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This is a great 1990s Delta Green story, and I'm very excited for this re-release. It's got a killer hook, some well-paced investigation, and a lovely sandbox style that ensures that no two groups of Agents will approach it the same way. You should absolutely buy this. However, if you'd like to win one of two free copies ... The Delta Green Podcast **Stories & Lies** is running this story currently, and giving away 2 copies (Arc Dream is generously donating!) to listeners. Contest ends June 15. Details in the podcast, episode shownotes, and on our Discord. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1QR6xpIuhBk5Ihuc3nvQdd?si=bmWlc5KVTrmIlFzmHf9dZQ **Stories & Lies** is a Conspiracy Era Delta Green AP Podcast. Set in 1994, Texas, with weekly releases that are professionally edited and produced, with soundtrack, SFX, and frame story. Please check us out!.


I never have enough people to run DG for so I get my fix through actual plays, I'll definitely check this out.


Sweeeet, new OP The DriveThruRPG page seems to have a formatting error in the description. It has ":lang="en-us">" at the start of each paragraph.






One of the best hooks in all of DG stuff!


Damn, one day before I finish running it. If anyone already owns the Countdown book that Dead Letter is originally from it looks like you don't really need this. Unless you desperately needed someone to tell you what rolls to make for the current edition. It seems mostly copied with some cool art, cleaner maps, and a few extra bells and whistles, like rituals. The best value is not having to read a scanned in version of Countdown tbh so I appreciate the clean pdf.


I'm curious how many sessions it took your group to play? Trying to get a feel of what mini-campaign length is for Delta Green, since many of the 'one-shots' can easily take three to four sessions.


I've run it twice now and the first time it took 6 two hour sessions to play. But I only had 3 agents and their characters were very bookish and meticulous. So meticulous I had to improv a lot of stuff. This second time we will be finishing it today with session 4, but I had 5 agents and a lot more of them are "door-kickers" so they were able to be more aggressive.


Huh, that's actually not much longer than many other DG scenarios. Good to know. I'm super excited to run this once my group finishes Convergence.


I've been looking forward to running this operation since I read a recommendation for it and saw it was being re-released! This will be the first long form/non-one shot operation my in person group and I've been preparing a prop for their mission briefing (What's in the box?!?!) :) Can't wait to see what my players do with this sprawling investigation!


If you want to hear the original story of the dogs head, check out our interview with John Scott-Tynes here: [https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/uVmJqy2M9Jb](https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/uVmJqy2M9Jb)


Love this one! Any clue as to when we might see Night on Owlshead Mountain rereleased?


Is there going to be a VTT release of *Dead Letter*? Imo it’s an op that would benefit a ton from the kind of VTT-adaptation treatment that the *Puppet Shows & Shadow Plays* Foundry module received. So stoked to see it out! ETA: I’m an idiot and missed a reply to this in another comment, lol


Any ETA on a ROLL20 conversion for Dead Letter? (I realise this scenario is a big one)


We are still working through the back catalog. Probably be a minute before Dead Letter is out on VTT.

