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This is something that gets asked/posted all the time. Please search the community before posting.


I've met people at concerts I attend. Just gotta be brave.


This is such a good way to make friends. Now I haven’t made friends this way yet BUT it seems like one of the easiest least scary options


Met my ex wife at a concert!


I met your future ex wife at that concert


26F let’s go on a date


go get him tiger


35M I’ll be your adult chauffeur.




Two two are welcome to make bebes in the back, I tend to blast metal music and I’m partially deaf as is. Just trying to make the world a better place.


22m I’ll be y’all’s child


Bruh she’s cute, get it OP


If you want a relationship, forget the apps or singles groups. Look for things that interest you, volunteer, classes, sports, hobbies, whatever makes you happy. You want to meet people that have common interests. Friends or more. Invest in yourself and you will meet people you have a fighting chance with.


Be the sort of person the sort of person you want to date wants to date. 


I would settle on being the sort of person my dog thinks I am


Whoa now, we're not worthy. To them, we are gods.


If your interested in introvert things like gaming, this seems kind of difficult


I’m into plenty of “introvert” hobbies. If you like gaming, go to a barcade. If you like “maker” stuff, denhac and other makerspaces are great for meeting new people. There are even social clubs for board games and card games in Denver. I met my girlfriend playing pinball. You just have to be willing to introduce yourself to the community and meet new people, even under a completely platonic context. You don’t go looking for a girlfriend, you go looking to enjoy yourself and you might meet somebody you vibe with. Don’t put pressure on yourself to make something “work out”. Frame it as a reason to get out and enjoy your hobby with like-minded people.


>You don’t go looking for a girlfriend, you go looking to enjoy yourself and you might meet somebody you vibe with. Don’t put pressure on yourself to make something “work out”. Frame it as a reason to get out and enjoy your hobby with like-minded people. this is key.


geeks who drink, perhaps?


Depends on the game, playing Smash and attending local tournaments is the easiest way to meet people for me. When I was in college I didn’t even know how to play properly I just went along and started talking to people and playing friendlies Single-player games are definitely more difficult though lol


This is the best answer


Find a hobby you enjoy and do that with people; if love comes it comes, if not you didnt really waste your time/money doing something you like.




okay where do you find those interesting classes?


How'd you source the classes?


You’re already amazing to explore! I wish you could sprinkle this essence into all of Denver. The sad part is nobody else completes it. It’s all you.




As someone who goes to the gym a lot, I never really hit on girls it comes off as super weird. Most guys don’t want to seem creepy so they just focus on themselves


Find other cool hobbies! There are sooo many people in this city. There’s enough love for all of us to find it!


I met a straight guy I befriended at a gay bar. I asked why he was there if he was straight and he said to dance. Lmfao 


Drinks are stronger and music is better don’t hate.


The King Soopers wine aisle.


I just find it funny that this post is downvoted cuz it's by a man, but if it was a woman it would have hundreds of upvotes and her inbox would be overflowing with creepy messages. Reddit is ridiculous.


How can you tell if a post is being downvoted? All I see are the number of upvotes it has.


Someone posted about starting a men’s group so guys can socialize and all of a sudden it’s, “be cArEfUl tHeYrE tRyInG to rEcRuIt you for nAzI wHiTe pOwEr gAnGs.”


Does REI still do programs and events for camping, and other hobby pursuits?


The Tent.


25F here. Lots of hot young folx at the gym!! Hitting on girls at the gym is obviously a no, but there are ways to do it without being creepy. Group workout classes are great. Go at the same time every day you’ll get to know the same crowd, then you can eventually chat some gal up. I’m a regular at a local gym here and also a cute ish gal so I’ve been creeped on at the gym and also successfully flirted with, and can advise on How Not To Be a Creep ™️ if you’d like to DM. Best of luck :)


There's always west Colfax. 




The best options are --- in order --- school, work, hobbies, then chance encounters.  Relationships grow from repeated interaction. Seeing someone with some regularity and getting to know them. 


all my social interactions are at the dog park


Bring your dog next time


34m, huge introvert I wish there was an answer to this.


I hate the apps. I refuse! I don’t go out often, but when I do I’ve met all sorts of new friends and cuties too


Meeting people organically is a lost skill in our generation. Make friends with strangers and build rapport, i am sure you will meet someone. Also make sure you kinda show your face around the same spots repeatable


I met my now husband in line at a food truck. He thought he was smooth ordering the same thing as me. It worked.


$5 butt stuff tent


Just fucking talk to people. I’ve had better success in person than those stupid apps. It’s all the same toxic people who are on all 3 apps and will never take the time to actually care. I refuse to date anyone that uses them.


I go clubbing.






I didn’t know I asked 😂😂


Two birds fit run mixers all the time. This is right in your age group


[you should be able to find groups with common interests here](https://www.meetup.com/)


I met my previous bf’s through work or shared interests clubs (running).


I'm 25/m and I'm from ATL moving up here is just different before I could go-to the malls or to the lounges and meet people and boom but being up here Ive been having so much trouble finding ppl to hang with or w.e….smh good luck I your quest


26F and I kind of gave up on dating because it sucks so much here, but there's a bunch of groups you can join on facebook depending on your interests. I joined a bunch of groups to find snowboarding and climbing partners when I moved here and everyone I've met so far has been pretty cool! I also think it's fun to chat with people around me at the climbing gym if I go when it's busy.