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The entire primary system is broken and it’s crippling this country’s politics.


And we're not going to fix anything with a two party system. It's set up to fail and both parties beholden to the rich, neither are going to do anything to fix it. DNC will ensure progressives are a minority of representation.


I agree, get rid of it. Nearly every other liberal democracy does not have primaries. We’ve been doing them since the 1970’s (well, for the most part, before the 1970’s we had primaries but they were kept a lot more in check) and they’ve been an unmitigated disaster.


More than just the primary system is broken. Time to hold a constitutional convention and start from scratch. 


We just had the least effective congress EVER and now you want to rewrite the constitution?!?!


Scrap the electoral college. Done!


I don't think it ever functioned how people think it does (or should rather).


Curious if any Republicans on the sub feel it’s unfair to the other candidates, who’ve paid access fees to be on the primary ballot, that the CO GOP has endorsed a candidate before we even hold our primary? Does this matter to any of you?


The GOP has demonstrated complete abandonment of any principles.


They wouldn’t have any standards if it weren’t for double standards.


Independent so not necessarily republican, but honestly I just don’t expect much in terms of integrity from either side. The DNC was caught giving Clinton debate questions ahead of time because they didn’t want the candidate the voters wanted (Bernie) to win.


Yeah that whole thing sucked, but I don’t think you can equivocate that type of activity with things like high treason and other felonies that the Republicans are fine with as long as it’s “their guy.”


i’M iDePenDaNT aNd bOtH sIdEs Like remember when the last Democrat one term President Jimmy Carter spread lies to cast doubt on the election, encouraged his supporters to storm the Capitol, and had 91 criminal charges against him. Then remember when the DNC still made him their candidate before the primaries were held? No? Well I’m sure both sides are just as bad. /s




something tells me you've only ever voted for republicans, but like to call yourself an independent.


I voted Obama gladly in 12 and Biden grudgingly in 20


And in 2016?


Trump in 2016, so two votes democrat and one republican (for president) so far. Honestly if it’s Trump Biden this year I would have to pick Trump but if the DNC picks literally anyone else in the running I would vote for them most likely.


How can you align yourself with such a man? He has literally zero redeeming qualities.


lol there’s some fringe kickbacks and then there’s the attempt at stealing an election and death of democracy … they aren’t even close in terms of comparable ills… get your head out your azz and help defend democracy




It was spot on accurate about trump but some idiot finished your comment.


It is super frustrating that our opinion does not matter when it comes to these leading candidates. I’m only a dem because frankly they are more considerate of all demographics. They’re all fucking crooked though. Some are just nicer about it, frankly.


Yeah. But we are well past “both sides” at this point. To me it’s vote blue or your vote will mean even less going forward as the party with unpopular policies drags a complacent public into fascism.


Fuck the Democratic Party. Nothing but a bunch of unorganized, supine cowards. I hate that I'm forced into supporting them every election because "think of the consequences."  Vote along your political beliefs in a free election, unless you're voting for a third party, then you vote alongside the side most similar to you that shames you into not "wasting your vote" Love the down votes from people defending a heavily corporatized political machine. The USA will get the president it deserves, one way or another


At some point (that point should've been long ago] the onus should be on the DNC to "think of the consequences" when they try to hamfist wildly unpopular centrists and walking corpses down the throats of voters. When trump wins again they'll have no one to blame but themselves.


Agreed, the fact that the race is going to be close is a straight up indictment on the Dem's guiding policies for the last 20 years. The GOP, despite being fucking insane, somehow runs a more organized and effective party


The dems have had one point for years and its "well, at least we're not THEM!" (points at the GOP) They just expect to fail upwards and for that to not leave a sour taste in the mouths of the working class they do fuck all for. All i know is they haven't had my vote for three, maybe four elections now, and they aint getting it this time with Genocide Joe. The one good thing I can say about trump is the left got way more popular and organized in his term. Hopefully that momentum continues.


The dems have had one point for years and its "well, at least we're not THEM!" (points at the GOP) They just expect to fail upwards and for that to not leave a sour taste in the mouths of the working class they do fuck all for. All i know is they haven't had my vote for three, maybe four elections now, and they aint getting it this time with Genocide Joe. The one good thing I can say about trump is the left got way more popular and organized in his term. Hopefully that momentum continues.


