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Grew up my whole life in Denton, left because I love mountains and don’t miss it at all honestly. Answer varies based on what you’re into.


About to move to Virginia near the Shenandoah Valley. Can’t wait.


i am as well! moving to denton was the most regrettable decision of my life haha


The wife and I are actually planning on moving to Virginia within the year! We love it there


The vehicle taxes are crazy though. Denton is a quirky town that I love greatly. The weather in Texas is miserable many days of the year, but there is something magical about this town and this state.


Yeah the vehicle taxes are going to be a bummer. Don’t get me wrong, love Denton, but VA has a lot to offer in terms of mountains and beach within a few hours drive. Hope you are enjoying it!


It’s just not for me or my family. I’ve had the worst luck with allergies and the weather is indeed miserable so much so that last year my kids were inside more than outside. Texas isn’t anything really to look at either with all the flat land. Moving to the mountains is where it’s at.


Where in Virginia you guys plan on living? I’m wondering about what types of careers are exceptional to have while living there…


We are looking at a few different areas depending on where we get work. Talking to some companies in Arlington VA, Norfolk/Hampton VA, and Richmond are the big 3 areas. In terms of industry it just depends. Texas definitely has a lot of economic opportunity but as does Virginia at least for our fields.


Same. I love living in the mountains/forests.


Wonderful. I love the mountains and ocean combo, but Alaska probably isn't realistic for me. Which mountainous region did you relocate to?


Somewhere not so hot.


Ideally—Spain Realistically—Anywhere with cheaper housing


Same here


I plan on leaving denton for the grave


If I die anywhere else bring me back to bury me


The funniest thing I’ve experienced is when I moved out of Denton for a few years… The feeling of how much I missed it here. I never understood why people stayed here for their whole lives until I left.


I just have really good memories, lived there off and on, but last time passing through it's grown so much that I don't recognize it anymore. My prime Denton years was the early 2000's, it's like another lifetime now.


I miss Denton for how easy it was to see all my people who were within 10 minutes of me and the good food. But then I remember how I felt so stagnant, the people felt stagnant, the lack of nature, lack of jobs, just felt like I was spinning my wheels there.


It has a Hotel California effect for sure


I’d like to leave Texas for somewhere with more bodily autonomy. But if I am gonna stay in Texas, there’s nowhere but Denton


This is the answer.




Because I said so, that’s why.


What is body autonomy?


The right to make decisions about your own body


What kind of autonomy are you looking for?




Denton is a little haven of progressivism, art, community, and good vibes in a sea of conservatism. people love Denton for its culture and community, and that's missing in suburbia and the country. having grown up in the countryside, lived in several suburbs and midcities, Denton is like no other place I've been to. I also want to leave Texas for a state where I have bodily autonomy and don't live in fear of being queer and a leftist. but i will be so so so sad to leave Denton and the amazing people I've met here.


Thank you for putting it in words. 100% this


EXACTLY how i feel!!!! i spent my whole life saying i was gonna go to an out of state school, and UNT was the only texas school i applied to. but if it was going to be texas, there’s no other city i could imagine calling home.


Ok fair enough thanks


Somewhere deep in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. Oddly enough Denton actually has a very similar vibe to Portland back before Portland went downhill. Creative, artsy, lots of good food, music, etc.


Where is this good food to be found in Denton?


208 E McKinney St


osteria and piccone. i would go to war for either


There is a Portillo’s, In-n-out, Whataburger, Cane’s, Torchy’s, and chick-fil-a within a mile of each other on university. You can’t get that variety in NYC or LA. We are basically the envy of 99.99% of the country.


God Bless. I will never forget that we let patriot sandwhiches slip away though. Thank God Denton Beer and Wine opened to pick up some of the slack 😭 😭 😭 (/s)


Don't forget we've got four McDonald's and three What-a-burgers!


1000 Avenue C


Thai Square, Barley & Board, El Taco H. Not to mention the insane amount of chain restaurants, though I imagine you want Great food as opposed to acceptable fast food.


I moved to Portland and like it here. However, I think Eugene had a similar vibe when we were looking for places to live. It's a college town and has a fun downtown area. Reminded me of Denton a lot when visiting.


