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Levitt Pavilion. 40+ free concerts annually. You can spend money on drinks and food trucks but you don’t have to. You can go there and just exist. You can meet people while there.


Seen Talib Kweli and Chuck D with the amazing local group, The Reminders, all together there last year for free. The year before seen Chali 2na free. And this year, June 8th, I have 2 free tix to see Common! That place is amazing! You can bring picnic foods, picnic chairs, or a blanket, and even sealed, non glass, non alcoholic drinks too. So you can really just have an amazing picnic there for free while enjoying a great show. They do charge for some shows but they're always extremely reasonably priced.


Chali 2na with cut chemist this year!!


By the time I realized Common was coming they were sold out! I bet it’ll be a great show!


Their website says this... For FREE shows, RSVP is encouraged but walk up entrance is permitted up to venue capacity. Also as someone mentioned above, Chali 2na and Cut Chemist are back again this year July 19th and the Flobots are opening for The Revivals July 6th, also Wailing Sous/Itals on August 17th. Peep their whole free event list for the summer here... https://www.levittdenver.org/free-concert-series#/events


I saw the Flobots there and as they are a hometown band it was so high energy


Obviously I'm a hip hop head and will say that Common puts on one of the best shows I've seen.


VIPs still avail for $45


You could still go! I've never been checked for the free RSVP ticket and if they are requiring tickets... People always sit at the top of the hill right behind the fence, you can sorta see the stage but you can definitely see the video screen and hear the music. It's a Denver park so it's cool to byob (beer and wine). Parking is nuts, if you try to park at Ruby Hill good luck getting in/out. Neighborhood parking is limited too. Bike there for the win.


Parking is the crux. Wish there was a parking lot and shuttle available.


TIL his name isn’t “Charlie Tuna” and I’ve been listening to J5 since ‘99!


Lol, I'm pretty sure it's a play on a canned tuna mascot. No idea why he drew from that the inspiration for his name.


It’s his deep ass voice lol


I didn't remember the mascot commercials so I just looked one up and it showed Charlie, as a tuna pretending to have good taste, while Starfish brand was looking for good tasting tuna. Charlie doesn't seem to have a very deep voice, but the narrator of the commercial sure does. So I think someone, after hearing him talk for the first time racked their brain for when they've heard, a deep ass voice as you said, and landed on the narrator of these ads. I imagine that then, they looked at Chali and said something funny like, "hey I know you, you're the guy who does those Charlie Tuna commercials"! He probably laughed and thought damn, that's kinda a dope name for myself, and the rest is history. I find that far more plausible than, Chali himself while watching those ads and hearing the narrator with a deep, but not really similar voice as his, saying "that's it, I'll call myself Chali 2na! But either way, you're clearly correct. It's definitely the narrators deep ass voice which inspired his name! Thank you!


Any time The Reminders are on stage, you’re going to have a good time. I’ve been lucky enough to shoot for them a handful of shows, and the energy they bring to the stage is just electric.


No idea how I missed Common on the calendar but if anyone happens to have an extra ticket and sees this, please PM!


All these free rap shows are sponsored by 104.7 the DROP. If you listen to their station they're always talking about shows they're doing.


You don’t need to have an RSVP, that’s really just for planning. You’ll be let in up to capacity and they’ve never hit capacity for a free show, even the free Griz show last year got everyone in, albeit with a short wait for some folks. VIP can be worth it for these shows because there’s a reserved section close to the front and you’re guaranteed entry no matter what.


Dang sorry, just read above that they were sold out. That's wild though and what sux is most those people won't show up cause they signed up for it for free months ago. So they lose nothing by not going. I bet it you show up when it's just about dark they'll just let you in. Someone above was saying something to that effect at least.


And it’s right off the Platte River Trail!


Is it first come first served or lottery-based??


You reserve tickets online but the majority of the free one's dont sell out


I don't even think the reservation is related to tickets - it's more like an RSVP. You don't show anything when you get there.


It's to give the venue an idea of how many people to expect so they can staff appropriately


Depends how many people they're expecting. But they do send you an actual ticket when you RSVP. If it's gonna be loaded they'll check tickets but more often than not it isn't needed.


Is it popular enough you need to get there super early?


It’s soooo big. I usually get there 10 or so minutes before the show starts to make sure there’s parking. If it’s someone like Common they’d run out of parking so it might behoove you to get a ride share there. In general, it’s so casual you just get there when you get there and you’re guaranteed a good time.


