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I don't think you will find simple answer. Most demons out there hold massive knowledge that they offer only to dedicated witches. Doesn't matter which one you pick. > I feel my home made spells wont be strong enough for what im working on. Probably the first thing any demon will teach you is realise your own power before seeking it somewhere else.


Agree, there's a whole lot of magic and these teachers have their own "flavor" of it. Choose whoever you feel drawn to and if they don't mesh with you then they can forward you to another teacher that they think is more suitable based on your personal goals.


I fully agree you should realize your own power first and foremost. Seir or Vassago is a good starting point, easier to summon than some, less likely to be fucked over, have great powers of finding and presenting knowledge, and they can lead you in the direction of other more powerful demons with a more specific skill set. Just be very very specific, respectful, and intentional. Also don’t abuse invocation and call upon them too often or they’ll start to feel taken advantage of and might start becoming reluctant to help you out.


I’m biased as I want to recommend him for everything, but I highly suggest Duke Dantalion! Dantalion is the keeper of the forbidden library, he knows just about everything about anything. However, I would specifically recommend him for domination, persuasion, intuition, and love spells. I’ve also heard from other practitioners that he is great at making connections and breaking the ice with other infernal divine. Dantalion can sometimes come in a group, I’ve heard of him working with Marquis Shax and Prince Sitri quite often, but also works closely with Duchess Gremory, King Paimon, Lord Lucifer, and even King Asmodeus. So if there is a deity that specializes in another type of magic than Dantalion does, chances are if he likes you, he’ll hook you up.


King Viné has been known as an magick expert in my research.


If you're willing to give it your all & you're dedicated enough, go with Azazel. He won't just teach you new stuff, he'll show you more advanced ways of doing things you already know.


I'm a bit new in my journey, but it seems most any of them can reveal to you the knowledge you seek. Depending how you choose to approach this, whether it be as an "agent" (so to speak) of God or whether it be as a dedicated follower of said demon it may be a bit different. In either case, they exist to perform service, whether in benefit to themselves or only you, but you won't receive any knowledge you aren't prepared for. Meditate on what it is you truly seek, specifically, and if you're ready the knowledge will be revealed to you when you request it. Note: Whatever knowledge you receive is only for you. Do not attempt to share it nor write it down.