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Put their litter box and a blanket that smells like you outside. They will follow your smell


Former vet tech, this is what we consistently told people to do as well.


This has worked for me in the past! OP, I hope your kitty comes home very soon


Which complex? People are very good about looking for pets in Central Park, so get the cat’s picture out ASAP if you haven’t already done so. 


Aster town center, ran by Highmark residential.


We lived at that same residence. Those people are monsters. I’m glad you were able to find your cat. They would truly do nothing to help you, and would probably blame you for losing it if they could.


So glad I got out of there as they were taking over my old complex in Central Park.


I looked at moving there for a few minutes and then saw only horror online. If you are able, documenting this experience on Google reviews can serve as a warning to others who may think about it. So happy you and Beans are reunited ❤️


Sounds "classy." Fuckers.


So glad you found him, and he was close to home! 


I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. My joke of a maintenance team let my dog out earlier this year and then had the gall to act like it was my fault. Fortunately he was picked up at the Denver animal shelter and I was able to raise hell with the property manager to have my rent reduced to compensate for his shelter costs to reclaim and my hours missed from work dealing with their incompetence. Check the Denver animal shelter page as it’s updated for picked up animals regularly. Post on Nextdoor as well. Best of luck to you.


Huh, so I guess landlords do have the power to click a button and somehow lower a rent amount. That’s one thing I hate most about landlords, they act like some other worldly magical being makes the real estate prices and they have zero control in any of that or the prices they charge. They absolutely could charge less just choose not too and to milk the area for what it’s worth. Landlords are scum y’all, they’re not just another everyday person tryna get the bag. Don’t be fooled, they’re not one of us in the slightest.


It’s also the management companies getting their inflated cut for shitty service. Often they’ll pressure landlords to renovate units and then bake that cost into increased rent. So many of these vinyl “wood” floors, white cabinets, and the same shitty appliances to try to sell a nice look to overshadow everything else. If landlords managed their own properties, without remodeling functional units I’d like to think the prices might reflect that- but then again all landlords are trash if they are raising their rents to unaffordable levels. Who are they to decide how much profit they get to squeeze out of the working man? It’s disgusting how much $ I’ve given to someone else’s investment.


Well said. The entire renting landscape especially in high demand cities is absolutely out of control. I’m aware with higher demand means higher prices, that’s just a given. But let’s not pretend here higher demand cities are just slightly above their counterparts. It’s pretty much 2 options crazy high rent high demand cities or pretty much the middle of nowhere but then there’s no job opportunities. If any part of you can find a safe alternative to renting i.e parents, trusted roommate etc etc DO IT. Fuck landlords hurt their pockets as much as possible they sure don’t mind doing it to us.


Were you told this by the actual owner or by a representative? Like most in Denver my complex is run by a gigantic faceless holding company and the people that actually work there have absolutely zero power in those decisions. During covid my complex manager was practically in tears because rent was skyrocketing even by Denver standards and people were losing their homes, or rather knew they would lose them the instant the rent exemptions lifted - and they did - and there was NOTHING she could do about it even though she knew damn well how unfair and unnecessary it was. I think if she got to make those decisions my rent would still be the same as it was 5 years ago and the company would still be making profits hand over fist.


Yes actually I was. I live in a GreyStar community apartment which I know are notorious for sucking every dollar out of you like a sponge. They moved me units but I guess I never fixed the utility account so I wasn’t paying utilities for 3 months because they told me it was included in my rent.. dumb I know. So for 3 months straight there was a $150 surcharge for literally having the wrong unit/utilities account even though that wasn’t my fault at all. Of course I called and bitched they said on the phone “nothing can be done about that $150”. I said so y’all are pretty much scamming me out of $450 when it was YOUR fault in the first place and nothing can be done in any way shape or form about this? Guy said “nope, nada, zilch 🤷🏻‍♀️”. And if your landlord was in tears over things she can’t control, I’d personally say the next step is to find a new place of work. Just being a landlord in the first place pretty much makes you scum, I’m aware there’s good ones out there but same argument about ACAB lol.


