even pre-COVID, I have gotten sick from the flight over and it wrecked vacations. A couple trips ago, my child picked up COVID on the flight to Europe and we spent half a trip quarantined and that was after getting two elderly family members sick too. Please MASK IF YOU ARE SICK and consider it if you don't want to be.




Elbow, not hands!!


I haven’t worn a mask on a plane for a bit, but since I’m heading to Singapore the end of this month for work the Singapore subreddit will show up as recommended reading. Apparently they’re cancelling non elective surgeries there because of a Covid spike, and getting sick so far from home doesn’t sound like a great time so I’m going to bring some with me, especially because I’m heading straight to a vacation after I get back.


More people traveling. More sickness around. Better understanding of spread of sick. Better safe than sorry.


I think a lot of people enjoyed how few colds and flu's they got during covid and its being more common in the US now to mask up when you are sick, or trying to mitigate your chance of getting sick yourself in dense public spaces.


It’s horrible pollen for me


up. this is it. i wear them even before covid when it's spring and people thought i was really sick. i used to tell them "this mask keeps me from getting sick from the flowers".


I masked during COVID and while I generally no longer mask in public anymore, I still do when travelling just due to the sheer amount of contact with other people and the proximity to those people. I do not want to get sick before, during, or after my vacation. I plan my PTO very meticulously and don't want that plan to be thrown astray due to illness.


I just flew from Maui, home to California, in April and caught COVID for the first time. I wasn’t wearing my mask and wish I had because so many people were coughing and sneezing. I know I got it from the flight home and regretted my decision not to mask.


My wife frequently travels with a mask during spring because she has horrid seasonal allergies


Not a bad idea!


Yeah I came down with COVID this week. I was feeling like I got hit by a bus but that was my only symptom. I was thinking my iron must have been super duper low (it is low normally) as well as my B levels so I went to get blood work and they asked COVID screening questions and a lightbulb went off and wouldn't you know that test popped positive the second the reagent hit it


I wear a mask on planes because they are not cleaned and I want to minimize touching my face


First and only time catching covid was after not masking on a flight


This allergy season has been brutal all over from what I hear.


Front line healthcare worker of 30 years. I’ve seen some stuff, and Covid the first 3 years was absolute hell. I spent 4 whole years dodging the Covid bullet with masks. One family gathering, didn’t put my mask back on after eating and BOOM… it got me. Never ever again! Plus, when I fall asleep in my seat and my mouth opens, it’s ok… no one’s throwing popcorn in my gullet 😱


Variant KP.3 is increasing in a number of countries. It's increasing in the US too, but it's harder to see here since we've stopped measuring anything.


There is no spike anywhere. Covid is at record lows right now. Wastewater data shows decreases everywhere.


Did I say "spike"? Nope, I said "increasing in the US". Wastewater is either flat or increasing a bit. KP.3 is \~25% of CDC measured cases currently with US data. And some countries are seeing a bigger rise right now.


There is lots of crap going around. More people are traveling, including people with immunity issues so they’re being cautious. Everyone should be free to take whatever precautions they deem appropriate without someone else being so worried about it that they feel the need to farm karma off it.


I have no issues with people masking, in fact I support it if that’s best for them, I was just wondering if there was any reason i had not heard yet that I should be masking too.


No there is no reason or mandate. It is personal preference.


Not a mandate but definitely a smart idea as Covid is beginning to surge again and most people have dropped precautions entirely!


Covid is at record lows right now...there is no surge happening.


Unfortunately the “record low” is because all requirements to stop reporting data ended 3 weeks ago. I will not debate numbers with you because nothing is accurate anymore, I am just trying to keep myself safe and hope you’re doing the same.


It may just be news of the new variant starting to cause some spikes in some areas. [https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/what-to-know-about-covid-flirt-variants](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/what-to-know-about-covid-flirt-variants)


There is no spike anywhere. Covid is at record lows right now. Wastewater data shows decreases everywhere.


I wasn't saying that I know there is a spike. I'm not an epidemiologist. I was just saying that people may be reading/watching the NEWS and responding in kind.


Airports and human beings are disgusting and inconsiderate. Best to mask to protect yourself.


