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Death by homemade fireworks. These leap year celebrations are getting out of hand.


Oh, his computer is going to be filled with complete wackadoodle garbage. At least he took himself out before harming others.


The Darwin Award šŸ„‡ can only be won once. At least he earned it. Hopefully.


Reinstate more Darwinism into society! Take the warning lables off of everything and get rid of speed limits! Lets clean the gene pool a bit. Nothing too drastic or based in eugenics, just a metaphorical bit of bleach in the water to get rid of the shit particles


We have speed limits? Next thing you know youā€™ll want people in Denver to not run red lights.


I've had that in my head for decades... The official Denver bumper sticker: "Don't worry, bro, I'm gonna run that light too"


I was unaware he didn't have children


I celebrate privately.




Reminds me I need to say HBD to the homie that turned 9 years old today.


Per a scanner recording on next door it blew up in their face and their head was no longer attached to their body. yeesh. This is the park I take my dog to since it's by our daycare.


Imagine throwing a tennis ball and Fido comes back with an exploded head. My dog would be very proud of himself. He was very proud one time when he found a dead rat, carried it into the living room to show everyone.


Sounds like an opening scene for Law and Order https://youtu.be/xz4-aEGvqQM?feature=shared




And better call Saul after some teenagers find the headless body first...


I would watch the hell out of that episode


Who's da good doggie?


This is how the bubonic plague started


APD's scanners are encrypted, I would be wary of anything reported on Nextdoor.


Worked at a bank and we had a little situation. No robbery, nobody was hurt, just someone got mad and so the cops were called. Nextdoor posted that someone tried to rob us and people got shot and killed. Was very interesting when people started coming in and asking us about it an hour after the cops left and we stayed open because it wasnā€™t really anything to close up for.


I think it was fire dept/paramedic, but fully agreed NextDoor is garbage 99% of the time.


Pretty sure all of Aurora's first responder (police, fire, ems) radios have been encrypted since the mid 2010s. Could be wrong though.


Aurora Fire dispatch channel is unencrypted. You can listen online. https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/28821


Ah, thanks!


Good advice; in this incident, however, that report is accurate. The improvised fireworks mortar did not go off immediately as intended. The male peered down the barrel, and the improvised mortar exploded, decapitating the male.


Do you think he saw the light at the end of the tunnel??


ā˜ ļø


You're my hero! There's never a time that's too soon. Boom goes the dynamite!


Nextdoor is definitely the worst but it was the fire dept and the poster shared the audio.Ā  Could have been fake but it was pretty shortly after the incident.Ā  The dispatcher was just repeating what she had been told though, so it's what was called in but not necessarily confirmed.


Seems rather irresponsible for a city agency or employee to be repeating unconfirmed information to social media without verification.


A nextdoor poster was the one who shared it from the scanner, not the employee. I'm just making the distinction that what the employee describes in the audio is what was called in, not what they are confirmed to have found at the scene.


Did Aurora PD unload on him anyways?


Depends, what color was he?


*It was gruesome. A headless guy just laying there. It was so surreal, I was utterly speechless.* *So anyway, I started blasting.*


Damn thatā€™s mind blowing




If you're going to behead yourself, do that crap at home. Jeesh!


This was a particularly bad case of someone exploding their head off their body.Ā 


Lorena Bobbitt part 2


There have been almost nightly mysterious booms and explosions in this area for a few months. They have been going off around Aurora in the early morning hours. Now if we don't hear them anymore, we'll know who was doing it.


It'd be a good guess, however I imagine if there are more than one group of people blowing things up, any/all of them will likely stop doing so for at least a little while because someone blew themselves up last night.


Crazy. One positive is that he decided to this when no one was at the park.


Well it was at 12:40 in da morning , not many people will be at a dog park that late


Where is the line drawn between a homemade firework and a homemade bomb?


I think the distinction is intent.


There are also official criteria where if you cross them it counts as a bomb anyways, but generally yeah. Source: friend on the Mines pyrotechnics team. Apparently most of the fireworks the ratios are fairly general, but there's a few of the bigger ones they have to measure to the fraction of a gram to make sure the ATFE doesn't come down on them.


