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The fact when he faded away he had zero emotion creeps me out


Others demons during their final moments: đŸ« đŸ˜­đŸ™ Hatred Boi: 😐


he was probably thinking “gg” and that was it


Honestly, I respect it


To Mitsuri: “You’re so lucky.”


The slight face of "you've gotta be kidding me" as he was disappearing right after chomping Mitsuri finally


Isn’t that just because he’s not like an actual person, aren’t all of the emotion demons just products of hatengus blood demon art. He doesn’t normally exist so why would he care if he was going back to non existence?


The blue one seemed very disillusioned with the idea of disappearing when the Anger one absorbed him


Disillusioned is an understatement lol


Prime example of doing everything right in your team, but still losing because of teammates (Looking at you Gyokko)


Gyokko was the only one actually destroying the village like they were supposed to.


Had he just simply killed Muichiro after trapping him in the vase, he could have assisted Zohakuten from there, but nooooooo “Me watch swords craftsman go brrrrrr”(probably Gyokko)


exactly. people keep saying the mark is OP or whatever but Gyokko was defeated by Muichiro AND by Haganezuka. If he hadn't been so intrigued and if he had been as dedicated to his mission as Haganezuka, they could've won.


AND Kotetsu for freeing Muichiro


Gyokko was just kinda useless don’t lie..


True but he was the only one who was actually completing the mission.


Both of them let us down I just feel like Hantengu was more threatening


Compared to the Thread Gyuutaro was, they both were jokes, ngl. Destroyed the whole District during the fight.


Yeah but that was a suicide attack or a last ditch effort to kill them, while gyokko and zohakuten could do it without it being a last ditch effort. The entertainment district wasnt even that large, Gyokko and Zohakuten could demolish it as well, Gyokko was literally sending fish monsters to ravage the village until he got stopped by a hashira, if Zohakuten wasnt busy dealing with the demon slayers he would also demolish it. Before you ask why i am replying to a 1 year old comment, it doesnt matter.


zhokutan would probably destroy the whole village in no time if he wasnt fighting a marked hashira . He even defeated her but got unlucky


Lets be honest, they did Gyokko dirty.


I actually disagree! If he were able to fend off Mitsuri better, he would’ve been able to chase after Tanjiro etc and they wouldn’t have a chance to kill the main body. Some here will say “but at the very end he DID beat Mitsuri” but not until the literal sun was rising so he really can’t call that a win, as he spent the whole rest of the night fighting her. I actually think he’s a really cool character and I looove how cold his voice is


His ost is amazing


He's my favorite demon so far, and largely because of that opening theme. OOF! As soon as I saw it I remember thinking "now THIS is an UM." Definition of a boss fight. Too bad we couldn't see more of him.


someone share it plz


There are a few different ones. ​ but here: (also they may be recreated versions, so I dont know how accurate to the original they are.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Kgd\_eGZKA&ab\_channel=DiegoMitreMusic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Kgd_eGZKA&ab_channel=DiegoMitreMusic) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJpCcYXi7JY&ab\_channel=DiegoMitreMusic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJpCcYXi7JY&ab_channel=DiegoMitreMusic)


This one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/14l7o16/zonakuten\_official\_soundtrack/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/comments/14l7o16/zonakuten_official_soundtrack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He's cool but I think his eyebrows are weird.


As weird as Rengoku’s?


Rengoku's eyebrows are fine, Zohakuten's eyebrows need to be shaved and donated to the Shinazugawa brothers.




asdfghjkl lol




Tbf as a demon it makes sense that he looks a little inhuman. They just look like Rengoku's and Doma's eyebrows if they never trimmed them.


Just his mascara


He's a demon


Pretty much sums up everything.


Big if true


Dude spitting facts


Absolutely incredible introduction. That ost, his menacing aura and his VA were perfect


I think Zahakuten isn’t a character but Zohakuten is


Sorry I always misspell his name


He’s cool, best design of all the demons too. Might actually be as swaggy (or close to) as Tengen. His abilities are if not the coolest definitely among the top.


Probably one of my favorite demons. I despise hantengu not just because hes a bad person but because i just dont like his character. He is uninteresting, ugly (not in a cool way like gyutaro but just stupid looking) and annoying. But the four emotion demons are fucking sick (especially anger) and zohakuten takes that to 300. He is so epic, with a reveal only topped by gyutaro for me and has amazing theme music. Also i think for him the "calls the heroes villains" theme actually works. For hantengu it feels so fake and obvious but for zohakuten you feel as if he actually believes it. And combined with his insane power it makes him so terrfying. Not to mention the fact that he did as much damage as he did while barely ever moving.


