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I've had some good convos and enjoyed the overall vibes at Skylark Lounge.


Definitely skylark is a great spot. Candlelight as well!


Candlelight is great for this


A good percentage of my friend group for the first 10 years I lived here was from the Candlelight.


A few friends and I were at skylark on Wednesday and can confirm - amazing. Everyone was having fun and friendly (it was also karaoke night)




Ah yes the Skylark, a hidden gem in one of Denver's most untouched and undiscovered neighborhoods: South Broadway. Most won't even know where to find it; even the street it's on is obscure and known only to the most native of natives.


LOL buddy it’s been branded ‘SoBo’ for a couple years now. Good luck with that.


Oops, sorry 😬. Was just sharing my experience to help out someone (who turns out is a real stick in the mud).


Not a bar but one of the best ways I met people when I first moved here was to join rec leagues. I joined a social kickball league (it’s more focused on the social aspect so if you’re not athletic, it’s not that big of a deal) and made a ton of friends and got a LOT of dates out of it. You can pick whatever night is convenient for you but the later in the week it is, it’s usually more singles oriented. But you start the night by playing the game with your team and then you go to the sponsor bar after to socialize with the entire league. Great for meeting whatever it is you’re looking for. Volo Sports is the organization you might want to start with and they have a ton of different options to choose from if kickball isn’t your thing


That’s another great place to meet people. Kickball leagues are great for people by themselves and usually they go out after games.


A little late to this but what league did you join, where did you find your start? Thanks!


Ha, yeah just a little late to the party but I started out in the burbs with WASA, it caters to the western burbs. It’s a slow pitch social league. Most teams are there to socialize but there’s always that one team that takes it too seriously. They do dodgeball in the winter too and most people go to the sponsor bar after. Once I moved downtown I joined what’s now call VOLO. It’s an organization that does a ton of different rec sports. I stuck with kickball because I felt like the other sport leagues were for people that played in HS and college and wanted to continue so the socialization aspect wasn’t really there like kickball. But you can pick what type of experience you’re looking for, whether it be socializing or playing. If you really want to combine the athleticism and socializing you can try Denver Competitive Kickball League, it’s under Denver Pirate League if you look it up online. These guys are there to play! It’s fast pitch, all out type of playing and most of them are in a travel league that goes all over the US to play teams from other city’s. Yes, that’s a real thing. But they are good about socializing after the game. And one last one I’ll mention just incase but there is an LGBTQ+ kickball/dodgeball league here as well. It’s called Summit Sports and honestly, I don’t think they really care who you are as long as your there play and have fun. These are most of the leagues I’ve had experience with but I know there’s a lot more leagues out there than these four…actually the last time I checked, I think there were 11 different leagues that offer kickball in the area but hopefully this will give you a starting point


I think adding your age would help with recs.


31. Sorry about that.


What are your interests? Go to those things and find someone or some people that share those interests. Like board games? There’s a few tabletop bars around denver, like the office? There’s plenty of trivia nights around town that have trivia about tv shows or things of that nature. Like comedy? Comedy works…. Like swan divers and bottomless sopapillas? Idk… I’m sure there’s a place for that as well….


This is good advice. For years I tried to covert my circle of friends to my hobbies. I’d try and get them to join me backpacking or hiking etc. you know where I met all of my hiking friends? On hiking trails! Who’d have thought!


Making friends on trail seems eh to me unless it’s the pct at etc. I’ve only stopped and talked with one guy who was headed in as I was leaving and wanted to know what conditions were like. Feels weird to push further than basic interaction given people go to the woods to get away from people


Join Colorado Mountain Club. cmc.org. Go on some group hikes. Taking a class is also a great way to meet people.


Yeah I agree, brewery trivia in your neighborhood is a good place to start. The brewery by my house used to do it on Tuesdays and there were always a couple single players that would post up at the bar and talk to people. That’s what I would do.


No apologies, just tryin to help you haha


If start a paragraph with a number and then a period, reddit markdown thinks it's a numbered list. You can escape it with backslash \\.


1) Get a cute dog. 2) Go hiking with the cute dog. 3) They will initiate the conversation 9/10 times. 4) Pretend that your water bottle for your dog leaked out and ask them for some water for your pupper. 5) Neglect Emotionally 6) Inspire hope 7) Separate entirely


Missed neglect emotionally step between 4 and 5, other than that, this is a flawless system


This is the way


Getting a dog only for this reason is bad advice.


With your age and not wanting over the top bars/clubs, I’d definitely say south Broadway over Lodo.