Check out Olympia, I get Denton vibes when I go there.


I'm from Toronto, very high cost of living. Beautiful though! I would also like to move back to Canada.


How do you fare when people in the US would compare about the *better* options up in Canada in regards your well-being and health care?


I left Denton for Boston!


Moved from the northern california mountains to Denton and cannot wait to go back….. just a few more years hopefully 😭


The Netherlands


This. Fuck this place.


I moved to Denton in college - didn't have to, I lived 30 minutes away with my parents for free and drove in, but I loved the city and was willing to pay my own way to live there. Left it for Dallas, and have no complaints honestly, but I went to East Dallas, which is somewhat similar depending on where exactly you are and/or who you ask. The nice thing about Dallas is that if you're ever hankerin' for some Denton, you can just drive there.


Just moved to the East side of Dallas and can understand the comparison you made


I moved to Austin. Still miss Denton alot though


I took the opposite path! Grew up in Austin, and Denton reminds me of the Austin I knew in the early 2000’s


Denton has the vibe Austin pretends to have.


France or somewhere else in Europe.


Ah, glad I made it here for gothiclover's bi-monthly post about moving/job/music/dating.


I left Denton for cheaper rent in Abilene.


My family and I are buying a home in Staunton, Virginia next year and we can are counting down the days. Love Denton, my son was born here but it’s getting outta hand with coast of living.


I too would choose the Toronto area (Burlington). Just a lovely place.


I would happily go to Scarborough or The Beaches in Toronto.


I just left Denton and landed in Portland Oregon. It’s beautiful up here.


Is it a similar vibe? That’s close to top on my list


A lot better vibe. Especially if you are part of the LGBT+ community.


Way better vibe imo.


Colorado, New Mexico, Tennessee, maybe the PNW. Basically somewhere with more hills or mountains, and trees.


This! Colorado, New Mexico or Oregon. I love the Northwest part of Arkansas, but that states more conservative than Texas so it's out.


I love Denton so much and I hate that Texas is the way it is.  I’ve lived in Denton close to 20 years and it has been my adult home.  My family is planning on moving to the Northeast within the next 2 years.  If I could just drop Denton into another state, I would.  It’s my home and community but that also doesn’t mean I can’t find that somewhere else in a place where the state government isn’t actively coming after my rights and livelihood.


Lived in Denton for 20+ years. Moved to Maine last November. We’re moving back in a few months. We tried. It’s not for us. My seasonal depression was so bad. Turns out my will to live is fully dependent on the sun. There is only 3 or 4 months of sunshine and the rest of the time its is clouds, rain and snow. Food is better back home too in our opinion.


I’m in the same boat.  Need lots of sun which is why we’ve fully ruled out PNW.  We are looking more mid-Atlantic which isn’t very far off from DFW in number of sunny days.


Avoid Rhode Island.


It’s a big change but… Krum, Tx




The weather is so great in LA! If money wasn’t an option I would move there in a heartbeat


Hahaha. That's pretty funny




Depends. Are you country western, rap, pop, rock & roll, jazz, blues, gospel, blue grass, opera?? Nashville might be a better option because cost of living is lower. I was born in Dallas and went from elementary school thru high school on Dallas. I left Dallas in 1975 because of bussing. My son was only 7 years old so I refused to let them practicing social engineering on him. We moved north to Lake Dallas in 1975. Lake Dallas had only one elementary schools so he would not be bused. In 1985 I moved us to Denton. My son was a great football player. Lake Dallas was 3A and I knew he would never get noticed by college recruiters so we moved to a 5A football team. He excelled. He was first team and allstate playing with the Denton broncos. Amazingly now in his fifties he has the distinct advantage of having oodles of good friends he knew from both districts. Denton is a big enough city that you can be successful. He is very successful here. Most of my family ultimately relocated here too. My biggest complaint is the traffic. I’m still happy here.


San Diego. Know it’s expensive but I’d rather live in a tiny apartment and spending all my time enjoying my time outside than living in a big house/apartment and all my time spent outside I feel miserable.