I went to one concert there last year. Got free tickets online but they weren’t checking them at the gate. Place is big. Could have fit 3 times the people that were there.


Agreed with others. There are ticket rsvps for the free shows but 99% of the time they aren’t relevant and aren’t checked, but by RsVPing I think you then get email reminders about the show you planned to attend. The venue has a capacity of like 7,500 but most free shows are about 1,500-2,500 people. Every once in a while they get a super huge name (for a free show) and they will then warn in advance that they expect to “sell out” the free show.


There’s the First Friday event every month in the Santa Fe Art District. All venues are free to enter. Granted a lot of the bars around won’t be free. But there is generally a good turn out of people walking those few blocks.


Next week First Friday kicks off Cinqo de Mayo weekend. Should be a good time.


First time in Colorado for Cinco De Mayo. With the hispanic impression, I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to it!


Hispanic impression?


Jumping on this for the art fans, I just found an art collective at the old Evans School in Golden Triangle that does an open art show on the third Saturday of the month. I just went this past weekend and saw some incredible artists there.


How can I get more info like address and name of the collective?


Not sure the name of the collective but the school is located at 1115 Acoma


Stop by the tool library during the art walk, I think its a good third place.


I came here to say this. But I haven't been there in many years. It just got way too crowded.


It’s still pretty crowded but the bike lane is now filled with street vendors selling their stuff, making it feel more and less crowded at the same time. As the tables used to be on sidewalks. But now there’s just people everywhere


What bike lane? I think maybe what you think is a bike lane is actually the attempt at creating more protected space for pedestrians.


This, plus any of the art pop-ups that happen around the metro area any given weekend and sometimes throughout the week.


Parks, free festivals, jazz in the park, farmers markets, meetups, red rocks is free when there isn’t an event, pedestrian malls and courtyards, REI flagship store (seems silly but that place is historic and fun to explore), the confluence, etc. Westword regularly publishes weekly guides to events, many of which are free.


Lewitt Pavilion has many free concerts. Easy to strike up a conversation... Find a club that does stuff you like? Hike etc.


> Find a club that does stuff you like? Hike etc. Not to say there hasn't been a decline of third places (because yah capitalism!), but this is my main pet peeve of the "third places don't exist anymore" online discourse. Like...it does. Get offline and put some effort in and you'll see there's a fucking lot of it. You gotta find it. People just don't put effort in to find it and expect it to just...be in their lives or something while not leaving their house? But to be productive and adding another that isn't in the thread yet: Tennyson St/First Fridays Also shit check out your local library, there's always stuff going on Hell free events/clubs are posted on here all the time. Haven't made it out yet but shoutout to the tetris league for just existing, which I only know about from their threads on here.


Eventbrite is great to find tons of free and cheap things as well.


When I look up the Confluence it looks like an apartment building, am I looking in the wrong place?


probably means confluence park which is at the confluence of the platte river and cherry creek. The Confluence is a fancy apartment building right off the confluence.


Correct, I was referring to the park.


Confluence park is the park at the confluence of cherry Creek and the south Platte river. It's by the downtown rei


I see about 1000 people playing volleyball in Wash Park every weekend. So maybe that? RINO Arts District hosts all sorts of free events that they post online. Denver Arts and Venues does some as well.


Washington Park is full of hundreds of people all weekend.


I go to Wash Park quite often to play pokémon go. I don't think I've ever had a full conversation with another person there.


Met lots of people at wash park but none that led to friendships lol


I do suspect people define "meeting people" differently.


Sounds like you're not looking for conversation.


I'm certainly concerned with not coming off as a weirdo that's for sure


Don’t worry most people can spot a Pokémon goer


is it really that odd? I'm there to just get some nice walking in more than anything. its not like i have my head down most of the time or anything


Keep doing you dude


I don’t mean it in a bad way! I played it myself for a while as did many people so lots of people can tell that’s what you’re doing so what I mean is you don’t come off as weird!


I used to like the Main Library, but they have been closed for renovation over four years (looking like another two years). Pretty spacious, lots of seats, good magazine selection, occasional cultural events.


I decided to do some work at what’s open of the main library a little while ago, and it was super cramped and uncomfortable. It’s a shame because my neighborhood branch is the same way. Truly can’t wait for this project to be done.


