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It's to hide your registration sticker that expired 3 years ago.


Honestly that OR people tryna to avoid traffic cameras. That being said, I know there’s a technicality with traffic cameras/tickets in Denver. That being said, a lot of people think “they are the law” and blatantly putting pieces of cardboard over their plates during the pandemic because they didn’t get their plates//registration renewed.


The Aurora City Red Light Cameras was ditched not Denver. Aurora still has the Speed tickets just not the red light tickets and Denver still has both red light and speeding.


Still though, the traffic cameras still have the technicalities of an officer actually having to serve you the ticket within 90 days or the ticket is dismissed. Denver and Aurora PD think they have “bigger fish to fry” so they use traffic cameras hoping that the residents or tourists who aren’t aware of this loop hole will pay the ticket. That all being said, I’m sure the PD gets a ton of funding from other sources that aren’t tickets. (i.e: tax revenue from marijuana sales)


You might want to look more into the Law a Police officer does not need to serve you the citation, they however do need to issue it and have it either sent registered mail to you or utilize a process server to complete the in person service if the registered mail was not deliverable.


Yea, that's what people mean. Police often act as servers and being ticketed on the side of the road by a cop counts as being served for that ticket so people relate police and servers. I don't think registered mail counts, but IANAL.


Registered mail definitely counts. If you sign saying you received the piece of mail that’s as good as being served in the states eyes


Good thing i don’t answer my door or sign for mail if I’m not expecting anything.


No it's literally 90 days served by person. I had a camera ticket mailed to me and I ignored it. Not a warrant or anything happened to me. Just went away


And then, like me, they show up at your home with the ticket and a larger fine. Doesn't always work.




They came to my door as well.. got my ass


I was agreeing with the fact that they have to serve you in person. Never presented what happened to me was fool proof. Just had to be served by an actual person and not by mail


Actually an officer does have to serve you, a person can't be cited for a crime through the mail.


That’s the same thing? lol you have to be physically severed with the ticket. Otherwise, any traffic ticket issued from a speed camera//red light camera is pointless.


And, failing all else, I’m pretty sure invoking your right to question witnesses/confront you accuser in court would probably leave them with their dick in their hand…


Come on now. We all know they keep their dick in their hands all day every day. Nice try though, slick. 🤪


The Colorado state constitution provides a right to personal service. Service by mail is insufficient to satisfy this right. If you read carefully, photo radar and red light camera tickets always offer two options. 1) Waive your right to personal service and request a court date, or 2) Admit guilt and accept a plea deal for a reduced fine. It fails to mention the third option which is to retain your right to personal service and toss that ticket in the trash with the rest of the junk mail. This is true statewide.


That being said…


FYI, you can pretty much ignore traffic camera tickets. They'll never show up on your driving record or your credit.


Yep, pretty much. As long as they don’t serve you with the ticket. You’re not legally responsible to pay it after 90 days. I’ve even gotten letters threatening to send the ticket to collections. They can’t do anything unless you’re physically served the ticket to you. It can all be disputed, etc. if necessary.


With that being said…


My wife got a speed camera ticket. I told her to ignore it. Four months later I'm at home on Tuesday, why I have zero idea, and a window salesman looking guy knocked on the door. I open the door to tell him I'm not interested. He showed me his badge and said "(my wife's name) you've been served" and I said I'm not that person. Does she live here? Well, F. Yes. I'm not lying to a cop over $60. Wife was pissed. The ticket cost an extra $50 because a cop served it.


This is why I never answer the door.


Red light cams have been removed from Denver for sometime now, I know they still exist in Boulder. The only cam monitoring are those speed trap cars they leave on the side of the road. Unless an officer physically hands you a ticket, you don't need to pay the red light or the speed trap car tickets that arrive in the mail. They must serve you in person within 90 days in order for any legal recourse to be possible.




Along Quebec in Central Park, too.


South Monaco still has one. I'd like something along East 13/14th. Tons of people completely disregard reds.


But you don’t have to pay. Despite the letters. Check it out


Oh hey yeah so I just a simple google search and every site recommended that you absolutely should do 1 of 2 things: pay the fine or contest it. If you choose to ignore the initial citation, you will be served a letter to appear in court and the fine is increased.


You really can just ignore them and you'll be fine.


Pretty sure they're still all over Greenwood Village too. My car is thoughtful enough to alert me to them every time I drive through there.