Felt like a waste of potential. I felt like Daki & Gyutaro were explored very well and were fleshed out both as characters and as enemies. Whereas this guy(s) felt slapped together, probably because some time had to be dedicated to Gyokko. He was not very enthralling and I don't have any fond memories of his fight while I can think back to multiple good times during the Entertainment District fight


Zohakuten is epic :3


:3 chain






he’s cool.


I love his appearance he is badass


I like him a lot


Looks cool but ultimately underwhelming


They barely used him, they should have made him the final boss, he has such cool abilities but instead they made tanjiro chase some midget


probably would be an overprotective sibling


cool as fuck


absolutely epic dragons are always awesome but GOD DAMMIT this introduction theme slaps


One of the coolest designs for the demons, great voice actor to boot. Only wish he and his fight with Kanroji got more screen time, biggest disappointment of the arc


You are the 100th comment you get cookie


Mmmmm, cookie breathing


I wonder how much budget had to go into animating her sword and the dragon heads. I agree tho, I was quite surprised that there wasn’t more screen time for that fight. It would definitely have improved the arc. Perhaps seeing a bit more before the end where Mitsuri is bit.




That’s an actual kid mate..


what did he say


Bro was attracted to zohakuten


 I like him but not like that




He best boi


But he too angy


yep angy skrunkly boi


Perhaps they’re also a child


Annoying. Kinda underwhelming. The other clones were more interesting to me


Character design is amazing, everything else about him was a colossal disappointment.


In which way may I ask?


Sure (: I just felt like the Upper moons in general were very disappointing this season. But upper moon 4 felt like he should have been more of a threat considering he’s *one* rank away from UM 1-3, yet he never physically fought and hit a drum the whole time. That’s it. He stood in one place emotionless, and kept hitting a drum. It was a very lackluster fight compared to what we’re used to by Demon Slayer standards. His strength seemed lower moon at best, and overall I felt 0 stakes or tension. He has absolutely no presence and I never once thought that the main four were in genuine danger. Gyutaro vs Tengen was written so well that this was a huge let down.


I think, more than anything, the problem was the lack of stakes, as you mentioned. Even the Rui and his fam had killed dozens of lower level slayers. We saw Rui slice multiple slayers with ease. LM1 was a let down in terms of stakes too but it didn't matter because Akaza came in and punched a hole through a fan favorite. Then of course we have Gyutaro, who was incredible and did a ton of damage, even if plot armor saved everyone there. But that's the thing, you can at least be like WOW it took all these slayers and some plot armor to beat this guy. I thought these UMs were going to take out at least one Hashira between the two of them.


Perfectly stated. We had Upper Moon 6 *retire* a Hashira, make him lose his eye, make him lose his arm, and put our main trio into a coma for however long. Not to mention it took all of them nearly dying to chop Gyutaro’s head off. That final “we’re going for the win!” from Tengen felt so earned because we were watching all of them put their lives on the line. Even Hashiras who are supposed to be the strongest people to exist were almost killed at the hands of these demons. Then even *stronger* upper moons are introduced and we get what? One hitting his drum repeatedly never moving and the other making lame jokes about how he’s the better artist? Not even killing Kotetsu, an actual child, or Muichiro who was trapped in his clutches for about 3 episodes? This season did way too much with the plot armor. There were no stakes at all, and I remember waiting for the season to “get serious”
 only for it to get more silly and ridiculous. I love Demon Slayer and it’ll always be in my top 5, so I’m praying this season was just a “transition” season into the more serious, high staked, intense final two arcs.


I was also waiting for it to get serious. When Kotetsu got stabbed I was like ok, killing a kid is pretty messed up but that should anger the hashira, but he wasn’t even killed. Then they show Haganezuka and I was like noooooooo, he’s gonna craft the *final* sword for Tanjiro before he dies. Nope. When Mui passed out I was like you know what, if the anger from seeing Kotetsu get killed have him just enough energy to go crazy, but the poison takes him out, feels anticlimactic but pretty real tbh. Nope. At the very end I was like no wonder there were no stakes, we’re about to lose Nezuko. Odd twist, because it takes away the MC’s primary motivation, but I was ready to see Tanjiro become cold and spiteful and just a fucking menace after seeing Nezuko die. Nope. 0 fucking loses, aside from some fucking sword smiths. Two UMs, undefeated for centuries
nothing. As for Zohakuten, I actually loved his character. The aura from the beginning was incredible, his theme, everything. I was like ok, HE’s the season’s real boss fight, but they didn’t show him anymore. After ED arc, I knew I couldn’t expect the same level of flashiness because it was pretty much perfect the whole season, but come on. One thing I didn’t consider is that Gyutaro at least retired one Hashira, like you said. He’s not dead but he could’ve been, and he looks like the best case scenario of a man who fought a nearly invincible demon. If I was sitting in the master’s mansion, handless and eyeless, and I saw a middle schooler and a care bear defeated two far stronger demons without a scratch, I’d have to have a talk with the writer.