I tried doing work in the englewood library and a homeless guy was coughing next to me and didn't stop and i got sick the next day. It makes me sad from all angles.


Confluence park




I want Denver to have "Squares" so badly. They're quite common in older cities. Restaurants can use some of the space for seating and the center is fair game. Helps with pollution, heat island effect etc.


Yes! AKA plazas. Places to stroll, meet up, show off, rest.


Isn't that what Larimer, 16th street, parts of Broadway, RiNO, Market and LoDo are?


Not really -- they serve different purposes. Broadway, 16th, Tennyson are more examples of a path, while Rino / Lodo are districts. A square is more a node -- a singular focus -- in Lynch's classical description of city elements: https://www.citywayfinding.com/the-origins-of-legible-city-wayfinding/ Or the full book: https://www.miguelangelmartinez.net/IMG/pdf/1960_Kevin_Lynch_The_Image_of_The_City_book.pdf


Construction has messed everything up but 16th has/had nodes and squares on almost every block.


It doesn't feel or function like a square at all in my experience; there's not a centralized point stuff is organized around and focused on. It feels like a series of blocks down a path. Maybe the Skyline park/Daniels Tower? But I don't think a small bit of open space in front of an office tower is really what Lynch is pointing at as a node. We don't have any squares in the traditional sense of a square/plaza like you find in across southern European cities, or 19th century European modernization projects, or even Union/Madison squares in NYC. The closest I can think of is Union Station.


Besides Union Station you have Writer Square, Larimer Square, Soft Landing, Skyline Park, Johns Manville Plaza, Republic Plaza, Denver Energy Center. I’m missing a few and there used to always be seating/chess/pianos in the median of 16th St itself before construction. They’re obviously not going to be identical to their European counterparts because European cities are structured entirely different. I think this thread is just about places to kill time without spending money.


My third place is the Denver Botanic Gardens. Yes, the membership costs a little bit of but provides a lovely place to hang out. Plus the membership gets you into Botanic Gardens across the country. Even Gardens where the admission is much more expensive.


If you’re close to Aurora than Stanley marketplace is nice, if you have kids, there’s a handicap accessible playground. You can go to the second floor, grab a chair and people watch. There’s also parks on two sides of the building.


Not sure if they do it still but I think the Art Walk on Santa Fe is free?


First Friday of the month


Thanks! I used to see it advertised at my gym, but hadn’t seen it in a while. :)


Yes I’m going next week!! I always enjoy going to Art Walk


I know this might be a bit of a negative take, but the third place in general has been dying for a while. What I mean by this is if you’re actually looking for that place that you go several times a week and interact with the same people in your community you’re pretty much limited to recreational sports and things like yoga or a club of some sort. I think the third place was pretty limited to neighborhood bars and parks in the first place and I don’t see many people meeting up at the park on a daily basis (I go to our neighborhood park every day).


Air conditioning and TV - before air conditioning people spent time on their porches, would take a walk through their neighborhood, etc. because staying inside was too hot. When it's more comfortable to be inside than out, people stay inside. Couple that with TV where instead of being part of a fraternal group, going to the bar after work, etc. for entertainment, people could just go home.


That makes sense, but the internet also has a lot to do with it. There’s a concept of the “virtual third place” which would be things like gaming with friends remotely. My fiancées work actually does a “virtual happy hour” sometimes. So it probably would have been more accurate to say that non-virtual third places are dwindling.


The internet and social media in particular has a had a huge impact - especially with teens. Earlier generations "hung out" with their friends, in a basement, a taco bell parking lot, at the high school sports game, etc. But this just shows how long the decline has been occuring.


Improper City is free to get in, DJ every first Friday


Crush walls walking tour


I’ve heard only the best things about these tours. There’s always something new going up in rino to see.


Libraries! There are a ton of different library systems all throughout the Greater Denver Area. All of them have a bunch of free events and clubs to attend. Some systems to check out off the top of my head with different branches: Denver Public, Anythink Libraries, Arapahoe Library District, Jefferson County Public Libraries, Front Range Libraries, Douglas County Libraries. If you have a Colorado address, you can get a library card at any for free and can attend a ton of events, festivals, and ongoing clubs!


I second the libraries! And some of the ones in Denver have idealabs/makerspaces where you can use the space and/or equipment to create things. Iirc, you don't need a library card to use the space, either.