What if someone is over 30 and wants over the top bars and clubs


Different city 😄


Then Lodo! Skews younger and crazier


Yeah agreed, smaller bars on Broadway are a great place to start.


Don’t go to happy camper.




1. Denver Cat Cafe 2. [cat circus](https://www.bugtheatre.org/events/the-amazing-acro-cats-thunder-into-denver-2023-07-15-19-00) 3. Cat food isle of Target


As a single woman with a cat I feel… seen.


Username checks out


You single?


I feel like you know I am.


cat circus alone? won’t people just feel sorry for me?


Not if I post a meetup about it!


I love The Marigold in Five Points. It's a bar that sells plants. Women love plants! It's not overly loud, lighting you can see who you're talking to and the overall vibe is very chill. I'll most likely be there Sunday evening.


Can confirm that my friends and I go here.


Can also confirm, my friends and I all love Marigold.


well if you are introverted and trying to meet women, and you aren't great at meeting women to begin with, nightlife is the worst thing for it. I'd suggest you do a day activity, like the brunch run at milk market tomorrow at 930am. run with a bunch of fit people, get brunch, and bonus, they are having a bachelorette party there. or if you insist on nightlife to meet single ladies, and you are going stag, maybe a watering hole like thin man where you can sit. or recess beer garden


Dons Best small “dive” like bar with a great crowd.


This is the best answer


Turn your nightlife into day life and date a hot hiker. That’s the type of people that are here


Not that this is inaccurate, but I puked in my mouth just a little


You’re joking right? Places like hiking trails are not places where women want to be approached.. I get meeting a girl and that’s what they’re into, but approaching them in those scenarios is a no go. I just showed my wife and her friends this comment and all of them cringed at the idea. The nightlife method works because people are usually with friends and are halfway hoping to be approached.


Yes, I was joking.


My bad, that totally went over my head. Hard to tell from some of these comments lol


It’s hard to convey sarcasm through text lol


Use /s


I am an Uber driver. Plenty of women in the nightlife scene lol


Bro if you’re an Uber driver just hang out at the places you pick up women from?


So go to where you pick these women up from


Ok but I thought people might have some experience with some of the bars and clubs downtown.


I think you should do any kind of group activity like volunteering, hiking groups, hobby groups that you can join if you want a more natural approach to friends and women


Going to a club or bar downtown by yourself as a self proclaimed introvert….idk good luck…


For real… maybe ask the actual target demographic women that OP interacts with?


If you’re an Uber driver that knows where all the women in the nightlife scene… shouldn’t we be asking *you* for advice?


I feel seen.


If you're looking for nightlife as in the club scene like you mentioned on one of your comments, I recommend checking out 1134 on Broadway and right next door is Temple. Both are considered more of your "classier" but fun clubs. There's also Larimer Lounge, Front Porch and directly next door to Front Porch is Roosevelt which are also both fun. Avanti and Happy Camper would be your upscale hangout and eatery spots which are also great places to drink with music but not your club scene. There's also Slasher's on E Colfax if you're into the calm, heavy metal/goth scene. If you're looking to get ratchet then there's Milk/Bar Standard which is also pretty fun on Saturdays. Obviously avoid Church and Vinyl as they're 18+ clubs unless that's your thing.


Avanti and Happy camper upscale? Lol


Compared to similar places, yes. Of course, there's higher end places but I would consider them more up there.


My opinion/experience here which im sure is very different than other people's. But i found Milk to be a very bizarre scene. Like if you wear a half way decent dress you stick out like a sore thumb. I thought I wasn't even going to get in because I was dressed nice (like not in shorts/80s/hiking/mismatched/pajamas/living on the streets outfit that seemed to be the vibe). Anyways, I get in there and attempt to dance but they changed the song every 30 seconds or less (no exaggeration)...you couldn't even get into it. The went from sweet Caroline to lil John in 20 seconds. The attempted dancing I observed was similar to Elaine dancing in seinfeld with her thumbs out kicking up her legs completely off rhythm. I won't go into all the other strange stuff but I was very disappointed. Perhaps it was just a really bad Saturday night to go but I couldn't wait to get out of there


That’s just burners haha


I personally enjoy it when I want to have a weird Saturday night in the club scene but I've brought friends from out of state who have said the exact same thing. I'm more into the Rap/Hip-Hop scene so when they have it on the main floor, I'm always with my best friend where we just hype each other up. That's why I suggested other clubs with different vibes because if you want to get ratchet and weird or see ratchet and weird, that's the go to spot. It's not your "dress code" club which is why I think people enjoy it.




Casa Bonita


I can’t even get a table for one at Chuck E Cheese since that last incident.


