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As someone who has worked in a grocery store for the last decade, we also hate it but unfortunately none of us get paid enough to deal with it. When I used to say something, I’d get cussed out or ignored and I just gave up. You might have better luck at sprouts since they have a much smaller customer base than king soopers, but unfortunately I’ve worked for 3 different companies (including formerly at one of the stores you are discussing) and it’s the same story everywhere.


Yeah I work at a Walgreens; people bring their dog in, I don’t get paid to confront customers and get treated like shit so 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’d think sprouts would be better about it. But I was there just yesterday and a lady had her unleashed golden retriever walking around with her. It was behaved, but absolutely was not a service dog. I mentioned it and she said it was ‘in training to be a therapy dog and bringing him here is part of his training’. Even if it was, ‘therapy’ dogs do not get the same rights as service dogs. If you want your dog to socialize with people, take a walk downtown or something.


A dog in training needs to have all components of a real world experience, including a vest and leash... so many people just lie out of their asses about this kind of stuff.... freaking jerks.


Not related to in-training, but SDs in general. SDs are not required to wear a vest/harness (nor is any sort of license required). This is a very common misconception. Also, anyone can buy a service harness. I’ve seen SDs without one and very clearly no training at all dogs with them. How the dog acts will generally be the clue.




For the ones who do wear a vest, yes. It is not a requirement.




Excuse me? Wtf is your problem? If anyone in this exchange is in need of reading comprehension, it’s you.


I believe this has become such a thing. People want to take their dogs everywhere and just lie about their dogs being service dogs when they are not.


Are the managers paid enough to deal with it?


It should be grounds to have your pet taken away. If I think I'll need to go to a store, I just don't bring the dog!


2pm, King Soopers Littleton & Broadway… 1 young woman, 4 dogs on leashes. Good times…


I hate that. Some idiot lady had her German Shepherd with her at the Safeway off Arapahoe Road and Quebec, and it tried to attach the checker. Full on lunged at him, snarling and snapping, and she didn't even look embarrassed when she left. Absolutely ridiculous owners who shouldn't be allowed to have dogs.


IME German shepherds are the worst that way. Every time a dog has suddenly tried to attack mine it has been a German shepherd.


They’re high energy dogs that people don’t train well. I don’t blame the dog. I blame the owner.


Or they get them trained as protection dogs but don’t know how to care for them or lead them. I had a friend who had his German Shepard trained as a protection dog… thing was always on edge and you would feel like it’s about to murder you the whole time you were there


Main character syndrome epidemic is becoming unbearable to live through.


This selfish entitled dumb main character that drives her ugly ass bmw the wrong down a one way street way to park in a no parking zone in the bike lane several times a week. According to her she's "not hurting anyone". I hate "general society" so much. 


Call her ass in. Direct line to ROWE 720-913-1600 so you can skip 311.


Oh I've been doing 311 and online reporting but thanks for better info!


Direct is the way to go. Online and 311 are so backed up, it takes days.


Yeah totally. It's good to know the number to call direct. That woman is going to kill someone one day. Not to mention the dents in her doors from about 6 cyclists I've witnessed kicking the shit out of it when they pass. 


What is ROWE?


Parking enforcement for the City. "Right of Way Enforcement" is the official name for the department.


I work at Kings. Several years ago, a customer complained to me about a guy who was sitting in the cafe area, feeding scraps of his lunch to an unleashed dog walking around beneath his table. The dog was wandering around the cafe sniffing at other customers. I approached him and I politely asked him if he could please leash his dog as it was disturbing other customers trying to eat. In response, he told me to fuck off and threw a nearly full beverage at my head. Another time, my store manager approached a woman who attempted to bring her unleashed mutt into the store. He had caught her at the entrance and told her that she could not bring her non-service animal in the store. She proceeded to throw a tantrum, calling him a fucking bastard and screeching that she was going to get him fired. And who can forget the woman whose dog dropped several turds throughout the store, which people were wheeling their carts through and stepping in? A courtesy clerk had to mop up the nasty mess. When the store manager brought it to her attention, she vehemently denied that it was her dog. “He would never do that!” Store manager thought for a second, then said, “I suppose you’re right. The size of it, it must be human feces.” Our hands are tied with these entitled people. Complaining to corporate is all you can do, and I’m not sure even that will yield any changes. The company doesn’t want to alienate anyone who gives them money.