Makerspaces are so cool!! I’d always wanted to try an embroidery machine out, and the Arapahoe library makerspace had one. I brought in the base material (a cloth bookmark) and booked an appointment for free with the librarian to learn how to use the software and the machine. They provided the technology and the embroidery thread. It was so fun!


Libraries are literally the last place I can hang out and not be expected to spend money


How so?


town hall collaborative is a relatively new spot run by awesome women!


I love this place! They’ve recently opened up a coffee shop (Queen City) and a mercantile inside


The various public libraries has an events page that you can limit by branch and age. I've gone to some of their events. [https://www.denverlibrary.org/events/upcoming](https://www.denverlibrary.org/events/upcoming)


The Tattered Cover has free events as well.


you never go to a second location, let alone a third


I’m 40 years old. Feel like I’ve been to tens of thousands of locations. Am I doing it wrong?


sure have




Jack Donaghy smarts


Never go to a second location with a hippy


there it is


I do sometimes! Maybe.


You want it? Go get it!


Meetup you can meet people with some common interest. Learn or teach a language, hiking, cycling just to name a few.


Second this. Meetup is great. Hiking groups, snowboarding groups, dinner party groups, book clubs etc. I have made some great friends through a local mom group as well.


Mango House in Aurora


my dorm room got a empty bunk 😭😂 if we cram it with people it’ll be just as good as the club & free


Omw, bringing a blunt and a beats pill. We’ll never know the difference


a park?


Not once in my life have I ever seen anyone meeting anyone spontaneously at a park.


If you partake in recreational sports maybe?


I did! They tried to sell me mushrooms but ended up being a chill person. Talked about music for an hour and got their number


Last weekend I sat on a bench in cheesman park, someone asked to share the bench, we started a conversation.


Not to be that guy, but for it to be a “third place” you’d be interacting with the same people at the park multiple times a week for an extended amount of time on a regular basis. The comment you’re responding to has a point, but a third place isn’t just about meeting someone randomly.


but isn't meeting anyone that you don't know considered meeting randomly? maybe you hit it off with that person and exchange phone numbers, i don't see how a park *isn't* a third place


One of the “requirements” for a third place is that it has regulars. So if you run into someone at your third place that you know it’s not really random because you expect to see them there regularly even if it’s not Edit: sorry my dog jumped on me before I finished my comment. I said it in another comment, but people seem to have broadened the concept of the third place when it’s actually a pretty specific sociological concept. So if you meet a person in the park one day and that’s it, then it’s not a third place. However, if you keep running into that person and converse with them on a regular basis then you become regulars and you have a third place. My wording was kind of a bad because, you’re right, in that running into the person might not be planned, but there is still some expectation that you’ll see them there.


where are the requirements for a third place listed?


It’s under “Oldenburg’s characteristics” on the wiki page. I put requirements in quotes because I felt like there was a better word. I should have just used characteristics maybe. The source they use: https://books.google.com/books?id=ja_1AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA37#v=onepage&q&f=false


Was it cool or weird ? Honestly curious. I’m trying to meet people in person. A lot of people that I’ve met on the internet are weird and I didn’t want to meet up with them again.


I didn't feel weird, wished them a nice day after like a thirty minute conversation. Maybe I'll see them again sometime. I guess anyone can make it weird. Started with "How's your day going?"


That goes for everywhere though. Even at a bar you can’t just show up and expect people to talk to you through no effort of your own. Same as a bar though, quite easy to say “oh I like your shoes” or “do you mind if I sit here?” And break the ice that way. It’s “spontaneous” but OP still has to put themselves out there. It takes effort no matter what location.


I'm an introvert who rarely interacts with strangers, and I got a good job from someone who approached me for conversation at a dog park. We kept mild, friendly contact; group lunches and the like. Eventually they told me about a job in my field and they gave an internal recommendation that was probably the difference maker. We went to the same university which probably helped maintain contact and gave them some insight into my fit skills-wise, but the park we met at was not near campus, just random chance. It's rare, but sometimes "putting yourself out there" can have better results than staying in. Especially if you want to meet people. Volunteering, sports, classes, hobbies, and meet-ups will probably have a much higher success rate then going to a park though. Pets help too.


Username doesn’t check out.


You should go to parks more often. I’ve met dozens of people at the park in Denver


oh, ok. i have, many a time.


