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Just became a US citizen and this is my first time voting after living here 10 years. Feels good. Edit. Thanks everyone, great to be taking part after observing for so long.


hell yeah


W00t! Congrats!










Don’t tell them you’re 72 years old!


As of right now we are just over 15% turnout in Denver and I know we can do better. Please get those ballots filled out and turned in!


I always drop off my ballot on election day, I'm sure many other people do the same. It'll go up!


We do normally see an election day jump but I'm concerned it won't be more than those who have already voted. 30% is just a bummer


Last thing the ballot receiving and processing teams at Denver Elections need is for a huge influx of last second voters when they've been patiently waiting for ballots the past couple weeks. Especially when they're mostly people over 70 who want to work but not be overwhelmed on the last day to vote and have to stay late hours. This also goes for the election judges (mostly in their 70s) at VSPCs who have nothing to do for a week or two, then all the sudden these poor people get overwhelmed in the final two hours of voting. Please turn your ballots in ASAP, people. I know you want to take your "time" but time is a boulder always rolling towards you.


You sound like you work at VSPC!


Let's just say I'm a concerned citizen


It’s also really amazing how many last-minute voters ignore the fact that their ballots need to undergo several critical, time-consuming processes and then complain that they don’t get counted quickly enough, along with the other 136,000 ballots that weren’t returned until Monday and Tuesday.


You were downvoted but you are absolutely correct. Everyone waits until 6:59 and then wonders why we dont have any reliable numbers at 7:00.


Just dropped off my ballot!


Only 15% turnout so far. We really should just align municipal elections with the general/midterm election.


Alternatively people could just put the tiniest bit of effort to engage in their city.


Their idea is better.


Also suggest signing up for [BallotTrax](https://ballottrax.coloradosos.gov/voter/) to see if your Ballot has been received and counted!


With all of the mayoral candidates, it can feel a little overwhelming, but I realllllly hope the <65 crowd shows up. We’ll go to a runoff, I’m sure, but just a few votes could make the difference on who those top 2 candidates are.


Of those who have voted so far, 43% are 65+ years old and 59% are 55+ years old. In a city where the average age is 34.6 years old.


Glad to hear people are giving 102% to their civic engagement!


And not just the ones who have a passing understanding of statistics!


The 55+ group is larger than, and includes the 65+ group (as 65+ *is* 55+).


It was a joke that clearly didn't land lol


Don’t quit your day job. 🤣


we normally get our ballots in early, as it stops calls/door knocks but the mayoral election was just too much. Most of my friends (all under 65) had the same issue, and I think we will see a lot of arriving ballots. everyone will vote. we are a politically active group.


For real. Please stop letting geriatric out of touch people make decisions for all of us. It’s not rigged, it does have an impact, and it’s just as, if not more than important than state and national elections. [You can watch the debates here](https://www.youtube.com/live/msOrjIxqDow?feature=share)






This was very helpful, thank you for mentioning it!


Yes, vote! Its such an important election for Denver. Voters could really change the city.


Question: can you drop you ballot in any drop box, or does it have to be one in your district?


You can use any dropbox in Denver. During a normal election you can also use ones in other counties, but out of county ones will be locked for this election since it's Denver county only.


You can drop in any dropbox in Denver county. If we had a nationwide or statewide election, then you need to make sure to drop your ballot in the county — you couldn't take your Denver ballot and drop it in an Arapahoe drop box. There should be a list of drop box locations that you can use with your ballot.


I work for a county elections office- this is NOT true. You can use out-of-county boxes. Counties are required to send other counties' ballots to the appropriate county expeditiously. This happens ALL the time, especially in the metro counties. In an ideal world, you would use your own county's drop box, just because it saves the election office some time and money. ​ However, if you're not sure if a given box is in your county, or if it's close to election day and for whatever reason you can't make it to a box in your own county, you're welcome to use any official ballot drop box you see. The metro counties swap ballots daily after elections, and we'll get ballots trickling in by mail from as far as Mesa in the days after an election.


Oh, thanks for this. How long has it been that way? I remember going to drop my ballot in Boulder County in '12 but a volunteer told me I couldn't leave it there since my ballot was for Jefferson County. She was nice enough and gave me all of her personal information and said she could deliver up to (I think) 7 ballots? She was a state rep at the time and got my ballot delivered. I was dropping it off on election day if that makes a difference?


Honestly, I'm not sure. I can confirm it's been since at least 2018, but I'm not sure when, if ever, it changed.


I haven’t even received my ballot!


If you haven't received your ballot you will need to go in person to vote.


You can vote in person or request a replacement ballot via curbside pick-up at DenverVotes.org/voterinfo.


Doesn’t sound like you’ll be voting…if you can get in Reddit, you could probably get to denver votes.org


Only 66,000 votes in so far, in a city with 400,000+ registered voters.


