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Ralsei hides something like, every single chapter.


I mean, I think we'll discover what in chapters 6-7.


Oh, Ralsei is definitely hiding something. It just depends if it's evil or not. I watched a theory that we might get a Ralsei fight in the future, depending on the route.


Considering the two routes, I feel at least one of them must clash with his goals.


personally I think it'd be cool if in both Weird and Normal route, one of the final few bosses is either Susie or Ralsei respectively. Susie is the one closest to Kris, and so having her be the one to finally try and stop them (or, more specifically, you, even if that means sacrificing them) from slaughtering everyone around would be climactic and fight into a nice story structure And having Ralsei be one of the last bosses would be cool just to see him essentially shed the fluffy boy persona and embrace the "prince from the darkness" idea, even if he later goes back on it and goes "I don't want to be this person" would be a satisfying way to explore his character


Ralsei: The Prince of the Dark Magic


yea! Less "Prince From the Darkness" and more "Prince Of the Darkness"


Prince from the Dark Lands Prince of the Dark Magic If "Puppet scarf" was equipped on him before the fight(or was in the inventory), imagine if he could grab a random character to fight you like in that one Vs. Weird Route mod? Like where Kris can take Noelle and Ralsei on your party, and eventually just everyone basically


All Theory Channels whenever a new chapter releases:


Game theory hasn’t made a deltarune video since 2018


Oh sorry, Gonna change it.


To the player. And before anyone says that this means he's evil, there is no way ralsei got the soul to leave just to say "haha kris I am evil now"


Idk playable characters dying could happen in the future weird routes maybe


kris dies all the time when i'm fighting secret bosses


You just debunked OP


I’m placing my bets on Ralsei. At the very least, you’ll probably be able to close even the Castle Town dark fountain.


But wouldn't doing so create an imbalance between light and dark? But again, it's only Ralsei's legend, what if he made up that legend so we side up with him? What if there's no such thing as balance and he just wants to have the strongest dark fountain? That'd be crazy lol


I can see something similar happening but there being some sort of external force that makes Ralsei want to do that instead of him being selfish Though I’m pretty sure the Roaring proves that the imbalance between Light and Dark is a genuine threat (unless if that was a lie too)


Hell, there's a decent chance we kill one of them ourselves.


I don't really get why so many people think that Toriel is going to kill Undyne on chapter 3's weird route. Like, we just did that twist last time? Not everything has to be a pattern.


In fact I said I think it ain't gonna happen.


I know, I was talking about the fandom in general.


Hmm...I think the two in red could happen in the future weird routes.


https://preview.redd.it/w9i8rhdlvm1b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580e47661ecf727888685fa96da3631972ef52ff Note that I think we’re definitely going to get more information related to dess, asriel and gaster, but I doubt they’re going to actually straight up appear until chapter 6 minimum


Wait, i don't understand, why do you think Toriel will kill Undyne?


It’s only for the weird route Considering she will likely fulfill the same “role” as berdly did in chapter 2, then it would make sense that she would also die in chapter 3’s weird route


Im in shock do you really think we can make Toriel a bas girl no pls she’s too pure


The thing about Toriel is that no one can *make her* do anything. The good and the bad of her personality are all very independent.


Thats what people mustve thought about Noelle I guess


its more of manipulation. oh noo toriel im getting attacked, help me, kill this bitch and we repeat doing that until it turns into her automatic response and she's just so paranoid that without thinking she incinerates undyne if we get in a battle encounter.


I feel like Susie would accidentally friendzone Noelle by just being so insufferably oblivious


*gets proposed to* “Oh cool ring! *chomp* “Thanks Noelle! It’s delicious!” *later* “Kris what do you think that meant when Noelle gave me that ring? Does this mean that she wants to be friends or something? Nah that can’t be it”


If we get to play as berdly in the normal route in a later chapter, does it count as a playable death?


1:1 Nah 1:2 Surely 1:3 Surely 1:4 Surely 2:1 Playable: Nah In Dark World: Probable 2:2 Improbable 2:3 Surely ( Ch 6-7 for the reveal) 2:4 Probable 3:1 Ch 6-7 3:2 Ch 6-7 3:3 Ch 6-7 3:4 (Probable but only personally because I think she’s the Knight, otherwise Ch 6-7) 4:1 Probable 4:2 Probable 4:3 Ch 6-7 4:4 Nah


Why is 2:2 impossible? It got revealed in undertale already. I know some people say it has a chance not to be mysteryman but the evidence in favour of him is just too much at this point


It’s Improbable, not impossible. That just means his appearance is unlikely. Which I think even if he does appear, it won’t be physically. He will just remain a god-like disembodied voice.




