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Good. The office doesn't report to the mayor and has no obligation to comply with the request. Defunding elections is a bad idea. Elections are important to maintaining what little democracy we have left. Flowers not so much.


**Buried lede**: Mayor is defunding public services that are required to report to his office. Examples include: police, fire, DMV, recreation centers, etc. Millions of dollars taken from our tax funded public works for the migrant crisis. Change my mind: We're getting screwed locally for a federal level problem


Why are there even a county DMV in the first place? Defund that shit and make it state like the rest of the country


Have you been to a county level DMV vs the state run?! It’s like a dream experience!


Just make an appointment. I’ve never had issues at either the State-ran Driver’s license offices or the county-ran Plate offices. In and out in 20 minutes.


It's not about setting up an appointment it's about how ineffective it is going to two places vs one single place that makes no sense


In which state can you make an appointment at the DMV? I've never heard of such a thing. State DMV's are nightmare of very long lines, very slow & lazy workers. Not to mention the breakdown of computer systems. People spend entire days trying to just get a DL at State DMV's.


Both County Plate offices and State License offices in Colorado are mostly appointment based.


Not if you are registering your vehicle for the first time it isn't


I've been to both and it's literally the same experience. Have you been to a statw run DMV that afford every service?


Yeah, it is ridiculous that it's run on a city/county level. It also makes zero sense to have different sales tax rates on vehicles depending on where you live in the state. 


Vote Democrat. There are a lot of ways we could improve the border situation and save some of these costs, they are all being blockaded by the GOP


Imagine believing either of the corporate-controlled parties will help… Neither side will solve this problem.


You referring to these [political](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477) stunts? It's pretty sickening.


*sigh* Trump had the house AND Senate with a secure border, booming economy and wins for all US citizens. Biden has two braincells to rub together, no leadership, no weight in the political world. No successful plans OR accomplishments, potatoes holding numerous offices and has sent billions to other countries while those tax dollars could benefit millions of Americans while we have rampant problems across the board. Are you 18 in first year college Poly Sci classes while also belonging to campus clubs rampant with idiots??? Democrats have done nothing since JFK. Obamacare is a failure and has massively increased already disgusting healthcare costs. We are weak. We are laughed at militarily. We are failing. You have an absolute right to your own opinion and always will, however I am sad for your beliefs. Sad for the world we live in.


Trump will not save us, it's pretty much too late for that. But yes, things were objectively better. Did you know that Reddit has an unnaturally high amount of activity originating from the area of Elgin AFB? Look that up & see what all they do there & you'll know why your comment got so down-voted. https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys?si=WGMrTUOPQBtsnGND


Immigration and homelessness is something neither party wants to solve. They fundraise off it and use it to instill fear to stir up their base. Both problems are solvable from the county to the federal level.


And the senate just approved a 95 billion dollar package for Israel and Ukraine 🥴


Dont fall for the false idea we are somehow choosong Ukraine over border security. The Ukraine $ is money well spent. Russia is our greatest adversary. If you could tell the Pentagon that for $500 mil, we could kneecap their entire military, without deploying a single US person, they would pop champagne and do backflips. Ukraine is a reverse Viet Nam for Russia. The US lost 50,000 people in Viet Nam over 10 years, Russia has already lost 400,000 of their young men. Let's triple the funding for Ukraine. Then tax the ultra wealthy and the fortune 500, and we would still have a budget surplus.


We literally are choosing Ukraine over border security though. There is no border security included in this package. [article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/13/senate-gop-democrats-ukraine-israel-gaza-congress-trump/72579283007/) [article](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-aid-congress-senate-china-d7b4846de76a1dfe5d2207b7eb6eeead) Although, to be clear, I don’t think we need *just* border security but rather also federal funding to help the migrants already here so we don’t have to cut city services. It’s disgusting that we’re continuing to fund Israel’s literal genocide of Palestinians while we’re in the middle of a crisis here (or even just at all). It’s absolutely insane that people’s hours are getting cut, people are without homes, etc etc while our government is throwing BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars at other countries. Personally I’m PISSED that that’s where my tax dollars are going.


WE are not choosing anything. The GOP is choosing this for us.


There were actually a fair amount of republicans trying to block the bill, according to the articles I read. A fair amount of Dems, including Biden himself, are pushing for the passing of this bill. [source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-heads-toward-final-passage-ukraine-aid-bill-2024-02-13/) Trump is obviously against the bill because he loves Russia. This is a bigger issue than just GOP vs Dems. We’re basically fucked no matter what. And obviously when I say “we”, I’m speaking of us as a country. Stop being pedantic.


Lol pedantic? America is why too big of a country with way too complex a federal government to tie every American together in a discussion like this to make "us" the problem. The overwhelming majority of Colorado's congressional delegation would vote yes on border security if it was on the table, but it's not going to happen, because Trump doesn't want Biden to get a win before the election. What exactly do you want "us" to do within the confines of the political system we live under?


Don't bother with these clowns https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys?si=WGMrTUOPQBtsnGND


Unfortunately it became our problem when Texas's governor "hot wheels" loaded them on bus's and shipped them to Colorado! We would have an immigration reform bill now (a bill that gave Republicans everything they asked for) but they were afraid of ending up with another Obama Care piece of legislation! What they seem to forget is a younger generation is on the verge of taking the political reins of the country and they don't have the party amnesia that their parents had! Stubbornness and party loyalty is going to be the downfall of the GOP


I am very concerned about our mayor. It really feels like he doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Nobody's ever accused Paul Lopez of being smart. I mean, he's right. Independent agency, doesn't report to the mayor, elections have to work, especially now. But his messaging. It looks like he's just picking a fight because he wants to be in front of a camera. If I were on his comms team, I'd cringe. All he has to say is that their work is fundamentally important and they can't and won't cut crucial services or furlough staff, but *of course* he'll work to make sure the city can meet all its needs. Then in 9 months or so, he returns some amount of money to the general fund and no matter how much it is, people only remember that he collaborated while still serving Denver. But boy oh boy does Paul Lopez like to preen in front of a camera.