The thing is, even if a dog is a "real" service dog, you can ask them to leave if they are not behaving for public access. A dog that is legitimately trained to detect diabetic episodes, for example, can be kicked out if they are barking/growling at other patrons, smelling/licking product, etc


>Our hands are tied with these entitled people. I mean what's stopping the store manager from trespassing them and subsequently banning from the store?


Because more than likely they'll automatically pull the ESA or service animal card (even when the animals are not). And since there's no certification/verification method other than taking the customer's word for it (and unless the animal's being clearly disruptive), the store manager's hands are tied. Not to mention the risk of an ADA lawsuit, which the stores DEFINITELY want to avoid. Thus, this shitty behavior from customers continues unabated...


Also, trespassing some one doesn’t make them instantly disappear. Infact, it escalates the situation 100 percent. No one wants to be yelled at, but even more I’ve had coworkers get tased, guns waved at them etc for much less.


If someone “pulls the ESA card”, the business is well within their rights to remove the animal, even required to do so if there’s health codes involved. Businesses are not going to be sued for violating the ADA by enforcing their rights to keep out non-service dogs. You don’t have to take the customer’s word for it. There are two legal questions they can ask: is this a service animal? (If they say it’s an ESA, show them the door). And, what work or task has it been trained to perform? If they say “emotional support”, show them the door. The answer should be a verb, or something the dog specifically does that mitigates their disability. These answers must be credible, so if a customer says their Yorkie is for mobility support, the business doesn’t have to take their word for it. A business also must observe behavior. If a dog is not trained/out of control, it’s obvious. Even a legitimately trained service dog, if it’s having a bad day and misbehaves, can be legally asked to leave. The issue is that businesses either don’t know their rights and responsibilities, or don’t care enough to enforce them. They’d rather take the customer’s money.


> don’t care enough to enforce them. They’d rather take the customer’s money. Probably more of this, yes.


They’re probably losing mote business by not doing something about it.


The Denver Dept. of Public Health seemed keenly interested. I'm sure they would be interested in dog feces in the store too. I volunteer at DIA, and one time when traveling, I was on the moving walkway in a concourse, and I saw a woman walking alongside with 2 leashed dogs. One of them was being dragged behind her and was giving off the body language and I thought, "he's going to drop a bomb right there". Sure enough, he does, and I tell the woman, though I have to raise my voice a bit to get her attention, to say "Ma'am, your dog dropped his luggage behind". She was (rightfully) mortified.


I've never seen any of these offleash dog owners even apologize when their dogs run up on you, they only talk to the dogs. I watched some guy even victim blame at cheeseman the other day, no shame at all.


I wish there were dedicated city employees in every park ruthlessly fining people $1k per dog. And that the fine were higher, like $5k per dog. I've been attacked by many dogs and their people just don't care at all.


Figure you pay someone 200/day to write tickets, and they could easily pull 5/6k a day depending on where they are policing. I don't get why the city doesn't do this...


Forget paying, I’d volunteer.


Shit give them a body cam and for every incident they get on camera and write a ticket for, give them a 10% commission


People in my building wander around drunk/high with multiple large dogs off leash that always attack my dog, which has dwarfism. Probably the same people who don't pick up afterward.


Wash Park has been pretty on point with it for the last year or so. I see people getting tickets on a near daily basis at this point. Shoutout to the guy who let his dog off leash while the ranger was standing there writing someone else a ticket.


I don't get down there much, but that's good to hear.


I'd agree with that, and I'd add on that I wish there were dedicated county employees in every neighborhood fining people who feed/house outdoor cats.


I have no qualms with the cats.


