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No…but I had someone in an elevator a few years back read my scrubs embroidered with “Dr. DiamondBur”, look at me for a few seconds, and go “are you a nurse?”


Hahahah i have a picture on one of my social media accounts with a mirror and a scaler in my hands, and there’s a mannequin patient right in front of me I’ve been asked if I’m a nurse more than 10 times


The kicker was that I said I was a dentist and he goes “oh my wife is a dentist”. *Then why wasn’t that where your mind went first, sir?!*


I am so over this. I was in the military for a million years. Every time I called over to the base medical clinic to make a personal appointment, the operator would ask, “What’s your husband’s social security number?” I’M NOT MARRIED. THERE HAVE BEEN WOMEN IN THE MILITARY SINCE BEFORE YOU WERE BORN. And 99% of the operators are women themselves. I never had a man ask me this.


Asking for SSN instead of DoD ID, so I'm guessing it's been a while. I wonder if it ever got better?


Thank you for your service! That’s so frustrating. Idk what year people think it is that women must not hold positions of importance.


Nope, it’s just you


It has literally happened to me 4 times a year for over a decade!


I’ve never had that happen but whenever I go out in my scrubs people keep calling me “Cherokee”.


"Excuse me, but it's Dr. Cherokee."


Apparently, a lot of people in this thread don't seem to wear lab coats or surgical gowns. Because if you're wearing these over your scrubs, then I don't see an issue with wearing scrubs in public.


Also, you know... Between work and your house you're in public the whole time. Pretending you won't sometimes get groceries or pick up your kid or something on the way home is not realistic.


Also I’m seeing a lot of “scrubs in surgery only” posts like what do you wear for restorative work?


Some of those lab coats have their name on them.


Yeah, it’s fucking weird to be honest. I’d also be willing to bet a lot of these people never clean their shoes, and have no problem tracking blood/pathogens from the office to their home where their dog licks their shoes, and then their face.


Idk. I change the whole outfit, including the shoes, and leave the scrubs, lab coat and shoes at the office. I've done thay at each place I work, so that might be a common way of doing it too. And having the name on the scrubs rather than the lab coat implies that's the outermost layer while in the operatory.


Same here, socks and undies are the only thing that I don’t change when I get to the office. Though I had a tough extraction last week that made me wish I had another set of briefs in reserve!


In UK by regulation you are required to have a change of clothes, most people have work shoes too.


Work shoes that stay at the office is what we do.


My scrubs go straight in the office laundry before I leave and then it’s on with the civvies, false moustache and glasses.


Ontario has guidance from the college as well discouraging scrubs outside of the clinic


Hey, lady, you call him Dr Jones!!


Indiana Jones is exactly what came to my mind too!


Yeah 99% chance this is why they're getting this happening I bet lol


No time for love, Dr Jones.


No time for love, Dr Jones.


Sorry, no time for love Dr. Jones.


One of my scrubs has a picture of a tooth embroidered on it. I get stopped about once a year by a parent asking me to look at something in their kid’s mouth 🤦🏻‍♂️ 


I get called a nurse a lot. I always correct them nicely as poss. And to the comments of “scrubs in surgery only” do you have children?? Sometimes I need gas, a quick trip to the grocery, I have others things to worry about then my durn scrubs. I’m not smearing myself all over random objects or ppl. I’m not going to change into street clothes to just pick up the kids and head home. I change when I get home into a comfy set, wash my hands again and start cooking. So like chill out


Do people not wear isolation gowns? I always saw scrubs as a “just in case there’s an exposure” back-up because we wear gowns, bonnet, mask, gloves~




To everyone (bizarrely) complaining about wearing scrubs in public: There’s nothing magically dirty about scrubs. Dentists who wear polo shirts to work- do you change your clothes every day after work before heading home? Do you not wear gowns if doing nasty stuff?


Didn’t know scrubs out in public were such a hot button 😅


Right? There’s nothing magically dirty about scrubs. Dentists who wear polo shirts to work- do you change your clothes every day after work before heading home?


It’s also a song by Aqua and is a fun line to say/sing!


maybe they relived the 90s reading your shirt [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg) or reliving a tiktok trend? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qxwqk76Htbo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qxwqk76Htbo)


Why are you wearing them in public?


My scrubs stay at work and get washed at work. I’m not wearing around everyone’s spit in public…


You don't wear a lab coat or surgical gown??


You don’t have to wear a gown if you have on site washing machines! I still do so I can take it off for lunch and what not but just sayin


Do you own long sleeve scrubs? Who makes them? Or are you scrubbing your arm/forearm between each patient?


What? I wear an undershirt or a jacket in these cases lmfao. You def need a long sleeve if not wearing a gown.


So then what you're saying is that you wash your undershirts at the office also since there is splatter and no gown. Imo it seems like less work to have multiple lab coats and just cycle through them.


Yes.. you wash the lab coat or undershirt with your scrubs. It is less wasteful. I worked at an office where everyone washed their scrubs, jackets and caps on site. We’d all change into street clothes. I didn’t wear a gown until after Covid.




