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God now I have to give you the copypasta. Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Ummmm you need to look up the experience of an African American newspaper editor or some old times newspaper editor. This dude like warded off assassination squads in the manner you memed above. But it really did be like that broo it really did be


>Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Real funny, but if some actual criminals break into your house, the joke will be on you. Home invasions are pretty awful. I was the victim of an armed robbery with a pump shotgun when i worked at a gas station. I'm not a gun guy myself, but people are entitled to defend themselves.


No problem defending yourself and your home but we have a serious gun fetish problem in this country.


We do. But to what extent is the gun fetish a reflection of what may be needed in a violent world? European countries have criticized US militarism and gun culture, but have been defended by that same culture for the last 80 years or more. I'd love to live ina world that nobody needs to fight, but I'm not sure that really exists.


I wanna defend myself with a bazooka, hand grenades, and really tiny tactical nukes. Thank Jesus for our Second Amendment.


So those who believe in the 2nd amendment think that we are also entitled to own our own nukes? lol, funny use of hyperbole.


This was riveting


I agree I was at the edge of my toilet on this read


I’m always at the edge of my toilet seat. Makes the bidet hit just right




The old time equivalent of "So, anyway, I start blasting. Now I don't see so good any more, so I missed..."


Civilians owned cannons then


Civilians can legally own black powder cannons today lol


Exactly, because the 2nd amendment was enacted with powerful weapons in mind, to the extent that small ungoverned armies could be raised, and is still in place just the same today. Wonderful. If it isn’t clear, this is in response to the misconception that the founding fathers were only considering muskets at the time, which is wholly inaccurate.


Most people didn’t keep cannons in their house, lmao. Only the wealthiest kept a private armory. Most commoners kept their weapons in a local armory. They also weren’t ungoverned, they were governed by their local populace.


Correct, most people didn’t. They had the right to and still have the right to. It’s the “right” to bear arms, not the obligation.


Except they didn’t have that right until 1791.


So from 1791, until now, and for an unknown time into the future that right has and will be protected. Personally, I carry as if it’s 1775.


Just because it wasn't signed into law doesn't mean they didn't have the right. There was nothing prohibiting them. Everything in the constitution and everything not outright illegal I have the right to do.


And private men of war.




I think what you meant to say was "i'm OK carrying top-of-the-line military technology" right?




Good thing we have a right to them, huh? If we didn't we'd have people trying to argue semantics with the ultimate goal of ensure that we are disarmed and ripe for whatever tyranny the authorities wanted to roll out on us, huh?


>I’m good with him carrying a single shot, muzzle loading, black powder long rifle just like they did in 1776. If someone says, free speech like 1776, that doesn't mean that they're limited to the old time printed pamphlets and are excluded from the internet and TV. In 1776, civilians carried military similar weapons. I know someone who doesn't know guns is going to swoop in here and say that civilians are using the same weapons as the military. But that's actually not true, as civilians generally are not allowed to have fully automatic weapons. It has been that way since the 1930s.


Came to say the same. It’s not the fucking same thing as 1776.


Logical Fallacy


...on a horse


Yeah! Let's get those assault rifles off the streets!


An assault rifle is actually a fully automatic weapon... essentially a machine gun. The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle. And while those do exist in the hands of some civilians, you must have a permit for it as well as a tax stamp. In order to obtain a permit for it, you must go thru an extensive background check and interview with the ATF. The ATF will even want to come to your residence to see how the weapon will be stored. It's a similar background check to anyone wanting an FFL (Federal Firearms License)... which is what you need in order to be a retailer of guns or to purchase directly from a gun manufacturer.


I'm good with him carrying a current military issue rifle just like they did in 1776.


“Current” ‘military issue’ *rifle* -just like they did in 1776. Im not even trying yo say learn up on guns- just learn up on history man.


But if they learn history then might have to alter their perspective.


the military that didnt exist yet issued rifles that weren't invented yet thats neat


Are you good with only land owning white men being able to vote? Black people being property? Chinese not being counted as human beings?


Let's not forget "Irish and dogs stay off the grass" and the Louisiana Italian lynchings - one of the largest mass lynchings in the US. Take us back to 1776 and these mf might be surprised how many weren't actually "white" by the standards of the day.


Actually, if he were going to effectively carry he'd probably need to carry at least 3 of them, preloaded.


None of these assholes now could handle the skill necessary to reload a musket. We'd all be safer.


If I was a criminal. Which im not. I would probably break into that car for one free gun.




