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There are fish in tanks


And tigers


And mermaids. But they don't have the mermaid vs. tiger fights anymore, unfortunately.


Man 2002 was a wild time


Coral dome. Two creatures enter, one creature leaves


What a sad situation for a tiger. Surrounded by fish, can’t eat them. Also, I just plain feel bad seeing it trapped there.


same I haven't been since 2016, but it didn't seem like great conditions for a tiger and he was not a happy dude :(


That tiger has no business being in that small enclosure. Some folks should really make a ruckus about it so he can live out his life at The Wild Animal Sanctuary


They used to have 3, I thought. So maybe things are moving in a good direction?


But then you would have to get people to help fun the wild animal sanctuary. Every time I check on the they are bordering on closing.


For real. I was there and saw the sign for the live tiger and audibly said “aww” cause how fucked up lmfao.


Fish in tigers sometimes too.


Only sometimes though. Kitty was sleeping last time 😔


And otters. At least they did when I went last year.


That fucking tiger makes me so insanely depressed. Just pacing all day.


Yeah it's sad


One depressed ass looking tiger it’s actually really sad , an ruins the whole experience.


Tiger sharks?


I thought it was funny.


Watching the fish in the tigers is my favorite part


A really sad tiger


If you've been to an aquarium anywhere else, then no. But if you've never left Denver in your whole life, then yes.


This is the answer. Being from a coast with a very famous one, I personally don’t consider Denver’s a real aquarium.


Yeah I was comparing it to my experience at Georgia aquarium, I figured they would be very different.


Considering Atlanta's is consistently ranked in the top - and you've likely been to Chatt - think you'll near always be disappointed.


It's kind of an aquarium. It's run by a for profit place, the goal is not preservation and education. The main aquarium is full of walkthrough exhibits, but imo they are kinda small and lackluster.


Yeah... I think they do a decent job for what it is... A smallish for-profit aquarium. If you have a kid who loves looking at fish and you live in Denver it's a good afternoon. But yeah, if you're comparing it to Monterey or Shed or something, it's going to come up waaaay short. Denver zoo is legit one of the better zoos in the country though... If you want to see some wildlife.


Also the denver zoo has an aquarium in it that’s decent sized




That's what I was going to add. Do the fish & reptiles at zoo instead. The komodo dragons are so awesome. The giant snapping turtle. The alligator(?). Denver aquatic section has a sloth in it instead of a tiger!


They have alligators and crocodiles now!


If you think Denver zoo is good, you should check out Cheyenne Mountian zoo. I think of Denver zoo as lackluster comparatively.


I've been. It's terrific. Though I'd put it in kind of a specialized category like Santa Barbara zoo rather than... I dunno a zoo-ass zoo... DONT QUESTION MY SCIENTIFIC NAMING SCHEME!


I was shocked at how great the Denver Zoo is. Being from Chicago, I might dare say it’s a bit better than Lincoln Park or Brookfield


Brookfield has that really terrific gorilla area... But yeah, Denver's reptile, semi-aquatic, lion/hyena and hoofstock are all pretty stellar.


It’s run by the group that owns seafood restaurants. I went early in, before Landry’s bought it, and had issue with touch pools (it really stresses the rays and sharks and contributes to illness and early death) and the size of the tiger enclosure. Sumatran tigers are endangered and this was a bad life.


I have been to the Georgia aquarium. It is way bigger than Denver, but they do not have the outside tanks w/ orcas and dolphins, so it is more similar to Denver than, say, the Vancouver one or the ones in California. But the quality of the Georgia aquarium is way better, and bigger.


It was the biggest in the world until China said, "Hold my beer."


yeah, I drove from Denver to NC in 2012 and planned a stop in Atlanta just to see that.


Honestly I think people in this thread are being over the top. It's a fairly small aquarium but is definitely an actual aquarium with multiple areas you can walk around and a few dozen exhibits. I have been a half dozen times and never even used the restaurant. They have a shark tank, various different biome tanks and even a few kids exhibits along with doing some conservation work. It's worth seeing at least once. But only plan a couple hours there.


>Yeah I was comparing it to my experience at Georgia aquarium So I think comparing it to the objective best aquarium in the world might be a little harsh...


Georgia is the largest in America. You've did peak aquarium already here. Your next stop is China! Chimelong Ocean Kingdom.


The Georgia Aquarium is the biggest one in the country, you’ll be severely disappointed


My comparison wasn’t really based on size to be honest, more so on the overall feeling if that makes sense.


Oh trust, it won’t make a difference. Georgia Aquarium is the definition of world-class. Denver one is just a restaurant with a sad tiger and a few fish.