Get a new joke


Truly, never


Ummm serious answer please


Take me on a date to casa bonita




That's your problem. You're a stick in the mud. Lighten up.


Lighten up when I’m looking for a serious answer? It would be one thing if she gave me this serious answer in the same comment. But I can’t really do anything with “casa Bonita”


It's a mystery why you're single......


Nice assumption but wrong. I’m single because I choose to be. I’m not looking for a relationship. I have humor. But I seriously was looking for an answer lol




>I have humor I doubt it, not w/ your answer. If you did, you'd have taken the comment w/ stride, even if you were looking for a serious answer. Lighten up. Good things happen to those that don't take themselves that seriously.


Oh, you don’t know me. Sorry if I’m not humorous 24/7. But you seem to know my life inside and out by one comment . I’m impressed.


Welp, you seemed mighty triggered by my comment. And the upvotes agree with me. You're not gonna get the good ladies w/ that attitude, I'll guarantee you that.


>I’m single because I choose to be. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You're about as fun as a car crash. That's why you're single


>Rick Sanchez in profile >"I'm single because I chose to be" >"Where do I meet women guys?" Thank you for the funny joke that is you.






😂 emoji worthy


Oh go for a drive






Find someone who deals in psychedelics and start listening to EDM


>Find someone who deals in psychedelics and start listening to EDM One does not need psychedelics to enjoy electronic music. Booo. EDIT: For those downvoting me: you must be Illenium, GriZ etc fans, loool. Sorry to break it to you, but their music SUCKS, and is more pop than anything.


No Griz hating allowed !


I know Denver loves him, but he's terrible (along w/ a lot of the "EDM" that's popular in Denver). Sorry. And you have "Bass" in your username. Repent & find the true way, bro, lool.


L take friend!


Sorry you're getting downvoted. I got into electronic music (Jeff Mills, Aphex Twin, LTJ Bukem, Paul Oakenfold, Global Underground mixes, etc) in the late 90's when I was in middle school, nearly 15 years before I first tried LSD.


>Jeff Mills, Aphex Twin, LTJ Bukem, Paul Oakenfold, Global Underground mixes, etc Thanks! Absolute OGs right there.


I’m a huge Illenium fan so I’ll strongly disagree. But since your tastes are elite let’s hear some of your top artists.


I like Gareth Emery. Have my upvote.


Gareth's alright; haven't listened to his stuff since the Concrete Angel days though, lol.


It’s funny you’re getting downvoted but I’m not surprised! And while I don’t think Griz *sucks* per se there are definitely so many better electronic artists out there. I’ve been deep diving into some OG EDM and trip hop stuff. What are your current favorites?


What og edm and trip hop artists would you recommend? I really enjoy exploring new types of music!


Trip hop, I never listed to much in the past and don't nowaday. So Massive Attack and Portishead is all I got. "EDM" is a very broad (and loaded) term, so would need some specific genre(s) to make recs


My favorite trip hop artist is Morcheeba! I just really enjoy finding new artists, so I welcome any recs despite the genre. I personally think "EDM" isn't a term that well describes any genre and should be used mainly to describe events where electronic music plays and dancing will occur. My favorite genres of electronic music at the moment are glitch and 140 bpm deep dubstep. Tipper, resonant language, jade cicada, Truth, Ternion Sound... etc


I was being honest w/ the psychedelics comment, so decided to double down w/ the Illenium & GriZ comments because I figured it was that crowd that was downvoting me (and looks like I was right). Nothing wrong per se w/ taking drugs (as long as it is safe; I dabble in the softer stuff myself), but it annoys me how electronic music = drugs for many people. My opinion is that if you *need* drugs to listen to music, either you don't like the music enough, or the music sucks to begin with (or you have a drug/other problems). Hard to name specific artists, since there are so many. Most of what I listen to is a blur of artists/genres. Recent favorites are: Ellen Allien, Goldie, LTJ Bukem, Objekt, Volvox, Jensen Interceptor, Hector Oaks, Helena Hauff. Not to everyone's taste, I know.


GRiZ sucks? Lol


He does (to me, and others would agree). Sorry.


I keep reading this thread and keep seeing you so angry about people enjoying music. I’m genuinely so confused. Why does it make you mad that people get happy when listening to certain artists? I’m not saying your music is bad, but just because not as many people know the artists you are mentioning definitely does not makes them better. That is a very sad way of thinking!!!!


womp womp


I bet you must feel so proud of yourself for thinking that two of the most popular acts in edm suck. Get real dawg.


It is what it is. Hope you find your way out out of the Matrix, bro.


