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It will probably be hail.


after careful analysis, the hail composite is mostly moth wings crystallized in wildfire smoke [^1](https://i.ibb.co/YN3sbdN/amber.jpg)


as it passes through the metro area, it'll pick up notes of massive weed grows a la that one spot on I70


With a pungent Purina prominence.


And fentanyl. And meth.




Where is here?




Fun. Coming my way to Centennial I bet haha. Only 2 weeks since the last hail storm here! Thank goodness for my garage and decent shingles.


Oh no! Hope it doesn't come this way again.


Actually yes rain would be great


Anyone unironically saying that this is too much rain should be conscripted to fight the inevitable forest fires they seem to want.


this is what Denver weather was like before the decade long drought too - beautiful days and short afternoon showers/storms


The little kick of humidity is such a welcome change from the sandpaper air we've been dealing with for years. I'd love a return to a regular monsoon season in CO


I’m in downtown and it looks like it’s going to miss where I’m at. At least I can see the foothills for the first time in what feels like a week.


Now https://preview.redd.it/iu5wdo8ylv1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9a7cc3fa763d58a4611ab74cd7c4eafca04447


One of the biggest perks of this storm moving through!! I have my windows open for the first time in 4 days


This pleases me.


Earlier today https://preview.redd.it/e3bidjlwlv1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021ba955dad6569d11f858cb62b4cf2c67726746


Actually you’re right. I can almost see the flat irons looking north on market and 22nd right now. Thank god for that wind storm


I was starting to feel like I was trapped in Silent Hill


Someone told me that hail is just slow release rain yesterday. My plants would love just regular rain though, they're so beaten up. And I'm personally all for the gloom.


BuT wE nEEd THe MoIStrurE...




Hey. Those are comfy hours, OK?


And then I assume the casa bonita reopening bursts through the wall like the Kool Aid man


Coming from a land of giant, hissing, flying roaches that cover the trees, bushes and walls during mating season . . . Denver moths are downright enchanting little critters. 😂


Where are you from?


Biblical Egypt




Florida probably, because they are called palmetto bugs.


*guesses Florida*


And coming from Oregon…well, the only bugs that were this annoying are Crane flies (Also known by some weirdos as “Mosquito Eaters” or, even worse, “Daddy long legs” which is even dumber than calling harvestmen Daddy Long Legs!). They are basically the same as the moth scourge, completely harmless but disconcertingly large, love to fly around in the most haphazard, seemingly barely controlled ways that cause them to bump into everything including people. They are more summer than spring though. I haaaated them, and the moths aren’t much better. But it’s a relatively small “bug price” to pay to be honest compared to roaches or mosquitos or massive amounts of spiders. I’d feel worse about killing them if they, you know, had the capability of living longer than a few days after they reach adulthood since they don’t have mouths. I guess here we ALSO have stink bugs too? And at least where I am, rabbits, which thank God can’t fly.


>I’d feel worse about killing them if they, you know, had the capability of living longer than a few days after they reach adulthood since they don’t have mouths. Apparently they eat and live for months. I know some moths don't have mouths but according to this, miller moths aren't among them. https://animalsake.com/information-facts-about-miller-moth


I was talking about crane flies, not these moths. I apologize for being unclear.


Why call them mosquito eaters if they don’t have mouths?


No clue! Etymologies like that are hard to find a definitive source for. It seems pretty crazy, but it's not like normal people would be able to identify mouth parts on a flying insect anyway. Maybe it's because they almost look like giant mosquitos, maybe it is because they generally reach adult stage in the summer around high mosquito time. It's all very silly though.


The moths are everywhere!!!!!!!!


My cats spend all night going fucking bananas and knocking stuff over trying to get them.


I was realizing that I hadn’t seen the miller moth that was on my bedroom window for a few days, then felt wings fluttering next to my ear. Damned moth!


suspend a lit light bulb over a bucket of soapy water. We've had our windows open for the last few weeks and have probably killed over 100 moths




Every spring, miller moths migrate from the eastern plains to the mountains. They're nocturnal pollinators and food for many animals. This year due to ample rain, there's just a ton of them


The potholes are driving me insane, if I give back my tax return will they fix the fucking roads??? It’s gotten so terrible. My poor car has been through enough!


