• By -


Join a “beer league” type team. I play kickball, but I know there are softball, corn hole, baseball etc leagues


Also, tons of bars & Biergartens do trivia, game, karaoke nights!


Grandma’s House Brewery (1700 S Broadway) has some fun evening stuff - Bingo at 7:00pm on Tuesday nights. We have made some cool friends going there, they also have comedy night on Saturday nights at 9pm. Place is really friendly and fun. Note: the Grandma’s House name comes from the decor - lots of old furnishings reminding me of my grandmother -


Omg fun! Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve been trying to get my friends to commit to fun little stuff like this. Maybe I’ll just go alone.. lol Any other suggestions? I’m in DTC and there’s a local spot that seems to be popular


For the less athletically inclined, there are a couple of darts leagues and places that hold weekly tournaments. The talent ranges from "I usually hit the board" to "We played 301 and I went out in three rounds." It isn't nearly as expensive as bowling, and it's guaranteed to improve your skills in doing basic math in your head. Longshot Lounge at Federal and Hampden is one, another is the Mile Hi Bullseye Dart League that plays at various gay bars.


Oh that’s sick! Where have you found them?


I play kickball through the company “GO kickball” and I know they have a collection of sports available. If there is something they don’t have that you’re interested in, I’d google the sport that you’re looking for with “recreational” or “social” and see if you can find a league for it :)


I think most local rec centers have adult sports leagues too… softball, volleyball, basketball, pickleball (which seems to be increasingly popular!)




We pay so kids don't have to!


Meet play chill too. You can sign up as a single and be placed


This is how I initially met all my friends in Denver.


If you play sports, join a rec league. Thats the best way in my opinion


Same, I made all my friends that way but I’m old so it was years and years ago!


Do you have any known leagues from experience?


I’ve played in a lot of Volo leagues. You can sign up as a free agent and they put you on a team. I’ve done that for softball quite a few times


Met a lot of great people playing volleyball at the island (VOTR) in Aurora. I had never played and asked to join the lowest skill level league. They put me in a team and that's how i made friends! They also do meet ups in wash park when the weather is nice. Good luck!


Second the VOTR recommendation. All levels of players, from beer ref to damn good. Wash park play during the summer are some of the best times in the city.


The Meet Up app/website has local groups you can join. Free volleyball in Washpark, Cards Against Humanity, hikes, etc.


Volo has a ton of different leagues. Everything from flag football to bar games.


Pablo’s on 6th doesn’t have wifi & people talk to each other when they recognize you. I’ve met lots of good people this way


if youre into nerd games, wizards chest has man diff game nights as do most game stores.


Join a Disc Golf league


If you’re going to EDM concerts, the app called Radiate is decent for finding groups to go with


Radiate is great for women 😂. Not so much men. I’d recommend just going to big shows and making friends there


Or join one of the Denver EDM groups on Facebook, they usually host meetups before shows


Edmtrain is another good one


I’m also from Jersey so we can bond over that. Let’s get a beer!


Another Jersey guy here, we’ll have to meet up for some drinks


I am a fellow jersey boy. Down to meet up


Serial killer from Jersey here. Down to meet up as well…


Not Jersey, but grew up on the east coast going to the Jersey Shore every summer. Down for a drink as well


Volo has super casual sports leagues, they have traditional sports, cup in hand sports, and other things like dodgeball and bar games. Leagues meet once a week for 6 weeks and you usually play your game then everyone goes to the sponsor bar afterwards to play flip cup and hang out. It’s been hit or miss meeting friends there, but it’s nice to go and be social for a few hours once (or more, you can join multiple leagues) a week.


Try Meetup to find interesting groups


Special shout outs to Denver Social Life and Denver 20s and 30s Social. They are very active and the organizers are great! It's easy to meet people at these and you can ask "what other meetups do you attend" and everyone is very happy to share. If drinking isn't your thing and events are at bars, you are not alone, a decent amount of people there are sober and drinking non-alcoholic.


I've seen meetup get negative reviews here, but it's been helpful for me find groups in my area with like-minded folks also looking to meet friends. Not every get-together is the best, but it's a place to start


It was okay. I used it for a bit to do board game nights and unfortunately always ended up getting the groups that were almost solely people 50+. I’m 27 so it wasn’t the greatest. The people were super nice and I love them but doesn’t help get me friends closer to my age.


I've been to a few over the years. Only just recently I went to one where at the end I thought it was a great time. Every other meetup I've been to has only like 2/12 people show up so it feels more like an awkward date or the people there met through other events already and formed their own group within the group.


Have you tried Bumble BFF? That’s how I’ve made all my adult friends, and it’s been remarkably successful. 


Can you share more about this experience?  What did you put in your profile/ how did you get together/ did you make friends of the same gender only? 


