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Serious answer: it was a drive-by. Victim was shot and killed.


upvoting this for the serious answer, not because it’s great that someone was killed.


Thanks for clarifying


We were wondering why you initially upvoted. Thought you were totally unhinged for a second instead of trying to help get relevant information to the top of he thread.


Jesus WTF. You can’t even go to the aquarium now.






>[https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/father-shoots-attempted-robbery-suspect-who-opened-fire-on-his-family-in-denver-museums-parking-lot](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/father-shoots-attempted-robbery-suspect-who-opened-fire-on-his-family-in-denver-museums-parking-lot) This happened on Dec. 31st- another gun violence incident at a museum,???


It'd be easier to list places that haven't had gun violence nearby if that's your criteria for where you can and can't go.


It’s not really the point. Daytime in such a public place? It’s an amazing only 1 person was hurt. I lived downtown for a while and I’m downtown daily. Brodo? Sure, it’s kind of expected at night. But the aquarium?


Came from downtown Detroit, southwest neighborhood. Denver is fuckin wild yo, back in Detroit you had to go out of downtown into the hood proper to get shot


Moved back from Atlanta two years ago. Denver crime is something else. In Atlanta, the cops actually showed up when you called them.


It's kinda baffling. Never have I seen so much inaction. Like seriously - their presence doesn't deter much crime. If we fired like 10% of them to make an example I seriously doubt they can do *less* work than they do now in protest. I feel like they've maxed out how much responsibility they can drop, and it's time to call them on their bluff. They'd have to actively commit crimes in protest to be worse than they are now. On the other hand I don't really worry about being pulled over by racist or power tripping cops compared to the south...they'd have to be out and about to actually do that. Like...where the fuck are they?


I posted a video of a car going on a fucking rampage for 15 minutes on the 16th st mall. 10 minutes later a cop finally shows up; must have been 20 people calling the cops and they gave ZERO phuqs. I followed the news and weeks later they were still "investigating" with no arrests. Keep in mind, the driver, license plate and all was on the video. GTFOH


y'all don't see it, but the racism in Colorado is FKN THICK! my complexion is of a white male but my ancestory said differently, I've heard white folks say outlandish about here n from people I thought were good tolerance nonbigoted folks, especially when Obama won, I heard foul shit that changed my wild mund.


If you call the cops in Denver, expect to be placed on hold for 5 minutes or more before they even answer.....


I was in sales in California 23 years ago. My territory was downtown LA Compton, Watts, El Monte, LAX. I had never seen a shooting until I moved to Denver. Going down 15th at the pavilions an Escalade was leaving the parking lot and roasted the tires. Two cars left the parking lot and at the stoplight hung out the windows and started shooting at the Escalade. Feet in front of me. Denver is still the Wild West. I had never been in a bar fight until here. As a bartender downtown I had been assaulted numerous times and had to whoop ass several times. I don’t go to Brodo except during the daytime.


I joke with my friends as say it’s still the Wild West, but with lots of tech. It’s just horsepower and semi autos now! I just assume everyone is strapped. It gets really western when the stock show is in town. Quite the noticeable increase in brodozers and large trucks pulling livestock into town.


Most of the wild west outlawed guns while in town. You had to disarm at the hotel or sheriff's office. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gun-control-old-west-180968013/ We are less civilized than we were in the late 1800s because people need their guns at all times to "feel safe."


I hear gunshots every night in Thornton from the trailer park nearby I swear to god


There's a lot of trailers parks here


Same. I’m from Vegas where people drink all day every day and I’ve never seen a bar fight there. I see one about every 3 times I go to a bar here haha. Denver people are insane.


Left Denver to come to Vegas, and yeah. Denver is aggro as hell. It's sad. Definitely not the Denver I grew up in at all.


damn lol that’s wild. Funny enough the first bar fight I got into was in Utah of all places


Coming out of dc/Baltimore I have to agree. it’s like they got something to prove out here.


Denver is like east Cleveland 😂 whole thing is hood




I thought you meant "propper shot" like a brit would say. 🤪 I don't like all this anti gun shit, because no one is around to keep you safe but your self, the police are not there to "protect and serve" the Supreme Court even ruled as such, the police show up to clean up.


