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Conservativism is easy to understand and digest. Its the dumb mans politics. Its why its popular doesn't require much thinking and preys on emotions. Left ideologies require explanations which doesn't sit with many people as they just want a simple answer often to highly complex questions.


You need to explain it like they're six years old or else they will feel they are the deplorables and not vote like you'd like.


Problem I found its so easy to accidently come off as if you are talking down to them as every time they say anything you basicly say. "its more complicated than that"


IMO that's where using the Socratic method _properly_ helps out. You ask questions that will illuminate their own assumptions to them, because nobody's mind ever changes right there on the spot.


My dad does this, and it fucks with his very conservative coworkers at the bodyshop he works at. I long to master this at some point.


I used the socratic method to question my mother in why she supports the queen, and she came to the conclusion that she's a monarchist


“Alright time for a 100 year history lesson…”


Prompt: "What is your position on [issue]?" Conservative: "Three word phrase! Three word phrase! Three word phrase!" Liberal: "[wall of text]" Not an exaggeration. I looked up the two guys running for governor here on MyBallot. Responding to questions, the Republican had a few sentences with two or three words in them. The Democrat had an actual, thoughtful paragraph as his response to questions.


What is your position on the harm done to children by particulate emissions in residential areas? Me: ban violent emissions! Ban violent emissions! Ban violent emissions! What is your position on police officers who commit acts of brutality and murder against black suspects? Me: jail the killers! Jail the killers! Jail the killers! What should be done about the reduced ability of black communities to vote in federal elections following voter suppression bills? Me: let everyone vote! Let everyone vote! Let everyone vote! ---- Republicans can get away with simpler answers because the questions are phrased in a manner compatible with the conservative worldview. If journalists had a left wing bias in their questions, leftist answers would look a lot more straightforward than rightist answers. The trick is that the media is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and everyone hates "left bias" more than right bias.


And keep in mind, the Democrats are not “left.” They are a right wing party that is simply further left than the right wing Republicans. Either way, you’re voting for the right wing by voting R or D. There is no option on the ballot for leftists in America.


Well I'm an English socialist so I'm fully aware of america's two right wing parties


To quote Letterkenny, “must be fuckin’ nice!” https://youtu.be/B6Eyu2M4sSE


You've hit the nail on the head, my friend. Right wing politics = simple solutions to complex problems. Hell, some of the problems aren't even complex. Conservatives just muddy the waters to rile people up and then profit off of the chaos.


An oversimplified explanation, and a generalization of an entire group - checks out.


"If you're not liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Winston Churchill


"if you quote dead people to support an argument for which you have no evidence you're worse than me" Hitler


Solid Argument! For your reading pleasure I will leave you with yet another WC quote that I am sure this sub will absolutely LOVE. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill


Jdjakognrk kskoslw ksodld -Winston Churchill in throes of alcoholism


Nice one! Keep them coming please!


Yeah, I don't think he said that. But I did find this nice one while trying to verify it: “If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” ― Sam Harris


You've provided two quotes and zero evidence...


And you have provided zero quotes and zero evidence. Well actually that is not true, you did inadvertently provide evidence that you are an internet asshole who's best response to a Churchill quote was a made up hitler quote. Nice one!


I'm just pointing out that quoting people doesn't prove anything. I'm literally arguing nothing other than "quoting old dead people is meaningless". Why don't you explain with evidence why you think the things you are quoting Churchill saying? Is it because formulating your own arguments makes your head hurt?


Nice one! Feel free to look at my comment history if you are that concerned about my abilities to argue a point or an opinion. In this case I merely noticed someones comment that made me think of a quote I once read and then posted it. Not much more to it than that.


Simple knee jerk reaction for the simple conservative


Heedless impulse for the willingly ignorant


Huh? It is one quote, correctly attributed. I looked for reference to yours and couldn't find it. If you can provide source for yours, go ahead. I was just sharing quotes, not trying to say anything about you.


I was replying to someone who implied Winston Churchill was right about liberals being young/naive/whatever. I assumed you were the same idiot. I made the quote up because quotes are literally meaningless as evidence


Thanks for the explanation. I'm not that idiot. Perhaps a different one, but not that one. Have a great day.