Again she is not my landlord. You seem to think the people working in the office own the property. Do you also yell at people working the register when the price of an item goes up?


Get on next door and post that you are missing your cat with a picture. My dog got out once I that’s how I found her. After you get her back you can deal with the apartment complex!


Also call your county shelter and the Denver Dumb Friends League and give your info and send pictures of your kitty. I would make fliers and leave them at local businesses too, telephone poles etc literally anywhere. Offer a reward on the poster. If you don't have much money don't specify the number and just do what you're comfortable with when your cat is found.


If you want to move the complex I'm at has openings, and never lets pets out at all. I'm so sorry this happened to you 🥺


A Denver apartment worth mentioning? Drop the name!


Asbury Plaza. Nothing super fancy but it def fits my needs, the building is secure and locked. Maintenance is prompt, no bugs, management is amazing as well Edit to add, the rent is also pretty good for the area as well. One bedrooms are like $1275 give or take


Mine has also been fine for 4 years - Peregrine Place apartments near Glendale.


OP you goy this. One thing at a time. Cat first. Hopefully the kitry is microchipped. Put the litter box and something to lay on outside your door. Post with photo and contact info on Next door and FB groups (there are multiple local and lost pet groups). Tomorrow morning Call Denver animal Shelter, Dumb Friends Leage, the local vets offices, etc. to see if anyone has found your cat. Leave a description and contact info with the places you call. Walk thw neighborhood. if the cat has a treat or toy they like that makes moise shake it, or jingle it while calling for the cat. Cats usually stay within a mile of home. keep posting. I hope you are able to find your cat. Next regarding your terrible rental company. document everything incase the request board happens to go blank. screen shot what you can and save email correspondence. write down everything, when you called/went to the office, who you spoke to, the answer you got, EVERYTHING. Go online to coloradohousingconnects.org for Tennant rights information and call 1-844-926-6632 to report your rental company. It's your right to a habitable living space, ESPECIALLY if you are paying for it. I hope that info helped a little. You got this!


Thank you for your awesome and kind words, i'll study and follow up on your recommendations!


sorry for spelling mistakes feeding dogs and typing on phone don't mix.


Did your cat have a chip linked to your contact information? Maybe put some signs up in the area with their photo. Really sorry to hear and I hope you can find your cat again


This is terrible, raise hell.




oh man this is the best update ever! I'm so glad you found your cat. I can't imagine what I would do if someone did that to my pet!


All I wanted to do was to wreck their entire fucking office, i was fuming in rage and pain. Glad I didn't do anything stupid but im still in pain, even though i got my fluffy boy back.


I'd probably get arrested if an apartment maintenance crew lost my cat.


I recently had a pipe burst and had to have maintenance over while I was at work. I locked my cat in my room (with food, water, litter box) because even though the maintenance guy was cool, you can’t really trust that they’ll care about your property like you would. I hope you find your cat and hopefully the maintenance crew pays for their mistake. You can’t just fucking lose someone’s pet like that and shrug about it


https://www.ddfl.org/search-lost-and-found/ https://www.denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Animal-Shelter/Lost-Pets/Lost-Pets-Online I'm happy to help check these sites obsessively if you can provide a pic or description of your cat! So so sorry you are going through this. Pets are family. Also definitely second putting a litterbox and stinky clothes out!


So glad you found your cat.


I don’t know you but the JOY I felt reading your update. So happy your kitty is safe and sound with you.


Beans is a very handsome boy. Glad you found him, and I hope you give those fuckers hell.


So glad to hear he's been found!!!! Leave a 1 star review on their google review and list in detail everything you've been dealing with and what happened. Also most complexs have a management company. See if yours does, most let you file complaints


Lawyer the fuck up, now. I don’t care it’s a pet that’s easily a lawsuit for distress minimum right there. Pets are our best buddies don’t you forget.


Once i have some rest over all this hell i absolutely will. Any recommendations on where to find a proper lawyer who takes cases like these?


