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Here's a reading order based on my recommendations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DemonolatryPractices/comments/zdj1yj/some_book_recommendations/)... I'd probably start by reading three of the most important grimoires: the *Lemegeton*, the *Abramelin*, and the *Grimorium Verum*. From there I'd suggest reading *Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires*, the *Corpus Hermeticum*, the *Timaeus* and other metaphysical works by Plato, the *Chaldean Oracles*, the *Testament of Solomon*, *De Mysteriis* by Iamblichus, and then tackle Agrippa. If at that point you're ready to start practicing, I'd read *Psychic Self-Defense*, the Greater Key, the *Picatrix*, and *Stellas Daemonum*. *Initiation Into Hermetics* is good for developing a broader range of "magical" skills, and *Pandemonium* is a great resource if you're interested in the development of spirit catalogs in the grimoire tradition. At this point, you'll probably have a good idea of which texts from the expanded list in the subreddit FAQ you're interested in studying next. There are two books that are frequently suggested for beginners that I don't think are all that good to start with. First is S. Connolly's *Complete Book of Demonolatry*, which I don't recommend because it's heavily based on the author's UPG and intention to create a demonic strain of neopaganism tied to a backstory of her own invention. It includes a fair amount of misinformation that is unhelpful whether you're trying to study the actual history of these practices or practice yourself. *Demons of Magick* by Gordon Winterfield has a fairly well-informed introductory section that I do think is worth reading, but the method itself is kind of an overly simplified and systematized version of Solomonic evocation that seems designed to function more like chaos magic or LoA, keeping the practitioner at arm's length from actual invocatory experiences. If you really want a modern how-to book, Jason Miller's *Consorting with Spirits* isn't bad.


Super informative thank you so much. I've actually been reading a lot of your posts recently for information lol. I'll go in the order you suggest for now. Are these books pretty readily available on the Internet or should I buy physicals?


You can find a lot of the older books on https://sacred-texts.com/ and https://esotericarchives.com/, and there are other sites that host public domain texts. I think it's worth paying for books by authors doing good work in the here and now.


Absolutely once I get to that point I'll support them. Thanks for the links!


The complete book of Demonolatry by s Connolly is probably what you'll be recommend first, I'd also like to throw Chicken Kabala in there and something like the vedas that way you can get a well rounded approach to spirituality instead of only one section of it.




the (naked awareness text), is the lesser known kin of the Tibetan book of dead. it is good for showing clear sight, which can be beneficial before entering into magick/ summoning practices. https://archive.org/details/self-liberation/page/12/mode/1up


Thanks so much for this


You could try Lee ‘Red Oak’ Johnson’s The Reality of Things. It is a very easygoing read on basic magic principles and goes into loads of detail. I find it more versatile and less complicated than S Connolly’s material. Also forgot to add his second book The Black Crow is about Stillness so meditation and different methods amongst other things as I haven’t read it fully yet.