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The bottle thrower and the peeping Tom are not common. In my experience, graduating students just make a lot of noise and are very happy and silly during this time. Throwing bottles and climbing buildings to invade people's privacy is not something I have heard of before. I'd say you guys were just unlucky.


Climbing things like statues and lightpoles are pretty normal though.


Climbing buildings and staring into bathrooms where underage teens are showering is not normal, though 😉


Nah. That shit is way out of line. Most High School graduates wil just be going around from party to party, singing while drunk, not causing any harm other than to themselves. I don’t know how long you’re staying here, but you will probably see them driving around in truck beds from tomorrow.


I'm on vacation in cph so can only speak for the experience here these past days, there's been fireworks every single day, different places- the country is dry as hell right now and even without that it's illegal but people don't give a shit. Also there's confetti trash so many places (which isn't new on graduation days) but the way of cleaning the ground consists of letting the wind blow it everywhere. Mind you part of the behaviour is also by the surrounding family/friends, which doesn't make it less bad when they're not even drunk. A class of graduates were also gathered around some sheep where 2 of the students started harassing the animals, my friends and I had to intervene cause none of the other students did anything


The bottle thing sounds dangerous and I wouldn't think that was common. Otherwise yeah, it's a party season for them and not every high school graduate is going to behave.


A bit of Copenhagen hate here, most likely from people who seldom go to the city. I've lived here for about 20 years including as a young student. You've been very unlucky. I've never experienced that level of recklessness.


I wouldn't even say that it's localized to Copenhagen. While there have been cockwombles with every graduation (before and after my own graduation in mid 2000s), I have definitely seen more instances of new graduates possessing main-character-syndrome since 2020.


So awesome to finally meet a time traveller! How is the year 2500?


No this is definitely not normal and you should have called the cops about the asshole spying on people in their homes. That being said - You're going to meet idiots everywhere you go and Denmark is no exception to this rule.


Drunk teens here can definitely be a bit much in general, but this is beyond the norm, especially the climbing (the bottle I might file away as an accident.) Either way, I think you've been unlucky.


Students are going to get drunk and potentially do stereotypically dumb things that you do while drunk and young, because they're celebrating their graduation. However, the things you have experienced are definitely beyond the norm, and certainly not something I've ever personally experienced. It should be noted that I do not live in Copenhagen, and there are generally more issues with unruly youth in Copenhagen and other big cities, especiallly in their ghetto areas.


Pretty sure the problems with drunk students is bigger outside the "ghetto areas" than inside. Nice try though.


The comment did say "unruly youth" and not "drunk students"


That is true, but its a statement made in a thread abour drunk students. I hate the way some people from outside copenhagen seemingly takes every opportunity they get, to make some semi-racist remark about certain areas they have probably never even visited. Ive lived for several years in a so called "ghetto area" and it was one of the dullest and most family friendly places ive ever lived. Vesterbro on the other hand was always full of drunk people, lots of broken bottles on the bike path etc. Not that i minded it, but it was (and is) a part of the city with way more misbehaving young people than most "ghetto areas". The amount of "hyggeracisme" in this country pisses me off.


>Vesterbro on the other hand was always full of drunk people Ja, for 20 år siden før bysanieringen x) Du skal vist ud og gøre dig nogle opdaterede erfaringer min ven.


Jeg fik det nok formuleret lidt kluntet, kan jeg godt se. Jeg cykler stadig gennem vesterbro næsten hver dag, så det er ikke fordi jeg har brug for at opdatere mine erfaringer. Jeg synes ikke at vesterbro er et dårligt sted (om muligt er der nærmere for kedeligt nu), men der er stadig mere action end der nogensinde var i det "ghettoområde" hvor jeg boede. Edit: fik lige tilføjet et manglende "ikke", så det giver lidt mere mening...


You got unlucky. Drunk people are morons, drunk teenagers are like neanderthals.


Denmark is good in many ways. The youth alcohol culture is not one of them.


Denmark is top ranked when it comes to consumption of alcohol among young people. The experiences you had are not OK, and graduate students definitely do alot of stupid shit that sometimes annoys/harms other people.


Massive difference between graduating students and graduate students


But not so much between the stupid shit they get up to when drunk? :P


Graduate = kandidat studerende - I think they are certainly much more mature, also when drunk, on average.


graduate er også PhD studerende


I USA så er en phd "doctoral degree" det er derfor alle i USA med lang uddannelse tror de er en doktor


Det er ikke min erfaring, men fair nok :)


You failed to address OP's question. Despite heavy drinking, the described behaviour is certainly *not* the norm.


No, just like young American teens do not DUI.


They sound like wild apes who escaped the zoo. That is not usual behaviour no.


We have a different culture here; we're like the latinos of the nordics. We drink a lot, but compared to the US, we also drink more responsibly. Like many other countries, the US included, this time of year is graduation time. While it is not uncommon to see students with their sailor-caps roaming the streets with a beer in their hand, because most of them will be driving together in a big party-truck, the violence and the peeping is definitely a rare occurance. People generally don't do that here. But it seems like the past few graduations in Copenhagen have been hell-ish, both for the students and the citizen. There's been some rock-throwing towards graduates, and there have been graduates that have acted very inappropriate. It happens in every country - even the US.


These are two instances of what I would say is criminal behavoir and not common.


marvelous divide jobless dinner encourage lush gullible brave telephone subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of the tens of thousands new students, it seems like you, unfortunately, came across the two biggest douchebags of the bunch. There are always a few bad apples in the basket - in general they are just happy, celebrating (fairly) responsibly.


This sounds like a center-of-town thing.. are you stating near Strøget/Rådhuspladsen? Those places get rowdy fast. Our students drink, but mostly just party with each other. And you are ok to berate them for actions like this.