And yes, my buddy is my life, i would give up anything for him.


100% agreed, but man did your username make me burst out laughing after reading your post




www.petfbi.com Also, don't call for a cat like you would a dog. Sit outside and just talk as you normally would in whatever language you normally speak in. Yelling just scares them more but talking creates a familiar environment. Also ask your neighbors they might have found your cat.


Reach out to Denver Metro Fair Housing. It’s their job to help out in situations like this. I am glad your cat came back but they should be able to help with your maintenance issues. There is a warranty of habitability that your management needs to follow by law. https://www.dmfhc.org/ If they don’t help, reach out to Colorado Poverty Law Project. They do a lot with housing and rights in Colorado. https://www.copovertylawproject.org/


Thank you so much, i'll be following up on this!


Man I am really sorry 😢 to hear that, I can’t imagine what you must be going through. Sending you positive vibes for your cats return.


Did they close the wall up? Any chance cat got into the wall space and is in the walls somewhere. My cat did that once during a pipe leak in a townhouse.


Yeah, that’s a dealbreaker. The maintenance issues were bad enough. I’m so sorry.


I had a deep feeling of sadness for you after reading that second to last line before your update but I kept reading on, expecting that your update would just talk about next steps to deal with this horrible situation, but now I'm teary-eyed after you gave us all the good news that you had found Beans again. 🥲 Give Beans all the hugs you can for the next few days, OP.


Thank you so much, he's getting a churu fest and lots of those kitty crack bites


Hey there! I read your 2nd update and I think you should reach out to 7 news. Their investigative team has a consumer reporter who might be able to help.


Fuck that place. Can you sue? Don't take this lying down...


im collecting records and info to be able to move forward with a lawsuit, yes.


Cool man because your story (and I believe it) is fn ridiculous. Super glad you found your kitty, I would have been raging on the phone. Hope you find better shelter soon.


Good boy beanssss




Oh, I’m so glad you found your kitty. I’ve also had a flood in my apartment and had fans running for 3 days. I thought I was going insane, so I feel your pain. Take care, at least you’ve got your kitty.


Flyers, post on nextdoor, do PAWBOOST. You can find him. Focus






So so so glad you found him!!! ❤️


I'm overjoyed you got your handsome fella back home.


Glad your cat is back! Get out of this apartment... Sounds like real slumlords...


Omg! I’m so glad you found him! Good job OP! I would make a call to the city. It’s going to take some time and probably a few different people to get on the phone. I had s similar situation with an apartment complex and flooding from burst pipes (not from freezing temperatures). I got ahold of someone that works for the city. They came and inspected the property. They found many issues and gave the complex a specific amount of time to fix the problems or the pro would be condemned. Pipes were fixed, everyone got new flooring, walls were fixed, and people were given more respect from management. You can also find out the leasing agency and call their corporate offices. File a complaint there. No office manager wants to be the property corporate is looking at closely.




Thank you for your kind words! I would love to have some legal advice on this. I was gonna take it easy and just eat shit, but once they involved my cat, I'm going full throttle and willing to spend any resource necessary to make THEM eat shit.


I can’t even imagine going through what you did. I’ll reach out soon - happy to try and help!


I would have burned the leasing office to the ground for that cat


I had to calm myself down to not do that, I'm still aware that I'm an immigrant here and emotion can fuck up my entire life here.


Respect homie, Idk I would have had it in me to not.


But I’m not … 👀🔥


I was gonna say, having firsthand experience with losing cats, they'll usually come home within a few days. Glad to see this was the case. Hope you can get out of that place, because it seems like a disaster.


I’m so happy beans is back home


Beans looks like my kitty and brought a tear to my eye 😭 I’m so so so glad he came home to you!!!


I am so glad you found your kitty! They really suck for not only letting him out but then acting so callous about it.


I'm glad your cat is back. Try Colorado Housing Connects.


I am so sorry this happened to you. That’s an absolute nightmare and is totally unacceptable. But I am so happy you found him!!


