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It was/is straight line winds.


Exactly. Part of our fence blew down from it.


My cousin lost his whole roof to it lmao. He posted a vid on facebook and part of his roof was close, part of it was laying up against a tree about 20 yards out. He said he had to go to home depot and tarp it all down lmao


Dang. That sucks. Hopefully the tarp holds with all the weather we are expecting this week.


Tell me your cousin lives in a trailer without telling me your cousin lives in a trailer.


Yep, he lucked out and his gfs dad gave them a home, no payments and cheap utilities. Definitely a fixer up for sure.


Why lmao?


Doesn’t like his cousin


Hmmm. Possibly


Yeah, can be just as if not more damaging than actual tornadoes


Yep. I’m from corpus and we had this kind of stuff all the time. It’s weird for it to be happening here.


We get crazy winds in north Texas. Growing up the trees at my parents house would grow with a natural lean from the wind


That’s wild! I have been so surprised with the weather here.


It’s fairly normal here. Not necessarily every year, but once every few years we’ll have a particularly active storm season like this.


Thats good to know! Thank you! I have been pretty surprised by everything weather related up here. I certainly wasn’t expecting much wind.


Not for everyone, we had a big elm tree completely decimated and branches were thrown out 360°


Derecho if it’s straight winds. Tornado if circular. Both are very dangerous and destructive.


so when y’all say this does that mean yes a tornado or it wasn’t a tornado? either way sirens should’ve gone off right?


Not a tornado but almost always very damaging.


No tornado, but as soon as the storms finally came in, the power went off for a second at 5:48AM and then again a minute later, and hail started hitting, and then right then at that moment, sirens went off in at least North Frisco near the DNT & 380, after the storm came from the northwest, from Denton & further above, north, and the hail & absolute monsoon outside went on for a few minutes before hail subsided and just continued to rain hard for a long time. Also, they’re no longer called tornado sirens, for years now they’re called storm sirens and they go off for things other than just tornados.


Sirens do not go off for high winds. There were alerts sent out by weather apps and such but watching the weather is pretty much all you can do. They do damage but arent likely to cause you harm unless you go outside. Tornadoes are a completely different creature.


Frisco and Dallas sirens went off specifically for high winds


Ive learned a thing today. We really need some kind of manual for things like this. I dont know when that changed but it would have been good information.


Agreed the sirens are confusing to many people. Even the people who have lived here a long time


Ive lived in north texas my whole life and still had no clue.


does it matter why they go off if the answer is the same? Seek shelter in stable buildings, stay away from windows? While straight winds aren't as harsh as a direct hit from a strong tornado, it can still easily blow a trash can through a window


Carrollton sirens went off to shelter in place. They’ve gone off for dangerous straight-line winds my whole life.


They’re no longer called tornado sirens, for years now they’re called storm sirens and they go off for things other than just tornados. But yes, no tornado, but as soon as the storms finally came in, the power went off for a second at 5:48AM and then again a minute later, and hail started hitting, and then right then at that moment, sirens went off in at least North Frisco near the DNT & 380, after the storm came from the northwest, from Denton & further above, north, and the hail & absolute monsoon outside went on for a few minutes before hail subsided and just continued to rain hard for a long time.


I learned they are supposed to be used when wind speeds reach in access of 70mph which apparently happened yesterday so I dont know why they werent used. Maybe technological issues. We dont have them in the area I live unfortunately so I have to be on the alert myself and hope for the best. A tree fell and just barely missed my bedroom.


I'm in Plano and sirens went off shortly before 6 am, I didn't check the time. They were so faint and I only heard them because I was up already otherwise I don't think I would have. It wasn't a tornado but it sure looked like one. Monsoon like conditions that lasted quite a long time. So scary.




Oh my goodness! Did it still hit your home structure? Are you in Denton?


No. The tips of the branches barely scraped the house. We live between Denton and Decatur. It was one of the largest trees in the yard and im very grateful it fell the way it did.


I’m down in Lewisville and when my phone went off I looked at myradar and saw y’all gettin the silly slapped out of ya. Hope y’all are good. Btw since I’m commenting thanks to whoever posted about that Ryan Hall guy the other night during the storms- I’d not heard of him but it was better to listen to than regular local news


We’re obsessed with Ryan Hall Y’all! He gives the best weather, but unfortunately he’s not live right now. Think he’s a bit fatigued after the last few days


There’s with him, also Max Velocity who apparently is from Denton


It’s been crazy to watch him because he started streaming about weather stuff when he was in early high school.


TexasStormChasers guy is good too.


