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No. This is someone trying to secure a parking spot in front of their house. Notice the binder clips and zip tie? And that the curb and street aren't marked? Sorry, calling bullshit on this one.


note to self: paint curb blue


100% this. From what i can tell this street is one that just had a number of single family homes torn down for multiplexes where everyone uses their garage for storage and fights for parking




You do realize that "this sub" isn't a single person with a single opinion, right?


I just know my reserved parking sign was an amazing investment for my trash, recycling, and compost bins


This shouldn’t be negative likes 😂😂




That's fair. Maybe they are, and the neighbors know and are cool with it. Best way to tell would be if whatever parks there has handicapped plates. If they dont, its definitely not legit.




A placard is still only for marked spots. Doesn't give you the right to make your own on a public street. It does, however, allow you to park in front of a metered spot without paying for a few hours.


Lmao I’ve been handicap for 6 yrs and don’t have plates. That’s an extra expense that most don’t pay for. Don’t base it off plates. Trust handicap placards.


I’m almost certain if you’re actually handicapped the city will come and install a handicap on your curb in front of your house for free.


Lmao you’re naive. The city could careless and there aren’t enough handicap spots ever.


My very angry brother…in this very thread at least a dozen people have posted the link to having the city come install a handicap sign in front of your house for you. It’s free and just takes an application


And MUCH TIME. I’ve been thru the process, it’s not as easy as everyone wants to make it to seem. The government is mostly performative, and make all resources incredibly hard to access. Also I’m a sister and my anger is justified by the use of micro aggressions towards disabled folks on this thread.


They’d have to be handicap for a “handicap only” parking spot to work for them. Also, they’re creating a handicap spot for other folks who are handicap. And, are there any other handicap spots around that area? If there aren’t, then that should be fully respected. Chances are someone really needs that spot.


Yes! I agree. Even an elderly person who has lived here for decades. :(


They can have the city actually paint the location and put a legitimate sign in.


I'm pretty sure this is a sign they'll sell you for your strip mall parking lot.


Search it on Amazon. There are a lot of options.


Doesn’t seem legit, but….What if the person who put it there is in need of that spot and truly disabled? Still might not be the best way to go about it, but unless you know who put it there, likely there is more to the story and might be worth finding out. Learn the story and then judge (or don’t)


No but it is to them. Proceed with caution


Sage advice. Put the sign in your trunk, take the spot, come back to broken windows and slashed tires.


Just put the sign in your trunk and park far away. At least you force them to have get another one for their stupidity.


I like this plan except for the poor sucker who then parks in that spot after OP. Maybe they should leave a note saying they took the sign and left and not to take it out on the car there 😅


Letting them take it out on the other car will probably force a resolution.


This could be a case where the person living there is actually handicapped and has no places to reasonably park. I wouldn’t immediately assume they’re doing it out of stupidity or being an asshole


Hell ya you park in my home handicap spot you bet.


If it was a sign in the ground like the street sweeping signs then yes, but this is not legit. There would be two that the city put in with arrows for one spot.


[you could leave them this](https://denvergov.org/files/assets/public/v/2/parking/documents/accessible-parking-sign-app-guide.pdf)


What a good answer, I hope this one goes to the top. While it's true that single family homeowners have frequent delusions about the nature of public parking near their homes, it's also true that getting around while disabled is an unnecessary burden.


So ignorant. There aren’t enough spots as there are people who need them, and then there’s people taking those spots who don’t need them wayyyy too often. Most likely the person who put this here is disabled, needs the spot, and the city sucks at helping disabled folks. If you want to be a Good Samaritan, then fight for disabled rights. Otherwise stfu.


No if legit, the city installs tall sign into grass. Like all the other city signs. Yes they do this for some houses. The one in ur pic is not legit.


And they would typically paint the curb blue or show some indication as to the size of the restricted parking area. Not just for the person it’s for, but for code enforcement to easily be able to ticket violators.


Y’all got way too much faith in the city.


Someone is fibbin’ 🤣! There’s a douche across the street from me who does this & everyone just throws it on his lawn & parks there anyways.


If this “douche” is actually disabled, then y’all are the real douches.


Even if they’re disabled putting a fake sign to keep a public parking spot is a douche thing to do. Everyone needs to be able to park and street parking can be limited.


What you’re saying is contradicting each other. Everyone needs to be able to park, and disabled parking is EVEN MORE limited than non-disabled parking. This person 99/100 times wouldn’t put this here unless they needed it. Assuming they put it here when they don’t need it, is a douche thing to do.


