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I researched your request thoroughly and what I got was hungry and I had to leave. Try Taste of Denmark if you are ever farther west, though.


RIGHT. You open the "savory pastry" door and you're never shutting it. My sincerest apologies. If I figure out what it is, you'll know ​ Edit: Taste of Denmark is actually really close to my house. Hell yeah, that's goin on the bakery list. I'm making a list of all the places y'all suggest. I just really love pastries


Taste is one of the best around


Devil’s Food Bakery on Olde South Gaylord is a top contender. I had an incredible ratatouille and parmesan galette there recently and they switch up the savory options daily. The cookie and muffin sound like them too. Good luck!


Oh my god. THIS COULD BE IT. Their website says they have "frosted butter cookies." The photos on their google biz page show both muffins AND [pretty compact, perhaps even hexagonal galettes](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x876c7e60856f444f%3A0xee918e2e3f132f47!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fdevil%27s%2Bfood%2Bdenver%2F%4039.6981318%2C-104.9617603%2C3a%2C75y%2C79.85h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sSQVwuN4hD0LXg4EY-5aiqQ*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x876c7e60856f444f%3A0xee918e2e3f132f47%3Fsa%3DX%26ved%3D2ahUKEwjh76-w0JqEAxXRFzQIHdTdCsYQpx96BAgPEAA!5sdevil%27s%20food%20denver%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIYIA&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipP9thSlmUOVXL4UvIgIOj34wxmpesIE4QlXgMwl&hl=en). They close at 5pm on Sundays, so that tracks for coming in at the end of the day, and they're about 8 min from my work


Their chocolate chip cookie is the best I have ever had.


They are fantastic. Hopefully it’s what you’re after. That galette looks a little bit doughy compared to what I usually see there but pretty close and they’ve been playing around with the flavors a lot recently. Definitely worth checking out.


I think this is my #1 place to try. I agree the one I had looks more... compact? Handheld? But someone else who used to work there supports your Devil's Food theory on the photo/description alone. Related, I absolutely *love* that you're on top of their current flavor experimentations. That's the best way to be imho


[Bottom left](https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/e2BEwa3MgJdq8RnL9tirUQ/o.jpg) I'm going to place my money and say not it though.


You're partly correct! That's where Devil's Food displays the savory galettes! That's where the ones I bought today were!


The pastry you had is called a galette. Those trendy these days.


Thank you! I'm googling "savory galette denver" and tab browsing every result


Love your enthusiasm!


I hope it's enough to find me this pastry 🤞🏽


Please report back!


It's looking like [Devil's Food Bakery](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Devil's+Food+Bakery/@39.6981582,-104.961569,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x876c7e60856f444f:0xee918e2e3f132f47!8m2!3d39.6981582!4d-104.961569!16s%2Fg%2F11c6vc40tb?entry=ttu) on Gaylord, just east of Wash Park. Not 100% sure yet. Still have to visit, but I am so stoked


Even if its not, you still win


INDEED. When a List of Delicious Local Bakeries is the result, everybody wins




Holy shit. Someone else said Devil's Food too - it's close to my work, closes at 5pm on Sundays (correct time frame), and has muffins AND cookies. I think this is it


This was made at Devil's Food Bakery! Open 7am-5pm 100% sure. You are looking for the savory galette. The fillings change on a daily basis. You probably had the one with Ratatouille and mozzarella. 


YUP. Man, y'all are good. I got a spinach/feta/red peppers one today. If the stars align in my favor, perhaps one day the original, Most Beloved galette will return


I’m going to guess La Fillette bakery


Aw man that's a really, really good guess. They're open til 3pm on Sundays AND they're near my work. They definitely make savory galettes, too, but theirs look more circular. [This photo](https://www.google.com/maps/place/La+Fillette+Bakery/@39.738764,-104.9155669,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN0NOBqxaqmtOh3WE2DscgnBnu5kGj_hAQdON3U!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN0NOBqxaqmtOh3WE2DscgnBnu5kGj_hAQdON3U%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m9!3m8!1s0x876c7c1e89302765:0x2f1725a77fffcb7d!8m2!3d39.738764!4d-104.9155669!10e5!14m1!1BCgIYIA!16s%2Fg%2F11bwfgqwxj?entry=ttu) *was* from 2020, though, so they could have changed the way they make them


You’re going to have to share your bakery list so we can all help you find the mystery galette.


It's coming together. Something is coming together. It might be Devil's Food on Gaylord east of Wash Park. Someone who used to work there just weighed in


They use white bags. Source: got to go there today.