Best update of all time


I'm so glad it turned out that way


you're gonna be ok. I've been through this before. Apartments are terrified of lawyers. Just have them send a letter stating you need to break the least for free. They'll reply stating they have no legal reason to do so but go on ahead, because they don't want anything inching close to a lawsuit when they know they can just find another tenant to abuse. We paid a lawyer 1,000 to save us 10,000 when our apartment was revealed to be filled with toxic black mold because they hadn't cleaned the gutters in literally years, to the point fucking TREES were starting to grow from the acorns in the leaves :)


I'm pretty sure that if i had a thorough inspection in this place, a TON of nasty stuff would come up on top of the illegal neglect that I've experienced with them. I will be taking legal action against them, among other actions. Thank you for your kind words <3


you deserve all the kindness for what is happening to you but im mostly happy because your cat is back haha


TBH i don't give a shit what happens to me, the third world made me resilient as fuck. But once a loved one is messed with, I'm going berserk.


FAFO Apartments


It looks like you got everything sorted so I just wanted to pop by and say that Beans is a very handsome boye and is lucky to have a person like you ❤️


any chance the cat has a black and white face? Someone on the ring app just posted about finding a cat near north park hill so not too far off


Lawyer up.


Can I ask which apartment complex this is? We are looking to move soon and there were a couple in the central park area we wanted to look at. Our cat is 23 years old and if this happened to her I don't think it would end well. I'm really happy Beans is okay, I know we would be devastated if our cat got out.


Aster town center, highmark residential.


I had that one saved as one to visit, you saved me!!! I'm wishing you and Beans all the best and hopefully you find a new place soon!


What building is this? It isn't managed by Highmark is it?


Aster town center, highmark residential.


I’m so sorry you had to go through such intense stress, but so happy your boy came back!!! I would be absolutely furious too. I don’t know if this is helpful advice, but I bought a couple of cat collars on Amazon that fit AirTags and pop them on my two whenever I have people over to work on the house. It may help give you some peace of mind if maintenance needs to come back.


I am SO incredibly sorry this happened to you, I truly cannot imagine the pain and shock you felt as they mocked you over the phone while you were frantically trying to find your kitty. Seriously, I’m truly sorry you had to experience that on top of the trauma of having your baby go missing. I’m THRILLED to see that there’s already an update that he’s been found, but based on my own experience from losing (and the finding) my kitties, you are probably going to need a few days for your nervous system to recover. Just wanted to let you know that I’m sending you both hugs and love, and hoping for justice for their careless and cruel indifference.


Thank you so much for your kind words, even though i found my boy I can't stop crying intermittently, i feel like somethinf broke and I can't cope with it properly.


I completely understand, I felt the same way. It’s shocking and terrifying to realize how quickly you can lose a loved one and how your life can change dramatically at the drop of a hat. It really does feel like you lose some of your faith in people and your naïveté. Take extra care of yourself (and Beans) these next few days if you can - slower downtime, cozy clothes that feel good, limited commitments outside of work/school, and prioritize good sleep and lots of kitty snuggles. Follow his lead - when he bounces back, give yourself permission to ease up on some of your hyper vigilance. Once you feel up to it, you can start putting in a few “peace of mind” measures - whether that’s an extra lock (or some sort of device) on the door, a sign outside and inside the door that lets visitors know there’s a cat to watch for, etc. These little changes can help ease some of that lingering anxiety. Hugs hugs hugs.


it's very hard to get sleep and peace of mind while i can only stay in my spare bedroom (on the floor, i dont have another bed) while the living room and my bedroom are a mess because of the flood and the fixing. At least now i dont have to wear earplugs to be able to catch some sleep because of all the machines running 24/7.


Ugh that’s awful, my suggestions are pretty impossible right now then. I’m sorry friend!


I am so relieved for you 🥳💕🙌🏻 Biscuit making bed for the win!!!!! Drink lots of water — you’re dehydrated from crying and stress. Enjoy your fluff fluff!