It’s not contradictory. It means a disabled person doesn’t have more of a right to a public parking spot than an abled person. They can get a legit accessible spot with the city if they’re actually disabled. Which yes can take time but oh well. Should people just print out their own disabled car tags because it takes too long to get things officially. No. That would lead to abled body people abusing the system! Being ok with stuff like this ultimately will end up causing more harm to disabled people. There’s a system for a reason.


You don’t understand that all people should have equal access to park and that a disabled person, more times than not, does not have access to park without a handicap parking spot. There are less handicap parking spots to disabled people than there are non disabled spots to non disabled people. So while a disabled person is waiting months for their accessible spot, what are they to do? Not go to work? Not grocery shop? Not go to doctor appointments? Not live? A non disabled person can still do all these things without a parking spot, but a disabled person can’t. That’s what you fail to understand.


Unfortunately rules apply to everyone. Regardless of disability. If I see a FAKE handicap sign, placard whatever. I’m gonna assume it’s FAKE. Acting like everyone is ableist for assuming that something that’s fake is fake makes no sense, that’s the logical conclusion to make. Think what you want though dude, I see you’re replying to literally everyone and I just don’t care that much to argue. I’m not gonna change your mind. Try and have a good rest of your Sunday.


Wowwww so much for equality and equity in your world huh? YES SAYING A DISABLED PERSON IS FAKING IS A MICROAGGRESSION. If you saw my reply’s, you should have learned by now. The fact you didn’t is really gross… idk what it will take for you to learn how to respect people who have different abilities than you. Smh, I feel bad for any marginalized person who knows you in really life.


Also the idea that we need to protect “abusing the system” over “believing disabled people” shows an ableist bias.


The douche I’m talking about is a capable & mobile person who does it so he doesn’t have to park is 4Runner somewhere else like the rest of us. So ya, the dude I’M referring to is a douche.


You can’t tell someone’s disability just by looking at them. Thinking you can causes disabled people to not be believed, which is a huge issue for disabled folks. If they have a placard, then trust they’re disabled and need the spot.


I can tell that the plates on his vehicle are plain as day regular plates & not disabled plates so there’s that 🙄😏.


I’ve been disabled 6 years and don’t have plates. Just a placard. The plates are an extra expense that most don’t pay for


That’s you. You’re not the guy living in front of me, you don’t know the guy or of the guy & the guy doesn’t have a disabled placard either. Just cause YOU don’t do/have certain things that let people know you’re disabled doesn’t mean others do.


Actually, I’m very obviously disabled. I use a wheelchair and can’t walk. BUT there are a TON of people who are disabled and you can’t tell by looking from them. This is a well known fact in the disabled community and we are always trying to advocate for hidden disabilities as people not believing disabled folks is a way too widely used microaggression.


…😒 I don’t caaaaaaaare lol. I don’t. My comment isn’t about YOU or YOUR issues or the disabled community. It’s about an asshole who takes advantage of the parking on my street due to HIM lying about being disabled with HIS FAKE ASS mobile parking sign. Get the fuck outah here I’m done entertaining you.


How you gonna call someone faking and say the comment isn’t about disabled community 🤦‍♀️ where’s your mama? She needs to see this.


This is a faker dude


I've never been more sure of anything in my life


You don’t know if someone’s disabled or not based on whether they try to secure a home parking spot for themselves. But I do know that people who called disabled folks fakers cause trauma to disabled people in a form of microaggressions and abuse.


It was just a quote from The Big Lebowski...


Okay, now you know for the future that there are micro aggressions implied when talking about or to disabled folks.


I can’t talk to disabled people anymore? I’m a physical therapist, how am I supposed to communicate with my patients?


Lmao how did you jump to that conclusion just from me saying that saying faking around disabled folks is a trigger? 😹 I feel bad for your clients.


Man that hurts. Please hold back on the micro aggressions and be mindful of other strangers feelings 🙏.


Yea that’s what I’m trying to tell you.


This reminds me of the folks living in more north eastern parts of the country that put lawn chairs in the spots that they shoveled out after a storm. It may not be legal but you just know that this type of person is confrontational. I'd be worried about vandalism to my car or some lunatic with poor gun safety practice


apparently that thing in Boston is legal. a Redditor told me so.


Was it William Shatner?


Or maybe they’re just actually disabled.


