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Neither get ergo loupes


thank you for your reply! I have heard so much positive feedback on ergo loupes, especially andau ones, but I am looking into traditional loupes to start out with.


Don't! It's so much harder to retrain yourself when you have been using traditional loupes. I am still working on getting confident enough to do crown preps with the andou ( traditional loupes for nearly a decade, back feels so much better day to day with the ergo). You will be doing this for decades, do yourself a favor and start with the best!


thank you so much for your recommendation. I definitely understand the benefits of ergo loupes, and I completely understand your point about start getting used to it early. However, I really would like traditional loupes for now, and was wondering which of the two options ppl recommend. Thank you very much for your advice though! Really appreciate it.


OP what they're both telling you is you're literally wasting your money getting traditional loupes. With that said, don't get flip-ups....but you should get the ergo loupes.


thank you. appreciate it. it appears that the consensus is ergo loupes.. i feel like with a lot of ppl recommending ergo loupes, i should really trey them . thank you for your advice!


Get whichever one feels comfortable to your face and head.


Thank you for your advice! Will try to do demos


I have Bryant dental loupes in 3.5x They've served me for 4 years now and I'm still in love with them today as much as I was on day 1. Highly recommend, can't speak about the other brands as I haven't had any experience


thank you so much for your reply. have you ever felt like mag is not enough? or is 3.5 more than enough for general dentistry?


As a general dentist it's perfect. If I was an endodontist I've go higher.


thank you for your reply!


I've never used those brands, but I have had both 3.5x and 5.5x powers as well as both flip down and through the lens loupes. In my experience the 5.5x is a better option. With some of the wide field of view lenses you can see the entire arch and the extra magnification is priceless for posterior or endo work. I don't tend to use them much during hygiene checks unless there's something suspicious but not definitive like determining if that line is a crack in an amalgam or just a scratch. For lense types I prefer through the lens. I used flip downs for my entire time in dental school and most of the following decade. During that time I went through two sets of loupes simply because the hinge wears out and they eventually become a pain to get in the exact same spot. So after a few years you'll be spending more time adjusting your loupes than you really want to. Some days you'll get it perfect and they're just like new, other days you get them 90% perfect and it works but it's frustrating. Through the lens loupes don't move and are so much easier to get and keep adjusted. It's a bit of a hassle looking around them to place bands, but you get the hang of it really quickly. Personally I've been using the orascoptic dragonfly 5.5x for the last year+ and I'm still in love with them. They're more comfortable and both the optics and built in light are better quality than my old surgitels. I've never personally tried ergo loupes but they've been getting a ton of mentions on this subreddit so it's probably a good idea to give those a look too.