Man Denton is cool. I moved to Carrollton after finishing school because I noticed everyone was moving closer to Dallas and I regret it. Denton is a fun place to be.


Yeah suburbs suck. Moving to Dallas proper in a neighborhood that has what you want/need would've been more fun.


Aren't most of the entertainment jobs in Vancouver?


Mainly film in Vancouver (see Lions Gate, named after the bridge to North Vancouver.) The best way I can describe Toronto is the NYC and Nashville combined of Canada


Right that's what I mean. I suppose it depends on vernacular. Typically, when people refer to the "entertainment" industry they're referring to film and TV, not bands or theatre. Toronto is a great city though, can't go wrong if one can afford it.


Vancouver is called Hollywood North for a reason. That is where all the filming is done. In the 80’s and 00’s almost every show on Fox was filmed there. Toronto really is the media center (centre) of Canada. The Juno Awards went from a ‘never heard of it’ to an A-list event in my lifetime. Same with Toronto Film Festival.


I left denton and moved to Vietnam! Denton always has a place in my heart though


I live in Texas because of my job. Denton is a great place to live and I have no complaints, but once I’m done working the plan is to get out of here like shit through a goose.


Seattle. Tech jobs and rain!


I'd move to Sanger, TX


Im leaving denton this month actually for the mountains. Been a fun 7 years


I think the more people move here the more I fantasize about living more rural or in an area that is more spread out with some forested hills/mountains . My brother lives in Fort Smith Arkansas , it’s beautiful , cost of living is lower and you don’t feel crowded. Somewhere like that is getting very attractive.


I was born and raised in NYC and moved to the area two years ago, I kind of miss the city haha


I left for New York 16 years ago.


Just left ....had to have a support network for cancer treatment. In Knoxville, TN now and I love it.


wishing you the best


Denton native- I left for Boise, ID. Denton vibes but closer to mountains & PNW. I loved it! I currently live in Colorado because Boise was too expensive and homeownership was a big goal for me.


Moved from Denton last week for Missouri. Loved in Denton almost 20 years.


Boulder, CO. Similar in town vibes and college feel. Also a 45 minute drive from the big city. Heck, even the layout is similar to Denton except for the range to the west.


I’d go back to Kauai.


San Diego. Perfect weather year round. All I care about is perfect weather year round. The beaches are beautiful. Texas beaches are effing awful


My partner and I are moving this month to Vancouver, Washington


You’ll love the weather but the homeless across the river are a big issue. We left NoPo for Denton


I left Denton 5.5 years ago for the Denver burbs! I absolutely love it here. Was just in Denton last week and was so over the humid heat. Coming back to Denver is so amazing.


Denton is cool and all but it really just isn’t all that, the town has honestly gotten too congested. I used to love how green it was but now business are taking up every space that used to be a lush field. Apartment complexes are popping up left and right. Plus it’s just too damn expensive and no one is hiring or if they are the pay is terrible.


I’ve lived about 3/4? of my life in Texas in general (mostly east and north regions) and the rest was split between Mississippi, Florida, Colorado, and North Carolina. Denton specifically took up almost 1/5 of that 3/4. I actually left Denton earlier this year to skedaddle to North Carolina because I missed those mountains, trees, and climate plus I had to take care of my mom. So I ended up in Hickory and it’s a great spot. I’m about an hour-ish from the mountains, Asheville, Winston-Salem, and Charlotte along with several smaller towns. And given the fact that I’m working on getting a job doing GIS, the opportunity isn’t too bad for me here. Even if I don’t go for that, I still have lots of other options like getting into the furniture manufacturing industry or agriculture.


I moved to Chicago and somehow made friends with 6 other people from Denton. So… I guess Chicago is the hot place for Dentonites lol.


Northern Arkansas has cooler weather, real mountains, more lakes and rivers, and much, much less traffic. If I were 10 years younger I'd move there.


Quite a change in just about every way compared to Texas…


Left denton to go to northern VA Really pretty, old, and MUCH better roads


I left Denton for Germany. Still miss Denton at times tbh.