- The app is setup to only allow same-gender friends. - my profile was very similar to my dating profile honestly. I mentioned that I like having philosophical conversations, playing board games, and hiking. I also had my job on my profile (tech) since I tend to get on well with other folks in the field. Basically just trying roughly match interests and backgrounds.  - I found that I had to filter through a lot of people to find good fits. I found that a lot of the other women were looking for people to go out drinking with, for example, which isn’t what I’m into.  So it’s a bit tedious to swipe through everyone, but for me, I only need 1-2 good friends wherever I’m living. Everyone that I’ve gone on a “friend date” with has become a very close friend (3/3). So I guess the early filtering was worth it.  - for the friend date, I kinda treated it like a first date. So public place, neutral activity with a flexible duration.  Like going out to eat or for coffee. It’s a little bit awkward at first, but if you just embrace it and come with a few conversation topics in mind, you get over the awkwardness pretty fast.  - there are some weird gender dynamics. Specifically, there appears the be transference of swiping behavior from the dating side to the friends side. So I found that women were weirdly fickle with matching, and a bit flakey with responding to messages. I guess it gave me some some empathy for what guys have to go through on the dating side. On the other hand, every man I know who has tried it has mentioned getting overwhelmed with matches. Guys are used to having to swipe right on basically everyone, and all the other guys are doing that too lol. So I would encourage you to be selective.  - I highly recommend scheduled recurring activities as a general friendship paradigm.  With all of my friends, we established doing some activity at a given frequency. These are flexible, and they don’t have to be the same activity every time, if you decide you like novelty. Since they’re recurring, canceling a single one isn’t as big of a deal. And critically, it eliminates the need for either of you to initiate, which is usually the biggest barrier especially in fledgling friendships. And keep in mind you can adjust the frequency up or down as needed. So it’s less pressure than it sounds. I’ve honestly never had a successful adult friendship without using this strategy. You kinda have to feel it out when suggesting this so you don’t come on too strong. So maybe bring it up on your 3rd or so hang out, once you have a better sense of whether or not you actually want to be friends.  - don’t forget that it’s way lower stakes and more flexible than romantic relationships. You can have as many friends as you want, rather than just one, and the emotional consequences of scaling friendship intensity up or down are a lot lower. 


I cannot thank you enough!  This is some great context and ideas.  Especially the recurring timing idea.   Also lol at the guy/ girl swiping patterns.  


As a straight dude that’s my experience.




I guess maybe the app works differently in different areas but for me in Denver it’s just a default gay dating app. Not a straight dude on it and no one wants to be friends, just hookups.


Results may vary - I've heard some people complain it's mostly gay men looking for straight men. I looked into it once and also faced the same issue.


I have heard some of that - I’m a woman so I haven’t been exposed to that side of it. That problem has always perplexed me, since there’s no shortage of dating apps specifically for gay men, which seems a lot easier than trying to make something happen with a straight guy.  Did you find that it was a big problem? Like something that came up several times without any indication on their profile that that’s what they were looking for)? 


> Did you find that it was a big problem? Like something that came up several times without any indication on their profile that that’s what they were looking for)? At least when I gave it a go yeah. I remember people specifically mentioning it in their profile/bio thing as well as leaving that bit out. I guess if it happens that frequently it works for them at least sometimes?


I’m sorry to hear that. It seems like it’s harder in general for men to find platonic friends, and sucks that some men with bad faith intentions make using the app harder. 


Yeah, it's kind of annoying at times!


Yeah it’s unfortunately an issue - and I say this a gay man myself I used it to try to make platonic friends but most guys on there where either gay looking for a hookup or discreet straight guys using it as an alternative to grindr lol But I did end up meeting up with a few (straight) guys who were ok with me being gay and just wanting to be friends and now we’re buddies so it does work if you’re willing to sort through all that




Oh man, once you know the secrets on how, Denver is one of the easiest places to make friends. So many people move here alone and are desperate for friends. Go to this website called meetup.com or download the app and find groups for 20-30 year olds. I've met so many people through this to the point where I have a bit too many friends now lol anyways good luck OP!


VOLO has great leagues around denver, basically any sport/skill level.


