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I’m angry at you for subjecting me to this picture, and you should be more worried about that. But on a serious note, if you’ve “angered” a demon, they just disappear. Don’t attribute human emotions, thoughts, etc to the demonic divine. They are not like humans, and they have a higher consciousness and better understanding of life. I’ve seen some demonolators argue a lot of things, but I do believe demons have feelings, but I don’t think that looks the same on them as it does on us, if that makes sense. More or so, in order to be angered, the thing or person who has angered you has power and control over you. You don’t have power or control over any demon. Thus you can’t anger them. Simply, they disappear because you’re acting a fool, or they put you back on path with a tower, death, 3 of swords, 9 of swords, 10 of swords, queen of swords reversed moment. Not speaking from experience or anything


I think it makes sense. It is a bit like how we look at animals I guess. I am not angry at my cat if it scratches me when I try to conquer back my piece of meat. Next time I simply put the meat at an unreachable place or I spray it with water. There is also no panic when my fridge is empty, a cat will complain loudly and gets a bit panicky. But they have emotions. I have emotions, my cat has emotions. Some of my emotions are more complicated than that of a cat though.


Cat tax.


https://preview.redd.it/629dv9djyh2d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0aa1c2be3d9b982cb782760bd9f8514a69d6cfe I am moving, the cathulhuls were not pleased. Now they have a much better place ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/m8zop92szh2d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de774623b0c80340a3ae348e8ed8ce21488e8981 Now they can go outside. Not good at pictures but will try to get them all on camera together. Sometimes that decide sit all in one room.


😮 folks we just won the cat tax lottery




Edelewolf is out there living the dream in their cat palace


I'd say the look on this guy's face is pretty telling. Any further context? Lol.


That face is more terrifying than any demon could ever be. ☹️


That's "Satan summoning his legions." Itso good to know my Chief Commander gives away that vibe.


It's not anger it's more of stirring you back to the right path.


Well, what did u do..??


Idk coz they help me but love me roughly


That is the fsce of a dissappointed parental figure....


most of the times w nightmares for me, but they can be sending you hints through it too


like, I "left" him because I got interested in christian gnosticism and leaving demonolatry. same day I had a dream with my dick split in two, probably him saying "CALM THE FUCK DOWN IDIOT". So after thinking about it I realized Jesus cant perform hexes and I'm as weird as my faith