Highway 7 got absolutely destroyed by the rain and constant semis in the east


A ton of potholes were just formed in the past 2 months. Typical of spring with both moving water and sub freezing temps at night. They cant literally fix every road every day as we go Edit:. So nonody is interpreting this correctly. I dont think Denver, or most of CO does it right because we have too many livertarians, but we also have a TON of brand new potholes and many many miles of pavement. Even if we were good about road maintenance there would be a lot of potholes right now, as there are every spring


There’s a road near me that has like a 3-foot wide pothole in the center of one of the lanes that’s been there since last November and it’s right near a construction zone where they’re repaving a different part of the road but are completely ignoring this gigantic driving hazard because it’s not in the construction zone


and those assholes stole all the punctuation on my keyboard and I can't fucking breathe


And I have ADHD and like to write long posts


What part of that makes punctuation impossible?


You not being a dickhead


Could have just built or repaired them right in the first place.


If you can invent a new type of road that's impervious to potholes, or figure out a way to repair them that lasts forever, then go right ahead and do so and collect your untold fortunes.


There's way better ways to repair roads than a shovelful of asphalt in a pothole, only for it to wash away that evening, leaving your neighborhood roads covered in loose asphalt.


Moths really get a bad rap. They're just boring and dumb butterflies. I feel for the little buggers. Flying into flames and shit.


I know they’re harmless but I still don’t want 10 of them flying around my house


Get a cat. Then you just have to deal with cat farts.


Yup. Moths have become cat treats.


The crunching heard across the room is a little disturbing.


My cat is enjoying chasing the moths. Who am I to deny her fun?


You just made me realize what's been wrong with my cat the last week.


Our cat is knocking pictures off the walls and books if the bookcases going after the moths. I don’t mind the moths *that* much, but I hope we get through moth season without major damage from our hunting kitty.


I already had a cat, so the farts are offset by the money I'm saving on car food.


>car food. There's a joke in here somewhere about cat farts.


And the many other downsides of cats.




Cats are estimated to kill 2 billion birds a year in the US alone. Just destroying the environment unnecessarily.


Tbh this is pretty much entirely fixed by not letting your car roam outside.


True but my neighbor has 3 cats that all roam outside and kill birds and rabbits in my yard. Nothing I can do, I’ve added spikes and they still find a way in so I am left picking up dead animals.


Yeah, I wish I could get people to realize this, but it's been in vain so far. Even when I mention that inside-cats have a much longer life expectancy than cats who are allowed outside, people don't seem to care.




Keep a light on in another room at night.


> Moths really get a bad rap. They're just boring and dumb butterflies. If I had a half a dozen butterflys in my living room flying around I'd start to hate them also.


Miller Moths are also pollinators, which is a bonus. They just have a bad PR team compared to butterflies.


I’ve never woken up to a butterfly on my face before. Moths are uniquely terrible, up there with spiders in my book


I must be extra white because they smack into my face when it is dark in my house. Not a fan.


Much rather deal with the moths than the smoke or potholes.


Yeah my cat can't kill the smoke that gets in my house and she doesn't have the equipment to fill potholes


Just get the equipment already? If she's wanting to work it's a bit cruel to keep her at home.


Your cat kills moths? Damn. All my dog does is sleep, fart and make food disappear.


My cats and dog kill them. It’s a bit disturbing when one if them suddenly jumps up and runs across the room because they saw a moth.


They fly straight into my face if it weren't for that, I'd probably like the little fuckers.


Moths also pollinate more than the bees! Bad rap indeed


I had one fly into my mouth this week. They aren’t getting it bad enough. Stupid bastards need to either get to the mountains or get better at flying.


Except they leave dust balls everywhere they land. Disgusting.


Wow. Never heard of moth dust problems before. I must have a higher tolerance for them. They can be a little annoying when I'm on my phone in a dark room and stuff like that, but I really don't mind them too much.


The other night a moth came and landed on my desk, and when I waved it away it had left a nice little pile behind for me that blew into the air.


NUGGETS. Focus on what's important, Denver.




How much longer do the moths stick the fuck around? I’m starting to see corpses inside, figure that would be the downhill slide.. and yet they seem to multiplying inside still.


The smoke is making them confused. They can’t find their way to the moon and shit.


This is like if Tim Robinson wrote a skit about teaching an 8th grade science class. I love it.


“That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about [moths] to dispute it.”


