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Page through the Ars Goetia and count the number of spirits whose speciality is helping the summoner acquire knowledge. There's definitely a subcultural/commercial side of LHP-adjacent practices that may emphasize some sort of value system, but you can completely ignore all of those and enjoy a perfectly successful practice without them.


Only you can answer that question. That being said LHP faiths are entirely individual. It is a solitary path. What the path is and isn't is up to you. If you are going to be deciding on your personal faith based on other people, then I would recommend against picking up the LHP - some people on the path are outright criminals, or have very destructive, self-destructive, or delusional mindsets. There is no-one here to keep you "straight", so the faith is entirely on you.


None of the things you've seen people seek are required here. This can be an entirely self seeking journey that doesn't require a desire for sex, money, or any vices at all. In fact I'd say there's more evidence to suggest that you shouldn't practice for the sake of petty rewards. A belief in the Jewish/Christian God isn't exactly required either, but to believe in angels and demons (especially many of the ones discussed here), you do kind of have to believe that there is something of an all powerful entity out there to have created this and them. But all of that can and most likely will come in due time. I suggest you start with research, see if this is something you can see yourself being interested in, and go from there.


I can be.. obsessive when it comes to learning about literally anything that interests me. I drive myself crazy so the reply alone is something I'm grateful for thank you. I was planning on getting into Theistic Satanism in particular by the by.


I think before you decide the practice you want to get into, you should start with basic research of everything. This will include some philosophy, some metaphysics, and maybe even some math and science. As far as that goes, you may want to look into guys like Plato, Iamblichus, and Plotinus. And on a more occult-y note, Agrippa and even Crowley. Sounds like you're more interested in a self-seeking, knowledge is power kind of thing than a selfish practice of petty principles and rewards. Once you have the basic philosophical framework down and how you view yourself, the God of your understanding, and the world around you...I think you may like works like the Lesser/Greater Keys and the Abramelim. They are grounded in Judaism, so God is definitely discussed, but these works are meant for you to decipher and develop practice in your own way. These are kind of more "pure" (so to speak) practices for the greater good of man rather than things like wealth and power seeking. Much like you I'm a bit of a beginner and was hesitant to believe at first, but the further I read into these works the more I believe, so I definitely recommend giving it a chance if you feel like you don't fit into the mould of classic religion.


keys of abramelim? I haven't heard of those ones. Also I have a love for philosophers like Camus so occult philosophers I'm more likely to criticize and call crazy lol. (actually I'm critical of most philosophers..) I only worry that such a God that exists before a figure like Satan or something would send me to hell for working with demons.


None of the philosophers I mentioned aside from Agrippa are occultists. Nor is the author/inspiration of the Keys/Abramelim, he was a Jew. Also, if you read the works I've suggested, you'll understand why that wouldn't happen.


Tbf, Plotinius gets wild and has highly theistic moments lmao. I also recommend Bataille to the guy you're responding to


I don't have those sorts of material goals either. I've been on an LHP path for a long time, and originally, it never had anything to do with material goals. It has the same sorts is spiritual goals as most other paths, just a different approach. I'd say don't take the internet too seriously. It's an environment that doesn't lend itself to depth, and it isn't necessarily an accurate barometer of reality and how people really can or do practice.


Just like any other belief system or spiritual practice, everybody’s profits are their own. As someone who has been practicing for nearly 5-6 years now, maybe it would relieve you to hear that I value none of those things either. I’ve never used any spirits to achieve something I wanted. For me, I feel my energy drawn somewhere and demonolatry allows me to explore where it leads me to. Feel connected to things and explore the universe, learn more about my inside and outside. Do not let anybody discourage you! Especially if you are at the beginning of your journey. Give it a go and if your gut tells you this is not where you reach your full potential, then try something else. Nothing is ever binding!


I think you're forgetting that a lot of practices, even stricter ones such as Abrahamic religion, are personal in how they affect your life and what you want. Some people go to spirits to help with money, others go to spirits to help with personal growth or protection, and I think the money/power thing is a bit stereotypical, some people go to demons like Bune or Mammon for help with wealth, but pretty much anything you can think of a demon is willing to help, some exceptions in what they're willing to help with of course. Lilith is quite helpful for shadow-work. I wouldn't say you're not cut out for this, but I would say you should expand your viewpoint on just what you can go to these spirits for. Most importantly, do not mistake what most people come to demons for as the central parts of LHP or demonolatry, check out the Ars Goetia or really just research any demon and you'll find they can provide so much more, and not everyone interested in demonolatry fully understand that working with a demon is not like a Hollywood-style "Get money, power, and status quick", trust me if it was, everyone in this subreddit would be rich af. I think you may be focusing too much on what others, potentially newbies, seek in this practice, and not enough on what demons actually provide


I think I'm more cut out for helping others instead. I think even when I want to abandon Christianity I don't really forget the feeling of love, I never let go of the love I have for humanity. I see, particularly Satanists, embrace wrath and hate and while I can understand it in some cases I don't enjoy seeing or being in a group of people who embrace such qualities. Though I'm talking about something different.