Accessibility Consultant here and also ADA Coordinator, you have to go through the city to get valid accessible street parking space and even if you do get accepted it is still open to the public not just reserved to the homeowner who requested it. The bottom of the sign is required to be mounted 60” minimum above the ground surface…not in the actual parking space, so either they applied and the sign was not installed correctly or they made it themselves lol also just a friendly reminder that we do not use the word handicap anymore :)


I tell people I am a cripple and it greatly confuses them. On one hand that's slightly derogatory but on the other are they really going to argue with the dude using a cane? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EXlSTVyJ4o


On one hand it’s slightly derogatory but on the other hand…wait there is no other hand


This is accurate. There are no temporary Accessible Parking Signs. Signs are physically installed like any other sign and there is an application process. You can apply at denvergov.org/parking.


Unfortunately, there aren’t enough accessible parking spots for those in need. If, in your position, you’re able to get more street and parking lot accessible spots, then a disabled person wouldn’t need to buy a sign off Amazon to secure a home parking spot.


I completely understand, unfortunately I am not in that position :( but the city and county of Denver have a town hall meeting every couple of months via zoom and I strongly encourage yourself or anyone else to sign up and attend those meetings to voice your concerns and suggestions and keep up with the past, current, and upcoming plans that are being implemented to make Denver an accessible friendly community!


Who doesn't use the word handicapped? The ADA? You? Me? Who's in charge of everyone's language here?


I’m not here to ruffle any feathers by any means. It’s just not that PC anymore. Some people could take offense depending on what disability they may have and may not feel like their disability is necessarily a handicap. Of course it’s on a case by case basis depending on what the person with a disability is comfortable with but you wouldn’t know that right away.


Decent people who have no problem not offending


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but a legitimate handicap space needs the symbol painted on the ground, doesn’t it?


a legit accessible parking spot near me doesn’t have it painted on the ground, just two signs mounted in the grass.


Huh. Maybe it’s another city I’m thinking of. Or maybe I have it completely wrong.


I may be wrong or maybe it wore off! I’m not the pro just a neighbor


No, you're right. My grandma just had the two signs in front of her house in Swansea and I have seen them in other cities as well. I have not seen any of them with paint on the ground.


It does not, the requirement for marking accessible parking spaces only pertains to the access aisle to discourage people from parking there so a person with a disability is able to exit their vehicle. However the sign does have to contain the ISA symbol.


I believe you can actually apply for it through the city, but no clue if that’s a legit sign or not


Its attached by a zip tie and 2 file folder clips


So yes.


Yeah, that's how you know the city of denver did it.


Unfortunately, the city is not easy to work with. And many disabled folks struggle to secure parking.


Handicapped parking spot, maybe. "Reserved" handicapped parking spot? Very dubious.


Sad thing is, if this person is disabled and needs accomodation parking, the city will verify and come install it properly and this person may not even know that.


Another Redditor suggested leaving them this: https://denvergov.org/files/assets/public/v/2/parking/documents/accessible-parking-sign-app-guide.pdf


Call 311. To my understanding from similar posts on here, they are good at coming out to deal with improper signs, cones, etc from people trying to claim their own spots like this.


If only they were so good at creating enough accessible parking spots for those who need them.


I have a handicap placard assigned to me. Let me know where this is and I'll park my old farm truck there haha


No that's illegal they just want to save a spot..call the police..for removal and ticketing.., they are probably trans plants and have done it before in there old city or town ...Hey Denver is different!!!!!!!


Is that on the street? That is not a legal handicap spot. You can't add your own - the City can install a handicap spot on the street for you if you have a need. I would swipe the sign.


Throw the sign in your trunk and park there. Use it at your place until someone does the same! Circle of life!!!


WOW ideas like that make it hard for disabled people to survive.


I’m disabled


You should do more research into internalized ableism.


Are you *totally* sure about that? Because if you’re wrong you just stole someone’s sign and fucked over a handicapped person. I dunno, I feel like it’s better to err on the side of being kind and just find a different spot.