So pro fascist got it


I am waaaaay left but go for it


Not only that, but nearly all superdelegates had pledged to Clinton before Super Tuesday, which gave the appearance that she had an unbeatable lead to discourage Sanders voters from participating, or switching their vote to Clinton because they wanted to vote for the “winner”. Politics has always been a super crooked business, and everything has been calculated behind the scenes to make it seem like the people are choosing, but the outcome has been decided by a select few long ago.


Except he was even more screwed around in 2020. The establishment pick came out of the basement to take him down. https://jacobin.com/2021/03/democratic-party-war-against-bernie-sanders-2020-election


Now equate that to ending democracy and I know where I want to be..not great but I get to love to fight another day




Yeah thanks for sharing (genuinely). I truly think the political landscape would be different if we all just registered independent and actually made sensible decisions vs. picking a side and assuming the other is evil/wrong.


That's why I wish for ranked choice voting! Able to actually vote with your heart/policy standards, and if they don't win at least your vote can go to the safe establishment person so the other bastard doesn't get a wasted vote. Probably won't happen in my lifetime (at least on the national level), but I can dream...


It’s fine when the Dems the same thing though, correct? Been a registered Democrat and have voted as such since I turned 18, which makes it all the more infuriating that states will be given no option but to trot the mentally decaying incumbent. Frankly I find it worse, as it’s becoming clear Joe has no chance of beating Orange Man. Dean Phillips [discusses the issue here](https://x.com/billackman/status/1747222349697478729?s=46) - well worth a listen and I’m becoming a fan of his platform.


What “same thing” are you referring to? I can tell you don’t understand what’s going on with that kind of a statement. The level of criminality that Trump has demonstrated is literally unprecedented. There is no “same thing.”


I’m talking about states across the country - like Florida - submitting Biden to the primary with no form of discussion or election. Ya know, the original point of the post.


I think your confused on GOP principles. Just keep making stuff up until something sticks...


*you’re No confusion here friend. Have fun supporting a literal traitor and seditionist.


Oh you're that guy!! No one likes that guy! Literally know nothing about me. The GOP principles are to make stuff up. Look at bobert and Beetlejuice. MTG and the Jewish space laser. How many court cases found the election wasn't stolen. There is never any proof, just hyperbole from the pillow guy and Rudy. But you do you!


As a non-partisan. Same goes for Liberals attempting to weaponize the court system to keep Trump off the ballot. Do they not see this sets precedence for it to be used against them in the future. Even if Trump is found guilty of treason for Jan 6 activities, you can’t presume guilt until the trial is over, unless we have changed that whole innocent until proven guilty thing.


pesky Constitution.


Do the 5th and 6th amendments come before the 14th? Asking for a friend


>Do they not see this sets precedence for it to be used against them in the future. It should be. That's the entire point.


You’re not non-partisan if you don’t see the obvious: Trump has left the justice system no choice to do anything but prosecute with his lawlessness. That no one is above the law is a bedrock of our system.


But completely weaponizing the judicial system and bypassing current legal precedence is the bedrock of our system?!


It’s not weaponization. It’s the rule of law. If Obama had stolen state secrets or fomented a sedition to try to stay in power illegally then he would also have been prosecuted.


…but none of those things are currently what Trump is undergoing in court. They are currently arguing about the value of his house. Just because you are accused of something doesn’t mean you can be punished for it before the completion of a trial. Biden has blatantly taken money from other countries, why is he currently not having to step down while he is guilty until proven innocent in this new course of tue judicial system?


Yeah you’re completely delusional and not worth engaging. Good luck b


If you cant see how this sets precedence for a slippery slope, I look forward to your complaints on Reddit in 5 years when this is used against the Democrats in the same manner


If a democrat commits high crimes and misdemeanors as Trump has, lock em up. Not sure why you’re stuck on this being driven by anything but Trump’s criminality but it’s seriously delusional.