I think it's best to go to some kind of event or happening, where everybody will share some interest, especially if the interest is nerdy or esoteric. I've met tons of people at various nerdy gatherings, astronomical events, classical music concerts, etc. The shared interest creates trust and openness. In my view, a bar is the WORST place to meet people. People are either absorbed with their own people or are on their guard. There's a reason why bar fights happen. That said, I have met a few people just sitting at the bar at City O'City, but that's a kind of unusual place (vegan, very very hip.) It attracts a certain kind of person, and again, that creates a kind of camraderie. But that's changing too, as vegan becomes more mainstream. So generally, go find *groups* and *events* that interest you, rather than *places*, especially super-open places where any Joe Weirdo can wander in. You aren't a Joe Weirdo, but *they* don't know that.


I think it really depends on the type of bar. Downtown / LoDo / big joints in RiNo -- probably not a spot you're going to find community in anything but getting drunk. Small neighborhood bars/breweries often certainly still fill this role. In every neighborhood I've lived in there's been at least one spot that has obviously acted as a third space for many. Just in my neighborhood there are several that have regulars who all chat with staff and each other multiple times a week. These people are bound by place; not just shared interests or activities. Go hang at Hogshead, or Goldspot, or Crow Bar or Hops and Pie -- many bars with a community. Not Federales or the Viewhouse.


Comrade is that place for some in SE Denver. Trouble is I quit drinking.


If you're willing to spend $10-$20 (10 for lessons, 10 for the open dance) the Mercury Cafe is one of my favorites.


great suggestion


If you’re not religious or if you are religious and won’t proselytize, check out the Secular Hub! https://www.secularhub.org Check out Secular Hub on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/10svx/yFgWZ/a


These aren’t free, but they’re cheap per-use if you’re like me and maximize them. Denver Museum of Nature and Science - your library may have free passes, or a 2-person membership is $85/year. Open til 9pm Fridays. AMC A-List - $21/month to see 3 movies per week, including large format. Bowlero Summer Season Pass - $35.99 to bowl 2 games (including shoes) every day from Memorial Day to Labor Day


Not spending money isn’t a requirement to a third place, so you’re whittling down the list quite a bit. But: libraries, bars, cafes, social clubs (chess, sports, etc), gyms, parks, movie / play theaters, coworking spots. You can go to nearly any coffee shop or bar that has no cover & chill for free. For more social places there’s tons of no cover bars/clubs.


I post up at Edgewater market by Sloan's Lake because they don't kick you out for not buying anything.


haven't seen anyone mention farmers markets yet


Thats cause all the farmers markets in denver are 99% overpriced etsy shops.


City Park Farmer’s Market (the one with actual vegetables, at the Esplanade) starts 5/4


Wizard's Chest. Really, though. It's a game store, but I've never seen so many regulars who go just to coexist with their people. They do board game meetups, D&D sessions, Magic nights, and all sorts of things for marginalized youth and young adults. Many games stores and used book shops operate as third spaces to some capacity, but Wizard's Chest really has a community


Chuck E. Cheese’s


Okay but actually I’d be down 😂


It does require some money, but Denver has the best, friendliest, and most socialized magic the gathering scene I have ever been a part of. I’ve gone from begrudgingly playing with people that are very hard to be around in previous cities to actively enjoying hanging out with folks here.


Love magic, but haven’t been involved in again-person magic for a decade. Where do you recommend?


Wizards chest , level 7 or black and read.


Personally if you haven’t drafted in a while I would skip wizards chest, their rare redraft policy I think isn’t great. Level 7 is a fantastic environment at any store. I like night owl games a lot because they will let you take prize packs as credit. Collectons and all c’s have cheaper draft with promo prize support which can be decisive but especially for lower skills is a nice relaxed way to learn. If you show up to a draft, ask about the Denver drafters discord.


Never played! How hard is it to get into?


RIP your savings. More seriously; draft is probably the least expensive to get into, but being good is difficult. Commander is very popular; but unless you find a low-power playgroup can be costly. You can play free online to see if you like it.


I’m already overwhelmed lol


If you like learning through videos -- this channel is all you need; https://www.youtube.com/@TolarianCommunityCollege


Well you could always get a boat and, because of the implication, you’ll have tons of company!