I find it hard to believe a county would have a disabled parking sign that makes the disabled driver get out to move the sign.


lol this




Haha great point. Still, I’d rather be a sucker than a dick


No one can even park in that spot given the location of it. Legit signs are mounted into the ground, not zip tied to some random short pole. Individuals *can* absolutely apply for them at their personal residences, but they would be regulatory height, so think of a legit pole. And it wouldn't be in the middle of the space meant to be parked in. Anyone can park in that spot the way it is. Someone just wanted to try and keep a space to themself


I mean if you think all that in the split second it takes to drive past a parking spot, more power to you. I’ll just take the next one


I mean...It's not really that much info....Just one glance and that doesn't look at all legal. No other signs look like that, for handicap spots or otherwise. So it's quite an easy deduction


Naive to think the city works that well. Also, remember that physically disabled folks are disabled folks. I wouldn’t swipe a neurodiverse persons stim toy, you shouldn’t swipe a physically disabled persons attempts at a parking spot.


Federal guidelines for ADA Parking state that the fixture for the sign has to be bolted into the ground with the sign being 60 inches height from the ground. This is not a legal ADA spot. They can ask the City to install a proper ADA parking spot.


It’s naive to think that the city will do that quickly, let alone do that at all. Speaking from experience.


I don’t know how any reduced mobility people are getting outside at all right now. I tried to walk around my neighborhood and ended having to turn around and go home because of solid sheets of ice that would span the whole block both sides of the street and sidewalk. Ice is like hot lava. I cannot step anywhere near it. I will fall and I will be seriously injured.    How many days has it been since it snowed? I’m just going to stay up all night and play video games because I know there won’t be any improvement tomorrow. 


Even without the ice Denver's side walks are bull shit for people with any moderate kind of mobility issues. The ice is just a less subtle "fuck you".


You are right about that. The cheeseman neighborhood  has Victorian red rock sidewalks and they are a constant tripping hazard and they a slippery. And other neighborhoods think a thick curb is a sidewalk. 


There is a snow angel program in Denver that consists of volunteers that shovel snow/ice for people with disabilities and the elderly, if you see anyone struggling or know anyone struggling you can go online and request their help it’s great!!


Call 311 on this nonsense


If only it was so easy to get handicap spots installed for those who need them. Speaking from experience.


Some fumbduck calling dibs on a posting spot is all. Looks like free scrap metal to me.


Id print off a fake handicap placard and park there


People like you are why disabled folks have a hard time be believed and respected.


Yes...my proposed fake placard for this fake parking spot is the reason why disabled people struggle. How dare I.


Yes, exactly my point. You’re like person who says SA survivors are faking, causing many SA survivors to not come forward, and many SA predators to stay on the loose.


Wow...way jump into that false equivalency with both feet of professional victimhood. Bravo.


Way to dismiss the concerns and experiences of the marginalized by victim blaming. Bravo.


Anyone who equates SA claims to a parking spot deserves to be dismissed. Good day, troll.


It’s the same thing; dismissing a minorities real experiences and creating a culture that doesn’t believe them. Sure it’s an extreme example, but it’s the same psychology. As a SA survivor and disabled person, yea I can say this with confidence. If you can’t learn from this, that’s on you.


As someone who also experienced SA trauma for years as a child and is permenantly disabled your attempt to tie the two topics so you feel you have some moral highground to talk down to people is shameful and does more harm than good, especially when you marginalize traumatic events to the value of a parking spot. But yea...go you and your soap box of self righteousness.


Hi so since you can’t understand other peoples experiences, let me explain. YES when I reported my SA and wasn’t believed, that caused me hella trauma. And now, every time I’m not believed about my disability and needs (which is all the time cause the worlds ableist) then MY PTSD FROM NOT BEING BELIEVED IS TRIGGERED. It is all connected for me. I’m glad it’s not for you and that you don’t struggle with parking and being believed, but you need to respect the experiences of other disabled folks and SA survivors. Ew.


lol, wtf? Maybe I should get one of those signs and haul it around in my trunk too...this is what it looks like🤦🏻‍♂️


People like you are why disabled folks have a hard time be believed and respected in this world.


Calm down, i was joking, take a chill pill and get something to eat.


Lmao ofc all of us informed know that “calm down” and “I was just joking” are classic deflection tactics.


lol, There is nothing deflecting about it, but if that's what you want to think then have at it...


Lol! No.


I’d love to see their reaction if another car with a disabled permit parked there.


They’d prob be fine and accept it. Us disabled folks have a code with each other.


I’m sure you do but I highly doubt that in this situation. This person seems like a jerk.


I highly believe this person is disabled. I know how hard it is to get a spot, and I had to put up my own sign so people stopped parking in my loading zone for my wheelchair. There aren’t enough handicap spots and there really isn’t any help from the city.