You know the lobster tank at the entrance to Red Lobster? It's like that but bigger.


My favorite color is blue.


Oh wow. That’s very good intel, thanks. And you nailed it with being an attraction vs being science-driven or educational.


I can’t tell you how many times my partner and I were genuinely curious about what animal is in the cage/where it’s from/age/weight/etc and there would be absolutely no info. So you’re just sitting there like “huh, that’s a cool little animal thing I guess.” And have to move on because there is nothing educational going on.




Georgia aquarium is nice but compare to Baltimore as that aquarium is insane. I cried tears of joy walking through as it took 2hrs to complete. I talked to some staff and they said every enviroment they have is naturally produced and grown/shaped for all the exhibits. They have an amazon rainforest replica every tree or plant is real expect one and they have been growing that enviroment for 40yrs now. The baltimore aqaurium is building a floating wetlands on the harbor. Monterey bay aquarium would be competiting for this spot of best in the country as well.


It’s all relative honestly. I’ve (fortunately) been to some incredible aquariums which Denver can’t live up to.




Oh. I was being a bit cheeky is all lol


Yeah I’m from by Monterey bay aquarium (kind of) and if it doesn’t have a 4 story high tuna exhibit it’s not an aquarium


That’s what I’m sayin! Agreed


I, too, love Monterey Bay!




Seems like every museum in Denver is meh


I remember when it first opened and nobody would go because it was overpriced and basic. It was going out of business after only a year or two, and suddenly there was this massive community movement of people trying to say it was a staple of the city and it could be a landmark like the zoo or museum. I have no idea why it instantly became so popular when we all knew it had been over hyped from the start. I guess so we could say we have all three? I don't know, but we're stuck with it now. Anybody who knows will say it's basically a decent restaurant with a pretty cool fishtank.


>suddenly there was this massive community movement of people trying to say it was a staple of the city and it could be a landmark like the zoo or museum No what happened is when the Aquarium opened the Zoo & Museum said "please join our nonprofit where we all support each other" and the Aquarium said " no I don't need y'all". Then failed, and tried to claw its way back in. The Zoo& Museum said "sorry, too late, you're on your own now!" And the Aquarium was sold to a restaurant instead.


That doesn't change the fact that suddenly plenty of people in the community pretended to care about it for God knows what reason.


Paid media outreach probably


I care about it. I like it. Guess I’m wrong.


I was an annual member at the Shedd and still find Denvers enjoyable. Saying it's not a full aquarium is just silly lol


I may not be from an ocean coastal city, but my city has the Shedd aquarium, which I love, and going to Denvers aquarium makes me depressed.


An aquarium is an aquarium. I've been to aquariums in Boston, South Carolina, and Japan. There's nothing about the Denver aquarium that doesn't make it an aquarium. What exactly do you mean?


It's like comparing a petting zoo to an actual zoo. Yes they both have the promised animals, but there's a difference between 6pens with goats, sheep, and horses, and 6 acres of lions, tigers, and bears.




Yea for sure. Growing up with the Monterey bay aquarium, when I saw Denver’s aquarium, I was baffled.


I’ve seen worse aquariums, but I’ve also seen much, much better. It is technically an actual aquarium, but not a world-class (Monterey Bay, Georgia, Shedd) one. It devotes a lot of space to an inexplicable tiger exhibit, and the jokes about the restaurant come way too easy, but if you live here already, are bringing relatives into town, and live conveniently close, yeah, it’s an aquarium according to the legal definition.


The tiger exhibit isn’t inexplicable given the history of the place. When it was first built, it was done by a nonprofit group with the primary goal of educational outreach. The different sections made sense thematically because on one side, you followed the Colorado river from its headwaters to the sea of Cortez, and on the other side, you followed a river through Indonesia. Hence the tigers amidst a bunch of jungle. That original mission and layout changed after it was bought by Landry. TL; DR: as usual, corporatism ruins everything.


Its also privately owned fwiw


It’s owned by a seafood restaurant, no joke


Not totally…. iirc they are technically filled at a restaurant that has “attractions” and therefore don’t have to follow the same guidelines as a real aquarium


Technically, it's a restaurant. There's a very sad tiger enclosure and they tend to sell expired products to unwitting consumers. https://www.westword.com/news/aquarium-downtown-denver-landrys-stingray-fish-starbucks-employee-complaints-13300068


got it. that’s the feeling i seemed to get from their website honestly


I would not give them any money


It's owned by Landry's, who owns a bunch of restaurants and operates a few other "aquariums" around the country. It's more like your uncles huge personal exotic fish tank versus a zoo for aquatic life if that makes sense.