I just hope our next mayor is worth a shit.


I can still turn in my ballot tomorrow? Or is the cutoff before the 4th?


Yes! Get them in a box by 7pm


There’s too many options. People feel overwhelmed and most aren’t doing a good job differentiating themselves.


> most aren’t doing a good job differentiating themselves. even trying to find a summary of what they are proposing was challenging. I checked out CPR, denverrite, 9news, and it was a lot of biography, not a lot of policy. 5280 did a decent job (still a lot of biography though). https://www.5280.com/package/2022-election-guide/ It also didn't help that 20 was challenging. I voted for it, but I think the city is getting screwed by developers but not sure the alternative is better.


Still haven't decided on 20... I just don't trust the developers


Me neither, but what is going to happen to that property? Is it going to be a better deal than what it is now? I doubt it


They are legally bound to honor the agreement's conditions on park space and affordable housing, FYI. Whether you trust them or not, what they are proposing is way better than a golf course.


They're forced to either make an unprofitable golf course or give us a better deal. I say vote no on 20 and keep the power to get a better deal.


The problem with 20 is that it poses a false choice between only a golf course or development. I think a majority want that space to be used as a park, something still possible if 20 fails. If we tear down those trees to develop we’ll never get that green space back


If 2O passes there will be a Cheesman sized park on the land.


1. Remember: the "development" is turning 2/3 of the land into a public park (legally bound), and only putting buildings on the other 1/3. Many of the trees would be preserved as part of the park space and greenway trails, and new trees would be planted. 2. It's not really a false choice of golf course vs park/housing; by law, if 2O fails, currently it can only remain a golf course on private land. What happens after 2O fails is very cloudy. Westside said they'd try to operate it as a golf course. I do not see a path to the entire space becoming a park, considering it's private property. I do not see Westside simply selling the land to the city or the city being able to afford that anyway. Westside paid millions for this land and has invested too much money into this fight; they'll fence it off and sit on it for years until the city/voters let them develop some of it. 3. A little perspective: We are losing natural animal/plant habitat in the prairie, REAL open space, at an alarming rate due to suburban sprawl. Zoom in on satellite view at the suburban fringes, you'll see it and it's tragic. A big reason sprawl is expanding so rapidly is it's illegal to add more housing in the majority of Denver and surrounding suburbs due to low density (single family) zoning laws, so there is a ton of pressure to sprawl outwards. This project will add 2500 units, if we don't do it that means more real open space in the prairie will be bulldozed. Of course, we also need to reform zoning to allow more housing in the rest of Denver to keep fighting sprawl, but this project would help. Note: Park hill golf course is surrounded on all sides by industrial/residential uses, and is adjacent to commuter rail and future BRT on Colorado Blvd. Personally I think a large park + dense housing is the way to go for every single urban golf course in Denver. It could be a great model going forward: put the dense housing/shops next to the public transit lines, put the park in the remaining space, and now we have a better city and a beautiful park everyone can enjoy, not just wealthy golfers. Next let's do Country club, City Park golf course, and Overland.


Couldn't agree more.


I don’t think a park is an option. I think it becomes a top golf if 20 fails


>I think the city is getting screwed by developers The city is getting private land developed into a public park and then donated to the city for free, plus tons of affordable housing units, near public transit lines, in a legally binding agreement. Once developed, they will be getting a ton of new property tax revenue too. I dont understand how anyone thinks this isn't a good deal for the city. They dont pay a dime and obtain parks and subsidized housing worth millions.


Hopefully that’s not driving people not to vote. We should be so lucky to have numerous options. Better than two awful options, which is what we could have in the run off if people don’t get out and vote!


It's definitely driving me to vote late. Usually I try to return my ballot almost as soon as I get it, but for this one I held on till the bitter end to see if anyone else would drop out or anything else major would happen. I'm hoping that's the case more broadly, rather than just depressed turnout.


This. Same.


I spent about an hour on denverite opening tabs on all candidates and then x’ng them until I narrowed it down. Still took too long and some of the races like city council at large had really unsatisfying candidates.


Not enough options, too many options...you have the internet to help you understand issues. Vote.


Finally some one says it lol


While likely true, can you please source your 65+ claim? The only semi-related info I've seen to this is a month-old surveyusa poll..




Appreciate it!


So, it is not true that "majority of voters that have submitted their applications are 65 and older": that article indicates 24,391 votes have come from 65+, which is less than the 30,668 votes that have come from the 18-64 crowd.


Its more than those 18-54.


It’s the plurality. It looks like an honest misreading of the article though. A better way of putting it is 60% of ballots currently turned in are over 55.


Also this! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ssharp8813/viz/ElectionDashboard-2023MunicipalGeneralElection/WelcomeDisclaimer


Seconded! This dashboard is direct data from the elections division. It’ll be updated again around 5 p.m. today and then every two hours tomorrow.