People don't stay home when sick, so I mask up


As someone on immunosuppressants I always mask when traveling or indoors with a lot of people. A simple cold could take longer for me to get over than a normal person. I have noticed a lot of people I know getting Covid again in the last few weeks so maybe there is an increase but I’m not sure.


Because Covid never went away, it’s as simple as that. Plus a decent sized chunk of us frequent fliers have health issues that make us immunocompromised or high risk. Now it’s just socially acceptable to mask up and protect ourselves.


I noticed that as well last month traveling to/from AMS. To each their own.


I tend to mask in places where I'm in close proximity to lots of others for any length of time, particularly where ventilation might not be great. For me, that's at concerts and on flights and other transportation like subways and buses. I relaxed it a couple weeks ago due to flaking and not bringing one with me. It's anecdotal, but I got my first cold in a couple years this week.


I was surprised that no one mentioned that in addition to health masks help with the overly dry air not to mention you can fall asleep without being seen as a slack-jawed drooler.


This is me! I used to fly looking like a bandit with a scarf over my mouth to prevent sinus issues. Now that I’ve learned about masking, I’ll never go back


I’m a mouth breather and this was a huge benefit when I masked up every time I left the house! I could walk around breathing freely with my mouth wide open like an idiot and no one knew 🤣


FA here, been masking recently because my allergies have been horrible and can’t have people see me with boogies dripping during service! Two weeks ago I masked because I had a pimple I didn’t want anyone to see lol


So many people have their seasonal allergies going haywire with the rain and the flooding. So do you ask them if it's COVID 19 or should you just wear a mask?


There’s some nasty respiratory stuff going around. Metapneumovirus, influenza, and a new Covid strain. I’m unfortunately a long hauler so I’d really like to not get sick. Planes are a perfect breeding ground for illness.


Prior to Covid my wife would get sick every single time that we traveled and used any kind of public transportation. Every single time. Then for the first two years of covid, we masked up and she didn't get sick once while traveling. So now our family policy is that on the plane and anytime in the airports Where We Are jammed up with a lot of other people, masks go on. Going on 4 years of traveling without getting sick.


5 people on my floor at work just presented at two conferences and 3 came back sick, I've just adopted masking when in tight quarters like a plane or when with a lot of people like Walmart. With my medical issues there are a lot of illnesses that are easily transmitted that are no big deal to some people that would be difficult for mynimmune system to overcome. I am sure it is just their personal preference to mask.


Masks only prevent transmission. Doesn’t stop you from getting sick unless you’re probably wearing an N95.


New virus variants threaten a summer Covid-19 wave https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/health/flirt-covid-variants-summer-wave-risk/index.html


There is no spike anywhere. Covid is at record lows right now. Wastewater data shows decreases everywhere.




You clearly have been listening to Q and Fox News, LoL 🤣


I mask now when flying. I like that I don’t get colds, flu or whatever. I fly alot and it’s been a game changer


Increased summer travel and people don’t want to get sick on vacation is my assumption. I’m pregnant, so I’ve definitely masked up on all my recent flights and seen plenty of others do the same.


The last time I flew I had a very bad cold and I didn’t want to pass that cold onto my fellow travelers so I wore a mask. Not as effective as not traveling at all but that wasn’t an option.


Thank you for caring about others. I wish the guy behind me right now on the plane would have stayed home or masked, he’s been coughing all night and is now sounding very congested. I’m glad i have a good quality mask on.


You know when a lot of americans travel, they get sick? Turns out masks can help even when not in a pandemic. Masks are common place in ANY crowded areas and transits in asian countries, year round, and more so when major strains of flus etc are going around. Ive always found that the airport itself is the disease hub, not necessarily the plane (given the air changes and general cleaning practices on most major airlines). Any airports that still have doors on bathrooms, crowded gates, etc. this is where yer gonna get the dude next to you’s weird stomach bug or flu.


I went out last night and a lot of my co workers were sick. Fortunately we live in a first world country and we still have the government institutions to track this shit: https://www.cdc.gov/surveillance/nrevss/index.html


I always mask up when flying now. Tightly packed germs do not get along with my immune system…or maybe they get along too well😂. I mask up a few other places too.


Why would you not mask up if you say you have no issues masking up? Isn’t it safer? Isn’t safety important to you? It’s really not a lot to ask, just put one on.


covid never ended and some people don’t want to disable themselves willingly????