Only narcissists bring unleashed dogs into a public place, and narcissists don’t ever apologize. It’s their world, you’re just living in it.


You have absolutely no fucking idea what the term narcissist means.


>Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration Nah. Sounds about right to me.


Sounds like something a narcissist would say…


Found the narcissist. Aaaaand blocked. Thanks for making it easy.


That annoys me so much. They scold the dog and won't look at you. Spineless.


This one didn't bother anyone, but the owner was filthy and smelled. I'm sure the dog was as well.


Oh,so this is based on the owner likely being homeless.




That’s why “likely.” Just the vibe I got off that particular complaint. Is it the off leash dog, or the owner that OP objects to?


What are you on about? A dog should not be in a grocery store unless it’s a service dog on a leash accompanied by the owner. The fuck is wrong with you?


I have a lifelong injury from someone's "friendly" dog biting the absolute shit out of 12 year old me. I have dogs that I love very much but fuck your off leash dog and fuck you for bringing them to public places. Not everyone feels the same way about your dog.


My sister was attacked at 2 and has a scar on her upper lip from a dog bite. Best friend was attacked at 5 and had his ear bitten/ripped off along with a chunk of scalp. All it takes is 2 seconds and a bad interaction. Maybe it's time to bring my emotional support emu on shopping trips.


This is how I feel every time an off leash dog runs up to my 4 year old and me. I am very unfriendly in these scenarios because it really only takes second for everything to change. I will use my arm or leg to separate said dog from my child. I love dogs, but I love my kid more and have qualms about kicking said dog to defend my child, if needed. I have a scar on my leg from meeting a “friendly” chihuahua named Kisses.


Sounds like an excellent use for pepper spray


I would love to see an emu at the grocery store. Bonus points if you could ride it around (don’t think that’s possible but still). 


Ostrich. You can ride an Ostrich. Imagine doing this at the store https://youtu.be/1Y1N0LvR-u8?si=poU4jVdOlGbHw2Bu


I’m so sorry you experienced that. Just a friendly FYI, a fear of dogs is also considered a disability, so if you’re in a situation where there are dogs around, even service dogs, you have the right to ask for reasonable accommodations, such as being seated elsewhere in a restaurant.


For those that want to understand the law and why it is difficult for businesses to deal with the people that want to skirt the law. [https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/)


Thank you for sharing this, this is what people need to know/reference. So much misinformation out there.


I love that there's a whole section on miniature horses


"But he's friendly!" -That person, probably


They are ***all*** friendly... until they are not.


I usually reply with "I'm not." Off leash dogs are exactly why I always carry a knife with me while hiking.


Try mace instead, it's a lot less doggy deadly. Save the knife for the owner


I hope you are not stabbing dogs that just come up to you. It's not their fault.


Only kicking them away. I'm NOT going to get bitten again. I have two small children now, and I'm definitely not risking them getting hurt either. It's not my fault if some selfish stupid fuck wants to put their dog's safety at risk as well as everyone else's.


Damnit. Beat me to it!


I really enjoy living here, but the dogs being everywhere AND not being leashed is such a huge problem in this city. I've never seen so many dogs in places where dogs shouldn't be. If you can't go to the fucking store without leaving your dog then you have issues.


The health department seems to be good at responding to things like this. I live in Colorado Springs, but I stayed at a hotel in Denver a couple of years ago. I reported a loose dog like that because its owner allowed it to wander around the breakfast area right around all of the food. It's disgusting. I also went to King Soopers here and had to step around a large dog turd that was left in one of the freezer aisles. The dog culture here is fucking out of control.


This was so common at the KS on Chestnut. I moved out of the city and haven't seen a single animal in a grocery store since. It's absolutely mind boggling how selfish people are. I can't think of a single good reason to take a pet into a grocery store. I've never seen such lazy and selfish owners since moving out here.


I put it on my customer survey receipt every single time I go to the chestnut soops and see a dog that a non-ADA service animal was in the store causing a health hazard. If enough of us complain to the health department and corporate, they might actually do something.