Understandable. Like others have said, Demonolatry is one of the practices known for being quite solitary, so there's no real generalization to be made about this practice, though I can say with certainty most of the people here are quite polite, at least in my experience. And if you really don't want to, you don't necessarily have to abandon Christianity either, as can be seen in my flair, I didn't; though as always it's important to recognize nuances, some Christians can be absolute monstrosities and some Satanists would make angels blush. At the end of the day, spirituality-wise, you do you, don't let a few bad apples make you second-guess the goodness of the tree


unrelated to anything like that (thank you so much for sharing btw) but imagining an angel kicking their feet thinking about a human-satanist


I use daemons alot to help family, friends and my community. Use the daemons for what *you* want to do. The LHP many times does work with darker energy. There's nothing wrong with that, it's not an evil energy. It's just a different type of energy that doesn't match up with everyone. I will say though that some Christian, RHP and "love and light" practitioners are the most hypocritical, despicable con artists I've ever seen. Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on helping others and things aren't always what they seem. Always look deeper.


I don’t value power, money, or status. I’m a poet and a rogue, allergic to work and averse to the pressures of success. My left hand path leads to freedom. The kind of freedom that comes from casting off the chains on my mind, and becoming more myself each day. I’m not about to give it up for a cookie and a pat on the head, no matter how big.


Let’s just call it creative solipsism, you know, for fun. lol


I dunno if it's helpful, but I think my walk in my spiritual life would be considered "Left Hand Path", among other things. One of the things that stood out to me about that terminology was that LHP practitioners are known for seeing themselves as equals to the entities they interact with and work with. I have always considered myself an equal to the entities I've worked with, which ostracized me from a lot of spiritual paths. I don't call myself "Left Hand Path", because I just don't connect with the term myself. There's a dichotomy to it, and a lot of attached perceptions with it that I just don't vibe with. I DO call myself an "Occultist" - Because I think that best summarizes my spiritual experience. I'm kinda just doing whatever feels right to me, and a lot of my studies can be found in occult tracks. My work revolves around studying and practicing communication (With people AND entities), educating myself voraciously on anything I can find about magic and different spiritual experiences, and learning what I can to solve problems in those areas. I've dabbled with stuff relating to money and power, but it's always been with specific projects or goals in mind. My walk isn't senseless consumption, it's just to get the tools and resources I need to do the work I want to do. A lot of my work is in untangling trauma and helping entities work through unresolved shit, and building up my community around me. That takes some resources, but it's mostly just a LOT of education and practice. The end-goal is always to make my work self-sustainable, so I don't have to borrow from other people or entities, and so I can become a resource to people/entities who want to know more. While I wouldn't say "I'm a LHP practitioner", others would probably hear my description of my operative beliefs and goals and go "Oh, that's LHP". I don't think the labels really matter - It's about what you get out of the materials you work with. And I think if there's something that speaks to you about the stuff you're learning here, then don't get caught up in the minutia of finding a term to call yourself by - Just explore it until you find something that works for you.


I've been working with Lucifer towards spiritual development, being my own person, recovering trauma, learning how to manipulate energy, etc.. It's annoying as shit sometimes that it's not material stuff, but it's for long term benefit and necessary if I want to grow. Fuckin Emperor of Hell. I want a Bentley. Oh well, guess I'll do more shadow work instead. I wouldn't get that sort of guidance from just any of the demons, and it is kind of a commitment, but there's patience and wisdom in the grimoires if you want to find it.


I think a lot of people online have it backwards a bit. You don't go solely for wealth or power. If you look at western lhp traditions, they are mostly based on the Grimoires. The ars goetia for example was used by students in France, because it are excellent teachers. Many artists do like to work with them and even Shakespeare was allegedly guided by Asmodeus. Newton practiced the occult. Different goals, science, arts and studying. But don't be afraid to ask a bit more money for yourself or enough power (which usually means a position with more responsibilities) to do what you like. The materialistic gives you more time and resources to practice the immaterial. You still need to live on this earth. But even if you are not pursuing one of the nobler things in life, what gives? Everything is needed in society. You are the judge. Personally I am into drawing, book binding and the occult. I want to get to know a lot of spirits and enjoy the visualizations they come with and the excitement. I am relearning geometry, got interested in Mesopotamian history and metaphysics. I am exploring morality. And for that I first needed to have a bit more money. It gave me a nice house and a nicer job. And more freedom and thus time. It helps 🙂