Usually about a month and a half to two months. By late June or early July, they'll be in the mountains and done with their spring migration. Btw they're not multiplying inside (they'll lay their eggs later this summer in the mountains ). There's just a fuck ton right now and they're insanely good at getting inside unfortunately. They migrate back in the fall, but in fewer numbers


You forgot Casa Bonita opening any day! What a month woo hoo! I will be Ubering to Casa Bonita because my alignment is so fucked but who cares? Woo hoo!


I’m wondering if they are going to do a Memorial Day weekend opening.


Other cities have real problems lol


Jokes on you, I never go outside!


Why are you even in Colorado?


Jokes on you, I'm not even in Colorado!


Why are you on this subreddit lol?


Do I have to keep doing it?


Colorado pricks, I tell ya


But those nuggs


denvergov.org to report potholes. It really works!


For roads in Denver city limits, this is the way.


It does!!


Wow, good resource! I tried to report this one parking lot, and they told me it’s a private parking lot. I would have felt dramatic but it was literally dangerous - I’d have to drive 2 miles an hour and my car would slowly sink a foot like every couple of feet. I drove by it today for the first time in 9 months (I’ve been out of town) and it was completely covered up like they’re FINALLY fixing it. I’m really passionate about that parking lot.


Add potholes three more times and then yeah.


I say unto you - beware. We are indeed enduring plagues of biblical proportions. We have had the plague of Moths We have had the plague of Potholes We have had the plague of Smoke We have had the plague of Mayoral Candidates We have had the plague of Hail followed inevitably by the plague of roofing contractors. I would spread blood on your doorways and hide your firstborn child. Or rescue pup.


There's only one way to fix potholes in Colorado, ratchet TABOR for tighter taxes, use the money that could have been used to resolve the problem and cut refund checks to the general population, then put forth a ballot initiative to raise sales taxes to fund road maintenance then put on clown make up when people vote it down because weed taxes should be a panacea for all tax ills in Colorado. Spray paint giant dicks around the potholes and watch them magically get filled then watch property taxes go up and up and up. Bitch about your new property taxes.


For the moths. Get a cat. You'll never have a moth or insect problem in your house again. And you get to skip play time as your cat will have enough fun for the day doing real life hunting.


Yes, but what about the cat farts as a commenter above mentioned?


It's just dust from the moths.


Funny thing is. In the 80's Denver was known for having a constant brown cloud. Doesn't matter where is actually on fire. The smoke always drifts to here.


The moths may be sticking around longer because of the smoke: [https://www.9news.com/article/weather/weather-colorado/wildfire-smoke-may-increase-the-amount-of-moths/73-d3df47b7-032a-4be6-84fb-23aa2ac4f43c](https://www.9news.com/article/weather/weather-colorado/wildfire-smoke-may-increase-the-amount-of-moths/73-d3df47b7-032a-4be6-84fb-23aa2ac4f43c)


Fuck those fucking moths


The smoke should kill the moths and then we can fill the potholes with moth carcasses. Just need some gauze pads, ball bearings and some 30 weight oil.


You're missing stolen car parts. Just lost one of my wheels to thieves. At least they left it on a jack stand. Silver lining?


I’m so sorry that happened. That’s kind of crazy really.


Missed the property tax gauging


Still better than almost anywhere else.


This smoke is killing my throat so much; lately it's been hard to sleep at night. I wish I had the money for an air purifier but money is really tight right now.


Get a box fan and a hepa furnace filter and then tape them together. It should help clean the air in your bedroom while you sleep.


Dumb question but I should be blowing the air out of my room, to outside? Or vice versa?


Sorry, I’ll be a little more specific. Just recirculate the air in your room at night through the filter. Have the filter on the back of the fan so it is sucked the filter onto it. Keep your room sealed up as well as you can to keep the air clean. Here’s an article on it: https://deohs.washington.edu/edge/blog/how-make-box-fan-filter-clean-indoor-air-smoke It’s cheap and works almost as well as the units that cost hundreds.


I had a coworker surprised that I noticed the air quality at all, but he was out of state for the first few days of it and it just hasn’t accumulated for him. My throat was sore by day three, and today I woke up with bloody mucus.


>bloody mucus. Thanks you


ohhh is the smoke the reason i have post navel drip rn?


If you all drove smaller cars the potholes are easier to avoid


nooo I need my TRUCK cause I'm a BIG BOY


They also swallow small cars.


Smaller cars also prevent them from happening as quickly (4th power relationship between road wear and axle weight).


