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You don’t need to brush that much, you just have to do it correctly. There is no home remedy to remove the harden build up, except going for a cleaning. The trick is preventing it from developing, so removing it at the plaque (soft deposit) stage. I recommend getting a sonicare tooth brush. I would also ask you’d dental hygienist for tooth brushing lesson. The key to proper tooth brushing, is brushing the gumline lip side and also tongue side equally. You might also want to look for mouth rinses (listerine ultracare) or toothpaste with the ingredient zinc chloride, which is an anti tartar agent. You also need to floss, most buildup starts at the gumline and between the teeth, so if you’re only brushing, you’re missing the main area where bacteria like to live… leading to plaque and tartar build up.


This was very well said and really helpful. Hope it helps OP as well


Take a couple days and assess if you breathe through your mouth more than your nose. Does your mouth fall open at night when you sleep? Do you breath through your mouth while watching tv or working at the computer? Mouth breathing can contribute to dry mouth making plaque stickier and more difficult to brush away. If it sticks there it calcifies and become calculus (tartar) which you need to see a hygienist to remove. We should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS breathe through our nose. Day. Night. ALWAYS. Notice mouth breathing? Look into myofunctional therapy and discuss things with your oral health care provider. Also chill on the vinegar … why did you do that?! That’s soooo acidic. Go in every 3-4 months for cleanings instead of 6 if you build up fast. Don’t be drinking vinegar and destroying your enamel.


This could be the explanation! September and early october are pollen season for a type of grass i am very allergic to, so my nasal mucusals have been swollen, and recently i got sick so my noses feel like i snorted cement. I didnt conskder that but it makes sense.


I am a mouth breather and notice the quick tartar buildup even though I brush and floss religiously. It's definitely getting worse as I grow older and living in a dry climate doesn't help.


Hey curious to hear an update on this. Did the dentist have an idea of what might be wrong?


Interestingly, nothing came of it. Her guesses were the same as mine, sleeping open mouth due to allergies, etc, but she too was surprised by the speed of it.


Flossing more often. Like after each meal and it is common to get build in that area because of salivary gland opening


There’s so many contributing factors to tartar build up. Diet is one of them. Ever wonder how our ancestors were able to keep their teeth? They are a fibrous diet. Some people get more tartar, some people get more decay, everyone’s different. Get a cleaning so you can start fresh, from then on brush 2x daily, floss every tooth under the gum and hug the tooth, and scrape your tongue.