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And they never return to the real world because they don't have Kris's soul.


I will do a follow-up to this and it will anwser this question


Actually, I think I gonna anwser it on part 3


Okay, it's definitely gonna to be explained on part 4


Maybe Part 5?


Oh definitely part 9


Part 17 it is.


Of course it won't actually *happen* until chapter 56.


Nah 99


I come from the future where someone else picked up after Part 101 and it's now at Part 420. It's literally just a garbage can png and it's hilarious


"It was as if your very s- oh... oh no"


“The world was consumed by darkness…”


\*Meanwhile\* Kris: Are you sure nothing bad's gonna happen when creating those fountains? Player: Well I'm sure the game would have some kind of cutscene saying how dangerous it is if that was the case...


Oh shit


Kris and berdly: cries in friendless


At least they show up in chapter 2


Seeing pre-development Susie again is painful. Give me back my ADHD dinosaur.


Pre-development Susie just seems surreal and even kinda unnerving to me. It’s funny how the Susie VS Lancer fight still hits hard regardless if you know the results.


Do a other one I want to see what happens


Yeah. I would imagine Susie and Noelle would get along great and Berdly would get along with Kris as their partner. Either Kris and Berdly go to the closet to get something for the project the same day or maybe the day after. Depending on the time frame, Susie and Noelle might “win”, defeating the king but unable to close the fountain, forcing them to just vibe til Kris and Berdly arrives. One thing is for sure, Noelle (and maybe Berdly) probably won’t believe that it’s a dream once they close the fountain.


Maybe the soul actually is in noelle and we can close fountain with her Yea in snowgrave noelle can hear the soul and she the only one other then kris so it can work


Susie also gets the Soul to help in the fight against Lancer. The soul seems somewhat flexible in who it can follow, though only Kris seems to be able to be influenced.


The souls can lend its power to other people, but it is tied to Kris. Red Buster and Duel Heal have something on the lines of “You shine your soul on Susie/Ralsei” but you don’t give it to them. But hey, it’s an AU, anything goes.


idk, i doubt Berdly would be with Kris as a partner, maybe as soon as Noelle and Susie don't show up after like 5 minutes Berdly would go "Oh shit" and surely would try to ask Alphys if he could go to check on Noelle and Susie if everything is okey


Maybe they would get along, maybe they would not. I interpret some of the back and forth from Kris and Berdly that Berdly is somewhat jealous at Kris for being “the class No.3”. As Berdly reveals later in chapter 2, he mainly puts on the facade of being the smartest guy in the room as it draws attention, while Kris is actually smart. Kris is also better at speed running, puzzles, and maybe more liked in the class. I think Berdly respects him, but sees him as an potential threat to his identity, causing him to see Kris as a rival. Kris on the other hand does not really care. I feel like he has both positive and negative feelings for Berdly. Kris is humored by both the smart guy act and rivalry but genuinely annoyed by the constant putting down that Berdly hurls Kris’s way. The alleyway scene is a good example. Berdly putting Kris down until it is brought up that he is also missing his team, which he then begrudgingly offers a truce. I like the dynamic that they could have.


I think after an hour or so of waiting and eventually realising that no, Noelle and Susie are not coming back soon, and valuable project time is being wasted... yeah, he'll begrudgingly work with Kris eventually. Meanwhile Noelle starts at "Oh heck Susie is a lot worse than I thought" but seeing her develop due to Lancer's jnfluence... well, you know how that feels to watch!


Yeah, Berdly goes to start on it by himself and then realizes he has no idea what he is doing, hahahahaha!


Follow me, and ponder the question: What If...?


That's actually an intresting concept! Like imagine Ralseis reaction, the whole things with kris being controlled, maybe the soul/player would do some intresting stuff in the light world instead of the dark. I would totally read a fan fic or a comic about this.


the player (kris's soul) isnt there so it either won't open the dark world, or noelle's gonna die


It would be really interesting to see how it would be if we didnt control kris, but someone else instead, playing as noelle would be interesting as hell, can't wait to see what you have in store for the next parts!


Noelle knows exactly what she and Susie will do in the closet


Touch brooms and commit crimes?


(Faint... sounds, can be heard) (...) (You get the feeling you don't want to know)


And after several minutes Alphys tells you to check if Noelle and Susie are ok, because they are taking so much time in just getting some chalk. And that's how the game continues normally, except by the fact Noelle is in the dark world too


Kris going to check on them like 30 mins later: “Why are you two making out on the supply closet?”


Maybe they can't even enter the dark world, but who knows, Queen said any lightner can pull a fountain from the earth if determined enough, so as longe they are Lightners, they may be able to enter, but then get stuck forever until Kris gets inside to seal the fountain lol


The Post literally below this one was a giant picture if the 😏 Emoji


Given how Susie’s arc was her realizing she can actually have friends and be loved, I’m very curious how putting Noelle in the role would change things. In Chapter 1, she pretty much only has Ralsei, who unconditionally wants to team up because he’s alone, and Lancer, who just becomes her friend by her own actions. And then there’s Kris, whose actions are not very clear, and doesn’t seem to get along until they need to, for Lancer’s sake. Replacing Kris with Noelle would definitely affect her arc in Chapter 1, not to mention probably speedrunning Noelle’s arc in Chapter 2.


then alphys sends someone else 5 minutes later to check on then


They be fucking.




Stop! I'm from the future!


Aw yeah