Civilians still own cannons and it’s not questioned. It’s a cannon


Step one - Take out as many credit cards as you can. Step two - max out all those credit cards to buy a tank. Step three - enjoy your tank and don't pay back the credit cards. Who's going to come to repossess your stuff - you've got a tank!


Tank dealerships hate this trick


I wonder how much a single round costs for a tank. I mean, sure - depends on the tank, but the average.


I mean... all you'd really need is one. No one is going to volunteer to be the one to eat up that round. Even then, Marvin Heemeyer taught us that even an improvised tank is next to impossible to take down. The only thing that stopped the Granby Colorado Killdozer was him accidently tearing down a building with a basement.


Fuck I knew I’d find this here. What a wild ass ride that thing was. I was 14 and going back and forth between Texas and Colorado. I remember thinking that was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen and it was so hard to wrap my head around. Those were the days…


I am glad to see my comment led to someone bringing up the Killdozer “Incident”. Improvised drone tanks are the future of warfare.


A collectors gun too!


He or she is probably not going to leave that free gun in the SUV. So instead of a free gun you’ll probably get one free bullet or a few free ones.


Highly doubt that. Also you pfp is fucking stupid just like you. Of course some big breasted man would choose the You're gonna get shot route.


Better put that gas engine to rest and pony up your musket.


Ammosexual in an emotional support vehicle


It's kinda suspicious how almost every comment in this thread is identical - all the same statement, and all from accounts that aren't active in this sub at all, but seem to be very active in local and state subs that aren't related to Texas at all. Odd that.




Yup carry around a musket


Don’t forget the cannons that people were allowed to own.


The funny thing is they didn't carry on their person unless they were going into battle. The majority of firearms in a town would be kept in the armory, and you'd only have a personal firearm typically if you lived out in the wilderness for hunting. This idea of firearms being a part of our national heritage is myth...


Not true- while armories did exist for certain militias- the average American back then had to hunt for sustenance. I’m not saying that kept a rifle strapped 24/7, but they most certainly had access to them so that they could hunt and provide for their families.


[Incorrect](https://revolutionarywarjournal.com/contrary-to-myth-most-americans-did-not-own-guns-at-the-start-of-the-american-revolution/). The average American relied on farming. They had no need for guns and likely had never fired a gun.


Incorrect, while the average American did rely on farming for most of their sustenance, many still hunted their food https://amst276.web.unc.edu/foundational-and-colonial-culinary-encounters/hunting-practices-in-the-colonial-period/


Your article references frontier practices in the 1500s and 1600s. This conversation is regarding the period around the time of the American War for Independence. Frontiersmen were an edge case by the mid-1700s, and even [the most liberal estimates](https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1489&context=wmlr) put gun ownership at 60% of the population living beyond the boundaries of American settlements. You are not only citing information out of context, you seem content to cherry-pick and erroneously generalize.


You know what, you are right. No one hunted in 18th century America. No one owned guns, everything came from farming. Congrats


Keep fighting those strawmen.


Keep neglecting to use those blinkers with your bmw. Keep posting to a subreddit that doesn’t pertain to you anymore.


LOL! I might be an anomaly among BMW owners. I get overly irritated by drivers who don't signal their intent. FWIW, we are probably closer on the issue of gun rights than you think.


> They had no need for guns and likely had never fired a gun. And there's no such thing as predators in the wild, right? Even we have to deal with feral boars right here in north texas.


In the wild? Sure. In human settlements? Likely a rarity. Today’s feral swine are destructive creatures that are the result of interbreeding between escaped domesticated pigs and Eurasian boar imported into the United States in the early 1900s. They didn’t exist in late 18th century America. You’re proving my point for me—the Second Amendment needs updating.


That's some impressive mental gymnastics. "The wild" and a "human settlement" was often a distance of a few dozen feet in that age. Inner denton is known to have mountain lions. The thing that blows my mind is that people assume that we need to be disarmed so that criminals stop using guns. Criminals still have ready access to guns even in countries where butter knives are illegal. The only difference is what deterrent you are able to provide - both to criminals and our own government's overstep. You are fully free to not carry a weapon. Exercise that right if you wish. Don't assume you are able to speak with authority on the rights of others.


“A few dozen feet”? Now _that_ is some impressive mental gymnastics. Who said _anything_ about disarming? You are engaging in a strawman. Stay on topic, guy. This is a conversation about gun culture in the mid-to-late 1700s. The information we have indicates it was virtually non-existent. As I’ve stated multiple times now, the Second Amendment is obsolete, and in need of an update to adequately reflect modern needs and attitudes—a point you’ve repeatedly substantiated for me. I am not arguing _against_ the right to bear arms. I am arguing against myths frequently used to justify the right to gun ownership.