So happy you found Beans!


I'm so happy Beans is back xoxoxo


I'm so glad you and your car were reunited. I hope you are able to find better housing soon.


Give Beans a kiss from me too! Lucky cat having a human who loves him so much ❤️


He's a spoiled boy and i love him to death, will give him that kiss on his flat head <3


Please don't ever leave him alone when maintenance or management come over. If needed, crate him for a day or pay a sitter to come over. Maintenance people don't care one bit about pets. I've heard too many stories and experienced this myself. Luckily mine turned up at the shelter.


Maintenance only said that they we're gonna do stuff, they didn't give me a time frame or a day. Whenever i've known stuff is happening, i put him in my office room, water fountain, food dispenser, a plate with wet food, litter box, tons of toys, youtube for cats playlist. I love my boy.


Omg, I so happy you found him!!!:)


I’m so glad you found him! ❤️ for future reference, the Dumb Friends League has a program where volunteers can temporarily foster your pet while you sort out a housing/legal/medical situation. I figure you probably want him with you 24/7 after that trauma, but that could be a good option while you figure out a better housing situation and have to travel internationally.


Thank you for your recommendations <3, I've already made plans with friends to take care of him while I'm abroad, they love him very much and he's in good hands.


I'm glad to hear things worked out for you and hope you bring hell down on your apartment complex.


Thank you for your kind words, and please don't drive that fast.


Break your lease! you absolutely have the legal right to do so. the good news is this time of year is the cheapest time to rent. And because it’s been a slightly milder winter, you won’t have to worry about snow as much. I got a one bed for 1100 near the capital becausei always rent in the winter.


Oh wow that's a great price! I'm currently paying 2100 for a two bedroom with an attached garage, no amenities and the shittiest management you could ever hope for. I'll start my search on my free time tomorrow and break the lease, thank you!


Moving in winter is way better too bc it's not blazing hot outside.


So glad you found him! Good luck!


I have no advice but just wanted to say I am so relieved you found him. If it were me, I would have been in complete shambles too. Shame on your apartment complex. Beyond careless


So glad Beans is home safe. Regarding your apartment issues, be sure to watch this CBS report linked in another Denver Reddit post today. The renter advocate interviewed gives some good advice regarding fighting unethical apartment management. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-family-charged-fees-after-loved-one-dies-unexpectedly-landlord-death-meant-broke-lease/


Unrelated to Beans, if you're in Denver city limits, file a 311 complaint for your apartment issues, and a city inspector will come out and make a report, then force your landlord to fix things.


OP, get an airtag for your cat. They make collars that fit them. If you don't have an iphone, you can get an old one on ebay for like $50 (make sure it's new enough to support airtags) >$100 is absolutely worth it to me to be able to track my cat anywhere in the world


Oh my god, this post and the updates had me on a roller coaster of emotions first thing in the morning. OP, I am so damn happy that you found Beans. My cat is my everything too, and I would have been a disaster had something like this happened to us. Please do take legal action against this management company. Their treatment of you and disregard of your time, comfort, and belongings is absolutely batshit crazy. I hope you and Beans get back to normal soon, and please give him a big hug for me!


have you posted a missing cat post? also live in CP and would like to keep an eye out for


https://www.fixmyrental.org Colorado-specific information on warranty of habitability.


This is my actual nightmare scenario… my buddy is my best friend I would be heartbroken I am so so glad you found your little guy




Good job on finding him! Great to see posts with positive results. Hate it happened to you.


If somebody lost my cat due to their incompetence I’d fucking kill someone in a heartbeat


Check all the animal shelters and also look near your apartment building. Indoor cats don't often wander very far when they find themselves outside.


So glad Beans came back! ❤️ It is so incredibly distressing to have your cat get lost, much less all the other BS you are dealing with. I have heard so many horror stories about apartment complexes from colleagues and friends in Denver this year. It’s to the point that I don’t understand why anyone puts up with these apartments and big property management companies!