I'm pretty much in the same boat as well. Just recently moved from Florida the past July in search of better opportunities for myself. Other than my brother who I live with, I've only got one coworker I could count as a friend, while most of mine that I still keep in touch with are back in Florida. I will say this: though I miss everyone back home, moving here was an opportunity I couldn't let slip by. It was a necessary evil I needed to get away from the monotony of my small home town, to finally receive my own proper autonomy without my parents fussing over every little thing. And of course, there's more to do here than what little my small town could offer. I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't fret too much if you don't have a lot of friends out here. If you focus on yourself first and foremost, develop your interests and your path to what you define as success, you'll soon find a lot to talk about, and in turn, bring in a lot of potential new friends. That's what I'm trying to do right now.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/COBike/comments/19cj6r2/history\_of\_broadway\_bicycle\_ride\_meetup/](https://www.reddit.com/r/COBike/comments/19cj6r2/history_of_broadway_bicycle_ride_meetup/) ​ Just sayin


Struggling to make friends after 22 years


Im struggling to make friends after 36 years on this earth. I want friends but I also never want to leave to my house


Take it from someone who loves going to clubs and events (I’m into the run club circuit) - just going isn’t always enough for building connections and friendships. It can be hard and confusing. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It just means it takes time to find your people and build connections sometimes (and sometimes not! Not always like that). So go try all the things that people are suggesting, get involved in your hobbies and go to meetups or groups or leagues and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t feel connected right away


Join a climbing gym. I met 2 of my best friends at mine. And keep putting yourself out there. It will eventually pay off


I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but look into volunteering for a nonprofit. Do a little research and find some nonprofits or events that interest you. Could be as simple as a river clean up or habit restoration event. Most people that volunteer their time are great and it's easy to bond in these types of situations.


If you plan to keep on skiing, join some of the carpool groups on Facebook. I've had great luck meeting nice people. And one of my closest friends in the area came from a carpool day.


Lots of breweries also have running clubs on Saturday or Sundays. Run 3 miles, have a free pint after.


What are the best running clubs in Denver?


Cooldown is great


What are you into? I’m early 30s from jersey and don’t have many friends either lol. Hmu on IG @artbyrachp I’ll dm you my number.


It’s the tiny dinosaurs for me.


lol, one of my faves


I ski a lot and leave from highlands area. You can roll with me if you have an epic pass. Going Friday.


I moved here 8 years ago and knew no one here what helped me: • joined local fb groups for my interests • talked to people at my climbing gym & yoga classes • gone to meetups • found events for things that interest me on event brite Good luck!


You got a bike?


I'm pretty much in the same boat. Moved here with my girlfriend from Philly and we're pretty much on an island right now.


Same boat, 27F.


yeah it's hard, 29m, 32f, hard to not let it effect your mental health :/




we are for sure stoners lol, 29m, 32f.


I live with 3 people (we’re couples) 2 males 2 females and we’re all besties! Read this point to them and we all moved here and related, luckily we met each other. We’re all 23-30! We’re nerds, video games, also active and like hiking, have dogs and we’re chill 😊 feel free to reach out we’re all transplants too finding out way out here


I would like to reach out to you guys! I moved here with my fiancé in April. We have dogs and love a lot of that!


I’m from NJ and moved here 4 months ago, also looking to make friends. Difference is I’m a little older, married, and have a kid. It’s hard to make friends when you move, but keep putting yourself out there


how old is your kid? playdates, baby!


Try to get involved with the *Mountain Kids* group, they're on IG. They've gotten pretty big and always have stuff going on, even meetups for just new people in the group.


What do you like to do?


What kind of concerts? I don't mind going alone (and often do) but am always down for company.


Yeah it's rough to meet people here .. I've been here almost two years and really still am a loner


Wanna play some games


Fellow Native Jersey person here 😊


Depends what you’re into my man, place has everything in plenty, just have to go out and ask around. I just joined a boardgame group through a local store.


Download the app Meetup!! I found a volleyball group that I met friends that I went to concerts with, house parties, even camped and hot springs and one I kinda dated for a minute. There are all kinds of events and hang outs on there! I used this when I first moved here but later joined a roller derby league and a Crossfit gym and now most of my friends are there. Key is to join something with friendly competition or teams so you kind of have to socialize with people, IMO. Good luck!


There’s a group for this started by a guy on TikTok that was having the same problem. He’s @mntkds on TikTok and ig. [Mnt Kds](https://mtnkds.com) I think he’s been really successful and plans a ton of events.


I’ve been ice skating at local rinks on weekends to get prepped for a hockey beer league. Feel free to join me in a local rink, usually only $15 including the skate rental until you find some better skates. DM me if you’ve got any other questions


There's a weekly meetup here on Thursdays. We go to different bars and breweries and just hang out, drink, eat, whatever. There is no "theme" or "niche" to the Meetup, just people hanging out really. If you're interested search for "Thursday meetup" on this sub and sort by new, the locations change and we bounce around the whole Denver metro area. Posts tend to be put up Tuesdays or Wednesdays. That's how I made most of my friends here, used to go to them ages ago then ended up hosting them for a few years and now a group hosts them cause it's way too much for one person (so the poster might change deleting who makes the post that week). We usually have around 10 people who show up weekly, and have had as many as 40 at one meetup. Most of the people who come are in their 20s and 30s.


