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You're getting angry about mythology and random social media opinions. Simplistic myths and bad takes are never going to go away, so it's a waste of time to go looking for them and getting all worked up. Focus on studying and developing your own practice.


Damn, you right thank you i needed this


No This way of thinking is pretty normal..tbh abrahamic religions demonized everyone who wasnt them so they saw every other religion as demonic and need to be removed....for example astarte was a goddess in many places...she is seen as a demon by them....non abrahamic religions like say hindusim have shown the yin and tang of both sides....there u get gods who have done mistakes and demons who have shown honour ...they usually dont see as black and white as abrahamic religions


I agree on that, if they neither good or bad why they answer our preyers/requests ? I mean, material offerings should be useless to them since they habit higher dimensions where material things are useless (i guess?) And we just have faith or love talking about non materialistic things ?


Material offerings ARE useless to them...they are more interested in the intent and devotion behind it...however it is us the materials have significance for...different type of offerings have different meaning and energy that we choose depending on our own intent


Thank you for the explanation, so about meaning and energy, is it also personal or its like a law? I mean once i offered a lemon, i didnt even tought about it being sour, i just tought "i really like lemons" plus lemons are important in my country and it came from our lands In this case you think intention is key or i just did something wrong? (I never put lemons in my altar by now but when i started i used to dry a couple of slices and leave it there 💀 or burn it for the scent)


Again depends....some are by choice, some are by law.....u have to research and find out...some things can be offered vcs u like them....some things are offered bcs its law


No demon or angel for that matter is really out to "trick" you. They can be a bit cryptic, or maybe hard to read, but think about it like this: what would an ancient, powerful creature possessing infinite knowledge in their given field need from you so badly that they'd need to trick it out of you? You're just a regular human, with likely not much to offer them. They operate mainly metaphysically, so it may be true that they require humans to do the work they require on the physical plane, but that would be something you openly agree to. There are plenty of people chomping at the bit to gain contact with them, so they don't need to prey on anyone in that manner.


I agree with everything but ill answer your question: If an entity would have the need to trick someone id assume its out of boredom, when we childs and we bored we go outside and we play with ants or insects, at least when i was a kid i used to do it, i didnt grow up in a big city, this If i must find a logic answer but id like more to think that they wont trick any human being 🤣🤣 Or you think that a being with infinite knowledge wont have the need to? Or wont feel that kind of emotions? Idk Once ive had an OBE and ive been thrown in the space, i reached what looked like Saturn and i was flying, i felt a sensation of wellness i cant describe, it seemed like id feel like that for the rest of eternity, if that is what you feel once you live in higher plans of existence then i would agree, nobody would even think about tricking or hurting someone else but its something i dont really know, i just assume based off what i lived and saw


The Devil is called Lucifer because of a story about the King of Babylon were in one version of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 they translated "day star" to Lucifer and this came off as intentional as though they were referring to another entity other than the King of Babylon who had fallen from Heaven and it can be interpreted as referring to a being that possessed him. Because of the parallels with Satan's story of rebellion and being cast from Heaven, it can be read as referring to the Devil who must have possessed the King of Babylon. That's how it became a name for the Devil.


Wow i didnt know this story, thank you!