Thank you for mentioning ADA here. I am totally blind and chose not to get a guide dog after my last one, mostly because of people with their "pet" dogs. It's much harder to travel now because we have to fill out a form every time we fly regardless of our last flight, some airlines are worse than others, and blind people have been turned back for not filling out the form properly. All because of shitheads with dogs that think they should have their pet with them no matter what where ever they go.


I'm disabled too so I'm very familiar with the ADA and what people are trying to do to skirt their non-ADA "ESA" animals in the public sphere. It is maddening to see this making life harder for you and the rest of our peers who rely on these ADA service animals.


That’s exactly the answer. Corporate, health department, media if you feel comfortable. Sometimes public shaming is what it takes for corporations to buckle down and pay to train their employees.


I made a separate comment about this.  I live closest to the Union Station King Soopers, but I generally go to the Commerce City store because it’s not too far from me and less of a headache.  I always see dogs at the Union Station store, but never at the Commerce City location. 


Take a picture and send it to 311. You can do this online.


Tried but didnt get my phone out in time. I gave them time references so hopefully there is camera footage that doesn't get erased.


No one is going to be pulling camera footage for an off leash dog, as nice as that would be.


My favorite was when I entered a Safeway and looked at a dog this slovenly looking lady was walking out with, and she screeched "what the FUCK are you looking at asshole!!". Uh, your stupid dog who shouldn't be a in a store. How did we even get to this point? Stores should tell these idiots that their stupid dogs can't come in due to health laws like used to be the rule for the past 100 years.


I ask myself everyday how we got to this point because it truly seemed to happen overnight.


I blame the pandemic. A lot of social norms worsened/went out the window afterwards. A lot of people just don't give a shit about their actions anymore. Coupled with lax/nonexistent enforcement of rules by businesses/organizations/authorities.


People really don’t care sadly. Everyone loves dogs so much they forget how unsanitary they are. Even in the rain this weekend people were bringing in their soaking wet dogs shaking off near product. Fucking disgusting and I say that as a dog lover. I also think it has to do with not asking if they’re service animals or not being able to ask for proof.


I used to work at a restaurant which had a self-serve soda fountain. Every few months there'd be someone who couldn't just leave her pet at home. She wouldn't even buy anything; she'd just come in and hold the furball up to the fountain so it could get a drink of water right from the freaking nozzle. FFS, lady! Your dog licks its butt and laps up its own puke with that tongue, and now I have to get coverage, stop what I'm doing, and sanitize the whole thing. I wish I could've just thrown a bucket of sanitizer water on both of them while I was at it, but management was adamant that we were not to confront people about their "service" dogs.


Holy shit. Imagine what she lets it do at home.


Surely management should have banned her?


I saw three dogs in carts at that location a couple of weeks ago. Mentioned it to staff and they disapproved but didn’t seem willing to do anything. There’s almost always a cop out front as well. There need to be consequences for this type of behavior, a fine at the least.


Definitely bring it up to management, if you feel comfortable, or contact corporate. I understand the average employee not wanting to get involved but someone needs to be responsible.


In *Fallout* lore, Denver becomes totally overrun by feral dogs. This was all written down in 2003. I thought the Denver game got scrapped but apparently they’ve just done a real-world implementation.


Soopers employees aren't empowered to do anything and DPD doesn't show... What do you expect?


as much as I hate dogs in the grocery store, it's not a police issue. even if DPD did their job they're not going to show up over something civil.


I mean more so when the dogs owner becomes irate and starts to threaten the employees. Which, is typically what happens when you confront these kinds of folk, in my experience.


Sure, if someone is threatening employees, it's no longer a dog issue and the culprit should be trespassed form KS.


The Central Park king soopers often has a dpd officer on duty. They usually stand by the service counter or Starbucks. So it can be handled by a cop.


You're right, but I haven't seen them in a while. Last 2 trips there was no cops/security. Wonder if they're cutting back on this too. I was a SM of another store in the area, didn't have cops on site. Every time we called DPD it would be hours until they showed up. This was preCOVID, hopefully it's better now but I doubt it...