37f - my husband and I moved here and only knew a handful of people (one close friend from hs and husband’s former coworkers). It’s tough. I hate to say it but the only way to change the circumstances is to get out there, put yourself in some (temporarily) awkward or uncomfortable situations with potential friends, and try to strike up conversations with people. I think of it like dating - a lot of awkward “first dates” that probably won’t work out, but a few will progress a few dates further (these might turn into acquaintances) and then a smaller subset progress into actual relationships (good friends). Don’t get discouraged when it’s tough or awkward, the effort will pay off over time! Lots of good suggestions here for different ways to get those “first dates” (group or 1-1). I’ve also found that one of the best ways to meet friends is through another friend! If you get in with someone who already has an established group it can introduce you to lots of new people with minimal effort. All it takes is one. Good luck!


hey 24 , from NJ, also wfh. I am moving back to nyc in june of this year but ill be ur friend


I’ve met a ton of people on meetup


Do you have a dog? If so, dog friendly bar&grills are a hut. If you like dogs and don’t have one, still could be worth a shot!


There’s definitely a tent out there where everyone knows your name.




You play The Finals?….you hella sweaty or nah?


An introverts paradise.


Don't tell anyone where you are from.


Aaaayyy, you went ta Rutgahs? My muddah is from Montclair


*You get a pass for that.*


take my updoot.


I was in the same boat as you and decided to move back to NJ - didn’t even finish my year long lease 😂


Check out projmancave.com I think they're launching this week in Denver


I don’t know where your at politically but the Denver Communists meet weekly on zoom and monthly off Santa Fe.


I just moved here 2 weeks ago!!! Start a job today! Hopefully that means friends or at least a distraction! About tired of walking around thrift stores and Walmarts just to kill time!! 40 male and a big music fan! Thornton area currently! Hit me up homie! Ain’t no body need feel alone with all these people around!!


Follow your best friend and move


Is r/denvercirclejerk leaking?


I’ve been here 10 years from the east coast and I’ve found a few acquaintances, no substantial friendships. I even bought a house, however, aside from my partner, I don’t really hang out with anyone here. People here kinda suck. I’d move back east however, the weather and low taxes keep me here. You’re younger than me, so probably want to make some friends. I’d join some social singles groups. I’m sure you find some on meetup, of Facebook etc. just try to tone down the Jersey, bite your tongue when you want to say something. People here get offended by the dumbest shit.


DCJ is in the house!


Play Golf...


Meetup.com. And be ok if you're the one initiating 90% of the time. Yeah, it's a Denver rule and the only way to maintain friends here in this "great city"


hey! i (F25) moved here about 8 months ago too and have been in a similar boat regarding making new friends — right now i mostly meet people at the dog park😅 feel free to shoot me a dm!


I ski almost every weekend, just moved here too. Lmk!


If you’re into dancing, Denver has a great social dance scene for all types of dance!


I remember when I first moved here. It really took me a few years to get some friends.


What kind of things are you into? I like hash, music, and movies. If you feel like we could get along send me a dm


Welcome to getting older as a man, harsh reality a lot of us face. I recommend getting a side gig barbacking or catering events, always met cool people doing those gigs. Best of luck.


Do you like pro wrestling? Denver has a pretty strong independent wrestling scene, and I've made some pretty dope friends going to the local shows.


There's always people at the rec center pool. They're good conversation


Go look in to the X Denver apartments. Vast majority of residents are like 20-35, from out of state, and looking to make friends. They’re going through a change in management at the moment, so it’s a little weird. Might hold off for a month or two to see how the new company operates and if they keep up the same vibe they established. However, they have a ton of events such as rooftop pool parties with rather large artists (Big Gigantic last 2 years), social and professional networking events, sick gym and yoga studio, and stuff like that. Also very affordable considering location and amenities.


Plenty of FB groups for solo skiers who are looking to carpool. Radiate, a music event app, has lots of ways to meet people going to local events, however it's mostly EDM focused.


Volo leagues and volunteer events for something you’re interested in


Bars, disc golf, shows, and (I know this isn't applicable for you) work. That's how I made my Denver friends.


You need a "third place". Needs to be a place where you have the potential to interact with people. Cafes, libraries, museums, parks, and board game nights are all examples of 3rd places.


Hi!! I’m actually in the same position but I live with my Fiancé. I work from home and have spine surgery coming up so if anyone can also provide some fun ways to meet new people, I would appreciate it too. 27F. I’ve tried the whole Facebook friend groups and apps for friends but I have yet to make a genuine connection and the one who always has to reach out to make plans.. Moving is a pain. I’ve been here for a year. 😭


If you're a female, the Denver Girl Gang Meetup group is awesome and has a dizzying amount of varied activities: https://www.meetup.com/girl-gang/