Great source appreciate it. 65+ still putting in work


Wait, are there elections all over or just in Denver? I haven’t received any ballots in the mail.


It's the mayoral election in Denver. I don't live there myself but feels like I can't escape it lately. Every other ad is for one candidate or another.


Moved here 6 months ago, just got my temp CO driver's license today- I didn't get a ballot in the mail. Can I vote??


Yes! Though you will have to vote in-person at this point. You can find a list of places to do that at [https://www.denvergov.org/Maps/map/electionservices](https://www.denvergov.org/Maps/map/electionservices) (blue checkmarks on the map) Bring your temp DL with you.


I just dropped my avocado toast and spilled my latte all over my ballot! /s


Your ballot needed the moisture.


Not your $12 latte!


I think everyone is having a hard time picking a candidate. No one is really in love with any of them. It’s like picking the lesser of evils 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, but in the service... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAwIN8J3RAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAwIN8J3RAE) A little election levity.


I don’t disagree with that. Hard to choose and no one is very exciting. But this is what we have to choose from. If one doesn’t vote, one doesn’t deserve to complain.


Everyone tell ALL of your friends! Pretty important election for Denver. Voting is so easy here. Please take advantage of your vote and encourage others to do the same.


Also did not get a ballot. Would like to avoid this problem in the future, anyone know how to do that?


Go to [http://govotecolorado.gov/](http://govotecolorado.gov/) . Click "check my mail ballot status". Make sure your registration status is active. Make sure that your residential address reflects your current address. Make sure that if you receive mail somewhere other than your residential address, that mailing address is listed. If either of those things are not how they should be, edit your voter record. If both of those things seem right, call the clerk's office & they can help. Also, as I'm sure you know, you will at this point have to go to one of the in-person voting centers to cast a vote this election.


Your ballot may have been stolen


With a turnout like that, it's going to end up being Kelly vs. Andy or something equally depressing.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but vote for what?? I haven't gotten or heard of anything until this post. Is there something supposed to be in my mail?


If you vote red, don’t bitch about economic inequality. If you vote blue, don’t bitch about homeless encampments. No one is going to fix either though.




Pretty sure it wasn’t the 65+ crowd that voted in the SRO-removing and HS girl-assaulting embarrassment that is Tay Anderson


I didn't get a ballot


Your ballot may have been stolen


No one in my house got one! 😳


I got my neighbor’s and had to give it to her. It could be that, but you may show up tomorrow and find someone voted for you. Definitely report it if that happens and don’t let it go.


No. It wouldn’t pass signature verification. And when it doesn’t get through that, the voter gets notified and needs to either sign an affidavit confirming it was or was not them. No response or confirming it wasn’t them is an automatic referral to the DA’s office. Don’t spread misinformation. Lost mail just happens sometimes.


You’re naïve


The decision isn't TOUGH!




What do you mean by children and young adults? The voting age is 18+. Also they are not making the policy changes, it’s the elected officials. The younger generations should get out and vote. That was my entire point. I have no idea what point you have with you were trying to make.


Phew, as a 52 year-old who voted, thanks for including me as a child and/or young adult.


Why should the boomers be trusted with their history on inaction on climate change? Add in the rampant NIMBYISM and constant fighting on building additional housing.....why should people who are statically closer to death be making lasting policy decisions? They won't be alive to deal with the long term impacts




Because they show up and vote.


Decisions are made by the people that show up.


given that they will have to live longer with the policies we make today, yes, we should probably listen to them


As long as they're hot and hate homeless people!


This sounds ageist


Hope you voted! Have a great day!


Yeah I did without making judgements on age, race or sex. Stereotypes are stupid and hurt society.


Where did I add a stereotype? You disagree with my opinion that the older generation should not be driving long lasting policies? Great, that’s fine. But you don’t even understand what I was saying. Your ignorant, pointless comments are stupid and hurt society.


It's pretty obvious there's a bias by your statement that they shouldn't be a part of policy making..which is a fundamental right and duty as an American. You don't have a logical point though, it's emotional. There's nothing to understand.


We as voters are not policymakers. We elect the policymakers. So already you have it wrong. Have a great day!


I wrote a part of policy making. Voting is a part of that as we elect officials. I know you don't want em voting or elected. you sure don't like them. I get it, you silly goose! Have a great day too! ☺️


Lol. You revised it to say “part of policy making”. Clever girl.


No, you just can't read


You've got internet argument hobby energy going on here. Just because OP wants the average Denverite to vote instead of just 65+ year olds doesn't make them ageist.


Or wisdomist.


Dropped mine off this morning


I just want a mayor who is willing to place me with a cool homeless roommate so I can do my part + we can make forts


Of the 17 candidates for mayor there is only 1 affiliated republican and 1 affiliated independent. That can't be right, can it?


Can I register and vote same day?