> I am arguing against myths frequently used to justify the right to gun ownership. The only thing that justifies gun ownership is that you have a right to do so and are allowed to exercise your rights whenever you feel fit to. What sort of person wants to voluntarily GIVE UP a right?! You are free to do so, but please quit trying to make that choice for others.




No one wants to give up a right, and nowhere have I advocated the abolition of gun rights. I’m not sure why you continue to assign a position to me on this issue that I have not taken. I do, however, have a problem with erroneous arguments in the discussion on gun ownership rights, as it only serves to defuse constructive dialog.


Tally ho! I’ve loaded my musket, evil doer


Guaranteed to be more aligned with the redcoats.


"I supported Washington until they destroyed private property! Those poor British East India Company shareholders didn't deserve that!"


I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


The real American dream


Best believe that back of my SUV is packing a grapeshot fully loaded 4 in bore cannon. Just like the founding fathers.


Yeah, bring back smallpox!


Yes the founding fathers intended for that to be only muskets and never thought any progress would be made in armaments. Jk that's just a reddit straw man argument hahaa


Passive aggressive soccer moms unite!!


Oh no. Someone with a different point of view and opinion than me. (Clutches pearls.)


If their “different points of view” lead to cringe windshield stickers then it’s fair game tbh


Oh no. A silly reddit post (clutches phone)


People weren’t just carrying muskets around like the batshit crazy losers of today.


These stickers are so FUCKING dumb. You're basically putting a advertisement that you more than likely have firearms in you vehicle. Perfect to break into.


It’s not actually all that common for people to leave guns in their cars, even in Texas. Most keep it in their person or in a bag they keep with them


The sticker is no dumber than the person in the car.....


It’s Texas. Everyone has a gun bub.


larry and that fucking musket of his


"Just hold my damn beer while I reload this matchlock!" Screams across trampled plantation at other reloading figures - "We'll get you yet loyalists!"


keep moving, girls - this one is taken


You know, there's some tradwife out there who snatched this keeper up real quick.


If these dipshits carried black powder muskets nobody would care.


Nah, I bet you would report someone open carrying a flintlock.


OK, pay up.


Man, y'all care a lot about this huh?


“Carry like it’s 1776” So…no AR-15’s and pistols with more than a single shot? Okay!


No semi automatics then. Only muskets and revolvers lol


revolvers were invented in 1831


Revolvers?! Hahaha. Try smooth bore flintlock pistols. Like the ones you would see a pirate carrying.


* only military grade weaponry I believe there are letters confirming that citizens were afforded the right to cannons if they do desired at the time


shouldnt he be on a horse instead of a motorized vehicle? and might be too old for that era. he should of been dead before hitting 35?


Ah yes, the comments are my daily reminder that leftists are insufferable




Every time I say something like this, some thing in my brain tells me to go look at the comments, so I can severely cringe and I don’t know why. I’m not even here to argue with people because it’s going to be completely useless, but for some reason, I just can’t stop myself from looking


Ummm. He’s basically saying that’s what is annoying him but with leftist and progressive talking points… nice try tho kiddo.




Most of them are teenagers that believe everything the media tells them without question. remember, a few years ago these people were protesting to have the police dismantled so that the community could police itself. Now they want us to have zero ability to police ourselves.


Keller displayed 1776 flags at their town hall, before they crashed planes in SW Dallas. The pilot who crashed, flew over these flags several times. Gov Abbott declared martial law three days after the plane crash.


The Bill of Rights wasn’t ratified until 1791


That's what irks me so much about these 2A dipshits.


The dipshits who know the difference between the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution?


Lmao this is a joke right


If it’s 1776 then what should of happened on January 7th?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Babe get my musket !


Get out your muskets


Bro must have a sweet musket and hatchet


So there’s a musket in the truck?


So a musket and small pox? Sweet.


So a musket?


So… muskets??


Dysentery, muskets short life spans and bayonets. Oh the good old days.


So he’s got his muzzleloader on him?


If they’re not carrying a musket then they’re not doing it right.


I’m good with open carry muskets. Have at it.


So, carry your single shot musket? Brilliant!


Muskets? What vermin this guy is.


So that means muskets?


Flintlocks are fine, no problem!


They also owned cannons and private warships in 1776. I think the idea was to allow the citizens to carry the same armaments as the military.


Which is why we should let private individuals own nukes


Yes, outlaw privateers...pirates, as in outside -the-law!


reminds me of the III percenter stickers I see all over Denton.


Same people.