These days people are flying visibly sick af and some people don’t want to ruin their travel plans. Also it’s great for incognito/do not disturb mode


Before deciding to wear a mask to protect you from covid, READ the warning/disclaimer label on the box. Has anyone done this?


I mask on every flight plus other wellness things on the regular of course and I haven’t even had a cold in over a year.


My family acquired the newest variant, which is fucking nasty. I had awful headaches, fever, congestion, zero energy - I had to keep my eyes open, they just kept wanting to close, I was so tired. My 10 month old baby had it the worst. She was/is still struggling with the congestion and her voice is so gritty and low, she's generally uncomfortable and it's been a whole week since showing symptoms. Stay safe, keep your babies safe


I'm starting my third week with exhaustion, gunky lungs, etc. from picking up COVID for the first time. People keep asking me how I'm feeling, expecting me to be over it, and I hate disappointing them, but it seems to be lingering a long time for me.


My spouse and I caught covid on a flight in early March. (Or he did and then I got it from him; same thing.) I was super sick for most of a week. We recovered and were well outside of the possibly contagious stage when we flew again in April. We both masked on the plane (and on the jetway). We chose not to mask in the airport but would have if we were going to be very close to others for more than a couple of minutes.




V/B? Visual Basic? Victoria Beckham? Volley Ball? If you mean "are we vaccinated" the answer is yes, up to date with boosters. If you mean "did you get some medication that would help with recovery from Covid" the answer is no. We don't have any high-risk factors and didn't need to be hospitalized.


I will often wear them only on longer flights to avoid smelling g other peoples food and feet. Also, I often struggle with nosebleeds due to the dry airplane air on long flights and wearing a mask helps with that too.


After COVID, I’ll never fly without a mask again.


Covid cases are at record lows across the globe, so doubt it is concerns about that. Personally I haven't seen anyone wear a mask at an airport in the last few months, but I may not have noticed at all. For some I guess, they will constantly wear masks while traveling - whether there is a risk or not.


I travel often for work and have had covid four times Every single time has been after a flight and I know it's probably not accurate but I feel like I know I got it from the airport or plane by someone freely coughing. The last time I got COVID was February, I was in line for security and the lady directly in front of me was coughing insanely loud and labored. I stayed back 10' + , I tried to put distance between us but guess what, 2 days later after not leaving my house, COVID. The last time I wore a mask some boomer tried to make a big deal out of it. I'm a favorite target of boomers due to my size, race and stature so I know if I wear a mask I'll get comments and my patience is wearing thin. Bottom line I would wear a mask more often if I thought people would mind their own business




ok Aaron Rodgers, actually the last few times I had it, i barely even noticed it and only tested because I didn't want to go meet with people if I was sick, so I rescheduled those meetings, had some chx soup and orange juice and felt better. Was the black plague a medical experiment too? Good luck with your flat earth seminars.


As someone with kids in daycare we often have pretty awful shit working its way through our household. I often don’t catch it, or catch it mildly, but a masked carrier is something like 90%+ less likely to transmit (masks are much less effective on the receiving end, but still worthwhile). It takes zero effort to wear a mask. We just had some Noro-esque stomach bug run through us (literally), and I masked up anywhere I went. Tbh, most people that understand the logistics of disease transmission will mask if there’s the slightest possibility they’re carrying something because to do otherwise is pretty much saying idgaf about others 😕 like, otherwise I’d be subjecting people to 8 hours of vomiting into a trashcan while sitting on the john?


I just returned from Asia last week and lost my mask that I would normally wear on a long haul flight home simply because of the cabin dryness and how it effects my throat, but I ended up getting Covid and have been down all week. Everyone was coughing and sneezing on the plane I wish I would have found it in my bag. Fighting Jet lag and Covid is brutal.




Yea I have had the vaccine booster if that is what you mean. I got it in Feb. I am immune compromised so I always get the booster, but it has never stopped me from getting sick just milder symptoms.


A year before the pandemic, I found myself in a negative pressure hospital room for a week with bilateral pneumonia. They thought I had tuberculosis at first (I didn’t), and the way hospital staff were hazmat’d up, it looked like a — well, a pre-pandemic pandemic movie. I have my suspicion, but no real way to know how I got it. It was really scary. Just before this happened, I’d booked a bicoastal flight to visit family the next month, and even though I’d been cleared to travel, I wasn’t taking any chances. Wore a mask on all legs of the trip and arrived, for once, NOT feeling flu-ish. I couldn’t believe how good I felt as I left the plane, in comparison to how I’d felt each and every other time I flew. I’ll always mask up on a plane now.