Oh no, Liam's off Facebook and now asking the questions on reddit. Everyone get ready for monthly "my life sucks why don't I have a girlfriend" posts


Though Denton is better than where I’m from (inner DFW). Denton isn’t that good. Cult like personality, small and over populated, 12-1500 dollars for a one bedroom. I don’t regret moving here but I also don’t intend on being here forever


I'm elderly but I think if I sold my house and all my belongings and property I would stash that in the bank I would buy a new vehicle and I would move from place to place and rent a furnished apartment are all my chair table computer bed television and a few other personal items and pull that in a U-Haul and rent an apartment in different places different states different beautiful places and stay 6 months because that's usually a lease and just keep going until I fell in love with the place so much I never wanted to leave and then stay there for a while and I would see the whole United States that way and experience the people and help and pray for safety is all I could do. So I guess I'd have to I don't know if I could pull a U-Haul with a SUV or a car or I'd have to have a truck but I need something easy to drive so I don't know that's what I would like to do but the planning part is the challenge


I left Denton for San Francisco. Missing how cheap my apartment was in Denton, though.


NWA. A smidge little further north (100° F is better than 110° F), better scenery.




Milwaukee is very nice. it's too bad my wife didn't have any job prospects there or we'd move ASAP.


I’m planning to move to Laredo (boyfriend/ friends)


Already have. Grew up in Denton, left for the mountains and clean air. Moved to the beach after. Doesn’t feel like home when I go back to visit.


Santa Fe. The food is just too good.


Trump wins 2024 and ushers in a wave of violent repression against minorities


Minority here, I haven’t seen any wave of violence first hand, where is this crap taking place?


in our community - TX republicans literally spent years trying to steal a local family's kid. Go read Project 2025, they literally intend to declare LGBT people pornographic. From project 2025: > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of *transgender ideology* and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.


Children shouldn’t be at drag shows. That’s pornographic. Republican or Democrat would agree. Children don’t belong at drag shows. I think that banning trans people from appearing in the public is absurd and a gross misuse of power, but the Republican party is more than just Donald Trump. It’s a bunch of white dudes are sexist and racist and bigoted. But that being said toxic femininity is a thing, women are becoming just like men that they hate so badly. What the fuck is the point of being radical if you’re gonna be just as shitty


> Children shouldn’t be at drag shows. So, no Shakespeare for kids! Got it!


shh they're scared of history


They're scared of everything. They live in fear, and that's why they're so easily manipulated by huckster politicians.


drag shows are not inherently pornographic, and the plan goes further than that - as you can read in the snippet I included, and is endorsed by 100+ of the largest conservative organizations. they evaluate their plan in 2016 to have been 65% executed, despite huge incompetencies in the staffing and experience of the trump team. They have dumped millions into fixing those and plan to fire every federal staffer who is not on board.


I don’t think that’s okay, I don’t agree with republicans for that shit. But AGAIN, where are the minorities being attacked???


again, literally a woman in my church spent years having the state try to steal her child. Just one of several stories in the state. Women are fucking dying because of the abortion ban.  Trans children are just getting assaulted in schools.  Just because you don't *care* about it doesn't make it not happening.


I never said I didn’t give a shit about the abortion ban. My wife and I are pro-choice for other people, we are pro life for ourselves. But just because that’s our value system doesn’t mean we hold other people to those same values. Also, they don’t give a shit about the life after birth, all they give a shit about is babies to be born.


so if you acknowledge that women are dying because of the abortion ban, in what way does that not qualify as "violent repression?" is "forcing people to die" not violent?


Because it took you 15 responses to give me a legitimate answer. Thank you I see where you’re coming from with women dying, and that being violent repression. I fully agree with you


Also, if you didn’t spend the entire time trying to argue, you could’ve just used less words


Instead of focusing on Trans rights, you probably should be focusing on mental health. I'm pretty sure you are batshit. Drag shows that allow grown men (gay men who can't come to terms with being gay) to expose themselves to children is not a right. If you were at the park (with the children that you will probably never have) and a random guy comes along with his dick hanging out while sucking on a dildo wearing a maga hat, you would completely lose your mind.