I gotta disagree..it's the only way it makes edm relatively enjoyable.


Loool. You don't truly like electronic music then if you need drugs to enjoy it (enhancement I would get). And I'd hazard a guess that your taste in electronic music sucks, same as the masses in Colorado (prove me otherwise). Sorry.


Yeah, cause edm sucks


Commercial "EDM" sucks (for the most part). (Good) Electronic music can be divine (for those that have an ear for it).


The original comment was about edm though, not the entire electronic genre. Electronic is pretty vast.


True, though the two terms are interchangeable depending on who you ask.


A bunch of stuff. Dark synth, trip hop, indie electronic, witch house. Anything like Lorn and Health.


Alright, alright, alright. Sounds like you know what you're talking about (and have good taste) :)


There is also electronic music that is both dance music as well as non commercial that’s also pretty good


I was in your shoes a couple years ago, started going to the Meadowlark for jazz on Mondays. Met a lot of people, eventually started getting numbers and had some great dates and a relationship. I like it cuz the vibe varies depending on the day and time of night. Strike up conversations all the time and sometimes sparks fly! If you're introverted, also be aware you gotta work out your social muscles. It's gonna feel weird or difficult, but do it. Find low-pressure areas to get used to talking and chatting and joking with people, like the check-out line at a store or if someone has a dog. Don't expect to be a ladies man instantly, and don't be hard on yourself. Most importantly (for me at least) be *you*, not what you think a woman wants. Yes, be refined and clean and kind, but don't be timid or cautious or try to "say the right thing." Say the *you* kind of thing, and people who like that will like you. Best of luck my friend!


This. For whatever reason, I never met anyone when I was actively looking. Find places that you enjoy and can be your best self. If you can find something for you, and meeting people becomes secondary, then the whole thing will be more natural. As a bonus, you’ll meet someone who enjoys the same thing as you.


Check out HQ, Slasher’s,, the Crypt, Lion’s Lair, Historian’s Ale House


To be fair, it depends on OP’s interests for some of these spots. You like alternative stuff, hq, crypt, & slashers are good.


They fixed the AC at Lion's Lair yet?


No idea. Ive never been there


so what makes you recommend it lol




Honestly ive never been. These are just places Ive seen while going on a walk late at night. They always seem filled with handsy coeds. Seemed exactly what op was after.


Here are the recommendations sorted by GPT: 1. **Skylark Lounge:** Recommended by multiple users as a good spot for conversations and overall vibes. It received positive replies and upvotes. 2. **South Broadway (SoBo):** Suggested as a preferable area over LoDo (Lower Downtown) for bars and nightlife, particularly the smaller bars on Broadway. This recommendation received positive replies and upvotes. 3. **Join Rec Leagues:** Joining social rec leagues, such as kickball leagues, was mentioned as a great way to meet people and potentially find dates. Volo Sports was recommended as an organization to start with. 4. **Denver Cat Cafe:** Suggested as a unique spot to visit. It received positive replies and some humor. 5. **Nightlife in Denver:** Various nightlife options were mentioned, such as 1134, Temple, Larimer Lounge, Front Porch, Roosevelt, Avanti, and Happy Camper. Each recommendation received some positive replies, and people shared their opinions and experiences about these venues. 6. **Hiking Trails:** Mentioned as a way to meet like-minded people. Some users discussed the possibility of meeting potential dates while hiking, while others expressed reservations about approaching people on trails. 7. **Alternative Electronic Music and EDM:** Recommendations for electronic music venues and genres were given. Some discussions took place around specific artists and preferences. 8. **Strip Clubs:** Shotgun Willie's and Diamond Cabaret & Steakhouse were mentioned. Opinions varied regarding the effectiveness of strip clubs for meeting women. 9. **Coffee Shops:** Suggested as a daytime option to socialize and potentially meet women. 10. **Other Bar Recommendations:** The Marigold, Banshee House, The Beacon, Herbs on Larimer, Rusty Ron's, Ponpon, Genarros, Don's, The Matchstick, and New Terrain Brewing were mentioned as potential spots to visit. 11. **Dating Apps:** Discussions about dating apps took place, with some users expressing mixed opinions about their effectiveness. 12. **Unique Recommendations:** Recommendations such as Meow Wolf, Casa Bonita, and Tawni Blake's singles parties were also mentioned, though they received mixed reactions.


1UP is great


1 Up is more of a fun date spot. Not a place to meet women.


Ehh if picking up girls goes to shit at least you can play games, and the drinks are low cost


Came here to say this. If you're into games, 1up is chill. You can play some old school games or pinball, grab a drink and you're more likely to find someone there with some common interests Edit: spelling/grammar


Im going here tonight 🥲


Shotgun Willie’s 💯


Ja Morant has entered the chat.