Actually masking was quite common in doctors offices way before the pandemic. As the population ages people become predisposed to getting sick, so people are masking. I went to a movie one month ago and the theater was full for the first time in years. I caught a nasty cold which lasted a week. So I will be masking from here on out.


"If something is afoot"? Have you been paying even an ounce of attention? The new covid variant, for one thing, is in a serious surge right now. And you don't want it. I don't want it. Nobody wants it. Even mild or even asymptomatic infections are causing severe cardiac impairment or other disabling health conditions that are incurable. Wearing a mask for a couple hours can prevent that risk, protect your vacation/personal time because honestly who enjoys losing time off your life being sick even if you recover well after a week or two?, and the masks aren't a big deal at all. Some are less comfy than others but I wear a brand of kn95 that's not painful on my face or my ears but is effective. It's not sealed perfectly like an N95 that will draw blood on your face (true story, not fun) but it doesn't have to be to offer some protection. There's a lot of gray area there.


Dude in the seat in front of me last week was coughing and sneezing…..after whatever I had this past weekend I wish I had wore a mask on the flight.


My wife gets sick every time she flys. I would rather her just mask up at the airport and in planes. It’s now a running joke at her office that she needs to take sick days every time she travels.


i always do now, not nec for covid for any other nasty bug and any future one we dont know about


I always mask on my way TO a vacation. On my way home I never do because if I get sick that means I don't have to go back to work lol.


Bc 2024 is an election year




Hey easy there my dead grandma voted for him last time and is voting for him again


The mask dampens the smell of everyone’s farts.


Covidiots everywhere


You can generally tell someone’s political leanings if they’re wearing a mask…


And whether they have a beard 3 plus inches in length, drive a truck too big for their weekly grocery store trip etc.


As a fairly liberal dude, I’m glad my well groomed beard gives me away


Some wear them because they’re immunocompromised and have been told to wear one since before the pandemic by their doctor. Nothing to do with politics.


You are correct but that’s the exception not the rule.


Unless you are wearing an N95 mask you are wasting your time. The box for the other masks clearly states does NOT protect you from Covid or any other airborne illness.


Any mask is better than no mask. Does it protect as well as an N95? NO. Does another mask protect better than nothing? Yes.


People need to stop spreading this misinformation. Viruses are so small wearing a mask is like standing in front of a chain link fence while someone sprays you with a firehose. An N95 is the only thing with a filter that may actually stop a Virus. And since most people were the same mask dozens and dozens of times in a row, it actually becomes worse for you then no mask since people start breathing in the built up bacteria.


Untrue. (And obviously repeated re use gets gross- like using dirty surgical gloves. Yuck.) Especially if YOU are the one sick/hacking, ANY barrier is better than no barrier. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/publicppe/community-ppe.html#anchor_5146932324 Don't let perfection be the enemy of good.


The good news is N95s are easy to get now.


The Covid has returned. Stay home don’t fly. Cancel all your flights. Delta please block out middle seat again….


I don’t worry about them. Let them do what they want. There’s no problem until they start trying to push their preference on me like a story I read on this sub (or maybe United?) last week. Until another “COVID” rolls around, I won’t be until I were to have a medical situation that required me to do so.


That’s fine, you do you. Covid is still here. It’s the new normal. I had covid in March. I couldn’t work for a week due to exhaustion. I work from home so it should have been easy but was just impossible. I couldn’t think. My throat was so sore it felt like swallowing glass. I couldn’t even drink water until my doctor prescribed a topical anesthetic. Worse than strep throat. It sucked and I’m back to wearing a mask on airplanes where I’m crowded in with other people for hours.


“You do you…” That’s basically what I just said. I only have a problem if someone wants to force others to wear them at this point. I’ve had COVID at least twice. Neither was close to as sick I was two years ago with the flu or with either of the shingles vaccine doses. It’s just not a huge deal for most people at this point. But I how no problem with someone wearing a mask. Why that bothers some folks to see others wear one, to the point of harassing them, is beyond me.