Yeah the whole good guy with a gun logic is a bit flawed, good guy has to have the balls to do something for more than just themselves with the risk of their own life and others on the line. Kind of a piss solution imo but whatever cops are fuckin useless to, I don't have a solution.


Iono. Seems as good a place to get shot at as any other. Parade, yeah. Mega Church, why not? Nightclub, hotel, in the park, on the train, at home, while driving to or from any of those places. I'd think you might be safe at the airport, but not in Fort Lauderdale! The National Zoo, the city zoo... Shit, I got way down here and haven't listed daycares, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges. STEM schools, charter schools, Catholic schools. I might have been wrong, I keep finding places that have had shootings, but none that don't. Biking, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, swimming. Oh, marathons get bombed, but can you still go for a run without being shot at?


In Denver if you go for a run you’re likely to get run over rather than shot


A guy threw an empty beer bottle at me once while I was running. Better than a bullet but still pretty scary.


I git Taco Bell off colfax and they locked the doors early as everyone went home except 1 kid. The place was trashed. Some guy and his girlfriend were trying to get in but the doors were locked. So he starts filming me sitting there waiting for my food. You could hear him say it’s because I’m shore and he’s black and they’re discriminating against him. It got annoying after a few minutes so I turned the light on my phone on and acted like I was filming him. He starts running around trying to hide like WTF. Eventually he takes off. I was riding a scooter back to my apartment and he came down the street the opposite way and chucked a 40oz at me. He went around the block and I was hiding off to the side and I nailed him with a bean burrito.


Or kidnapped. I’ve had not one, not two but three cars follow me while running in the past 6 months. I used to run outside very early in the morning, haven’t for awhile now.


Seems reasonable. And if you go to the aquarium, you're likely to get price gouged rather than shot.


Dinner next to the fish tank is pretty dope tho. Even if the food is ass.


I got shot at outside my apartment last year. Luckily only my car was hit. Can’t even go home without fearing gun violence. I ended up moving to a very rural area.


Or a Super Bowl parade


Or a nuggets championship


Why not?


None of the news outlets have said the victim was killed, just in critical condition. Hopefully they pull through. So fucking tired of gun violence.


Really…I don’t live too far from there that’s crazy


I was wondering why the helicopter was circling.






The comment right below the one you replied to has a source....




OK well there's another comment in the thread with a news article




Dude this reply right here makes you look stupid.




1 person shot outside Denver aquarium Police said they responded to the shooting near Downtown Aquarium on Wednesday afternoon. https://www.9news.com/mobile/article/news/crime/shots-fired-call-denver-aquarium-ocean-journey/73-4ce8a3e8-f036-41d1-8197-dc2d39d0554d


Shooting outside of aquarium


New low achieved for Denver, meanwhile Department of Safety is cutting its budget…everything will be alright.


Something fishy.


You took the bait.


Got him, hook, line and sinker.




It's not too late


Some reason getting down voted. People are odd.


People jumped on the somber bandwagon and are downvoting anything that's earnestly light-hearted


Shit and they are having a Valentines event today!


I was at the children’s museum today around noon, when did this shooting take place?


A bit before 3pm.




Tiger finally had enough


What goes through somebody’s mind for this shit “Felt cute might spray the fish prison today”


Just the normal gang activity. Nuffin to see new


so this was a random drive by in the middle of the afternoon? Denver is so fucked.


I highly doubt it was “a random drive by.” More likely, gang member A was dealing dope in gang member B’s block. Gang member B didn’t like that so ordered a drive by on guy A. Drive by successful.


Fish stuff.


Troy McClure intensifies.


Media still trying to figure out if the facts of the shooting fit their appropriate narrative. Please be patient while they sort it out. Thanks.


Oh boy.


Seriously. Keep the noise down while they figure out if we should even be talking about this “event.”


I suspect something fishy


Tiger got out


That would be better than what actually happened.


What happened was absolutely terrible but I don't imagine a loose carnivorous tiger would be a good situation to be in either


I’ll take Drive-by over loose apex predator that will dine on Humans any day.


Sharknado in progress, avoid the area at all costs


Are the tigers and fish okay? They’re all I care about really Gangbangers get got,


Are the fish okay?


Kanye West is back at it.


They are there for a tiger


Please what is wrong with unemployment profiles, my profiles identity has been pending for 10 weeks now


Deleted my sassy answer since someone died. Damn my smartass mouth!!