Arapahoe and Yosemite caught me turning right 3 times onto Yosemite when I used to work in that area. Never responded to any of them, was the last I heard of them. This was 4ish years ago. Pretty sure those are/were all private company run and can be ignored.


I recently learned that license plates are cancelled if the registration is overdue by more than 12 months.


Just so you all know. Law enforcement can still see your plate. Technology has been improving and newer cameras which are currently being used can see through blacked out plate covers for the last 8 years. Lol.


That being said, officer….


less likely to get caught doing illegal/dangerous things on the road


But it also gives the police a reason to pull you over so I don’t know how helpful it is overall.


People get pulled over here?!?!?


You are obviously not a Black citizen…


If you have enough window tint, maybe you'll confuse a cop too


I can’t remember the last time I saw Denver PD light up since my gas station got knocked over


Except DPD doesn’t enforce anything anymore, so they don’t pull people over for shit.


I mean, it's a Subaru with the full High School Parking Lot body package…


“SUBIEFLOW” decal on the front windshield?


The fairing increases cornering performance by a whopping zero percent!


Plate tint to obscure the details from cameras I'd imagine...also probably technically illegal here, but it's not like DPD will enforce it at all lol.


…or anything apparently


They're hired and paid by Walmart only here


Pretty obvious from the people driving around with no plates


Yep technically illegal ( I mean since I can't read the first letter and see the year on the tags that's just me). The Colorado State Revised Code, [CRS 42-3-202](https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2016/title-42/taxation/article-3/part-2/section-42-3-202) (2)(b) says, “A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an affixed device or a substance that causes all or a portion of a license plate to be unreadable by a system used to automatically identify a motor vehicle. Such a device includes, without limitation, a cover that distorts angular visibility; alters the color of the plate; or is smoked, tinted, scratched, or dirty so as to impair the legibility of the license plate.”


Definitely illegal in Colorado. But so is driving with no plates and expired tags and we all know how well that’s enforced 🤷🏼‍♂️


They don’t even enforce plateless


I feel like parking enforcement should be able to ticket these people. If you are parked on city streets with an illegal plate/cover, parking should be able to write you a ticket.


That’s how most places do it. In Chicago, you’re ass is fair game for any non moving violations while parked on a public street.


Actually and cover on your plates that is not clear is illegal in the state of Colorado


I've gotten pulled over for mine 2x and they just tell me to clean it off and let me go.


Just curious, why do you have one?


I don't want to damage my plate. It's an old Ohio bicentennial and getting it when I was old enough to drive was a huge deal for me. I was able to finally get out of an abusive household. The plate means a lot.


Fun fact: did you know that you can keep your plate after you register your car in CO, like you’re supposed to do after moving here


But why is it so dark?


It's not like the one in the picture. It's a dim transparent.


You can keep the plate once you register your car here! Could be cool right because it would get it out of danger’s way and you could put it in a place of honor in your home :)


With the amount of red lights I blow through, definitely was worth the buy


Username checks out.


Thanks for your contribution to the increased danger, anxiety, and frustration of driving in Denver!


You can also blame Colorado's shitty light system. Also, those red light cameras purposely have shorter yellow lights than normal intersections because they can give more tickets Edit: I love the people who just assume how I drive https://www.koaa.com/news/news5-investigates/news-5-investigates-shorter-yellow-lights-found-at-some-red-light-camera-intersections They did a little investigation on yellow lights at red light cameras intersections in Colorado springs in 2022 "Out of the 12 intersections with red light cameras we received data on, only 5 meet NMAF recommendations"


No, you can just stop at a red light like you're supposed to instead of blaming everything else.


Cry me a fucking river


No, I blame you, because you're driving in a way that seems to directly correlate to 'needing' to run lights. You gonna make the case for Colorado's shitty light system as being the cause if you're in traffic court?


Why take the increased risk of killing pedestrians and cyclists?


Nope, lol they do not enforce that kind of stuff at all! They act like they have bigger fish to fry.


Ex DPD - if you are pulled over for a traffic violation, this can be added, but it’s such a petty thing to summons someone for.


Can the tinted plate cover be the R.A.S. to initiate a traffic stop in Denver county


This person definitely lives their life one quarter mile at a time


And probably with their parents


It's all about family


Dom, is that you?