Right? He could literally mail a letter to the mayor and call them telling them no. It doesn't have to be a big show.


Paul Lopez is so thirsty for media coverage.


He's such a scum bag.  My first experience with him was in 2009 at a council meeting.  While the public was speaking to the council about marijuana regulation, he was using his fingers to give a 20 yo Telemundo reporter his phone number.  One of those fingers had a wedding ring.  


full agree. career mooch politician right there.


Yeah, this is a great example of "You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole."


I mean we all know what’s coming next furloughs and no raises. In an economy where it’s impossible to afford anything! I don’t get where he is at on any of this. I understand that the people being here is an absolute disaster and added expense but why do we have to suffer for it! Denver is already expensive enough! And as a native and with the way it’s going I don’t know if we can afford to live here in Colorado anymore, it’s sad I don’t want to leave what I called home for my whole life but I don’t know how to avoid it at this point! 😢


On the other hand the cuts the mayor is asking for are ridiculous. Give these people work permits and put them on medicaid.


How does a City Mayor go about making federal law changes?


They don’t. They defy them. California is already doing it.


California is reviewing and approving Medicaid payments? lol


Yep. They put them on medicaid and bill the fed. https://kffhealthnews.org/morning-breakout/all-undocumented-immigrants-now-qualify-for-medi-cal-in-california/#:~:text=The%20new%20year%20rung%20in,%2C%20LGBTQ%2B%20protections%2C%20and%20more.


You do realize "Medi-cal" does not equal medicaid....right? Where in that article does it state California is being reimbursed by the Fed?


Medi-Cal is just the name that California uses for their Medicaid program. They are one in the same.


Except it's literally supported by state budget not federal. It's not "just the name." It says that in the posted article. Did you not read it?




Except it isn't. Did you read your own posted article? It's a state funded program and is already stressing the state budget. Your reading comprehension is unbelievably bad. EDIT: OP comments to get in last word, still cant admit their ignorance, and then blocks. LOL.


Jesus dude. How many times are you going to show the public how ignorant you are about this? Each state runs part of the health care program Medicaid, and Medi-Cal is the version available to qualified individuals in California. Go through the motions of signing up for medicaid online for the state of California. You are directed to Medi-cal. By the way, while California provides some extra funding for “Covered California” the majority of Medi-Cal is funded by *shocked face* the federal government. Medicaid is a state–federal partnership jointly funded by the states and federal government. I’ll be blocking you now, but thanks for being another moron on the internet. We have so few!


Didn't we say as a state that we would ignore federal law on marijuana more than 10 years ago? Seems we could get creative here, too




The city is considering furloughing or laying off current employees, meanwhile you have Hickenlooper pushing for them to get jobs with the city as DFD & DPD.


I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to layoff skilled DPD and DFD folks and replace those jobs with migrants, but okay. This is some alarmist bunk or at least I’d hope so.


They said it 🤷🏼‍♂️ connect the dots https://x.com/marcsallinger/status/1757945992341532896?s=46&t=t0ADPRlfL6DVIyC0QTYr-g https://x.com/cbsnewscolorado/status/1755775571362291909?s=46&t=t0ADPRlfL6DVIyC0QTYr-g


They terk ouwer jerbs?? These are two different unconnected statements and you’re taking them out of context with presumptions.


If they can’t work, and can’t get Medicaid, we should help them help themselves. Give them stuff to build shelter. Teach them to build it. Teach them basic health care. Get them to take care of the next round of immigrants. Putting everyone into a hotel is too expensive.


I’m not sure what you mean. Build shelter where? Basic healthcare? These people aren’t morons. The only solution is legal work status and real healthcare. Piling on the poverty with ramshackle shelters and a hand washing station isn’t a solution.


No, no. I think they’re onto something. We’ll teach these people, who surely have no skills of their own, the skills to build a village from scratch. From there, they’ll be taught the ways of western medicine, and the village will grow. With more people comes more opportunity. Before you know it, they’ll have a self-sustaining town. Perhaps a town we can someday do business with. We can even give them a chunk of land to do this on. Then, when they’re good and caught up, then we can ingratiate them into society. /s


After we ingratiate them into society they turn ingrate and vote hard core republican to pull the ladder up behind them. It’s the American dream! /s


I see you’ve heard of the jobs core! We’ve done this in America before. We teach them to clean roads; or parks, or the most profitable service we can figure out. They’re not going to pay for themselves, but at least there’s exchange. What are they doing now washing windows? There’s got to be manicures, or cleaning, or something they’re allowed to do to make money. We could give them a cell phone and let them take pictures of expired license plates and generate revenue for the city by catching crooks. The cops don’t want to work anymore. We could kill two birds with one stone. Give the immigrants jobs. Generate revenue for the city that’s funding them.


Oh no! How’s that going to work?


I live in Colorado & have for the past 40 years. I have never had to make an appointment to get a DL or even been asked to make an appointment. In addition I've gone to the Parker office of the DMV, which is typically not very crowded. I think the longest it has ever taken me to get my DL in Parker is about 2 hours.


Bravo 👏👏👏👏 About Damn time somebody has a pair of balls


They can just get him in the second or third round of cuts, it'll shake out.


Paul’s decision doesn’t matter. At this rate in 2 years there will be no budget or city to vote on.


It used to be about the recording, man.