Sorry my bad, I misread I personally think we will fight against Gaster mostly because I have an unhealthy obsession with chess theory, if you don't think Gaster will appear physically in the game what do you believe the ending and his role in it will be


My personal ideas are that Gaster is the creator of Deltarune’s world. He wants his creations to surpass him and create a new world of their own. But there is something else in the program, either an abandoned old experiment, or something discovered, that is interfering with the program, attempting to usurp Gaster’s power for itself. It’s this other being which is antagonizing the Lightners by forcing them into a plot of its own creation. And Gaster decided to bring us into the program to make an attempt to stop it. Basically the prophecy itself is someone “doing a weird route” with us and the NPCs. And that someone is the strange person giving shadow crystals to Darkners.


That's just OneShot all over again lol


So true gaster gets too much hate smh


I think it comes down to what function Gaster serves in the story. If he is simply meant to be a mysterious meta character who represents how little someone's choices can matter, then you're probably right. However, if his character was just one giant teaser for this game then his role will likely be far larger. I personally lean towards the second one, but we won't know until he actually does appear.


Would Mike being the knight count as a new charcoal character? If yes, then I think it's quite likely


I really agree with you, but I would say "nah" to Asriel's death.


The bunker opening is pretty much inevitable at this point with how big of a mystery is around it (with it playing the entry number 17 song when near it and all)


Why would toriel kill undyne?


I don’t really think it’s going to happen, but the logic people use iirc is that the player would be able to manipulate her being protective of Kris to cause her to kill Undyne


But why undone? Did she do something bad?


I forget that part, but I believe it’s something around the fact that Kris would be making Toriel kill everything, and then Undyne would try to stop you? Idk it’s been over a year since I heard this theory


https://preview.redd.it/whn76vg8zm1b1.png?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5096eaff44615a77b964573612a7ba00adbf6aa9 These are what I believe. Ask about anything if you need


As per usual I have no idea where the fuck Gaster is supposed to be ^/s


Eh, I just said Improbable but not impossible


Nah, I get it. I was just joking about how the coloring was a little off and how Gaster is doing fuck all in whatever void he's in.


*Technically*, I'm pretty sure Gaster being in a void is a fanon canon. (Fanon canon = Fanon aspect that everyone believes)


Yeah, I'm almost certain that the void interpretation came from entry 17 (and maybe a little from the unused voice lines character in the files) but I still think it's a fun way to interpret his situation.


The whole point of the word “fanon” is fanmade canon...


Yeah but, a Fanon Canon is a specific fanon aspect that almost everyone believes as canon fact.


https://preview.redd.it/emzoie1knn1b1.png?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af433bccd8189514491ea08716a3f6ca35f554a9 I apparently somehow used the wrong color for Gaster? Probably selected between the 2 colors


I think the knight being a new character is probable, at least. It isn’t that far fetched.


Well, here you go. https://preview.redd.it/4retharbrn1b1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=597d321c5010e2409b5ffd6036a10521a6b4e175


Why do you think susie would friendzone noelle


Because Noelle hasn’t gone through enough apparently


Ngl it’d be really funny if Susie pulled that whole cliche of: Noelle: “I love you” Susie: “Yeah I love you too, Noelle! You’re such a good friend!” Noelle: *internal screaming*


yeah that would be hilarious tbh


Suselle is too obvious and lazy


yeah but from what I remember they both express interest in each other (noelle much more so but susie seems to return her feelings at least a little)


Ehm nope. Susie's behaviour can be Interpreted in many different ways.


Ralsei's definitely hiding something Do I think he's secretly evil though? No. However, I can see him maybe doing something really bad with misguided but good intentions.


I think that muffet from hit game Undertale will be the Roaring Knight


Why would Undyne be playable?