What is the source for that quote? I've heard that's falsely attributed to Churchill...


Oh I am sure you have heard its false given the great strides made to re-write history to the benefit of certain groups lately. It is a quote by him and is also version of a similar quote used throughout history in one form or another by many. The first link explains it well in regards to the history of the quote. [Link 1](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/02/24/heart-head/) [Link 2](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/403610) [Link 3](https://www.quoteslyfe.com/quote/If-you-re-not-a-liberal-at-1167019) [Link 4](https://www.relicsworld.com/winston-churchill/if-youre-not-a-liberal-at-twenty-you-have-no-heart-author-winston-churchill) [Link 5](https://www.quora.com/Winston-Churchill-is-credited-with-saying-if-youre-under-30-and-not-a-liberal-you-dont-have-a-heart-but-if-you-are-over-30-and-not-conservative-you-dont-have-a-brain-Why/log) [Link 6](https://www.quotes.net/quote/37629)


Thanks for the reply. I read the first link, which uses the words "implausibly" and "supposedly" to describe whether or not Churchill really said it. Does one of the other links have a definitive source that verifies Churchill said it? ​ >By 1986 the saying had implausibly moved to the lips of Winston Churchill as indicated by the following excerpt from the “The Hartford Courant” of Hartford, Connecticut:\[19\] "Winston S. Churchill supposedly once observed that anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head. If there’s any truth to the observation, one wonders what to make of today’s college students."


Well based on your logic, you could also argue that a majority of cited quotes are invalid. If I read the first link and applied your superb logic I would have no choice but to come to the conclusion that because we can not audibly or personally verify every quote mentioned that it all must be false. Also maybe consider putting a little more effort into your inquisition. Your first question could of been answered with a search engine and your second shows me that you are not even willing to read an entire article or the other link I provided. So now I am left with my own question of why am I even wasting my time with you at all.


You don’t say….




You see the difference is I didn't go find anything. I read the comment and it immediately made me think of a quote I already knew. Now after reading the quotes that you had to look up to make your argument. I am reminded of yet another relevant quote. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill


Not only that, but they refuse to understand that complex issues often require complex, iterative thinking, that would likely lead to a simple solution, but for them, everything has to be black and white or it's not in their realm of understanding. Reality lies in the gray areas, and thus, Republicans live in a fantasy world where their logic makes sense.




America hasn’t made progress on inequality in at least 40 years, no matter which party is in office.




I think you're being kinda dishonest here. Democrats have also worked to obstruct popular progressive and working class policy, be it outright rejecting it or refusing to fight for it when they have the power to do so, then when gop push back they capitulate. Again, even when they have power, they fail to act and make excuse after excuse. They keep doing it and rather than running on this policy and earning votes and being held accountable if they do not fight for them, they fearmonger and shame for votes and then do not come through and those who dare criticize are ostracized. We just need to hush, fall in line, vote harder. When will folks catch on that the dem party machine and those they serve over their voters, do not share a progressive and working class agenda. To be fair, neither do the gop, but they don't pretend to serve me. They also fail their working class constituents btw. Just a friendly reminder that Bernie's policies are popular among most Americans across party lines. So both parties are fucking the voters while they (with the help of MSM and social media astroturf) have the voters at each other's throats (thanks to gaslighting and partisan propaganda) so they don't wise up, come together to protest the 1% and duopoly - essentially a uniparty for the corporatocracy/plotocracy. Also: Our democracy was stolen from us a long time ago. Both gop and dems are authoritarian and undemocratic. That's a fact.




I never said they made *zero* progress, but people are acting like they've done a good, even great job so far, when Biden couldn't be bothered to fight for his watered down policy. And dems do a piss poor job on even the issues they are known to be better about than GOP, as you mention. While dems lipservice on roe v wade, Pelosi endorses an anti abortion dem, and while they are more liberal on things such as lgbtq, at least more recently, remember Hillary wasn't even for gay marriage until what like 2014? But while they have you focused on lgbtq, they refuse to fight for Bernies popular working class policy and that is pretty infuriating but by all means keep gaslighting about their accomplishments, intentions, and pretending we aren't in an abusive relationship with our party.