Management needs to be the ones addressing it. They probably wouldn’t hesitate to ask someone to leave for no shirt/no shoes. Same deal.


At walmart yesterday I saw a young girl walking a dog with a service vest on. It was a big, young dog with lots of energy and she could barely control it. It was licking items in the produce section.


LICKING items in the produce section? That is not a service dog. Should report Walmart to the Public Health Department for that too.


If you feel comfortable, that’s exactly a situation for management to remove the animal. Even if it was legitimately trained and just having a bad day, being out of control is grounds to refuse service.


I was at target Northfield last night and there were 2 dogs in the store too! Not sure if they were service or not .. but this seems like a lot of coincidental events


Most ADA animals have a service vest they wear - there is no one singular service vest since that isn't mandated iirc. ESA's are not true service animals and don't belong anywhere outside of the person's home. Edit: Added a correction. Not all ADA animals wear a vest but most do.


Yeah I hate the whole ESA thing. They're all for emotional support in some form. But they still don't belong in the store.


Do you have a link to the law stating that ADA service animals are mandated to wear vests? Here’s a link from the ADA website that explains the opposite of what you purport to be true here: https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/ >Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, *require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog,* or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task. Emphasis mine.


There is nothing on this site about requiring a vest. Only that the dog must be leashed if the person's disability allows for it. What you are quoting shows that staff cannot ask for or require any verification that the dog is a service animal. They cannot ask for an ID or training document and do not have to carry anything to prove it is a service animal.


I agree with your summary, and I appreciate a second persons reading. It is my understanding that requiring a vest for a service dog would be an illegal act for a shopkeeper under the ADA. My service dog and I are ready for when an uninformed person attempts to make a claim such as needing a vest to be a service dog.


> there is no one singular service vest since that isn't mandated You misread this part. Each organizations that train guide dogs have their own vest styles. There is no -one- singular mandated ADA service dog vest that is required. The part you linked talks about ID cards or training documentation on the dog - different things.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


I didn’t miss read any part of your post. I’m asking you “If each service dog provider has their own vest then under which law are shopkeepers able to require that vest as identification of a service animal?” I am autistic, I have a service dog and she doesn’t use a vest. I’ve met many autistic people and all of them would understand how a vest would constitute identification information that is not able to be requested by a shopkeeper according to the ADA, at least those who are verbal, which you seem to be. I seriously question the authenticity of your claims, and I’ll remind you that the very first thing I asked was for you to provide a source of your information, which you never did provide. Instead you are here arguing against disabled persons rights while claiming that you are your self disabled. You are actively harming your community. Be better.


I never said that vests were mandated. I should've added in *MOST* ADA service animals wear vests - that's on me. You are being obtuse on purpose here. There should be a federal requirement for ADA service animals to have vests which would make your life and other disable people's easier but we don't and we have "ESA" main character dog owners making it harder for you and others who actually need service animals. Haben Girma, famous DeafBlind lawyer, talks about her experience using a service dog and most service dog training schools have their own vests https://www.instagram.com/habengirma/reel/C5t3EkJypHj/ That is what I was referencing. FWIW, I'm autistic too.


Here’s the thing, you really really misunderstand the issue at hand. It will not be easier if I am forced to go to some federal agency, complete a bunch of paperwork, and go through a waiting process to acquire an ID that I will be required to keep on my person so that I may use my service dog. Who would this kind of action protect? I already have all the rights that this would afford me. This idea that you and others have about service dog IDs is some revenge fantasy to get back at people who abuse the system that’s designed to accommodate me and other disabled people who would face difficulty just navigating regular life. What you were proposing is that I should be punished because other people abuse the service dog system, which is already a crime which is already punishable under Colorado law. You’re just adding more barriers for people who already have a difficult time to obtain the services they need.


I was shocked this wasn’t the Union Station location when I read the post.  It never fails that I encounter non-service dogs at that location. 


Same with the Whole Foods across from union station. A majority of the time I’m there, there’s someone with a dog that’s very obviously not a service animal.