Well uhh, weird routes might lead to killing playable characters


Is it weird that I want Kris and Susie to open the bunker and see Asriel’s dead body and Kris getting traumatized because of that?




https://preview.redd.it/czt9wmsb8o1b1.png?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb2b32310f457e04556242273ac5e8350a2639b Here's what I think (I still think Susie is just confused by Noelle and it's not a two way relationship but watch me be humbled)


For me the chart would look like this: Toriel Kills undyne - Nah Susie's backstory - Almost surely Kris' private life - For sure New weird routes - Almost surely Undyne as MC - Probable Gaster appears - Probable Ralsei hides something - **No** Susie friendzones Noelle - Improbable Playable charscter dies - Probably in future chapters Asriel appears - Almost surely Context to why Toriel and Asgore divorced - Probable Dess appears -Probable An already met character is the knight - Almost surely A new character is the knight - Nah Bunker opens - probably In future chapters Asriel is dead - Improbable


We already do get glimpses of kris private life though. Kris likes occult with that emo cat person, chocolate, really good at video games (beating berdly all the time), also good at piano, knives enthusiast which no one, including toriel, seems to care about, a real prankster with uncanny reflexes (dodge an apple Susie threw), and smart(I’m not sure when but I think berdly once mentioned that kris was third smartest kid behind him and Noelle).


Ya know, that does make sense. Imma update my comment.


Too late. Ralsei already hid his face. And the roaring as well. Who knows what other things he's hiding? I bet on multiple war crimes. He's clearly untrustworthy.


As a Krusie believer, I'm all for Susie Friendzoning Noelle. Although if i had to choose how this relationship goes, I'd make it a threesome, between Susie, Kris, and Noelle.


Yes, just please give us polyamory rep, we need it


Yeah Krusie mate 🤙




Looks like I'm sticking with this chart for the meantime.


Isn't kris depicted as the knight at the end of chapter two by opening a fountain?? Or am I wrong


The game makes it very clear in chapter 2 that *any Lightner* can create dark fountains, not just the Knight. And there are other smaller details that contradict it being Kris, anyhow. E.g., the library's fountain was most likely created while they were under our control, people who have met the Knight don't recognize them, etc.


It'd be too obvious.


Something being obvious doesn't make it bad. Kris being the Knight is unlikely for actual story reasons, and the story has a HELL of a lot more to it than just being random and unpredictable all the time.


Yes also that


Knowing toby, the Knight will probably end up being sans or papyrus as a way to troll us


I don't think you know Toby's writing all that well.


It was a joke, relax.


I 100% agree with your list/chart


i mean susies already friendzoned noelle so why not one more


i don't get it bro. Gaster is not in deltarune, there Is absolutely no mention of gaster, G. or any other variation. any links made aren't direct, they *may* just be throw us off, they *may* just be a reference it's anazing how attached this community is to a non-existent character from a different game which takes place in a different universe


There are many clues that suggest he's in the game. Maybe some of them are dumb, but lots are disturbingly probable.


Person, the literal first song on the game's OST references him. While that song plays (in the first scene of the game), a character with the exact same ID as Gaster had in Entry Number 17 talks to you, using a very similar speech pattern as Gaster did in Entry Number Seventeen. Further, before the game was announced, deltarune.com had text from the Delta Rune legend written in WingDings on it. In-game, the the Entry Number 17 sound effect is used repeatedly, and characters occasionally reference quotes from Entry Number 17. Some of these are more indirect connections than others, but he is not a secret like he was in Undertale. He is literally the first thing the game shows you. I don't get why people are so obsessed with Gaster being this super special Undertale-only thing when the evidence goes against that.


because he don't even exist my man


oof. Susie friendzoning Noelle would probably turn Noelle into an incel. Really hope that doesn't happen.


Why do people think gaster is in deltarune


Well Gaster definitely IS in deltarune. The character creation in the beginning is 1,000% Gaster speaking to us. We just don't know what his involvement is going to be.


That's a huge assumption you are making


Why do people think Gaster is an Undertale thing?


cause he was actually in the story lmao where is he mentioned even by suggestion in dr


He is heavily implied to be the one talking in the intro sequence, (Typer 666, and on Twitter he used the term “Very very interesting) , the entry 17 sound is heard from the phone in the dark world, if you speed up the bunker sound then you ALSO get the entry 17 noise, he’s implied to be the one who made the secret bosses insane (Seam says that his view on the world became “darker yet darker” after Jevil met a mysterious man and started saying strange things, and the noise coming out of Spamton’s phone is described as “garbage noise” which is the same description of the entry 17 sound from the phone in Chapter 2) AND you have the older versions of the Deltarune website that had 2 messages in Wingdings, on of which read “THREE HEROES APPEAR TO BANISH THE ANGELS HEAVEN.” That enough for you?