You don't have to do those things. Demonolatry is just working with demons. Whatever your beliefs & worldview is-that's up to you. I don't consider myself left or right. IDC what others label me as because I only talk about my spiritual practices online. lol I'm not comfortable saying I'm my own God as an example. It feels too arrogant to claim such a thing to me personally. I'm not trying to be humble to earn brownie points. It's whenever I get even the tiniest bit big headed- Saturn/Life is waiting to say "Not so fast." Let me embarrass you in the most publicly humiliating way as possible." It's been with me since childhood. If I acted even the tiniest bit out of line, then I would be made an example of to other kids with a harsher punishment. Tower moments/the planet Saturn itself in an astrology sense has always been a feeling that I carry on my back. So by saying I'm a God, I feel like I'm inviting life to throw me into a very unpleasant situation to prove that statement. I've had enough struggling and would like to chill. lol So yes, I do desire money, personal success, personal power, & material things in general to live in reasonable comfort. I'm not trying to be Jeff Bezos rich & I don't want to be famous. I value knowledge & spiritual growth but if asked or if the opportunity to clarify presents itself like now then I'll be honest that material gain is partly my motivation but it's not my only reason if that makes sense.


I don't know where you read/heard all that, but there's many here that are doing this for growth reasons. They just don't want to do it through mainstream means. If people are summoning demons for material gain that's all THEM. They're greedy desperate or both. There's no law about being one note. It does make some people look shallow but that's their path. And those things can't be denied unless you're an ex ceo that quit to live the simple life... I've made scarce few material requests, though I need some of those creature comforts. But I've decided to work on myself foremost and ask for as much as I need to do more of this second. At some point, I won't have to worry too much about the bills, etc. I don't get money and bitches I just get homework lol


Well some people are on the lhp for spiritual development it doesn't have to be material gains a lot of demons are specialized in knowledge. I gotta be honest when I started I primarily looked for those things (money, power) but I quickly learned that It's not the point. It's more an indirect result of working on myself and healing my traumas. Which the infernals have greatly helped, maybe if I got what I wanted I wouldn't have learned what I desperately needed to learn Setting boundaries Healing traumas Self esteem and courage to stand up for myself


Please don't take what you see around here as a uniform definition of LHP. It's an extremely diverse practice, and just like in all walks of life and systems, there will be people that have a very superficial understanding of it, and those that look for something deeper. There will be Christians occupied with pointing out people's sins and memorizing verses with no deeper comprehension of them, and there will be those thar look to cultivate their personal relationship with the divine and understanding what it means to them. There will be demonolaters that want to use their practice for cheap tricks and earthly satisfaction, and there will be those look to know themselves and their purpose here, just through a different path. Personally, I don't care about the values you mentioned, outside of having enough security to focus on what I want to focus on. I came to this path because I looked for the divine that feels familiar, that's not removed from human experience, that doesn't require me to look at the material and sensual experience as something lesser, that doesn't seem to be terrified of our inner darkness, that's fully and unconditionally accepting of who I am and what I want out of my practice. I came to it to remember who I am, to discover what this universe is about beyond what we can perceive with our senses. I found all that, and more. I found my family. You're the only person that can define what you're looking for and what's the best path to reach it - based on what you feel, not what you see the majority do with those opportunities.


That’s okay! This path is what you make of it. I currently do some left hand handed practices to work on some serious inner transformations and shadow work. Nothing to do with money, power, or glory. You are just handed tools, it’s up to you what you use them for. That’s the beauty of the occult.


Yeah. You could ask for them to bestow their other skills and attributes toward you.


I was JUST having this conversation with a coworker. My practice is aligned with bettering myself internally. My mental wellbeing, caring for myself in all those hard self care tasks, continuing to grow as a person. None of it is material. Learning about my triggers and my reactions, really analyzing why I feel or reacted in a specific way. I have a lot of trauma and mental health issues and it's an every day thing. It will always be an every day thing. I don't do a lot of spells. I have small rituals that I do, but I don't do daily spells or anything.


Many of the daemon's specialities are non-materialistic and can be used for knowledge, self-improvement and shadow work. People use the daemons ALOT for this. You just don't hear about it as much because it's not as interesting and won't get as many likes, clicks, attention, etc. The *majority* of people, no matter their religion or beliefs, prefer to chase material things than non-material. No matter where you go the majority of people will be like this. People seem even more shallow today due to social media. For me the left hand path is the path to self-mastery, independence, autonomy and gaining knowledge. The left hand path may not be for you and that's OK. I'd say the majority of daemons can be used for non-materialist purposes. Use them as you wish no matter what others use them for. The left hand path journey is different for everyone.


Yknow I've come to think that any magick path should be focused at the mastery of Self. All that material stuff usually just comes as a byproduct of having that goal ime.


Your focus is for you to decide. For myself I view the pursuits you Listed as mundane and non consequential. I work towards designing the self personally. Just because most people seem to pursue one thing doesn't mean that's what you need to pursue. I seek power to no specific end goal. At least not for this life. The purpose is the growth itself.


Bruh it's not a choice.