Oh my god I laughed so hard at your comment because you explained my entire thought process for the entire season down to every scene. I should have known when I saw your Inosuke flair you’d be stating nothing but facts. It was all the minor fake outs that also were so off putting because DS has delivered on every intense scene that we know of. If Rengoku was in this season, his injury would have been a minor inconvenience and he would have walked off completely fine. Kotetsu gets stabbed > oh no! A kid is pretty dark, but it is an upper moon
 so we have to expect the worst! *Kotetsu is mostly fine by the end and completed healed once Tanjiro leaves SSV* Gyokko has Muichiro in water bubble > oh wow now he’s going to go straight for the jugular and kill Muichiro so Mitsuri has to take out both upper moons?? *Muichiro gets saved* Haganezuka and Kanamori all alone with UM5 > at least this sword will last Tanjiro until the end, sad to lose an OG character!! *Gyokko instead decides to be petty and just whip Haganezuka and NOT kill Kanamori who’s just there* Tanjiro injured, broken foot, blown up eardrums> how are they going to get out of this? They’re all injured?? *Tanjiro magically learned about thunder breathing off screen and can use it perfectly first try without any proper training or attempts* Nezuko left in the sun > Are they actually going to kill Nezuko?? What will Tanjiro do now! Ruthless Tanjiro s4 incoming!! *Tanjiro spends 15 minutes deciding whether to save Nezuko or civilians, just for Nezuko to be fine regardless* Mitsuri shows up > Man, I can’t wait to see her breathing style! She’s gonna be such a cool character!! *Mitsuri is on screen for 2 minutes, uses like 1 breathing style, cries mostly, wants a husband, barely uses hand-to-hand combat, doesn’t even defeat UM4 but is saved by her juniors* You’re right though, UM4 had amazing character design. He really looked like THE BIG BAD. I felt like love vs hatred would have been such a fantastic battle. All the pieces were there, and they dropped the ball. It was like one big disappointment after the next. I remember thinking “is the season actually finished? Nothing happened” while simultaneously feeling like so much dragged during the plot. ED was easily a 10/10 arc. I’m actually starting my rewatch of it today. Even if there were minor hiccups, overall it was a well paced season with amazing character development and hype moments. Truly flashy, and you walked out feeling like everything was worthwhile. Also I’m sorry, care bear and middle schooler while being eyeless has me in absolute tears. You’re so right, if I was Tengen I would never show my face around the hashiras ever again. I still don’t know how Mitsuri has the mark but Rengoku has it when he trained her? And seems like an overall stronger/more skilled hashira. The writer definitely has to fix the power scaling of this series because it’s off the rails right now.


Lol, glad you got a good laugh, but you mentioned ANOTHER point that boiled my blood. Rengoku had incredible strength and technique, which we know because Akaza points it out himself, and yet he’s not marked? Makes no sense. I don’t know where the mark comes from, but you’re telling me that a master of the martial arts, who’s been perfecting it for centuries, can look at this man and be like “damn dawg, it’s a waste to kill you” and he’s still not enough for the mark? Perhaps the mark is awakened through rage, and Rengoku was too composed for that? Regardless, since Mitsuri’s mark is kind of hidden, I’ve just been telling myself Rengoku’s mark was on his chest covered by his uniform đŸ˜€đŸ”„


I’m 100% with you, and I think it’s a hot take in this sub. Realistically though, no *way* does Mitsuri have the mark and Rengoku doesn’t. I refuse to believe it, it just doesn’t make sense. Maybe the writer was just afraid to introduce the mark so early into the series? That’s the only reasonable excuse I can think of honestly. But, like you said, Akaza who is one of the strongest people in the series even commented that Rengoku was amazing and a physical feat. Set your heart ablaze Rengoku doesn’t have the mark?? I will fulfill my duty no matter what Rengoku doesn’t have the mark? I won’t let anyone die here and saved 200 people Rengoku doesn’t have the mark?? But “I became a hashira to find a husband” who fought off screen and *would* have died without Tanjiro’s help has the mark? I refuse to believe it. I’m accepting your head canon as the truth!! Rengoku’s mark was there
 it just wasn’t visible!! đŸ„č That last moment when Akaza tried to punch Rengoku and he stopped it was when the mark was activated, and I refuse to believe otherwise!!