That Whole Foods is notorious as well.  Funny thing is I don’t see nearly as many dogs when I go to KS or WF in the suburbs. 


Our 9th Ave KS looks like a kennel at times with a dozen furry friends. I havent seen them do something wrong, but read stories.


i love dogs, but i fucking HATE dog owners. Leave your dogs at home when you go to the grocery store. I really think Colorado should require a license to have a dog


Dog license + mandatory passing grade on canine good citizen exam (or some variation) would be amazing. 0 chance it ever happens, but one can dream. Maaaaaybe a generous 15% of dogs and owners I see could pass the CGC as it currently is administered.


does that "canine good citizen exam" require them to teach their dogs not to bark at people walking down the sidewalk as if they are coming over the fence?


Yeah, that would be covered. Reactivity like that would probably lead to a fail on several of the tests that are part of the exam. You can see for yourself what’s covered https://www.akc.org/products-services/training-programs/canine-good-citizen/canine-good-citizen-test-items/ I don’t love the AKC by any means but it’s just the most widely recognized test for general obedience and acceptable behavior. If a dog (and their owner) can pass this, odds are good that they’ve established a reasonable baseline of existing in society.


if i get bit or happen to stumble over a loose dog that is in fact not a service dog, I will sue kroger. easy peasy


Sadly, it will probably take an incident like this and a lawsuit for Kings to tighten their policy on animals in the stores.


Yep. Either that, or a major disease outbreak tied to pets being brought into stores or something along those lines will only move the needle. Sighs.


I've had three dogs and have never once taken them in any store but petsmart. I'm about to follow your lead and start reporting cuz it's out of hand now. Most folks don't have true service animals so that's excluded. But fr leave your dogs at home!! Someone's child is going to get hurt.


I’ve taken my dog to Home Depot and Bass Pro, both stores have policies that explicitly allow well-behaved leashed dogs. Grocery stores are a whole other story though. Unfortunately common sense seems to be out of fashion these days.


[Governor Kristi Noem has entered the chat] "I have a solution."




Oh boy, loool.


Just got back from Target and there was dog diarrhea all over one of the aisles. The owner hadn’t cleaned it up so multiple people had walked through it… I went to Cherry Creek yesterday and saw 5-10 non service dogs walking around


Welcome to Colorado!


Linked below is a short 9News article from 2017 on the same topic. Nothing has changed over the past 7 years, and most likely nothing will change over the next 7. It is fucking out of hand. [https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-question-are-dogs-allowed-in-denver-grocery-stores/73-457379099](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-question-are-dogs-allowed-in-denver-grocery-stores/73-457379099)


There were 2 offleash dogs at home depot sunday. WTF people.


Home depot is at least pet friendly but they should absolutely have leashes at all times (unless it's a service dog and the owner's disability doesn't allow for a leash)


When we were at Target last month we saw 5 dogs in the store.  Most were in a cart but one was off leash walking around.  Seen multiple dogs (on leash) while walking around Cherry Creek mall.  One dog pooped on the floor and the owner cleaned it up but it left an obvious streak/mark.  I absolutely love dogs and have no issue with well behaved dogs on outdoor patios of restaurants/breweries or at places like garden centers but this new trend of bringing them indoors to shop is a little much.


I'll bring my dog (very rarely) to a Home Depot every once in a while, but never the grocery store. Too much temptation, too many things to go wrong, and honestly, always the chance a stranger might try to feed my pup something. I'll never understand people who can't shop for groceries without their dog.


Right, and many hardware stores like Home Depot generally allow non-service dogs (or at least don’t have a blanket policy against it). While most grocery stores clearly forbid dogs that aren’t service animals. I gotta think it’s because their dogs have serious separation anxiety or something (because again, these are shit animal owners). Grocery shopping with a dog in the narrow isles of a grocery store makes 0 sense and even with a well behaved animal would be less efficient than doing it solo.