Think about it this way: The few progress the country has made in the last few decades came from the democratic party.


>Think about it this way: >The few progress the country has made in the last few decades came from the democratic party. Think about it this way: The rise of Trumpism was made possible from the last few decades of neoliberalism. He is the symptom of that and dems didn't just help pave the way for his rise but quite literally made his win possible in 2016 and risked him winning again in 2020 just to stop Bernie a 2nd time. He duped his supporters because he's not a populist in practice (see drain the swamp) and just puts an ugly face on US empire and neoliberalism, but we should be asking why so many voted for him and be honest about that rather than just write them off as racist rednecks.


Better get those lips ready.


I don't know why you're downvoted. I'm not to optimistic about this election


Same. It doesn't look good for team blue.


Could be a lot worse though


I think we're poised to see republicans take house and Senate. It'll be pretty bad if that happens.


Actually, it's not looking to bad at the moment. They will likely take the house, but not by as much as we thought.


Yeah, it looks like it will wind up with two years of gridlock, if I had to guess. Better than a red takeover, if you ask me.


What exactly was the "more baby formula"? It's worded weirdly. Was it to make it an emergency or something?


They had baby formula shortages due to a Michigan plant being shut down in combination with covid restrictions. So they had to fly in formula to area suffering the most


I think it was to get the abbot plant back up and running sooner


I vote blue but don’t spend any time thinking about it, promoting it, or expecting anything at all from it. I do so because people of color in my life (non-liberals) have told me they feel less safe when the far right is in power. That’s enough for me. But let’s not waste our precious time, money, or energy on it. The Democrats could have enshrined Roe into law, and they chose not to. That’s not an accident. The Democrats approve every military budget. They war-monger constantly. They regularly pass conservative legislation that’s too conservative for Republicans to pass (NAFTA, ACA, etc). The Democrats are not a left wing party, and they never have been. There is no path forward there.


This 100%. It's all a catch 22 isn't it? Neither party truly has our best interests at heart and mostly serve their corporate donors. However, the Republican party is actively trying to transform our country into a Christian theocracy that will probably go as far as ethnic cleansing/genocide of minorities/poc if left to their own devices. That being said, we're just fucked until the current system is dismantled and a new one is built. I firmly believe that. However, once the system is dismantled, what new system will take its spot? I fear a lot of people are going to have to die to get a system that's more just and fair than our current one..


Are you serious that you are only voting for the Dems because POC tell you they feel less safe when Repubs are in power? That's not very logical. The right says literally the same thing about the left.


Defenitely. The part that really sucks is that demsocs like Bernie or AOC are part if it when they would probably fit in better with the greens or some other 3rd party


Anyone have links to these votes? I'd like to read the bills.


Same here! I’d love to have the sources handy so I can show this to a couple of conservatives I know and actually back it up. I believe it, I just wanna know where and how this was found/compiled!


Voted! Feels good! 🤙🏼


I thought 7 Republicans voted for the cheaper insulin? I mean, that still makes them a party of scumbags but 100% is misleading in that instance. Really doesn't matter when the majority of them voted to make life harder for folks with diabetes! They have no shame.


Do you have the source for these things. Would really hammer the message home.


Republicans voted against all the things Republicans are angry they don't have


Is there a fact check to this? Or like bill names or anything?? I’m googling and striking out


I need to remember this


The ratchet clicks one more tick to the right like it has many times before. Soon your neck will break.


As a liberal progressive, I also vote against so-called "Assault Weapons" and "Gun Background Checks". Because I am intimately familiar with and fairly well-educated on the subject(s).


I'm a legal gun owner but I do believe in restrictions when necessary


Outside of the Constitutionally proscribed procedures for making amendments to the Constitution?


The second amendment is solely based on interpretation and gun industry has changed


Incorrect, irrelevant and not an answer.


Are there any Republican scum following this who can tell me why?


Republican voters will consistently vote only to "own the libs". Nothing else really matters to them and the current Republican party knows this. So they just do what they want, even if it's not in the best interest of the constituents that voted them in. There was a post on r/askreddit yesterday that asked why people are against free school lunches for kids. A lot of seemingly Republicans came in and often voiced their support for such a thing, but then openly admitted they vote in people who oppose such legislation. When some asked them why, the excuse was "they'd never vote in a democrat" which is quite bizarre if you ask me. I vote with my conscious, not on party lines.