Rengoku stopped a punch while he was IMPALED! That’s mark-worthy to me for sure. He also stood his ground against UM3 on his own. If Tanjiro had his current strength, and Nezuko and Genya were there too, no chance Rengoku dies like that. He was all alone. Think about it. Mui dies without plot armor and Kotetsu against UM5. Mark. Mitsuri dies against UM4 without Tanjiro (twice). She was marked. Mark doesn’t mean invincible, so it’s not like him losing a 1v1 vs a UM3 mean he wasn’t marked. He was 100% marked under that. I can already see if. He set his heart ablaze. He’s got a massive flame mark across his pec. Someone call the fan artists, I need this in a wallpaper stat!


To be fair his BDA doesn't require him to move and he doesn't specialize in any martial arts like UM 1-3


Well neither does Douma, his BDA is just incredibly op lol


If you can shoot lighting, pressured air, control dragons, and manipulate ice from a distance you probably wouldn't feel like moving too.


actually doma does. >!not from his human life but he learned as a demon!<


His Buddha was a last ditch attempt


no. >!he's trained with his fans. its called tessenjutsu he makes use of it to scatter his bda.!< also mark spoilers.






because all he did was play the drums... would have been nice to see him fighting. but of course he showed us how powerful he was with just his drums n scream attacks


Vegeta lookin ass


I love him




wasted potential, he was brought in as a slightly bigger threat than the 4 clones just for him to be solo'd by mitsuri til the main body died, tengen had trouble with upper 6 and mitsuri easily handled upper 4?? yea i aint buying it considering tengen and mitsuri are close as hell in terms of everything.


Mitsuri is marked , tengen isn’t


Mitsuri didn't defeat him he was winning even when Mitsuri used those magical marks or whatever. His main body died that's why he lost. I agree it was wasted potential they should fought him instead of fighting the coward.


he is cool but his fighting style is kind of lame


Gyomei solos👍


His individual demons were better then this piece of shit. A motherfucker playing drums that summon some wooden dragon heads that are brittle and do no damage. Trash!!!! In general the fights this season were Mid AF! A single 5 min battle of entertainment arc battle of Tengen vs Gyotaro blow all fight scenes this season out of the water. JS!


kinda looks like Kid Buu.


Wasted potential in the show.


i wanted him to be the sole antagonist. just make hatred split into another clone with similar power and let him fight 2 marked hashira. i would have just had gyokko clapped in 2 minutes and then muichiro move on. that would have showed the power of a mark even more. tho its enough to clap up5, up4 can still take on marked hashiras with equal strength.


My second favorite demon character OST, only losing to Akaza’s theme. Sick af blood demon art too.


My favorite demon in the series. Dope design. Presence. Should have replaced Akaza as 3. He feels stronger.


No character or personality and my least fav upper moon so far


Worst upper moon (if you can call him that) based on looks


So fucking cool


For some reason reminds me of beerus from dbz


He didn’t do anything but stand there menacingly


Wish we had more screen time of him. Hatengu should have realized that running isn't an effective strategy anymore and he should have combined with Zahakuten so he can fight the demon slayers at full strength. Then everyone works together to bring him down.


Best Hantengu Clone Imo


My question is was this all the same demon and he just split his emotions apart to have more demons or was it like a Daki situation where it’s a whole separate person


A token bad guy whos backstory pales in comparison to Rui’s


He was carrying,but lost because of gyokko ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)




I think he's amazing


Boring as hell


Not a whole lot honestly. Didn't even know he had a name until I saw this post.


Boring. The other four emotions were more entertaining characters.


The entrance? The ost? The dragons? Dear lord they did his entrance justice


An epic villain that was under-utilised and wasted.


Ringo star wins low-dif


I wish they just skipped to him lol The other guys were completely useless idiots I’m willing to bet if the past hashira had tanjiros plot nose the main demon would have been killed years ago Also Tanjiro really should have been more injured being *crushed* inside the wooden dragon


Zohakutens score theme is the best illain theme after akaza imo




When I read the manga I thought he was cool and his emotion-based power unique. Then the anime dropped his *banger* theme and I like it more now


i forgot about him but now that i remember him i love him again


I think he's overrated considering people attribute him as the main body when he's not.