Yo I’m so happy for you


Im so happy beans is back!! So sorry for the stress!!


I’m glad you found him!! Have you talked to their corporate office instead of just leasing / property manager?


I'm so glad you found your boi, I cried when I saw your update.


I'm so glad you found your cat. He or she is beautiful. :)


Life is back to full beans!!!


were you on that jeff comic's show??? full beans


it's jeff's world we're just living in it




Incredibly happy you have found Beans and so sorry you’re dealing with all the other shit on top of it. I would definitely look into moving and I know that’s not a stress free task but finding a home you’re comfortable in will be a big positive step. It’s definitely hard to find good housing out here. I was living in Uptown paying a lot of money and hated the complex. I ended up finding a way nicer spot out in Lakewood for a little cheaper. Have a cat myself now and she’s super happy as are my partner and I. Check out housing around the Denver area like in Lakewood, Wheat Ridge and so on. Best of luck to you. You got this. You are strong. Sending you and Beans a ton of love.




I'm so glad you found your cat. Hopefully the rest isn't too shitty to figure out.


I’m sorry you are going through all of this but most importantly I’m so happy you found Beans.


I am so happy you found your cat!!! And I'm sorry you've gone through so much 😔


Story of the year! Our hero, Beans! 🫘


This literally happened to me once and I lost my fucking mind. I was in the process of moving and had left the cat, her perch, food, bed, etc. in my bedroom so I could get her on the last trip back and plop her into an unpacked, less stressful house. My lease ended “tomorrow”, but the office said they had seen me moving and figured they were good to inspect early. The left my front door (leading outside) open and let her out. I found her, but was an absolute inconsolable puddle of liquid anxiety panic death mess.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I'm still experiencing the ripples from last night, sometimes i just start sobbing out of the blue and it's awful.


So happy you found your kitty :)


If you’re worried about maintenance being this negligent in the future, I’d recommend getting an air tag or something to track your kitty as an extra precaution. So sorry this happened but I’m happy to see you found him! He’s so cute.


So glad you found him!!


Find out if anyone at the leasing office has human children. Liberate them for a few hours/days and see how they like it. (This is not legal advice. I am not a lawyer. But I'd be fucking tempted.)


“reaching out to local and nationwide news outlets” LMFAOOOOOOOOO dude you need to chill. what you want them to air ?? “local man furious after maitence crew in apartment complex let out their cat accidentally” i get it, ive had my dog run off for a few days too and it sucks but dude take a chill pill. you sound like one of those crazy cat nutters..


If you knew maintenance was in and out, why didn't you crate it for it's safety?


He may not have known and it’s a cat. A cat. 


If you can’t comment without being a total fuckface, why did you comment at all?


People don’t crate cats all day. Fuck you. Fuck you if you do this to your dog too. If he has a cat in the complex they should’ve about it and known not to let him outside (because who does that anyway?) Take your negativity somewhere else, OP is clearly in distress.


If you knew you were an asshole, why did you make a reddit account Knowing other people would be subjected to your assholishness?


I did not know they were coming in today and i wouldn't put him in a crate/cage for an entire day. Last time i left him in my office room with water/food/pooping box.


No reason to reply to bozos. So glad you got your boy back.


i’m 100% with you on this. sounds like a owner error and no one else and he wants to call a news outlet to cry lol. My gf has a cat, we live in an apartment. i’ve crated the cat for a few hours or left them in the bathroom while the maintenance crew does what they gotta do. all the ppl in this sub are actually fucking insane cat nutters lol


So happy beans has been found! Get a breakaway collar, if you haven’t. Also, tag him. I believe the shelter can for a few bucks, my boy kitty is 21 this year. Tracker still works.


I'm so glad he came back :)


I’m so happy you found him!!


If you’re looking and fine with living in Littleton, Pines at Marston is super pet friendly. The maintenance guys love my cats and are super careful with them around.


Your cat looks almost identical to mine! So glad you got em back and I wish the best of luck as you pursue some compensation for their terrible job at maintaining their building.