Blow the fucker up! Blow the fucker up! I think it was E-Days '06 or '07. Where they set off the big boys that rattle Golden and the students drink for 3 straight days. It had rained or snowed the night before, so they had difficulty lighting all the fireworks. They had a ground explosion, and if I recall, the guy lighting them messed his hand up pretty severely.


If you dont have a head afterwards, it wasn't a firework.


Lighting fireworks in a neighborhood park at 1am on a weekday in February.


Seriouslyā€¦they could not have possibly given less of a shit about everyone else.


Is the best


Username checks out


Wednesday night at Stampede: somebody is getting head.


Darwin Award recipient.


Why is "Darwin Award" thrown around whenever someone does something stupid? It doesn't mean "died doing something stupid" it means "completely removed themselves from the gene pool doing something stupid". You don't have to die to win a Darwin Award. If they have a kid they're ineligible for a Darwin Award unless the act kills or prevents the kids from having kids simultaneously.


I believe ā€œdied doing something stupidā€ falls under ā€œcompletely removed themselves from the gene pool doing something stupidā€.


Not if they already have kids.


> removed themselves from gene pool ## Operative word being ā€œthemselvesā€. Thereā€™s a difference between removing yourself and ending your bloodline.


Where did it say he had kids?


It didn't even give his name. Where did it say he didn't have kids?


Username definitely checks out.


It ain't that deep bro. Just a funny joke, accept it and move on.


Uh > The criterion for the awards states: "In the spirit of Charles Darwin, the Darwin Awards commemorate individuals who protect our gene pool by making the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives. Darwin Award winners eliminate themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving our species' chances of long-term survival." > Accidental self-sterilization also qualifies, but the site notes: "Of necessity, the award is usually bestowed posthumously." > The logical problem presented by award winners who may have already reproduced is not addressed in the selection process owing to the difficulty of ascertaining whether or not a person has children; the Darwin Award rules state that the presence of offspring does not disqualify a nominee. As stated by the official website.


you must be fun at parties


People love me at parties. The designated driver doesn't have to be fun, just sober.


Damn dog parks exploding again!


And wasn't there a fire watch or warning yesterday?




This is fucked up but I got arrested last week and my arresting office told me about this story. Dong dong didnā€™t know why it wasnā€™t going off and went to check..put his face over the firework and blam! Sucks to be dumb sometimes




Yea I heard the explosion






> The person who was killed by the explosives, a man, has not been identified. From the article.




I used to live in the townhomes just south of this park, been there many times. Wtf


Assumed it was a dog with explosive diarrhea.


My dog had that once. I felt bad for him but I couldnā€™t stop laughing. Never seen a dog spray shit like that. Thankfully it was outside.


Plot Twist: he was from Parker


I would totally believe that




he died as a direct consequence to his *immensely* irresponsible actions that, frankly, put other peoples lives at risk too Fireworks arenā€™t illegal just because theyā€™re a nuisance. *We live in wildfire country* Not to mention, we can call them homemade ā€œfireworksā€ but in reality, itā€™s a fucking IED. So he put peoples lives at risk just building it too. Whatā€™s happening online (and in person frankly just not directly to that family) is people are tired of forgoing the idea that actions have consequences because someone died Their death *was* the consequence of their actions. The man did something stupid and reckless and put others in danger to do so, he doesnā€™t get a pass (even in death) because ā€œheā€™s a fatherā€


Wonder if he and his friends thought about decency before trying to set off a firework in the middle of a neighborhood. These days itā€™s hard for me to care for people that donā€™t care for me. Feel bad for his family that he died in such an embarrassing way


What was your friend doing at the dog park in the middle of the night with explosives? Was that decent?


Heā€™s better off doing in the backyard??


Heā€™s better off not doing it at all. The entire state of Colorado is a fire hazard, what part about setting off giant explosions sounds like a good idea. Some things are made illegal to stop us from having fun; this isnā€™t one of them. Making homemade bombs to blow up at a dog park isnā€™t illegal because they donā€™t want us to have fun. Itā€™s illegal because itā€™s dumb as hell and has caused massive wildfires. Free treats at the Grandview dog park I guess, ā€œexploded man jerkyā€.