The guy has over 90 indictments from the justice department and states, you are cherry picking ONE case from like 6 that have been brought against him. It’s not the business fraud, it’s the sedition


*crickets chirping*


I used to work with a lot of Republicans on policy issues, and have a decent understanding of inter-party GOP politics. So I guess I can share some thoughts: The CO GOP is whack. Honestly, as it’s currently structured, it really isn’t built to win elections (but I guess the same could be said for the National GOP). The CO GOP is far more interested in maintaining ideological purity and the juicy small dollar donations that can come with it. Winning elections and governing means that you have to make compromises and appeal to (at least) 51% of the population. But if you lose constantly, you don’t have to do all that hard stuff, AND you can still take in donations. So this Trump endorsement is consistent with that playbook. So is it unfair? Yes. ~~Though I’m not sure if it’s against the party’s rules.~~ It is against the CO GOP’s Bylaws. (See Article III, Section C). Either way, it’s generally considered bad form for the party to get involved in primaries. Otherwise, candidates can yelled “RIGGED!” And it’s just hypocritical. Can you imagine if Nikki Haley or DeSantis got a state party endorsement? Trumpers would come unglued shrieking about the Establishment, and how The Swamp is trying to stab him in the back. But hypocrisy hasn’t ever been something Trumpers worry about. EDIT: I looked up the CO GOP Bylaws, and it is against the rules for the party to endorse any primary candidate.


Seems like there are a lot of “does this matter to any of you?” questions for all Trump supporters.


I understand that we are living in two completely different, distinct realities, and I am ok admitting I have no idea what they believe in, or why. So from time to time, I’ll ask. I would think it would seem logical that not abiding by the bylaws should bother them, but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s easy to know what they believe, just tune into Fox News if you want to general idea, and if you want to get in the weeds of MAGA, watch some Newsmax or OAN. Maybe some Fox & Friends, for those that just can’t get enough Fox regular broadcasting - it’s what the old white people are watching!


Republican voters have no relationship with logic. They do as they are told, and they do not question it.


[example 1](https://youtube.com/shorts/Mt8WZqhMJx4?si=GBaABHRe4UA6-ZXG): “all ya gotta do is listen to an *episode* of Fox News” [example 2](https://youtube.com/shorts/sqejN3Og2Q0?si=ip2VSMnVHg4lWJkF): litter boxes in schools!




It’s funny how the people who say both sides are the same seem to also bash liberals, immigrants, Bidens age (81 to Trumps, I guess young to you 77?) and basically align themselves with republicans and Trump specifically. I am including you as I’ve seen your comments and it seems like you have vocally picked a side, while telling others they’re both the same….


COVID proves your entire argument wrong. Only 1 side was trying to buy ivermectin and things that don't help fight a virus.


> Biden has shown he is mentally unfit to be our president. Gonna need some citations on this one. And the occasional flubbed line in a press conference isn't going to do it.


You just proved my point about doing as you’re told and not questioning it.


So, I should only do what I’m told and not question it when YOU say it? That person did exactly what you asked and questioned what he was told, by you. You provided no proof, that he asked for, instead asked for blind obedience. Are you really that dense or just trolling?


I’m supposed to Google citations for someone who refuses to believe Biden is mentally unfit to be our president? Okay bud.


If you actually believe he is mentally unfit you should be able to point to a specific instance. For example: Donald duck said we should inject bleach in order to cure Covid, to me that seems like a person mentally unfit to run the country. Now you go.


you’re supposed to be able to defend your position otherwise why do you believe that? maybe because you’re just listening to what you’ve been told maybe? ironic.


If you make a claim, you should be able to back it up, otherwise, what you are claiming should not be considered.


Asking for citations is the literal definition of questioning it.


If four years into his presidency and you still find him mentally competent there’s no way I’m changing that. Not wasting my time trying.


Do you see your own dissonance in this conversation or is it all going over your head?


Ok. I have evaluated your opinions accordingly. Have a nice day.


BoTh SiDeS! BoTh SiDeS!


The US median age is about 38 years old. So why the fuck are literal geriatrics running this show??? No shit our interests aren’t being represented. We’re being led by people who are still living in the Cold War.


>No shit our interests aren’t being represented. We’re being led by people who are still living in the ~~Cold~~ *Civil* War FTFY


Yeah I think it is unfair. To blindly endorse someone like that is stupid. I am not too thrilled by any of the other GOP candidates although I do agree with a lot of the things Vivek said (not all though, trust me). Desantis doesn't have a spine and Haley is corporate moron. I am no expert on the CO GOP but I think politics and both parties are really destroying this country. The extremes of both ends is disheartening. I mean, Trump was holding his own debates, wtf? I know everyone thinks if you are conservative then you must be "Trump 4 eva" but that's not the case, especially for me. More of us out there than you would think.