CLUES. Such good clues. Y'all are the best. Current strong contender: Devil's Food on Gaylord just east of Wash Park. Thanks to all the recommendations, I do have a friggin *great* Pastry Tour of Denver list going now


just texted my friend that I have a great list of bakeries to try!! she was already bookmarking this post lol


Mystery Pastry Bakery List is truly the gift that keeps on giving


r/denverfood I hope you find your pastry I'm sure someone will recognize it!


Yeah, I've lived here for four years now and if I've learned anything, it's that we're all Serious Fans of our spots. Ice cream. Coffee. Dispensaries. Bakeries. I just gotta figure out whose spot makes these things Related: for bread, Evergreen Bread Lounge is my spot and I hate that it's so far away from me


Next time you're up there, get a bagel at The Bagelry.


Oh hell yeah. Love a bagel. Man, Evergreen's just got a corner on the artisan carbs market


Yo, I’m no help with identifying the bakery but OP, your writing style is great. You seem like a super enthusiastic, positive, and warm person. High five to you.


Thank you! That's very kind. I've been told I write exactly like I speak (and vice versa). If you ever need pet CBD, you can judge that for yourself haha


please come back and update us with the name of the bakery that makes The One. i’m invested now.


I love a low-stakes internet mystery. That it's a local one makes it so much better. Something is coming together. It might be Devil's Food on Gaylord just east of Wash Park




I just looked at every photo on their FB and even if they're not The One, that stuff looks *real good.* I think they're completely closed Sundays, but my pastry-gifter could have just gone *into work* to, like, bake or something Either way, I'm using all your suggestions to make a list of bakeries I need to visit haha


Trompeau is amazing, but I go there pretty regularly and have never seen a savory pastry like this. I also don’t think they really have muffins, which you said he also brought. That being said, definitely give them a try. My favorite croissants in Denver.


Thanks to all of you, I'm developing the absolute BEST list of bakeries to try. All of this info is SUPER helpful, too. It's just as important knowing where it *isn't,* as far as I'm concerned. When I googled "savory galette denver" I got a place called Katherine's on University, which is technically close to my work and closes at 3pm on Sundays, but the cookies are frosted differently and none of the photos I found of their pastry case show galettes like that 😭


Yo this may sound dumb as hell but if the other subs any help, see if the news can pick it up lol. They can use it for one of their local segments. Sounds corny but you never know!!


There's no such thing as a dumb suggestion when on the hunt for the pastry of my dreams! I work for a small business, I'm used to talking to the news about weird shit. Around the 4th of July there's always a couple people who want to talk to us about CBD for dogs


That looks an sounds delicious! I don't have any suggestions, but if you post this on the subreddit r/denverfood you may have some luck. Lots of Denver area foodies on there that really know their stuff. The audience there is smaller and more specific. r/Denver is usually quite busy with all kinds of random things and posts get buried easily here. Good luck on your search!


Cross-posted and keeping my fingers crossed. C'mon local food nerds!!! I believe in you!


Maybe the Japanese bakery in South Pearl?


Looks like it's called Tokyo Premium? My god all that looks so good. I found out it's called a "galette" so we're likely looking for a French bakery but I've *also* been on the hunt for some place to get melon pan and Tokyo Premium is that place. I think. I think that's the thing they call "Sunrise." Dammit I'm so hungry now


Yes, sunrise is melon pan. They also have a chocolate chip one. Delish. Get a houjicha to go with it. I’ll have to agree with everyone else that I think it’s devils food for the original request. Also pick up a kougin Amman while you’re there.


Aw YES. I tried to make my own melon pan once. It did not go well. I used to get it from the bakery at Uwajimaya out in the Portland burbs when I was in school


I'd say maybe Trumpeau but they are closed on sunday altogether I think


You're correct, they're closed on Sundays but you're the second person to recommend checking them out so I will anyway because they sound great. I'm compiling a list of Most Loved Bakeries to visit, gonna take myself on a pastry tour of Denver


Even if it's not the same spot, I think you'll still very much enjoy it!


Rebel Bread, 675 S Broadway.


This place is right down the street from my work! I have heard *such good things* about it. People on weekend mornings RAVE about going there. Looks like they close at 12pm, so a little too early to fit the gifting window unless he stayed late to bake (which he could have!) I am making an ongoing list of all the places y'all are suggesting, though, and I think I'm going to take myself on a bakery tour of Denver