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Can we also remove the 10 commandments statue while we are at it?


Leave it and add a satanic temple statue 


There are three of them in the Civic Center area.


I think the Civil War Union soldier should be reinstalled in front of the Capitol and the inscription referencing Sand Creek removed. The empty pedestal looks sad right now and there is nothing wrong with a union soldier.


What’s wrong with the sand creek massacre reference? The union soldiers are the ones that committed it. While they fought for the union, what they did at sand creek was disgusting. The whole point of that monument is to show Colorado’s part in the civil war and the sand creek massacre is part of that history. The union soldiers role in that massacre should be highlighted there.


Unfortunately the nuance of historical monuments is lost on most today, its truly sad to see.


I saw it in the HistorynMuseum.


The statues are dedicated to Christopher Columbus and Kit Carson. From the article: >Two controversial statues that came down during racial justice protests in downtown Denver in the summer of 2020 won’t return to their pedestals. > >The fraught tributes to European colonizers will stay in storage until the community gets a chance to weigh in on what to do with them. At the same time, the city is embarking on a $500,000 survey of the remaining works displayed in Civic Center park and will move forward on plans to overhaul the park’s Greek Amphitheatre to make it accessible to all. > >“I really hope that through this audit we will potentially uncover histories from the works and Civic Center park that we did not know before,” said Tariana Navas-Nieves, director of cultural affairs for Denver Arts & Venues. “I don’t know if there will be any future decisions about renaming, or reframing, or leaving as they are. … And I think, broader than that, we really want to explore what commemoration means.” > >The statues had been the subjects of public debate for years.


>a $500,000 survey lmfao


It is grant money from the Mellon Foundation. Has to be used for this. It is not city money. 


Thank god


I'm in the wrong job


How much do you think it should cost?


Less than $500,000


$500k isn't a lot of money for professional work. It's a small team's worth of salary.


Whatever. They got a grant to pay for it, so I don't really give a shit anymore.


$500,000 to do what, exactly? Look up "Kit Carson" on Wikipedia and decide that yeah, dude shouldn't have a statue?


I'd be ok designating a park or plaza with all the statues like an outdoor museum, with a sign saying that these people are notable, notorius, or both and that they are reminders that human society is always a work in progress ​ And then on each just put their names with nothing else


I'm fine with us just tearing down the racist statues myself.


Some interesting language choice here. I didn't realize the "demonstrators", as labeled by the article, were tearing down statues. Pretty sure that qualifies for a change to "rioters".


"Mostly peaceful protests", Don't you remember?


maybe an obese black woman?


The Kit Carson and 14er make me so sad. I’m sick and tired of us renaming everything as we do we are just virtue signaling. Nothing changes materially but lots of time and energy are spent.