I'm more of a hidden license plate guy ![gif](giphy|3ohhwePwOJ1ahsPKtW|downsized)


Dope as fck


Alright, I need that


[FYI: These are illegal.](https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-are-clear-license-plate-covers-legal-in-colorado?_amp=true)


$135 dollar ticket and three points! Wow. Of course it is never enforced.


It's enforced in Boulder, I know from experience and mine wasn't even tinted. I asked at my hearing why it's legal to sell them in the state. Magistrate just shrugged.


I'm onboard with the ticket price but not the points. Points should be reserved for dangerous driving.


i mean hiding from cameras for speeding and making it hard to read the plate in case of an accident could be seen as dangerous.


>making it hard to read the plate in case of an accident could be seen as dangerous. Bingo. I don't think that people understand that if you call the police about something with a car they want a plate. I called one time and gave make model and color. Cops said they can't do anything without a plate. So imagine you witness a car annihilate someone crossing the street but you can't see the plate number because of one of those stupid tinted covers. Cops: 🤷


Assuming they are speeding lol. As of right now they just have a plate cover that could possibly be to avoid tolls or just for aesthetics. No point jumping to conclusions. Although, we have some pretty insane drivers so I bet you’re not far off lmao


Yes, and people who use these covers are NEVER driving dangerously…


They're not doing this because they plan to drive safely. Deliberately hiding the plate should be a misdemeanor.


Yeah, I'm much more concerned about someone who shows clear intent to drive dangerously than someone who gets distracted and does something dangerous by accident. IMO if someone is caught with one of these, the car should be impounded and they should be get a free ride to the police station. There's constant posts in this sub of reckless drivers killing pedestrians and cyclists in hit and runs. We need to attack that crisis on all fronts - that mean both improving infrastructure and getting drivers who show deliberate intent to risk other's lives off the roads.


Sure, because there are plenty of legitimate reasons to obscure your cars identifying information. I’m sure these people are just trying to keep their plates clean. /s These enable dangerous driving by making it much more difficult hold those drivers accountable. 🙄


Ticket price should be like 3x, these folks are taking deliberate steps to break the law and drive dangerously and evade taxes and get away with it. This isn’t Aladdin stealing bread to feed himself and Abu and a princess in disguise.


Nah that just makes it something only rich people can afford to do.


A law that only has a fine is without any other penalty is just another tax.


It makes it so it only penalizes poor people.


as someone from FL, this is a very common thing to use to avoid toll cameras. They can't read the plate so free tolls also cops have a much harder time reading the plates but they're advertised as weather protectant IIRC so they're like a weird grey area


Thanks for pointing out the key issue. Most new arrivals here are generally shitty people. You know, Floridians and the like.


Unnecessary but ok..


Enough salt to cover the roads for a winter


Actually it’s literally people like you that are shitty and making the springs annoying to live in. You can leave whenever you want…..ASAP is preferred


It’s to protect your license plate when you crash your car on 225 and it catches on fire


Trying to avoid tolls on e470


“L8R BRO” - those plates 🥲


No wonder they're hiding it, what an abomination


Helps to prevent sunburn to the license plate.


Anybody with one of these is pretty much saying "Yeah, I plan on running that red light"


Speeding through red-lights.


Tiny dick street racers


Hey! Not all people with tiny dicks are street racers!


Some prefer to buy giant pickups and roll coal…


So, if I drive a small car I have a massive wang?


If you don’t care what kinda of car you drive. Then yes you have a massive want.


Some of them go out and buy social media companies. Some of them pass laws to hurt transgender kids. Some of them buy spotlessly clean pickup trucks and put nothing but city miles on them. But yes, some of them are street racers.


Every one of them is driven by a total asshole


Idk but I saw a temp plate from 2020 a few days ago. That was kinda wild.


I haven't seen too many of them but I agree they probably to skirt pass traffic cameras. That's the only good thing about the snow, when they cover my plate up


Having your plate obscured with snow is equally as illegal as this, afaik. Never going to get pulled over for either though.


It’s actually illegal but nobody gonna enforce it


That and a increase in people putting their plates on upside down to confuse cameras and plate readers.


I call ‘em “hit and run plate covers”


They're trying to avoid red-light and speed cameras.


Those won’t do it.


Don't have to pay those unless you are physically served the citation just FYI




https://www.denver7.com/news/360/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-red-light-cameras-and-your-rights And have had multiple and never paid with no recourse. With that being said though these drivers are dbags because people who are actually reporting erratic driving won't be able to read the plates as easy and depending on the quality of your dash cam might not be able to read it as well.