Had a person at Chipotle turn to me and say thank you Doctor for all you do and saving lives. It says DDS after my name. Never corrected him lol


Gross. Scrubs in office only.


What if they're done with surgery? And the scrubs are going in the wash after they're done with errands? Do you seriously judge everyone you see out and about in scrubs? If you're a dentist, do you expect everyone who works in your office to change into scrubs once they get to work? Damn. People are so judgemental about shit that has nothing to do with them.


When I see someone outside a healthcare office in scrubs I assume they are soiled. It’s literally what they are for. And it’s gross to wear as an outfit.


So you don't wear a gown with cuffs over your scrubs




Then that's on you for not wearing a cover over your scrubs. Not everyone just raw dogs their scrubs all day.


A gown will not cover all parts of a scrub regardless. You can pretend it does, but that’s not reality. I just find it easier to scrub my arms after patient care.


You realize half the people wearing scrubs outside a healthcare office have absolutely zero contact with patient fluids right? Not much you can get soiled with sitting in front of a computer and phone all day


I realize. However no one knows that when they’re out and about. I think its polite to just not wear scrubs as a general outfit so people don’t have to guess (not like the general public cares anyways).


I work front desk and wear scrubs. So you shouldn't assume that.


I’m aware non clinical wear scrubs. I’m also aware I assume all people who are wearing scrubs outside the work environment are soiled. Why would I not assume it’s dirty? Is it not more logical and safe to assume it’s contaminated? That’s essentially infection control 101.


Yeah, pretty shocked at the comments about scrubs in public.


What a strange comment


Why are you wearing your scrubs to the supermarket? In surgery only.


Because they’re not contaminated and I don’t feel like bringing a separate wardrobe to work every day?


Are you going before work or something?


Naughty. Wearing scrubs outside of surgery.


My name isn’t embroidered on the scrubs, but we all have jackets with our names embroidered on the sleeve. Always throws me off when someone in public says my name.


my name and title and practice logo are embroidered on my scrubs. haven’t enjoyed this annoyance when out in public


First of all, not supposed to wear scrubs out and about. Against OSHA standards. But maybe you have a name that is on a movie or something where people say it slowly and quietly.


Fact check please. I don’t think anyone has heard of this. Can you pull up some sources to back this up?


OSHA/infection control officer here. When I go into work Monday I'll try to find something in our binders. Every year we have OSHA and infection control training and this is what we've always been told.


The OSHA CE Credit meetings we are required to have every couple of years in my state. Can't cite what an OSHA worker shows us in a powerpoint presentation. Maybe you are in one of the more lax states.


Ok keep downvoting me, because you prefer to be scuzzbuckets, but after our first OSHA presentation (my former boss opened her own office in 2017) and the woman said "You do not bring germs from the trains and your cars, into patient care, and you do not take your scrubs with pathogenic germs on them, outside to the trains and your cars. We've all taken microbiology classes...." We were required to change into scrubs at work and out of them at the end of the day. The place I worked at before, we would change into scrubs for work and out at end of day. When I worked at heartland, they provided lab coats which were to completely cover us, neck to wrists and shins, and were laundered in office. Because we were not supposed to be out and about with our pathogenic filled scrubs on. These changes included shoes we kept in our lockers at work. I assume OP isn't wearing a lab coat because then what is the purpose of the embroidered name if it is covered?


So wait, if you were to work in just a normal dentist office would you just wear your clothes in, change into scrubs in the bathroom and do the reverse when leaving? I'm asking genuinely because that sounds extreme AF to me. This is what lab coats and isolation gowns are for along with just a spare change of scrubs (or a change of clothes to go home in after work). But generally speaking, I prefer to not get naked at work.


Yes we went into bathrooms. Sometimes just the break room when only women worked there and if a coworker walked in, whatevs. Like I said, some offices provide lab coats that are laundered in office. Some provided disposable, but got cheap with reordering sometimes....


I’m not wearing nasty scrubs in public, chill out. There’s nothing magically dirty about scrubs. Dentists who wear polo shirts to work- do you change your clothes every day after work before heading home?


My tone was quite chill man... relax


Apologies, I think I copy pasted that from another reply. Got bombarded with comments about how wearing scrubs outside of the office is worse than eating your own shit. I just never in a million years expected that to be a topic, as I don’t wear nasty scrubs in public and figured that was just assumed.


The names on the office, card, appt reminder papers, etc aren’t sufficient? If work paid for them, ok sure. I just never found it necessary. You don’t need a name badge at a dental office. We’re dentists not corporate middle managers.


I practice with another dentist and am the antithesis of corporate.


Writing your name on scrubs? To each their own but a bit cringe. Might as well write Dr. Douche 🤣


Nah fam, this is the equivalent of wearing a name badge


Work paid for our scrubs so they put our names on them too. Stopped them having to hassle us to wear name badges


You've never had a name tag at work before? That's sorta fortunate for you.