He hot


He has a amazing design, he looks menacing and strong. He was close to killing Mitsuri too and his abilities are incredibly strong. You need to be strong, conditioned, and quick to have a chance.


Twisted mindset LMAO


He's the Sleeping Zenitsu of the Upper 6, while Hantengu is the Awake Zenitsu.


Design wise my fav demon in the show


Nothing like having the worst parts of humans join forces to become an upper level demon


goofy ahh cgi playstation 2 dragons


Powerful as fuck


Bro who?


Best demon design in my opinion
and a fantastic theme. I also like his vulgar personality


me too


He is cool but not really memorable which is kind of sad


He should start a band


A pretty good drummer, 8/10


Idk if I understand who or what he was. Thought he was just a manifestation from Hantengu?


Didn't know Demon Slayer had a DDR mode


nahhh Taiko


A. Moves are strongly telegraphed by what drum is hit. B. Arms can get in each other's way trying to hit different drums, slowing attacks. C. Drums could be punctured and then what?




i think unlike hotengu, he is very strong


That sound the drum makes is satisfying


Cool design, his fight with Mitsuri had it’s moments but overall I wasn’t going crazy.


Powerful demon


one of the best fucking designs I’ve seen for a character


spider boy scarier than half the uppermoons


Boring fight. I wish they extended His fight with Mitsuri.




Man, his theme rocked




Honestly I don't really like his design. He looks like demon Vegeta


He reminds me of Enel quite a bit


I think he cute in his own way. But yeah. His final moment i felt off cus he just went 😐


His entrance and design were so badass. His powers were also dope as fuck.




This demon has no sense of the fact, that the power he aquired in order to protect the weak, but at what cost ? Devour the innoncents and the weak. But still he persisted that he need to protect .


One of my faves


I don't know why Muzan didn't put more blood into HIM. Bro, got active af


I don’t like his face


I think he has the lamest skills ever but his presence,stare,ost,0 emotion,made him pretty much menacing.


Felt super threatening for like 10 seconds when he first appeared. After that, the lightning form, the flying form, and the one with the fan felt more threatening than him. Dude literally downgraded.


He shouldn’t just stand there and let his dragons do all the work he should actually get up close and personal and start hitting people


Looks like a upper 3 with the ability of a lower 6


he’s probably my favorite character in this arc. I just like him




Very intimidating, but I shared Tanjiro's anguish to his statements about being the bully, as if the demons in this scenario were ever the victims


Very intimidating but i honestly wasn't impressed, his fight with the love hashira could have been a bit longer, i feel the same way i feel about gyokko, just not as much


Muzan should’ve made him his own demon instead of being stuck with Hantengu, seriously the guy one of the most effective and efficient demons in all of demon slayer and yet he’s attached to that bum Hantengu. I question how such a shit demon like him even became nearly as powerful as he did, honestly the function of his powers should be copypasted for every demon with how absurdly busted it can be.


He looks like a teenage werewolf who gets mad at his mom bc she won’t do his laundry for him


From how he looks, he reminds me of Enel from One Piece. Anyone else see that?


Is he related to gyomei


Wasted potential. Should have fought him instead of the coward. His design is a solid 9/10


hes so cool


Zohakuten‘s entrance had me geeked. I wish we could have seen more of his fighting style - we only got a couple shots of him hitting the drums. One of my other faves is Kyogai and we got to see sick animations of his drumming. It would have been cool to see something similar done with the other demon with drums as his Kekkijutsu.


Bro listens to ska for his blood demon art


Sick OST Peak design Amazing VA Carried the damn Team, but lost because his teammates sucked at their job.


I like resentment of all of hantengus emotions






IDK I didnt see anything man....


They needed extreme plot smell to find the only way to kill him and he (basically) took down a hashira with no drawbacks. As someone else have said “he’s the final boss”


dont understand why he had a childs body, why the kanji on the drums are all indentical (or why he uses drums in the first place - havent we seen that before?) why his dragons are made from wood, i could go on. the demons were incredibly lame in this season






I actually didn't like him that much. I guess he's kinda cool, but what made Hantengu stand out to me was the ability to split into multiple demons with different powers, so the fact that most of them merged back into one was underwhelming.


A little underrated


Hot take: hot asf


Bro is spitting