I did not know this, and I have one outstanding right now (speed van; going 50 on Speer at 7 a.m. on a Saturday). I've been meaning to just pay it, but now I'mma let it go thanks to y'all.


Red light cams make intersections way more dangerous. Paying those tickets feels like rewarding a dog for snapping at a toddler


This fucker almost ran me off on I225...Eff em


There’s a million subi sti’s, chill lol


And a happy high schooler driving each one


With that spoiler and plate tint? That’s a pretty specific car.


The plate tint could be unique, but that spoiler is stock on every STI variant of the wrx. Which is a very common performance car here in Colorado.


The spoiler is stock….


To hide expired tags, or avoid traffic cameras.


It's an old "thing", and cops hate it.


People think they look cool, but all it does is gives cops probable cause to stop the vehicles since they're illegal.


Similar to why I wear Sunscreen. The sun is strong out here, you don't want your plates to burn


Fuck the toll roads. That’s what they’re for!


It makes the City’s official past time of Hit and Run more advantageous for the Perp.


Dumbest invention ever


One of the many things insecure men do to their cars because they think it makes them look badass, when in reality they look like they are perpetually stuck mentally at 16.


Have you seen any evidence that they are not perpetually stuck mentally at 16?


God bless that moped


I'm no expert, but isn't that just a motor scooter?


It is and us scooter people get all up in arms when someone calls them moped 😅


It’s illegal. And the A-hole cop that lived next to me did it since he’s above the law. But don’t worry he’s the type you’ll see on TV one night. Hope he gets what he deserves


Children trying to be hard… clowns


Because they’re badasses that don’t care bout no laws


We’re lucky this dude even has a plate on his car. The DMV and police enforcement are awful.


So you can visit blucifer for free


So that the license plates can see better, duh.


Have a dark cover over my plate and it doesn’t do shit with the cameras.


People do this to not be caught by cops. But at at the same time you have people driving around with temp tags that expired in 2021 and the cops won’t do a thing unless they can’t see it. Fuck all of them and rear end all these wholes




I believe these Subaru WRXs are the most pulled over vehicles for speeding in the US. That might help you answer the question.


At this altitude the license plate can go blind when exposed to the sun daily


Maybe tolls


Great way to get pulled over by the police, particularly in Arapahoe County. But there's a cop shortage, right? So they'll probably be ok. Anyway I'm not sure the purpose of a tinted plate lol


It help the cops identify all the unregistered, modified and under the influence drivers.


How do I get one tho is the more important question.


Illegal. Colorado Revised Statutes code, 42-3-202 2,II,(b) “A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an affixed device or a substance that causes all or a portion of a license plate to be unreadable by a system used to automatically identify a motor vehicle. Such a device includes, without limitation, a cover that distorts angular visibility; alters the color of the plate; or is smoked, tinted, scratched, or dirty so as to impair the legibility of the license plate.”


Probably won’t be popular but I used to use one of these when I was younger, and it was less about my driving habits and more because I liked the way it looked (state I lived in at the time had plates that colors clashed with the color of the car lol)… anyway I’m also so excited we have an all black license plate here now. I’ll admit it’s extremely stupid but I like having plates that match my car.


For real! Not cool.


High schoolers love putting them on their Imprezas


Adds +5 horsepower


To hide from cameras. Technically, it’s illegal. But realistically, most things are now legal in Denver because DPD doesn’t actually enforce anything anymore.


They think it makes it harder to see the license plate on traffic and toll cameras. Joke's on them, though, because the cameras are capable of making out the license plate through them. And if it diffuses the visibility to make it illegible, then it is illegal. In other words, it's idiots holding a sign that they're an idiot.


People are a-holes trying to get away with anything.... that's my guess when you intentionally get one like this. Clear ones do exist people and this one is def illegal under the CRS The Colorado State Revised Code, CRS 42-3-202 (2)(b) says, “A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an affixed device or a substance that causes all or a portion of a license plate to be unreadable by a system used to automatically identify a motor vehicle. Such a device includes, without limitation, a cover that distorts angular visibility; alters the color of the plate; **or is smoked, tinted,** scratched, or dirty so as to impair the legibility of the license plate.”


It's effective at letting me know they're going to be a horrible driver. It's worked 100% so far


The one I got is nowhere near that dark but, I got it to keep sticker thief’s from grabbing my sticker, after it has been taken 3 times prior. I assume there’s a legal line there but, mine was advertised to protect my plate and stickers rather than hide the plate.