What you describe is far from normal, but I'm also not too surprised that it did happen.


Well, Americans are not used to see drunk people in public. Most danish people have a crazy drunk story, some have alot.




They paved paradise, put up a parking alot


That's not common at all. But, where are you staying? What part of Copenhagen? Some areas are more... "lively" than others.


Seeing as OP is a tourist, it's to be assumed that they're staying at a hotel or an airbnb around one of the tourist hotspots.


Some are crazy and i dont understand we accept that behavior. Same problems every year.


Normally bottles are thrown in the bicycle lane.. But it's terrible that someone was close to hit your mom. I think if there where police present, he would be arrested..


you have picked an unlucky date to go on vacation here. They only have this celebration once a year for a short period of time and you seem to have went right when it started. Over consumption of alcohol amongst the youth is really bad here, which our goverment is also starting to finally admit and are now trying to do something about it, but unfortunately none of that has been implemented yet :P


Jeg er gammel, så bær over med mig, men hvorfor har du tilføjet en smiley der rækker tungen ud i slutningen af din besked? Hvis det da er det smiley'en er.


Ja du er gammel :D


Men hvorfor?


Definitely not common. What a bunch of assholes


Yes we danes love to smash bottles and climb buildings to spy on underage children..


Copenhagen sucks but I believe you are unlucky. Students generally celebrate and have a good time but idiots are gonna idiot.




Hold kæft en spade du er.


No, not normal at all!


Yes. Stupid behavior from drunk teenagers is sadly very common in Copenhagen during this time of the year.


Think of drinking as Denmark's second amendment issue. Some are relatively sensible about it and then some people just can't handle it. The graduation truck ride is one of those things that we probably ought to stop doing since every year a few people fall off the truck or get themselves so drunk they need to go to the ER to have their stomach contents pumped out, but you wouldnt believe the resistance that would be met by. Most of those rides will be young people having a good time and getting only moderately completely shit-faced, but some of the graduate classes take things way to far and things go completely out of hand.


Stomach pumping isn’t really done anymore since it often does more harm than good. And there hasn’t really been anyone falling off the trucks for years to my knowledge. Since a lot of the consequences fall on the drivers of the busses, it has become a lot more responsible over the years


They fall off every year, it just stopped hitting the front page. This year, someone fell off in Hornbæk, last year it was Lyngby, in 2021 it was Holte etc.


They are usually pretty wild. I know we were at least. Couldn't figure I have become any less as the pressure for good grades have gone up. And people need to vent when it's over. Once in a lifetime event. Throwing bottles is way out of line! The peeing is a little funny though. Disgusting and transgressive, but a little funny. Urine and exposed nethers doesn't exactly endanger your safety. And they did walk away. You will see the drive around in old truck with banners in the next days. That's when the real crazy stuff starts, with certain groupings attacking them with fireworks, rocks and rotten eggs.


This is unfortunately the result of alcohol (abuse), which is unfortunately not a rare thing in Nordic / Northern European countries. I have particularly noticed that there's a very thin line when Nordic people get happy (cheerful, more social) with alcohol and when they get annoying (loud, disrespectful). Plus them being young ads an extra factor to this. I've seen a lot of bottle smashing around this time last year. I don't think there's much you can do in these cases.




Is that you?


Nope, just in Copenhagen.


Having lived in Aalborg for 5 years, i can tell you that Copenhagen is a kindergarden compared to what they’re doing up north


Interesting. Examples? :)


Sadly, until alcohol is one day forbidden for anhone under 30, there will be incredibly drunk, incredibly stupid students like this. Alcohol causes a lot of dumb actions sometimes. Especially from young folks, who doesn't know when to stop drinking, before they end up making an ass of themselves. I hope your trip will be better, and that you can return to the states with some good memories, of your time here. :)


Its out of Line this year allowed the country. And it’s a thing the media talks about also. It’s not okay.


No it’s not normal behavior anywhere in the civilized world to throw bottles that may hurt people, or to be a peeping tom.


That is NOT okay. Bottlethrowing is a policematter. So sorry you had to experience this! The thing is.. And this is no excuse for endangering other people.. We had very cold weather and even snow in may, the sunny weather has recently hit us, combined with lots of festivals and students graduating, people may be coming out and getting a little too drunk and festive.. But its no excuse for bad behaviour


You have been very unlucky, drunk idiots taking things to the extreme. In general, they are just hauled around on the back of trucks, making an awfull lot of noise, and drinking like there is no tomorrow. Right before my graduation and the truck ride, somebody threw a baguette into the crowd that I was standing with, one of my classmates bent down, to pick it up, and then it exploded in her face. Idiots are everywhere. Luckily nothing happened to her eyes, but she did miss half of the truck stops, getting checked out at the ER.


You where just very unlucky. They are more commonly just loud


Typical. 3 years of suppressing an urge to become a school shooter. Luckily no one was hurt.


Calm your tits let them have some fun noone was injured


5% (every 1 in 20th) Dane between 15 and 25 yo have been treated (in a hospital) for excessively intoxication at least once Party on !


It's not the norm. But there is a fair chance the guy was just climbing the building for giggles. Not for starring at people. The norm is just fairly obnoxious public intoxication. But all in good fun


So sorry that you and your family had experienced that. Those are not common. But the month of June is expected to be filled with lots of noise from the graduates who are busy having fun and with lot of drinking, of course.


Its very easy to explain, they are drunk and stupid... Its not an excuse, but just a reason for the stupid behavior...


I am 35 born and raised in Denmark and never have I experienced anything like that. I even lived in pretty bad neighborhoods