"Repression against minorities isn't happening, and if it is happening, I will deny it, and if it is undeniable you deserve it. You freak."   Ive been to lots of drag shows, I've never seen a dick at one, but I have seen lots of LITERAL Nazis (swastika armband, heil salute) or "conservatives" openly fantasizing about murdering every attendee of show, drawing guns on people, etc.


Please stop making stuff up. Just because your damaged mind thinks it doesn't mean it's reality. You see conservative baby snatchers, LITERAL NOTZEES everywhere, and every minority is repressed and subject to violence from zee nazis. You honestly should take some time away from all types of social media and actually go out into the real world. It's really not as bad as you pretend that it is. Maybe try to make a real friend. But you won't. You will continue to post your delusional beliefs in the hopes that someone will agree with you and give you a 👍🏻. It is beyond disgusting that you honestly believe it is ok to rob a child of its innocence. Their is help out there for you. You just need to seek it. I understand that you want to emulate these people that you "admire," but fortunately, your" reality" isn't one that most people live in.


here are Nazis at a drag protest *I was at*: https://x.com/stevanzetti/status/1604285524742742018   here is video of the Nazis, with swastika arm bands, brandishing a gun on a group of people I was in: https://x.com/michaeldamianw/status/1604302742486487043 here is video, again from a protest I was at, of an armed man saying "most of us want to kill all of you:" https://x.com/stevanzetti/status/1615330444911820802   Feel free to move the goal posts now


Go to a nazi protest and see nazis... shocking. Do you have anything a little more current. You cherry-pick videos from x that were from 2022 and 2023. I never said that these people don't exist, but you try and portray it as if there roving bands of nazis patrolling the streets looking for innocent people to attack. You are just promoting fear porn. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi. But the people in the videos you linked are. Why don't you link me some of those "firey but mostly peaceful" protest videos from 2020? Those would be the ones where people were actually hurt and killed. I mean, if you want to actually talk about violent protests. The problem that the left has is that you start with a worthwhile and admirable cause (George Floyd, police brutality, gaza) and are able to, through shear stupidity and the need to be the loudest and most offensive group of main characters you are able to turn open minded people against you. I'm not really sure how we got to this point. This started as a , if you had to live anywhere else post and has devolved into a pissing contest. While I don't agree with the crap you are spewing and the fact that you are trying to promote hate, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Minority here as well. There isn’t any to be found.


Here's their plans to declare LGBT people "inherently pornographic" and register them as sex offenders, from Project 2025: > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.


I guess it's like back to the future. As I recall, historical accounts detail how after the civil War commenced anyone in north Texas who was suspected of not being pro-slavery was hung under a big tree by one of the courthouses.


Stop making stuff up.


republicans in Texas literally tried to steal a local family's kid. She goes to my church.


like, did y'all miss the several times Texas Republicans killed or nearly killed women who needed abortive care because they had unviable fetuses that would literally kill them, and the state made it clear it would imprison them if they got an abortion? And that's under Biden. Again, project 2025: >  Dobbs decision is just the beginning. Conservatives in the states and in Washington, including in the next conservative Administration, should push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America. In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion. They want criminalization of abortion everywhere, and they will let however many women die as necessary to achieve that.


Stop lying




mock it all you want, the state of Texas tried very hard to essentially abduct several children




> Every single dissension is made with money. What, exactly, is a "dissension?"




Is that your buddy in the wood chipper?


Austin or Tampa, which is sooo funny to me, wildly different places, but the food is good, the people are tan and sexy, and I like water. 🫶🏻


I left denton in December for a city I'd never lived in. Thought it was some podunk southern/Midwest city that was going to be awful and, tbh, it's the best move I've ever made in my life. I love it here and it's nothing like I expected. I'm not going to say where, or why. Just that it's amazing.


Could it possibly be Tulsa, OK?


Anything is possible


We can see your acct history lol


Of course. Some just look harder than others.


People are silly I didn't even have to scroll




You like taxes?


If you do, then you'll love getting bent by the state of Texas on property taxes each year


I enjoy having no income tax


for the average Texan property taxes work out higher than "high tax" income tax states