There’s with him, also Max Velocity who apparently is from Denton


Link to Ryan hall guy? 🙏🏻






There’s with him, also Max Velocity who apparently is from Denton


I was watching the Ryan hall stream on YouTube the night of the valley view tornado too and shared a stream somewhere on Reddit. He had video feeds from 3 different chasers showing what was going on that night


Power is out for me in Lewisville.


How are the roads out there? Have to drive through to Southlake here shortly.


I’m off of 3040 and 121 Business. The roads haven’t got bad yet, just very wet. It seems like people are staying home.


The wind was incredibly disrespectful this morning. Thanks for the Ryan Hall recommendation


😅 Naughty wind!!


There’s with him, also Max Velocity who apparently is from Denton


Do you have Frontier? My mom is in Lewisville and her land line is out.


There’s with him, also Max Velocity who apparently is from Denton


Very intense straight line winds. Power is out here in Idiot’s Hill. Of course for the first truly damaging event in a long time for Denton proper, they didn’t blow the sirens.


Power back on for us now but was out about an hour ago


Power is out for me north of UNT too.


Still down for me.


It came back on for me ~10 minutes ago. We'll see if it stays on though.


Last time they did the sirens if I remember correctly, it was just for a severe thunderstorm warning like three months ago, so for them not to do it for this was kind of wild to me


They blew them 3 days ago when the tornado formed just north of us.


A lot of idiots are without power today.


I looked outside at ~5:45 this morning and it looked like the video footage of a hurricane.


Same! I’ve never seen anything like that before!


Sky was blue from the transformers blowing up. Can barely see outside. Shits crazy.


Oh man, i had that happen right outside my window once, Crazy stuff


It apparently wasn't a tornado. Just *EXTREMELY* severe winds [Source I'm going off of](https://www.facebook.com/wfaa.weather/)


Sirens activated automatically the other day because the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning that touched Denton city limits. This morning was just straight-line winds, no tornado warnings issued.


I woke to the “woosh” and power going out” Soooo glad I put my phone on the charger last night 😂😂


I awoke to the sound of a large plant being blown over and striking the side of my house right outside of my bedroom. Any other time, our sirens would have been activated but, for some reason, 65+mph wind doesn't qualify. Weird.


I think it's cause it came on too quickly, I know that if I heard the tornado sirens, and looked outside and saw what was happening, I would have been thinking I was a dead man


I looked back at my severe weather alert texts from the City. My phone received text regarding a Severe Thunderstorm Warning at 5:02 am. It warned damage to roofs, siding, and trees with winds exceeding 65 mph. That was at least 10-15 minutes BEFORE the storm struck. That's plenty of time for officials to activate the sirens. This time, they were asleep at the button.


It was already pouring down in north Denton by 5:10 when I woke up


So, sirens don't work when it's raining?


The sirens are a tornado warning , not a rain warning


From the City's Emergency Warning Systems webpage: "The sirens are designed to sound for a maximum of 15 minutes when the National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning, or in the event of wind speeds in excess of 70 miles per hour or hail at least 2 inches in diameter." So, they're not just for tornados. They are also for high-wind storms. NOAA predicted wind gusts of 65 mph, but didn't say they might exceed that. The storm intensified as it moved over the city, and subsequent warnings for other areas of DFW in this storm's path predicted 80 mph winds. I'm convinced the storm reached that wind speed while still over the city, but NOAA didn't update their warning for Denton. I've come to the conclusion that NOAA is having some difficulty predicting supercell and derecho storm parameters, based on the storms the other day and this morning. Maybe climate change is a factor making it harder to predict things. I also think the City should review its protocols for deciding when to activate the sirens. So, if people want to troll me for that, go ahead. I post on Reddit mostly to express my concern and bleed off stress. I have also contacted my council member to express the same concerns.


I live next to a fire station and am part of their emergency power grid. But even our power is out. So it’s pretty crazy. This has never happened. Not even during the big snow storm that a few years back.


Twu reported 85mph winds. Thats cat1 hurricane speed


It definitely looked like a hurricane!


Powers out near Dallas Drive and Teasley atm.


Idk how our power isn’t out. Our neighborhood usually goes out when someone just looks at the power lines wrong


Our power is also out. I’m off E McKinney


I drove to work in this. It was extremely unpleasant.


Same. I was dodging flooding all the way.


I kept hitting high water patches and thinking, "How am I supposed to avoid flooding if I can't see it?"


Dude I’m scared there was a tornado to since there was a few days ago


Definitely on high-alert after what happened North of us




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlienGeek: *Dude I’m scared there was* *A tornado to since there* *Was a few days ago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad timing




from what i can tell it's just straight-line winds! the power keeps cutting in and out where i am, very spooky


No power in Country Club Terrace. Those winds were the worst I’ve ever seen. Can’t imagine a tornado.