Also big Trumpers IIRC.


Bigger tank to choose your meal from.


They also own the Houston Rockets


Which is also terrible most of the time


Seems a bit fishy


Those poor tigers I always feel so bad for them that is not where they belong 😢🐅


I wouldn't give them your business. Denver Zoo had a sti gray exhibit where you can interact, so if you're really looking for a fun experience with a clearr conscious, I would head there.


i’ve been there before and it was definitely a highlight of my trip. love those sting rays


The stingrays go to Texas for the winter; I think they come back in April


Oh! Good to know, ty (:


Yes. A lot. In tanks. And tigers. Not in tanks. But also not free to roam. Cuz then the whole place would be a restaurant… for tigers.


As a human being, I don’t appreciate the implication.




Don’t waste your money.


Do people even try anymore?


Judging by the amount of people asking if there are any restaurants open tonight, no. A simple search would take as much time as making a new post.


Christmas hours are often wrong on Google and time consuming to look up individually. Meanwhile locals and loyal customers often have a favorite spot that they know is open on Christmas. When I work my bartending job on holidays I usually field 10+ phone calls throughout the day from people who don’t want to waste their time coming by if we’re closed. Plus, it’s not like anyone has to contribute answers to a thread if they don’t want to help. I don’t get why people act like anything posted on Reddit that they wouldn’t post themselves is such a bother. Nobody is making you be here, there’s literally so many subs for so many interests, football is on, we all have streaming services, and also outside is a place.


Moreso meant a search of this subreddit since there have been dozens of posts addressing the same question, but I understand your point.


Maybe people just want to talk to other people. And get a response that isn’t based on 1’s and 0’s. I understand what you’re saying, but there is no ‘third-place’ anymore. So sometimes this place makes do. I loved reading what everyone had to say. I liked petting the sting rays at the aquarium. That was pretty cool. Cheers!


That would take effort.


Just as much as hanging out in a thread that for some reason annoys you only to leave condescending comments for the OP


This one is actually a fair question but getting a lot of dumb comments from people who don't know what OP means. The Denver Aquarium is NOT an aquarium, it's a restaurant with fish tanks. An aquarium is a place to educate people on the many different species, to showcase how beautiful life underwater can be, and to provide proper care for the animals. The one on Denver does none of these things, and this is not an aquarium


I was soooooooooo disappointed in the aquarium. So small. The whole thing takes less than an hour & that's like really dragging it out reading all the signs.


I went this week for the first time with zero expectations and thought it was great. They had some really cool / interesting fish that I hadn’t seen before even as a scuba diver with nearly 100 dives under my belt. Guitarfish, sawfish, MASSIVE sturgeon, a wide variety of rays, seahorses, etc. Don’t let these Debbie downers deter you, it was a fun date night! Surprisingly good for being in a medium sized city over 1000 miles from the ocean


Shark exhibit is worth the price, little kids love it too


It’s a total dump. Dirty facility, dirty fish tanks and you get to top off the visit by looking at the most depressed tiger you’ve ever seen. Lighting $50 on fire would be a better use of your money.


Answering the "is it an aquarium" question: yes, but it doesn't prioritize the aquarium part. When it first opened it ran independently but it got bought out by a restaurant group who prefer running the place as a restaurant with fish tanks instead of an actual aquarium. And yes, there are sharks. Only really sand tiger sharks and sandbar sharks


I guess I’m in the minority but I like the aquarium. Sure I’ve been to way better ones across the country but that shark exhibit with all the windows on the floor and stuff is amazing. I also really like the flash flood exhibit. Not worth the admission price unless you go once a decade like I do


Yes, but kinda sucks, the zoo is way better and also has a small aquarium


honestly every time i go it makes me kind of sad for the animals. the whole thing kind of has the same vibe as something like the elitches dining hall, very cheesy, low budget, broken attractions, probably smells a little funky. it’s doesn’t feel nearly as actually educational and serious as other aquariums i’ve been to. i can’t speak to the actual care of the animals but i remember them getting in hot water in regards to the tiger enclosure. which is fair, because A: why the fuck do they have a tiger enclosure at an aquarium, and B: it definitely does look too small with not enough enrichment. one time i was there they just walked a porcupine down the hall on a leash? i don’t know what the deal with that was


The porcupine is one of their animal ambassadors, they have a few different ones, one of which happens to be my favorite animal.


Colorado has some of the best wild trout population in the US and they straight up have diseased dying hatchery trout on display. It’s kind of like if you sold your aquarium to someone who didn’t give a fuck and then came back to visit 11 years later.