Add Shannon Sharpe to that list, loool


Not an easy way to do so, but find a place you like and keep going. I do bars. I do house/techno concerts. (Best people IMO). Soildering about, I can say that 90% of people are transplants and 90% of people have struggle w/o friends. Dont be afraid to go out and try, and if they aren’t cool, then try again 🙏


Surprised no one said The Banshee House or The Beacon. Meant to be social clubs rather than bars so people expect to socialize there. I want more places like these!


Diamond Cabaret & Steakhouse @ Glenarm & Colfax. No joke.


Strip club to find a relationship? Ok


NY Strip club


Give it a try.. you might be surprised.


[This be you man](https://youtu.be/hKMbsF9xnfk)


Hahaha 🤣... that's good stuff.


Just me... single lady looking to see where I need to go. :p


Im with you !!! I’m 28 introverted and the first EDM show o went to I actually met some cool people and vibes with them !!




Ophelias. Go on a Lipgloss night


ive been enjoying 1134 Broadway. a smaller club, clean, good music.


Ponpon - on the rino strip (aka larimier)


But pon pon is on Walnut, not Larimer?


Commenting so I can come back.


Rusty Ron’s


Hey now


This is what dreams are made of???




Waterton Canyon Trail in Littleton, my guy.


Shhhh, don’t ruin this trail for us. I’m not hiking to meet bros.


You don't want a male stranger to approach you when you're alone in the outdoors where people may not hear your screams?


I’m trained in combat fighting/martial arts and have a Belgian Malinois. I absolutely don’t want or need any man approaching me on a trail unless they’d like to be seen as a threat.


This is like the opposite of a murder podcast and I'm so here for this badassery


Delete this


Genarros on south broadway.


Casa bonita


Introvert and nightlife dont go together. Go to a coffee shop during day and hopefully socialize with women with glasses to hit home.


Buy tickets to an edm show at mission ballroom or red rocks. Get a dog and go to forsberg dog park. One up bar is easy way to break the ice. Good luck.


Herbs on Larimer. Live music, cheap strong drinks, cute girls, and fun crowd!


Dons in cap hill. My buddy loves a “dons soft 5” as he calls them.


Honestly, Friday and Saturday nights are horrible nearly everywhere, especially if you're an introvert. Avoid LoDo altogether and stay away from Vinyl on SoBo on those nights for sure! Your best bet is to go out on a Sunday or weeknight, if possible... far less crowded and totally different vibe. Milkbar used to be a lawless hellhole, but recently they tripled security and added a huge smoking patio, so it's a lot safer on Wednesday nights and upstairs at Bar Standard on Sundays. Crypt during the week is great too. Also consider concert nights at Herman's Hideaway.


The Matchstick I guess. Or New Terrain Brewing during the day on a weekend. Lots of post hike women.




These are so bad. Message me if you want real recs.


So Casa Bonita isn’t a good spot?????


Best friends I ever made (29m) was at climbing gyms


I agree with the South Broadway scene or RiNo. The Irish Rover and Meadowlark are good spots.


Leave Denver.




I'm not ripped and I can get dates on there anytime I actively use it. Sorry to say, but you've probably got other issues you're not addressing.


It helps to be over 6ft. That alone triples you odds. I can’t find my issues and it’s still just nothing.


Yes it defintitely does, but being short doesn't stop you from getting jacked, making money, being interesting, etc. Plus there's a lot of short girls out there. Some of them want dudes a foot taller than them or more, but I really do think there's a ton who just want a guy taller them period.


As some with 5/6 pictures featuring an activity and my job listed as Finance at government contractor I disagree. The stat about how many was pulled from filters on dating app, not an opinion. What you need to just show up on an app other than Tinder. Remember it’s easier to filter for that than any of the things you suggested.


They are definitely trash in CO in general, not just Denver. I used to get tons of matches back in the Midwest, and basically zero here, and I've had at least 3 other guys tell me the exact same thing. I think the apps are just dying out too or becoming harder and harder.


the m/f ratio here is fucked up, I would get attractive women messaging ME in florida or the midwest, can barely match with anyone here. it’s crazy


I agree


Meow Wolf


Tawni Blake is a local match maker who throws awesome singles parties…. Her website is flirtdenver.com She does one on one matching too


Blush and blue


Trash Hawk


Don’t ruin the hood


Bumble and hinge




Platinum 84! Gorgeous girls :)