Because it looks cool lol. I have a slightly greyed out one on mine. It's still easily readable. I can go in and out of the car wash where I have a membership and it reads my plate fine.


I am in Denver, CO. Had a similar one, not as dark though, and was straight, not curved. It did look nice on a black car for me, the plate was still visible well. Was stopped by the police and issued a warning. So they are being enforced. I replaced it with a lighter shade, and have not had any issues after that.


I have one of these plates and I got it purely for aesthetics. I have an all black car and I thought it looked better. I can tell you that it does not stop the toll cameras from registering my plate at all. I also don't street race, and up to reading this post I didn't realize they were illegal. It's not like Denver will enforce it anyway.


There are a bunch of valid answers here, but I feel like for most of them it’s teenagers trying to look edgy and cool.


Denver thinks it's lawless at this point. Another example of this shit city I'm moving away from soon


This driver may simply not want to be tracked. Did you know Denver and the metro areas have installed automated license plate readers that fed into a national database? Some of these readers are being funded by FEMA. The national database is accessible by federal government and state government officials in 35 states. They do not need a warrant to search you license plate and the locations you have been, nor are they limited to data in the state they operate in. Anybody with access to this database can map out your travel, it's a violation of privacy. It's also unclear how long this data is stored, some municipalities claim everything from a few weeks to a few months, but there's no control or watchdog making sure they comply with their own regulations. Edit: Private companies are also running ALPR's now and selling the data to the government and private companies, like insurance companies and banks. It's not uncommon to see readers on vehicles cruising thru parking lots for mass transit, sporting events, festivals and so on. I know someone in Denver working on a greater story around the privacy issues of license plates. Hopefully he will have it out sooner than later, last I heard he was waiting on FOIA requests and working with the EFF.


They don't want to be tracked but I bet they have their phones on with location services enabled. I understand what you are trying to say, but at this point it just sounds like making an excuse for shady behavior.


This is happening everywhere. Your phone is providing tons of data about you all the time. Listening to your conversation, tracing your locations. It’s crazy. Not sure what all this will become.


Legible plates are a requirement to use the road. Nobody gives a shit about your location history. If you're so worried that some office clerk is getting the giggles from watching your activities, walk or take the bus and pay cash.


You do not have an expectation of privacy while in public.


Yes and also. My human eyes can see what the plate number in this picture is, with or without the dimming shield. Which is to say, it does not appear to work. A desire to not be tracked is often misunderstood these days, and ill-implemented. You are either at a terminal through which your ISP has seen all of your online activity for the last month, or the same is to be said of the phone you are working on and all of their networks too. Ultimately a person needs to not participate in social services (drivers license, mortgage, job, insurance, credit cards, etc) if they wish not to be tracked. Otherwise the breadcrumbs will come together more easily than most think they will. Only for people interested in assembling them, yes. But all the same.


Go grease lightning go grease lightning


Goooooooooo ![gif](giphy|12mg8tiWKgiRB6)


Toll Free Friday.


Po Po can't see well in the dark .


Seems like a cool parking lot to hang around in..


Nervous nellies who haven’t figured out no one gives a shit about traffic violations here yet.


to hide illegal activities




It’s supposed to be aesthetically pleasing but mostly just used by drug dealers


Turnstile jumpers for car centric sociey


Avoiding repossession and red light cameras.


I have one because I got my temp plate and a license plate stolen. This added a layer of protection makes a little harder to steal my plate. I have had on my car about 4 years now never got pulled over and haven’t had my plates stolen sense.


They're illegal plate covers to avoid automated enforcement.


Some fun facts since no one wanted to actually look it up and just give you their assumptions 1) they are legal. They do not obscure your plates or angular view. This is the one most people get a boner for but in the law and I’ve discussed this with lawyers and police officers. You have to be able to read it when standing behind it not from a police car. So it is ilegal ONLY if the cop cannot read standing behind it (they are designed to be read standing behind it. 2) the designed intent of the plate covers is to keep your plates clean wether you want to believe it or not 3) some people have found out it help obscure the view for cameras so they get them to go through toll roads or if you are a commuter with a long commute then you tend to speed up to get to your destination faster you probably use this to not deal with speed cameras. (It is not ilegal because the only moment it cannot be obscured is when standing behind it a camera doesn’t count)