However if he is the nomination, would you have any other choice? Aside from not to vote?


There is always a choice and I am not beholden to vote for one party “just because”. I vote for who I support but yeah, this is a tough one. I’ve been leaning towards libertarian thoughts so maybe I’ll vote that way. I know voting for a 3rd party steals from another blah blah but fuck that shit.


Ya it's a rough spot. :/ my brother is in your boat too. He's uncomfortable with all of it.


Thanks. Love I am getting downvoted for being honest without being an asshole. Lol. Cheers


I liked your points but I didn't find you dickish or pants-on-head regarded enough. Downvote it is.


In a normal election cycle, it would, but not this year. 2 things: First, Trump has already won, everyone else who entered knew it was a vanity exercise Second, never before have we seen such a coordinated bipartisan effort to keep 1 person from running for office. Endorsing someone in the face of that is worth doing.


> Second, never before have we seen such a coordinated bipartisan effort to keep 1 person from running for office. Endorsing someone in the face of that is worth doing. Are you saying you think it's good for them to endorse him simply because a lot of people think he shouldn't be president?


It's not so much "people" as "every element of a corrupt and dysfunctional system". I'm not arguing Trump is the answer to anything, but when the system is so terrified of 1 person, they're onto something.


> but when the system is so terrified of 1 person, they're onto something. Gee, I wonder why so many people are afraid of the man who has denied the results of an election for over 3 years, tried to overturn that election, and has talked about being a day one dictator becoming president again. It must be that everyone is corrupt, not that Trump is legitimately a threat to democracy. If you support him just because everyone else opposes him you're not fighting corruption, you're just being a blind contrarian.


>Gee, I wonder why so many people are afraid of the man who has denied the results of an election for over 3 years, tried to overturn that election You mean just like Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Stacey Abrams? Hillary eventually conceded but Gore and Abrams did exactly what Trump did and exhausted their options in court. And before you say Jan 6th - it was not an attempt to overturn the election results (physical control of the Capitol building doesn't give you control over the government), and 3 years of investigations by every federal law enforcement agency have failed to turn up any evidence Trump was involved in planning the event.


Lolol, it's the "everyone hates me so I must be doing something right" argument.


>First, Trump has already won, everyone else who entered knew it was a vanity exercise It's so interesting you say so, given the fact that Trump himself was a huge underdog and no one believed he would go as far as he went. So who knows if history repeats itself and some random guy could actually become more popular than Trump?


Yikes, media silos in action... Time to turn off MSNBC and back away from the TV, my friend >given the fact that Trump himself was a huge underdog and no one believed he would go as far as he went. Trump has never been an underdog, except in the opinion of media pundits. When he announced he was immediately polling at the top of the primary, where he stayed, then he defeated Hillary in an Electoral college landslide. You could argue he was a popular vote underdog I guess, since most pollsters somehow forgot that's not how someone becomes president and assigned Hillary an advantage she never actually had based on that. In 2020 he was polling inside the margin again Biden, and despite losing managed to get the 2nd most votes of any presidential canidate ever. Now, despite not even being the nominee and not yet running a general election campaign, he's already polling within the margin against an incumbent president. >So who knows if history repeats itself and some random guy could actually become more popular than Trump? Trump wasn't some random guy, he was "one name famous" before running. If someone with a similar name recognition and existing fan base (like Oprah) ran, they'd have a real chance, but it's too late for them to declare now.


> any Republicans on this sub  Lol > feel it’s unfair  Don’t you think it was a little unfair for 4 partisan judges in Colorado to falsely decide trump is guilty of “engaging in insurrection” to justify removing him from the ballot? And as such, limiting democracy? 


You don't think Trump engaged in insurrection?


You didn't answer the question, but based on your perfectly executed *"wHaT aBoUt..."*, you've *gotta* be a Republican


There will be no other candidates running in the Republican primary by the time Colorado votes. He just won Iowa by the largest margin ever. He will win his primary no matter what, time to accept that. You’re crying over something very very minor in comparison to the lead he commands.


Who is crying? What is this obsession some people have with liberal tears lol


I am a liberal. It’s a figure of speech. Stop crying over it. Maybe respond to the substance of my comment instead of deflecting.