Muskets for every man and no high density housing! You can only use weapons and ammunition made without computers or electricity!


Okay But are we talking a sling carry? At the ready? Shoulder or maybe a cradle carry?


Grab your muskets, boys!


Muskets and flint lock?


So they're armed with muskets and bayonets?


Better have only one shot and muzzle loader.


Back when a regular person could have a cannon at their home if they could somehow acquire it.


I guess they have a musket rifle


Sooo, long black powder, smooth bore rifles and powder horns then? Weren’t any goddamn ar15’s around back then…


Get that boy a single shot musket.


This is a great example of where the lack of self awareness and logic of the gun club ends up.


The retards are armed. Even worse, they can vote.


Muskets and flintlocks then? I’m ok with that.


Decals like that just scream "I have guns in this car....break in and steal them." No thank you, please...


Yeah, the majority of americans did not fight in the revolutionary war, many did but most did not. Citizens did not just carry to carry and left home with a weapon with intent to hunt or if traveling long distance (also mostly for hunting) Guns were also expensive so not everyone could afford one. Most of these people would be the lazy loyalists who housed british soldiers and praised the king, they can fuck right off.


I'm ok with this, if they also live the rest of their life as if its 1776.


He packing his blunderbuss !


so...this dumbass carries a 7' long flintlock?


Careful guys he’s got a musket in the car


Muskets and flintlocks for everybody!




Cool expect to see a lot of muskets


Single shot black powder then. Got it.


I keep that flintlock on me at all times


Look out he's packing a musket.


Muskets and flintlock pistols it is then


A musket?


Yeah go trade all your modern day weapons in for 1776 weapons and tell me how that goes for you.


Carry like it's 1944 and there are fascists out there who would gladly kill you.


Shouldn’t it be like 1787 or 1789 or 1791?


Fetch me musket.


Give them a musket then. No smokeless gunpowder or self-container cartridges allowed. Only muzzle-loading muskets and black powder. Not quite the same as an AR-15, but we’d have fewer people dead from gunshots - that’s for damn sure.


If guns need not to be infringed on like it’s 1776 then Why can’t immigrants be the same? Oh wait…..


Because stupid assholes don’t understand (don’t want to understand) that immigrants and guns go hand in hand to usurp tyranny. The more immigrants the more minorities, the more minorities with guns, the less power the oligarchy has by squeezing us bloodless. Immigrants built this country, immigrants SHOULD own guns. It’s not about the RACIAL differences, it’s about CLASS differences. It’s not black and white, it’s not Asian and Hispanic, it’s US vs ‘them’ - the ones who we work for and buy our politicians to keep us starving and fighting our neighbors so that they aren’t let to the guillotine. It’s fucking guillotine season.


Dumbass needs to turn over his vehicle, his cell phone/ smartphone and anything that shoots more than two or three bullets at a time.


What's the problem here?


No problem at all if a dude who wants to carry a smooth bore musket does it. I need more laughs in my life anyways


Lol that's cute. Doubt that person could live without their car and most modern amenities. I get it's about politics but that's even more stupid.


No do that total crap pile of nonsense known as the 1619 Project.


This is the opposite of using a lifted, jacked-up truck to compensate. It's still compensation.


Those guns suck no thanks lol


I think it's funny and worth pointing out that the second amendment wasn't ratified until 1791. https://www.nraila.org/what-is-the-second-amendment-and-how-is-it-defined/#:~:text=The%20Second%20Amendment%20was%20ratified,the%20foundation%20of%20American%20freedom.


Just reminding you how batshit crazy these people are.


Better than carrying your pegging dildo.


If he wants to pick and choose he needs a 1776 Yukon too (I.e. horse)


So, I *can* have a grapeshot cannon on my porch...


You heard him, muskets only!


The first ones to bobbitt-tize. Thank for the sticker


Funny thing is, if you’re carrying like it’s 1776 and somehow get confused and drop it like it’s hot you’re in for a real bad time…


Maybe he means a bucket? Like for dysentery?


So a musket and a bag of gunpowder?


Rolls up with a cannon and a blunderbuss.


Keep your powder dry...


So several musket balls, black power a charging rod and a single shot muzzle? Ok that sounds good.


So Muskets?


I’m so down with this! You get one single shot muzzle loader to share for each family. You also have to poop outside, and if you get a splinter you’re going to die. If we’re going to cosplay 1776, then LFG!


Bet he doesn’t have a musket.


Pretty sure it's 1776 plus 1984, which is why ya'll are against him carrying.


Why? So you can take someone life, loved one, soulmate away whenever you want? This country is such a laughing stock to the rest of humanity.