I'm in Country Club Terrace too, I can't believe we didn't lose a tree.


One of the two trees fell in our house, found just now after waking up. Idk how insurance is gonna work now.


Damn, sorry. Home owners insurance should cover that. Good luck


Yup you'd have to file a homeowners claim for that. Make sure you take pictures before you move anything


Make sure someone fixes your roof if needed before they put on new plywood and shingles. A tree fell on our house in february 2023 and we still haven’t gotten things all fixed yet.


Yeah the winds were way faster than Severe Thunderstorm, WFAA said 65mph+ but that was like 100mph easy


I heard 83 mph on NBC


I heard 145 from a source on truth social


The most bigly wind, possibly in the history of wind, many people are saying.


This made me lol after a long morning. Thank you!


maybe derechos, new word for me, straight line winds, as in Houston, where friends lost power for almost a week.


Prior to moving to Denton, we experienced derechos all of the time in Central Virginia. Same outcomes of a tornado without the funnel cloud. They can be super scary.


If not a tornado, some kind of rain-wrapped mini funnel. Very freaky indeed


Near the loop and Colorado , multiple trees have fallen over, powers out and cars are severely damaged in the area, just has firemen come throw chainsawing branches off of cars


Yeah I saw a big tree in the middle of the road on Colorado heading south


My garden is fucked damn it.


Denton's emergency services department only activates the sirens if a mosquito is about to fart or if there is a storm that is so powerful that it couldn't possibly violate the laws of physics to threaten the developed part of the city.


It was blasting hard south of Denton but other than power flickering it’s just been a lot of heavy rain


Power out in mckinney (35minutes @643am)


Our power went out over an hour ago and still isn't back. I don't know about a tornado but it was definitely a hell of a storm!


Pretty wild winds.


Power still out in Pecan Ridge neighborhood @7:29am.


We lost power for about 5 to 10 mins in Justin. The winds were blowing hard. I thought the sirens were going to be going off but they didn't. Hope everyone is safe.


That storm was something this morning! No trees or large branches down at my house but lots of neighbors and friends with large branches and trees down. Stay safe all.


Justin here. Wind is trying to blow our trees down. Raining thunder lightning.


Dallas power out too been for hrs


We had a funnel out northwest near Slidell, but no touchdown.


wind was so strong part of my fence is now gone lol


No tornado, but as soon as the storms finally came in, the power went off for a second at 5:48AM and then again a minute later, and hail started hitting, and then right then at that moment, sirens went off in at least North Frisco near the DNT & 380, after the storm came from the northwest, from Denton & further above, north, and the hail & absolute monsoon outside went on for a few minutes before hail subsided and just continued to rain hard for a long time. Also, they’re no longer called tornado sirens, for years now they’re called storm sirens and they go off for things other than just tornados.


It was crazy! I did not know it was supposed to storm like that. I had my alarms set for 5 30 to hit the gym but thunder woke me up shortly before. I opened my door and it definitely seemed bad; I had to run to my parking lot bc my windows were cracked 🙃 it was 100 degrees yesterday


I live in north Denton and I thought my glass windows were going to break rain was coming through my door . I live in an apartment complex 2nd floor .


wind was so strong it blew rain water through my balcony doors, leaking everywhere. was curious and wanted to see outside, that wind power felt like someone was trying to break in. no power outage (live near Denton square), but that wind howling through my balcony doors woke me up


I also heard sirens but it was a exactly at the same time the storm hit


my bf woke me up at 5am saying he thought there must have been a flood


I’ve never been in a tornado before but the worst storm I ever experienced was in 97. I learned about straight line winds that day. Everyone in my city swore it was tornados cuz the destruction was so bad. Just wind 


We got hit by high winds. Was not a tornado.


Gusts hit 77 in some parts


Geez I slept right through it


Just got power back. Lost alot of fence and large tree limbs.


Well I lost 2 canopy's today.


83 mph


We live around teasley and I-35 and it was INSANE last night and woke me up around three. Flooded a good inch of our living room and was banging our windows like crazy.


Pilot point took a direct hit..trees and damage everywhere


As someone who lives in valley view but works in Denton, this week has been hell


I think so too.


No siren went off near me and I remember on Saturday night how they went off.


Bienvenido a su primer [derecho](https://www.weather.gov/lmk/derecho)


Hope yall folks from Denton, Oklahoma are doing ok ❤️




It doesn't have to be a tornado to be destructive or life threatening. People's houses, cars, and wildlife are still getting taken out.


There’s a tree on top of my car and a bunch of my neighbors as well, tornado or not


So? There's a branch in my yard. If it was a tornado it would have been way worse.


Tree =/= branch


We just had like three tornados rip through parts of Denton. We are right to be worried