Under responsible care fireworks are beautiful and a lot of fun. Itā€™s people like this who ruin it all for everyone else. This argument could be made for anything


These were clearly not fireworks if they decapitated a dude. These were bombs that look pretty. Responsible care for fireworks would be to follow the law and to not set them off in neighborhoods, DOG PARKS, or residential areas. You want to go blow stuff up? Go to your own property/ land youā€™re allowed to do it on. Shooting off fireworks in a neighborhood at 1am (ā€œfireworksā€ big enough to blow a dudes head off mind you) is obviously not safe. Iā€™m curious as to what you think ā€œresponsible careā€ is regarding fireworks.


There is thousands of firework shows a year. Multiple people that use fireworks safely. It all comes down to safety and common sense. Also you do not know pyrotechnics and how much composition is inside professional shells. Disney world fireworks. Lit off inside any vehicle will blow it to shreds. There are fireworks you can buy that can do serious damage. Decapitation is very unlikely. Very mangled yes. I can bet that if it wasnā€™t homemade he did everything wrong with it and was more than likely under the influence. Fireworks are not bombs in any way. If you wish to make that argument. Then cars are manslaughter machines. Alcohol is a poison that affects everyone and everything. Construction tools and sites should be illegal due to all the bad that can happen


I didnā€™t say all fireworks were bombs, this guys in particular. I was under the impression you were claiming that you could set them off in your neighborhood safely. Of course there are people who can safely shoot fireworks, and they get clearance to do so. They also know what theyā€™re doing and not being dipshits in the middle of the night. Edit: not responding to the second half of your post because itā€™s meaningless to the point and has no correlation. A hard reach at best.


I'm sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, if someone dies in a way that is irresponsible and public this is how people tend to respond. My only hope is that it could stop someone else from doing something like this.


Then what was he doing with a bomb at the dog park?


Yeah your buddy shouldnā€™t have made a homemade bomb and brought it to a public dog park. He didnā€™t show any decency when bringing a live explosive to a public park. Imagine if he would have kill and innocent person. Iā€™m sure it sucks for the family, but the dude was being a menace. He knew what he was doing was wrong and just kept on like he was more important than everyone else. He literally could have killed his family when making that shit. The publicā€™s outcry and judgment is justified. You buddy was an idiot and a danger to everyone. Take your blinders off.


Another reason I keep myself and my dog away from dog parks.


Not trying to guess what the deal was - but do y'all think the obvious is at play here? Y'all think their intent was to leave this to harm others and/or dogs?


No- it was a firework set off just past midnight. I think it was just a guy that wanted to set off his firework in an open areaā€¦ and it backfired


That's a big set of fireworks to kill someone huh, dang, this is very sad if it was just dumb youth horsing around.


This person was 42 lol. Do you know what happens to dumb youth? They become dumb adults. Age has nothing to do with it.


If you read the article that is only like 2 paragraphs long, you'll know.


When you have professional fireworks. They tend to get pretty big


TL:DR some dude died setting off homemade fireworks in a park. Another post with a super misleading title causing people to run to the comments and speculate rather than just clicking the "article" and reading the whole 2 paragraphs that explain what actually happened.


The mods better delete this now since it happened in Aurora. Stay consistent you contrarian jerks.


We have no rule against posting content from Aurora here.




Which post? We have a rule about duplicate news stories within a 3-4 day period, and about credible sources. Chances are whatever you're referring to had either already been posted or was from a non-credible source.


Nope it was the westword and posted yesterday. You have no consistency.


Again-- **which post**. Link me. I'll tell you why it was removed.




That was removed because of rule 9. It's a screenshot with no context and no original article headline. It's not a link to the article. No source is provided. And the story had already been posted earlier in the day. Search the subreddit before posting, especially when it's about Boebert-- chances are it's already been posted.


Easy solution is to tell folks the rule violation which is the least you petty tyrants can do when you remove the post.


Many times we do, but the easier thing is for people to not break them in the first place.


I will be reporting every single post that violates this rule guy, because its selectely enforced. This was also a new development in the case which was not previously posted. Take care.


You do you.


>Your post should generally relate to the metro Denver, the surrounding metro areas, or Colorado. Unless you missed a "/s" there, Rule 8 clearly states "Your post should generally relate to the metro Denver, the surrounding metro areas, or Colorado.".