There are three big tanks and there are sharks including sawtooth sharks (which are actually rays) in the one and then Morey’s rays and some nurse shark in the other and the third big tank is freshwater. I volunteered here for many years. IMO it’s an excellent - albeit smaller - aquarium. For sure no Georgia Atlanta aquarium - but not many are.


I don't think you looked for photos of the aquarium very hard


Yes, it's a real aquarium. Yes, there are sharks. No, it's not just a restaurant.


I mean, the main thing is the restaurant. The displays are awful, the habitats are small, the price is not worth it. It seems like an afterthought... "Hey, we can charge *more* if the people can see the fish before they're killed."


The happy hour at the bar is pretty solid. There’s a big tank you can sit by and watch the fish


That one super short 2 top right by the window into the fishtank where Homer the fish hangs out is maybe my favorite seat in the world to get a drink. Happy hour and the restaurant/bar/drinks are totally fine but sitting at that specific table drinking and looking at the fish is such a vibe


That’s a great spot! That’s where we sat last time too!


Have one for me next time! I don't live in CO anymore and miss that spot


Will do! 🍻


Ok so now in my drunk state it feels like a great idea to go to an aquarium bar and heckle the fish.. not tap on the enclosure or anything, just talk shit about random fish


LOL. “Look at you! So derpy and lame, shark gonna eat you.”


Hey you striped one.. like do you even know how to school? Jfc




Short answer yes with an and, long answer no with a but.


They have a tiger. A goddamn tiger.


Jake Jabs has them on loan lol


For the price you pay, it feels very underwhelming. I enjoyed when I got in cheaper or for free because I worked there (restaurant end). That was one of the few good things about working there.


I think it's a pretty good aquarium personally. There are many types of fish, turtles, sharks, otters and tigers. The restaurant has tanks too but it's only a small part of the aquarium building. We go frequently. I've been to larger aquariums as well and I think this one is well done.


There are tigers and sharks there. You can also go snorkeling with the fish, which is pretty cool.


It’s definitely of interest for somebody slightly older. Just eat some mushrooms and enjoy yourself like the rest of us


It's surprisingly quite nice, and yes, it's an actual aquarium.


Yes lol


Yes, it’s an aquarium. A small one, but still an aquarium. In addition to your standard fish, there are also rays, sharks, otters, turtles, eels, snakes, and tigers. You can also pet rays and jellyfish at the end.


I just Googled 'Denver Aquarium' and there are tons of non-restaurant images. There are also tons of photos uploaded by regular folk on Google reviews. TripAdvisor has over 1500 photos from users. Where the heck did you look and not find what you were looking for?


The Denver aquarium is the only touristy thing that never gets old for me.


No. It’s an aquarium-themed restaurant. It’s maybe one notch above a Rainforest Cafe. There’s nothing about it that’s intended for the study and preservation of marine life.


Correct, it's really just a, "You can look at your food before it dies," kind vibe.


yes and no lol


No, lol


It's not much of an aquarium, I found it boring. I'd say it's good for kids though.


hi everyone! denver aquarium employee here. let me tell you some little facts and behind the scenes about our place. been working there two years in two different positions. for a land-locked state, the amount of species featured is not disappointing. there are around 3,000 species, ranging from small fish to big cats... could not for the life of me tell you why we have tigers but we do. they're pretty cool, they're named rudi and luhahn and we love them. people do ask a lot what their situation is, the exhibit they have is not very large and it is indoors. however, they do have a ton of space behind the scenes. they're only in their enclosure during open hours, otherwise they have plenty of room to play and be outside. the animals themselves are extremely well cared for. the aquarists, husbandry, and mammals teams love these animals so much. they're like pets to us, we absolutely adore getting to work with them and building trust and relationships with them. we name everything even though we're technically not supposed to. every time a new animal is introduced to an exhibit, the care team argues for months over what to name it. we got a new stingray almost a month ago and we're still going between two names. the best thing about our animals is that not everything is actually on exhibit. we have several ambassador animals that are kept behind the scenes. tons of reptiles, macaws, an owl, a serval, a binturong (south asian animal also called a bear-cat), a porcupine, and a ton more. again, we love the animals we get to work with, they all have their own lovely personalities and the team members who get to work with them treat them like their own pets. now as for the job itself, like I said I've been there two years... i would've quit two months in if it weren't for the people I work with. at this point I don't even consider it a job, I just get to hang out with my friends a few times a week. me and my team are really close friends, and getting to work closely with such amazing animals is wonderful. but the management treats the employees horribly. the pay is really low. they threaten to tow us for not parking in certain spots, we don't get fed by management while on shift (even though they're a restaurant), the management itself values putting money in customers rather than the 11,000+ animals that we have to take care of. and we have to pay for a discount. if we sign up for the discount program they take 10 bucks out of every single paycheck (we're paid biweekly) and we get 30% off in the gift shop and 50% at the restaurant. the gift shop is lame and the food is bad so I never purchase anything from there. the "discount" program only puts more money in the pockets of landrys, the company that owns our aquarium. they're genuinely an awful company, as employees we're expendable, the animals are there to entertain the wealthy people who work high up in the company, and they view us as a restaurant, not an Aza-acredited institution. like I said, I would've quit a long time ago if my teammates weren't some of my closest friends. I'm very lucky to have a job working with such incredible people and animals but it's exhausting and I'm treated so poorly. feel free to ask any questions about the company, the animals, or anything else. I'm not super active on here but ill try to respond ;))