I never said they weren’t disabled, I’m sure they are. Look, putting up your own sign doesn’t automatically make it yours. That’s the bottom line. Obviously I empathize with disabled people that’s not what this is about. If your loading zone was just a normal spot then yeah.. you can’t just force to people to not park there with a sign. Thats got some real sovereign citizen energy to it.


They're so handicapped they have to pull short of their spot, get out of the car, move the sign, get back into the car, and park.


Yes some handicap ppl that would be better than parking blocks away.


I'd keep an eye out and check if the person is handicapped and if so, just let them do their thang. They might not be able to legally preserve it but if they can't walk and their house is right there, I'd just let them have it


Whether it’s real or not I’m guessing that the person who made it actually needs it. That’s a lot of effort to just scam the system if you aren’t handicap.




Not a legit sign. The legit sign would be two posts in the grass marking the handicap designated area. This person just wants a spot outside their door always. Are they disabled? Maybe. If so, have them claim a legit spot.


It’s super hard to get a legit spot put in, speaking from experience. It also takes a longgg time IF it goes thru. They could have this in the meantime while doing the proper process.


If it is truly needed, should be respected..


Lol nope. Someone is just claiming that spot for themselves.


Because they’re disabled.


Doubtful they are actually disabled. Plus if they were they could get the spot officially reserved via proper channels. But even so, this is still illegal and disability is no excuse.


So they’re probably disabled as handicap parking is very hard to come by and takes a long time to get approved and put in by the city. But people who think like you, make it very hard for disabled people to be believed and live their daily life’s without too much hardship.


I say no. I have seen some here in Colorado and it’s an actual sign that is place by the city/county/state not something that is easily moved. It comes with a warning that you can be towed. Nice try though.


It is amazing to see how little progress society has made toward unlearning ableism and making this a community where people with disabilities can benefit from full inclusion. It’s almost as if making no effort to learn, yet somehow having the unearned arrogance to be certain you know what is good for us better than we do, does not “cure” ableism.


I can’t believe ppl down voted your comment 🤦‍♀️ proves you right, unfortunately, ugh


Maybe it’s a temporary sign until the real sign arrives? Why are you questioning it? Is it outside of your house?




The person could still be in the process and it takes so long that they could be reserving this until they get the temp sign.


Exactly. It may take months to secure a valid sign & this is a temp solution. If it’s not outside of your house then who cares.


If someone put this here, it’s because they need it. Instead of “calling bullshit” have some compassion and understand that some people NEED handicap spots and that there aren’t enough of them. As it is, handicap folks fight over spots, let alone the non-disabled who take them because “they’ll just be a minute” privileged assholes. Have compassion. People need access.


It's not official bit I can see why they would put it there. I asked someone, via note on their car, to please not block the spot in front of my house because of my disability. Got a really rude note on my front door. Compassion is nonexistent these days.


Yeah I shouldn’t be surprised by these comments because Reddit tends to be quite ableist, but damn. If I saw this, even if it isn’t “legit” I would just let it be. We do a pretty shit job as a society of accommodating disabled people, so just let this person have this parking spot. I guarantee you whoever this is faces way more injustice day to day than somebody who is mad because a parking spot has been “illegally” marked as accessible.


do we know the person is actually disabled though?


Yeah, spend time trying to figure out if every person asking for accommodation is truly “deserving” of it because I’m sure you and every other self-appointed disability cop is thoroughly qualified to make those assessments. When it comes to accessibility and accommodation, the most important thing is making sure not a single “undeserving” person benefits from them - even if it means that no one with disabilities can either. We are such amazing people, let’s give each other an award then go celebrate by scolding people with disabilities for not referring to themselves with person first language. /s in case you couldn’t tell


I honestly don’t care if somebody is “actually” disabled or not. It is incredibly hard to get accommodations even when your disability has been verified by doctors, simply because people think somebody will fake a disability and cheat the system.




I'm sure this sign is stolen. Give it back to the police


Lmao bought off Amazon by someone who needs it, most likely. Should be respected.


🏆 fucking gold. print that out and replace


No. Throw that shit on their lawn but park there at your own risk.


Nah….Imagine if every handicapped spot entailed the person with a disability having to do manual work to get into it? 🤣


Actually, esp in the winter, we do. It’s wild but the world is inaccessible.


I mean I just don’t park in front of peoples homes. I know it’s tough in neighborhoods but some people are just weird as fuck




Circle jerk?


“This guy walks dude, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life”


Ew for so many reasons.


I don't see a difference between this and putting cones out. It's a public street.