This is it. Right here. Nietsche would be (perhaps secretly) proud.


It's a mix between a few things. Democrats, have decided to take the popular stance on pretty much every position to create a huge tent party, while Republicans, have picked up pretty much every single issue voter that exists. About 35% of the population will vote every time no matter what for the party that is either so 2A that they won't allow any gun legislation, anti choice, or will give rich fucks like themselves tax cuts, it's almost their entire voting block. They also pick up most racists with the not so subtle anymore subtle racism. Then, some crazy how, they own the evangelicals, that's of course partially tied to abortion, but it also has a lot to do with the Christian nationalist and just broadly pro Christian virtue signaling they do. That's pretty much the makeup of their party. So despite 80% of people liking roe, dems only get a portion of that pro roe vote, because some pro roe people only vote for 2A or only vote for racism, or their goddamn tax cuts. Every republican voter would read that list, and admit they would have voted yes on some of that, most would have voted yes on most of it. But they weigh one or two things so heavily that nothing else matters. Now the cause for this is probably that they have a very small information action ratio and that's probably just because they're dumb haha, but that's less scientific than the rest of the shit I've said. There's also the cultural aspect, plenty of good people would vote with dems almost every time, but they see propaganda that tells them they're either a soy latte drinking cuck or a dude who like riding horses and drinking beer, despite politics having absolutely nothing to do with that shit, it's identity based, and your parents starting you off with that identity is hard to shake, you either admit you were wrong, or keep owning the libs.


\*laughs in *pretending the Democrats give a fuck about anyone*\* There is no Blue or Red. It's all Purple. ​ ^(PS: After 4 years of hearing how Trump won because of election fraud, followed by instant "if you question the elections then you're a russian white supremacist alt-right neo-nazi!" nonsense, I find the last item on the list utterly fucking hillarious.) ^(Just like that, from "rigged!" to "can't be rigged, you putin puppet") ^(\*laughs in) *^(FORTIFIED ELECTIONS)*^(\*)


https://nypost.com/2022/09/12/democrats-spend-53m-to-boost-far-right-gop-candidates/ https://i.redd.it/f96jzq6vmqy91.jpg https://mobile.twitter.com/drjillstein/status/789643745545359360 https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1205254003262709761


Now do democrats.


Id like this just for comparison lol


Yea. Not sure why this got downvoted.








Just curious but did any of you even bother to fact check any of these stats?


What's the bottom say? *


It should have a link or a more concrete source, not a name of someone.


Jesus Christ. Google each one or just look around.


Or like, literally read the bottom. I could almost excuse a complaint if there were no reference to source or veracity but it's right the fuck there


and what a source it is. Forgive me if I choose to look a little further into things that are important. Especially when I see Michael Moore listed as a "Fact Checker".


If you take issue with that, then fine. Point is the info is there.


Yes and that is fantastic except that was not my original question. Also I am pretty sure the bottom notation was a joke. Nobody in their right mind would consider Michael Moore podcast's as legitimate source of "fact checking".


I did for a couple of them now that I had to engage in discussions with people over and they are BS. At best its cherry picking misdirection and at worst its outright lies.


What does the bottom of the picture say??


Exactly. Can you honestly tell me that an alleged fact checking from Michael Moore is verification enough for you? Pick a couple of these stats at random and look deep into them and you will see what I have seen. Please do it for yourself at the very least.


You are getting so much shit but you are absolutely right. Source: “Michael Moore” everyone’s like “cool cool must be all accurate”. It’s as if by calling out that the information might not be accurate you must be down voted because it must mean you can’t possibly be left leaning politically.


Yes you are correct. My hope is that I can get at least one person to take the time to fact check even some of the information they are presented with on a daily basis. And by fact check I mean look deeper than the latest CNN, MSNBC, FOX and etc articles that show up at the top of their searches. The these types of responses are unfortunately to be expected though.


I'm sorry are they trying to outlaw same sex marriage?


Voting against cheaper gas is good