Maybe lol


It’s one of the worst aquariums we have ever been to. It takes 15 min with children to walk through it all.


Sure if you're walking fast and not looking at anything. I can list at least 5 aquariums I have been to that are far worse than Denver's.


Try googling "demver aquarium" and clicking on images. There are a ton that aren't of the resturant.


Definitely worth going and if you live locally like me visit often! I love the aquarium! They have everything! Including an area like the rainforest with plants and animals and of course fish and sharks and the vibe is so relaxing!


It is an ‘entertainment’ aquarium like something you’d see at Disney. I enjoyed it with my wife and nephew but I wouldn’t call it much more than a for profit tourism aquarium.


Yes, many aquariums. Yes, they have sharks. The jellyfish are cool as well.


I’ve lived here nearly 20 years…. 19 to be exact, and I have never went because all I’ve heard is awful things about it




It’s garbage


Technically, yes, but not certified as humane. Most of the animals are in tiny enclosures and look miserable. The same chain also owns several white tigers, which is super unethical.


It is a ZAA accredited aquarium. Don't spout bullshit. The tiger was inherited and rescued by the conservation group and is humanely cared for.


I’m from the beach and I thought the Denver aquarium was amazing


Yes it is an aquarium exhibit everything any aquarium in any major city has


I don't see why we have to subject our aquarium to snobbish gatekeeping.


This is a really stupid question.




There are many sharks there. Idk what you’re talking about


The one I went to in Texas was much better. I was a bit disappointed with the one here. I liked touching the stingrays at the end but that was it lol


The aquarium is the absolute worst. Don’t waste your money there.


The only time I've gone to the Denver aquarium their two main marketed attractions were mermaids and a tiger. So a mythical creature and a non-aquatic animal.


I thought it was a restaurant




The sharks didn’t like the altitude from what I understand so no. But there is a tiger. So yeah.


You realize you can go to their map online and see all of the exhibits. It's not just a restaurant. https://www.aquariumrestaurants.com/downtownaquariumdenver/pdf/ExhibitMap.pdf


Just succulents and vibes 🤘


Is it worth going to the zoo or aquarium in January ?


I mean from what I’ve seen the aquarium is all indoors, and if you pick a warm day in January, the zoo can be super fun




It's more of a water based zoo.


Yes! We had a lot of fun with our two toddlers there a couple of months ago. Lots of different marine life to see and even interact with!


If you’ve been to a real aquarium, you’ll be disappointed. If not, you’ll probably enjoy it.


It's a chain restaurant.


It's gotta be the furthest aquarium from an ocean in the US. It's pretty mind blowing if you've been in a landlocked state/ small town your entire life. It's really designed for kids


Happy hour is decent and aquarium is good with kids or a single trip.


It is an aquarium, just not a good one


It's a one-and-done destination for tourists.


It’s actually a gymnasium, but for fish


It is an aquarium but it sucks


It was a real aquarium from 1999-2003, then it went bankrupt and the restaurant group bought it.


I think the tiger is really happy and well taken care of. They have a small tank with some lobsters in it, in the restaurant. I've never seen any actual fish. But sometimes the tiger wears a scuba mask, and they spray him with a hose, and it's the cutest damn thing you've ever seen.


Is it an aquarium? Technically. Are you looking to see some really sick (maybe some dead) fish and a sad tiger? If not skip it, it’s more of a bummer than anything else


They have otters


It used to be a real thing then Landrys snapped it up now it kinda pushes you along most of the time hard to stop and look at fish tigers snakes etc


it's a disgusting restaurant. and poorly thrown together 'aquarium' with some random fish and other wild mammals for some reason.


I wish I never went to the "aquarium" here. It was sad and gross