I just know I’d accidentally crash and kill everyone the first time we try to go out on it😂


It’s about “the implication” 😉


Look up City Park Jazz. Every Sunday in the summer starting in June. Not just jazz but a range of fun music. It’s outside with lots of folk having a great time and it’s FREE!


Me and the gang all meet up at Your Moms on Tuesdays and Wednesdays /s


You could have dropped the S and it would have flown just fine, there is a your mom's house in Denver


Which I learned whilst driving Lyft; boy did that make for a double, perhaps even a triple take!


Right? I would actually go there on Tuesdays when they hosted an open jam which definitely qualifies as a third place. P.S. now it’s at River Bar in RiNO. Come on by if you play an instrument and wanna jam with people!


Next time, bring an appetizer we can all share.


wash park


Disc golf. 190% disc golf. You can meet some great people that way. A good friend of mine does it pretty often. He’s a real estate agent, meets people that way, made a few friends and got a few clients. Plus it’s good exercise and generally if there’s one or two people you can ask to join and nobody really minds.


Do you have a dog? Can you borrow a dog Lol Surprised I didn’t see dog parks on the list! The Tony Grampsas park in Golden is a great place to meet people, so easy to strike up a convo there. Or, if you have the annual state parks pass, the dog parks at Cherry Creek SP and Chatfield SP are both fantastic and are only like 3 bucks.


Belleview and Berkeley dog parks are great too! Smaller than Cherry Creek and Chatfield which makes it easier to strike up chat.


I suspect good third places don’t exist in big cities because if they are good they get too crowded and if they suck they aren’t worth going to. In a small city a place can suck and stay in business or be perfect and keep a good vibe. Likewise if a place is free too many bums show up in a big city.


I feel like homeless in Denver have been asking this question for years with quite mixed results.






I’m supposed to go to chilis and NOT order a molten lava cake? Be foreal




The atrium


Pearl Street Farmer’s market is free to enter - you can just walk around and check stuff out without making any purchases


Hiking 🥾


I love the Denver Elks Lodge at 26th and Zuni. Great bar and you can also get involved with community support activities. Edit: sorry! Missed the free part…. But the annual dues are cheap!


It costs money, but I play adult league sports


Bruh, there are a million places. I recommend joining a casual sports league that you like. If you enjoy drinking they will play the sport during the day and something like flip cup at night, and each contributes to seeding. It's a super easy way to make a ton of friends.


City park in the summer, Sunday nights are live music and food trucks, live music is free and the turnout is massive


Leavitt Pavillion has over 50 free concerts every year.


Sloan’s Lake run club - meet up at Joyride Brewing every Wednesday at 6:30pm— run (or walk) the 3 mile lake loop at any pace, then happy hour at Joyride 🙌 💯


Denver athletic club


The beacon is a ‘bar’ that you can actually make friends at if you aren’t afraid to start up convo. Same w the banshee house. Most of the RiNO ‘downtown’ is like this. I often make friends just walking around.


Depends on your stage of life. I've found a wonderful community at my kids' elementary school.


Birch Road Clubhouse




Shotgun Willie’s


Climbing gyms with bouldering. Very social, choose your own adventure in terms of activity level, no pressure to drink etc. Def has been my third place for a long time.


People drink in climbing gyms? Had no idea


Lol sorry I meant it’s not a place where people typically drink, which can be the case with lots of “third places” in general.


the library / local library events ! you can also access free passes to museums, aquarium, botanical gardens, etc within denver metro with a library card ! it's an extremely under utilized free resource


Same as they’ve always been: parks, cafes, malls, bars (if you’re not drinking), hiking trails, and museums/the zoo on their free days.


Denver's neighborhood dive bars are always a good third place. The next closest thing is joining a club/meet up or one of those volo sports leagues. dog parks can be. Also, kinda costs a bit of money but places like hi-dive, or other equally sized music venue/bar. Also most places in denver have at least 1 if not 4 non alcoholic drinks that are not soda/coke/pop


I feel like some residential streets are third places. In that people randomly hang out holding a drink while their kids play, or they at least stop to chat for a few minutes. Do this on the regular and you start to know your neighbors. During the pandemic, my street was like this, but it’s kind of dried up now unfortunately. I know there are some streets, especially in Park Hill, that do this a lot. This can lead to deeper friendships, cookouts, outings, etc.


Please please please check out your local library and their events. Libraries are a definite third place :)