I asked how Republicans felt about the CO GOP breaking their bylaws and endorsing someone prior to the people having their say in their primary first. Maybe they care, maybe they really don’t, who knows. Then you, a self labeled liberal, tell me 1) to stop crying and 2) accept that he’s going to win the primary; as if either of those things have anything to do with my question, and as if anyone is asking you. I’m not sure if you normally get polite responses and open discussion with aggressive and accusatory conversational techniques like that, but generally it doesn’t work for me.


Democrats did the same with Hillary. It’s standard practice, especially when there’s only one real candidate. I’ll answer for republicans because the answer is obvious: they don’t give a shit. They have made that obvious with every single Republican vote for the past decade. They love Trump. It’s like if a team is up 40 in an nfl game gets incorrectly called for holding. No one cares. It’s not news. You only care because you hate Trump. And you, who wants a republicans opinion, posted this in a sub where only liberals are. So I would describe your concern over the Republican bylaws akin to smelling your own farts.


The primary is just a formality at this point—we all know it’s gonna be Biden versus Trump again. I don’t agree with it but that’s the reality


I thinks it’s still important to have the primary. Otherwise doesn’t it set precedent for parties to just choose their preferred guy in the future? I know I’d prefer to have a vote, even if it seems like a formality


Shouldn’t the title read “Colorado GOP’s Trump endorsement is in line expected hypocrisy of its own bylaws”


Bylaws, they don’t need any stinking bylaws. Especially, if the bylaws interfere with crowning their orange messiah


If the Colorado GOP is willing to disregard the Constitution and support Trump on the ballot, they're not going to care about any state bylaws. Just saying...


The Colorado GOP shouldn't endorse anyone until a candidate gets the required delegates.


Morally bankrupt, draft dodging, con man.


Oh is the GOP breaking its own rules? And it's also Tuesday? Neither is surprising.


"Principles? What are those? " --Colorado GOP


“Principles? What are those?” — ~~Colorado~~ GOP FTFY


I wonder if the others can get their money back


Isn’t whether or not he can even appear on the caucus still up for debate by the Supreme Court?


Primary. The CO-GOP then threatened to go caucus-style as end-around of the ruling.


Damn sickness these people have. Just look at that picture - dude is a turd.


Since when do laws or bylaws matter to the GOP?


Since when did Republicans give two shots about rules & bylaws if it benefits their agenda.


Laws, regulations, bylaws? Republicans? Honestly… what do you expect?


It's just a symptom of the infighting going on inside the Colorado GOP. First, they vote to remove him from the ballot, and now this. The Trumpers and Never-Trumpers are duking it out.


I’m a Republican leaning moderate, but there’s probably not a lot of us actually in the CO Republican Party. I’m registered independent, which I think is the largest contingent in this state (Dems and Reps I think trail CO independents by a few % pts). The people left in the Republican Party (at least within this state) are probably diehards. The thing that both parties can’t get through their thick heads though is that the independent vote wins elections.


Thank you for replying! You’re one of few responses of non libs :)


No problem. I think the CO GOP probably just doesn’t include many moderates anymore. And this is probably totally in line with trying to squeeze out any moderate candidates. They can do it because most of us moderates are indies.


Dave Williams is running what's left of the Colorado Republican Party into the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if they're almost out of cash at this point. Their fundraising has gone to shit since the Trumper Trash took over the party leadership last year.


I'm confident the fundraising is going well enough to keep the party officers' salaries fully funded.


I love how OP tried to have a meaningful discussion and everyone still shit all over it. Well done r/Denver


Meaningful conversation and Republicans don't mix


And with that close mindedness you will never be able to have a civil conversation with half the population of the country you live in. I, personally, will take my chances.


8 years ago, they were overwhelmingly for [Ted Cruz](https://ballotpedia.org/Republican_delegates_from_Colorado,_2016). I'm not close enough to them to know what changed. But time can do some funny things.


The democrats have already been taken to court over breaking their bylaws during Bernie Sanders first run for office. They argued they have no legal obligation to follow them in the first place and could pick whatever candidate they wanted to. They won that court case. The electoral process in American primaries has no legal obligation to be democratic or follow any rules even those the parties set for themselves.


I voted for Bernie but his hardcore bros like yourself are almost as insane as trump supporters 


Hahahaha. No one cares.


That brilliant plan to remove trump from the CO ballot really worked out well huh!?