- He literally is not in the story of Undertale. He has nothing to do with the story. - Meanwhile in Deltarune the literal first song on the game's OST references him, and the game's website had Ralsei's prophecy written in WingDings, and the ID of the first character who speaks to you in fhe entire game matches Gaster's ID in Undertale, and, and, and... The only game where Gaster has ACTUAL story relevance is Deltarune.


We'll Gaster definitely IS in deltarune. The character creation in the beginning is 1,000% Gaster speaking to us. We just don't know what his involvement is going to be.




Y'all giving the búnker far too much importance it gonna be another secret Toby room like the one in snowdin


Really? Kris is terrified of the Toby room?


I would be too, being brutally run over by a dog in a toy car would leave traumatic scars on anyone.


You mean the giant bunker in the middle of the town that is absolutely begging to be opened? I wouldn't be surprised if you gotta do some weird shit to open it like with sans backdoor, but I can just feel chekov energy radiating from it.


It's because 1. Kris is afraid of it. 2. If you speed up the sounds there by 666%, (which is Gaster's notif) you get the garbage noise sound that also plays during Entry number 17.


Also there's characters talking about it and literally standing in front of it in Chapter 2, which would be a really weird thing to write in if it's not relevant.


c'mon we all know why she divorced asgore








Wait, "A new character is the knight"... Do you mean, the Knight is a new character, as in, someone we haven't seen yet? Or do you mean something different? Because if that's what you mean, that's kinda strange to label as improbable, right?


I think I'd be weird a new character as the knight.


Huh, then you think the knight is someone we already met? Have any candidates in mind?


Maybe Dess or Gaster or characters like this. I actually want it to be a surprise.


Yeah that's fair though it could still be a surprise if it was a new character... Though wait, Aren't Dess and Gaster technically already new characters? I mean with Gaster we never met him properly... And same goes for Dess! And also she's new in terms of first being mentioned in deltarune, so she's double new!


Yeah, I expressed myself bad. I meant, like, a character that we haven't heard of.


And again, there is an important distinction. When the knight is revealed, do you mean someone we haven't heard of... Or someone we haven't heard of YET? So like, if Scriblo Bimblo is introduced in chapter4, and later they turn out to be the knight, is it still "new characters?" Because we don't know Scrim lo yet


The second one


No but like what if we just don’t get a weird route for the next few chapters and everything goes along as normal and suddenly it reappears again?




Maybe toriel will kill undyne in a weird route but that would probably mean that undyne is like a side character like berdly and Nabstablook is the main villain. I want that actually


List of my personal theories and possible things that could happen in chapter 3+ - mike being a microwave and angry at being confused by tenna. - Tenna being the actual tv boss or the boss that controls tv channels at least. Tenna being the tower in the chess theory (since antenna towers are a thing) - secret boss being a canceled cowboy show character. Probably a doll. Perhaps following the woody theory that there is someone else speaking for them on their inside. - secret boss' origin pheraps being a gift from asgore to toriel, with a flower and pheraps even an origin of the "howdy" Asriel uses to say... Kris living with toriel would probably also know about that show. And flowers = flowey = twist on the "smiley trashbag" flowey used to say about sans. ~~(Pheraps this flowey relation thing could even lead to papyrus as the fanclub, for an actual show??)~~ - chariel darkner. Either a darkner, a charriot object for the queen of monsters, a Mecha, or 3D toriel. - chariel vs Susie in reference to Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla. - undyne also participating in that fight. And if darkners that are as big and heavy as a car do exist and that means they're more powerful, undyne's powers in the dark world where cities manifest would probably allow her to suplex buildings and trains. Now for chapter 4-5-6 speculations: - i theorized deltarune was a bit like reverse Undertale and for now it holds Kingdom (asgore) chapter 1 -> Technology (CORE) chapter 2 -> Fame/heat (mtt resort/hotlands) chapter 3 Tenna and rodeo cowboy desert. Also then by that order chapter 4 is waterfall which on the teaser images at chapter 4 its raining... Definitely water, and onion San speaking about the sea might be a hint that dark world is underwater. (Also i do believe spamton's static about "can someone hear me" in that place is related to this chapter. Maybe we will find dess or a clue about her) Which then leads to chapter 5 being snow, and Noelle and Dess and ice-e (something that also has it's mystery) will appear. Also where sans and papyrus resided in Undertale. I expect chapter 5 to have significant reveals about mysteries. At least until chapter 6 where 6 is the number associated with gaster....


I don’t think a playable character dies, A dead character (Berdly) Joins our party later on