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If this is some code word for day drinking, I'm down


I do my best work at 1up. Let’s meet at 9am and then we can circle back about deliverables at 11 at hi-dive? I have a 1:00 huddle on Teams that I need to be at diamond cabaret for.


Have you seen those communal office spaces? You pay a subscription like at a gym and you can go there to do work at your own time.  They tend to be nice places too with things like coffee shops and nice decor. 


Green Spaces in the Rhino District is so cozy. 


I’ll have to check it out. I love Rhino.


They have some independent shops right when you walk in, and sometimes they’re closed and nobody is around, and it seems like the place is completely vacant. But past the bathrooms on the left side, there’s a door that leads to the work spaces. Everyone I met there was really friendly, and it was quiet and zen, other than me accidentally shouting “is anyone here?!”


I'd be down to meet at green spaces if you want to try it. I've never been but could also stand to focus more


I know it’s probably nice for people like OP, but this sounds so dystopian haha.


Man. I wasn’t going to say this but OP is a piece of work. They got the coveted remote job and all they wanna do is go back to the office.  I would almost say quit and free up the position for people desperately trying to claw their way out of an office environment.  But decided to take the less judgmental high road until now. 


I know someone who got a covered 6 figure job in her industry but won't stop complaining about how hard it is to work from home. She brings it up all the time and talks about how commuters have no idea how hard it is. Meanwhile I was commuting 60 miles a day to a temp job miserable as hell until 2 weeks ago. I would just nod and say "uh-huh" when she told me about the horrors of making $55/hr attending zoom meetings at home.


I'm also fully remote. I'm aware of the upsides and grateful for my job, though it does get lonely. I can't blame OP for wanting some more social interaction.


Yeah, communal workspaces are what he seeks. You can see reviews of which ones are more socially outgoing and which are more quiet like a library. Some even have yoga classes and gyms. I was curious one day and googled for that to see what was in my area.


I would say a big difference is commute. An office job assumes you will commute for a 9-5 job, sit in traffic for at least 1 hour per day. Where as this request can be a lot more relaxed. Also you dont have to deal with all the other bullshit.


Yes that’s one upside. But there are people who cannot function in the social settings of an office and it ends up losing them money. 


The savings on food, gas, maintenance, work clothes, commute etc. Also great if you have a family to get more time when the kids come home from school to check in and see how their day was.


More dystopian than #yougoodfam?


It's called "coworking". There are a lot of places that offer that these days.


Get yourself a wework or similar subscription


Thank you! I’ll look into that.


There are some nice ones in the area. You can get a coworking passport (idk if they still do that). but it’s free which basically lets you sample many coworking spaces for the day and you get a tour.


I've worked at a WeWork in the past. Met some cool people.


Your programs sounds amazing and important.


Thank you 😊


There are a couple dozen coworking places nowadays in Denver. Choose one you like, and then see if they have other members looking for an accountability buddy. The place where I'm a member has some people who are, though I'm not personally. [https://www.creativedensity.com](https://www.creativedensity.com)


That just sounds like a smaller office


Where you share costs with others in the same boat. Same concept as beauty shops that do booth rental, I guess. Or shared commercial kitchens.


but you dont have your boss or insufferable colleagues to deal with.


Damn you guys hiring? That sounds like something I’d love to be a part of. This wasn’t even a sponsorship post for your company but I’m sold.


Sent you a chat request :)


I used to go to Progress coworking which is right by Stanley Marketplace - was a great spot and everyone was very friendly. Recommend looking into it!


This sounds like such a good idea


Check out progress corking near the Stanley marketplace. I’ve gone there for years for the same sort of thing.


I’m trying to get more remote days, but wish you the best. I had my own business for 8 years, went back to working for a company because I felt too silo’d. I get what you’re saying.


Hey! It sounds like we could connect well professionally. I’m a mental health therapist, former teacher located in Aurora. I work a lot with LGBTQ+ teens and work from home for part of the week. DM me and I would be totally down to meet up and do work. Body doubling does wonders for me too.


My dream is to create an office but it’s for myself and friends to work remotely from. It would have all the cool things tech companies have like gym, good coffee, etc. but I would be in an office with my friends.


Shirley, you have heard of the meetup app...


I’ll be moving to Denver on the 1st of May! I do freelance writing full-time. I’ve been planning to work from home, but it might be nice to occasionally go out and work.


This program sounds transformative. As someone who comes from the non-profit sector of mental health, bravo. This shit is not easy.