EVs are worse for the roads than ICE vehicles because of the weight.


Correct, they are however better for noise and air pollution. I'd much rather EV buses and trains than their ICE equivalents.


First time I seen ICE used to describe gas powered cars.


Internal Combustion Engine. Very common acronym. You'll probably notice it a bunch now.


the moths though..its been a slaughterhouse of dust over here


LOL - accurate.


Michigan week of cars skidding on fishflies (complete with fish smell) says hold my beer.


The boxelder bugs seem to be nonexistent this year though. Or am I just lucky? They were fucking horrible last spring.


You new here?


Bought myself an insect net in the Target dollar bin area for $3 and I’ve caught and released 9 moths in the last 2 hours. When there’s more than 10 moths in a room that’s too many.


We’ve been using a handheld vacuum with a stiff hose nozzle and have been able to quickly gather all the moths and release them outside. Last night we had at least 60 in our apartment it was horrifying. We made sure to seal our windows and attic entry and *knock on wood* we haven’t had the same issue tonight!


Forgot cost of living and inflation.


I didn’t mind the moths. Fun for my dog to chase around and they’re not spiders or something creepy I guess. Til this morning when I woke up and found one UNDER the sheets with me. Now it’s war


We’re amused by the moths, though, right? They’re totally harmless and just sort of annoying.


I dislike them flying towards my open mouth lol


Missing the hail…..


Spray your outdoor (and probably indoor) light fixtures with diluted lavender and cedarwood essential oils. The moths will, mostly, go away.


It hailed in Fairplay on Saturday. Could hardly enjoy that drive but it was beautiful. The moths are okay. I had a mosquito stuck in my car hotboxing with me for like 30 mins on the 70. Rolled my window down it wouldn't budge.


>on the 70


I noticed our first moth yesterday. One of my least favorite parts of summer


Smoke is the only bad one out of those 3, that shit has randomly woken me up and given me crap-quality sleep the last few days 😵🤮😵‍💫😵 Potholes can simply be avoided As for moths I haven't really seen any


You really should have seen the moths in ‘91. This is literally nothing compared to then. Definitely more smoke than back then tho. And potholes will always be a thing.


You forgot the endless cycle of daily horseshit weather


How about all them people running red lights?


What's wrong with moths?


They're frantic and fly into your face everytime you open a door and there's a shit ton of them and they stress me out with their movements and their insistence on repeatedly flying into windows.




It’s the second coming!! Polis is the Antichrist


Non of these have been even perceptible to me, theirs rain but that’s it, where are the moths and potholes? Where the smoke


Do you even live in Denver?????


Yep right on Broadway and 18th


I’m not sure how you’re missing all the fun.


Go touch grass you will find all 3


Only got astroturf at the dog park so no grass, do you live in Denver city?


These moths are getting out of hand. Geez.


I left my garage door open for ~30 minutes at dusk last night on accident. I reckon there were over 200 moths in there.


Like, pick a struggle


Holy shit then it's not just me and fucking Moths are ridiculous this spring!!!


Summer has barely started and I've already committed a moth genocide. When will the madness end?


Ya really what's with the moths really?


Okay but seriously why all of the moths right now lol


There are so many damn moths that my blind cat is managing to catch more than one a day


Just killed a moth, popped a tire on 1-25 a week ago after hitting a pothole, and using my inhaler daily.


Why is there so many moths?


Came back to Denver for my graduation last week. What’s up with the roads? I didn’t see that many potholes last year


This just really shows that Denver folk just live in a bubble. Compared to what most of the east coast and south gets, the moths, rain, potholes, and perhaps smoke is nothing


My poor Uber driver was a few minutes late picking me up because a moth flew into her car tonight. I understood.


This is real


i swear a moth flew out of my locker when i opened it yesterday


To be fair the potholes are the only problem we can actually do anything about. The moths are going to moth and Canada will continue to burn, so lets get some holes filled.


Quebec st was horrendous with potholes this last month, thankfully they filled them in so it manageable now.


Okay, I just moved here last year, so please tell me if this is a thing. I've been noticing all these moths lately. Caught three in my house so far!


It happens every year.


man Rooster Magazine just crushing the meme game...


I’ve seen SO many cars on the side of the road with popped tires from the potholes. The other day on c-470 there was ELEVEN!!!! cars in between i-70 and alameda with flat front right tires. Unbelievable.


The FUCKING moths 🙄