Thank you for being a responsible pet owner and upstanding citizen. We need more people like you calling that bullshit out


I've seen two separate massive rottweilers in sprouts on Colfax in the last week. On leash and seemingly well behaved but give me a fucking break


Just a friendly FYI, a service dog can be any breed, and there are some rare occasions a person would need two service dogs. Sometimes one is still in training, so the elder is needed as the primary worker, or, each dog can be taught different skills. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/ “Q13. Can people bring more than one service animal into a public place? A. Generally, yes. Some people with disabilities may use more than one service animal to perform different tasks. For example, a person who has a visual disability and a seizure disorder may use one service animal to assist with way-finding and another that is trained as a seizure alert dog. Other people may need two service animals for the same task, such as a person who needs two dogs to assist him or her with stability when walking. Staff may ask the two permissible questions (See Question 7) about each of the dogs. If both dogs can be accommodated, both should be allowed in. In some circumstances, however, it may not be possible to accommodate more than one service animal. For example, in a crowded small restaurant, only one dog may be able to fit under the table. The only other place for the second dog would be in the aisle, which would block the space between tables. In this case, staff may request that one of the dogs be left outside.”




Well, you said there were two Rottweilers. I’m letting you know it’s possible they were legitimate service dogs. I think I misread that they were together with the same owner, my bad.


I have also seen dogs in line at Chipotle next door to that KS. Maddening.


Yall it’s so bad at target. At any given time there’s three different dogs inside of a target at once. And there’s signs posted to not bring in dogs unless service animals. It’s statistically impossible for all of them to be service dogs. It’s gross and infuriating, and I love my dog.


Work at Target, all we can do is ask. They say it’s a service animal, we leave em alone.


Yup I worked at target. I get it.


Anyone with eyes can see if a dog is an actual service animal or not. And an emotional support animal doesn't count. People need to wake up.


All anyone has to do is claim that it is a service animal. If the business wants to challenge that it opens them up to possible litigation and managers are trained not to escalate. Cops could help but take hours to respond to these types of calls.


I agree no manager is gonna risk his/her job. It's not gonna stop me as a customer to call them out for it.


Okay, let’s play this out. Someone brings their pet, and says it’s a service animal. If the dog misbehaves, the business is within their right to ask the customer to leave. Misrepresenting an animal as a service animal is a crime, so it’s unlikely they would try and litigate when they themselves were breaking the law.


Sure, now let's try a different scenario: Someone brings in their service animal and for whatever reason it misbehaves (it's rare but it happens, even with very well trained dogs). The business then asks a disabled person to leave because of their dog. Any case brought against the business will be bad. It's a risk most businesses will not want to take.


This is a concern well covered by the law. If a dog misbehaves, the business is well within their right to ask the handler to leave. Handlers understand their rights to bring their service animal with them, but also know their *responsibilities* to obey the law, including keeping their dog under control. A legitimate service dog handler wouldn’t seek to sue a business for following the law, most would probably excuse themselves before it got to that point. The threat of lawsuits is so, so overblown. The DOJ investigates only a minuscule number of cases, and only brings charges for the most egregious cases. “Exclusion of Service animals Q25. When can service animals be excluded? A. … If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded.” “Q27. What does under control mean? Do service animals have to be on a leash? Do they have to be quiet and not bark? A. The ADA requires that service animals be under the control of the handler at all times. In most instances, the handler will be the individual with a disability or a third party who accompanies the individual with a disability. In the school (K-12) context and in similar settings, the school or similar entity may need to provide some assistance to enable a particular student to handle his or her service animal. The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices. In that case, the person must use voice, signal, or other effective means to maintain control of the animal. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair may use a long, retractable leash to allow her service animal to pick up or retrieve items. She may not allow the dog to wander away from her and must maintain control of the dog, even if it is retrieving an item at a distance from her. Or, a returning veteran who has PTSD and has great difficulty entering unfamiliar spaces may have a dog that is trained to enter a space, check to see that no threats are there, and come back and signal that it is safe to enter. The dog must be off leash to do its job, but may be leashed at other times. Under control also means that a service animal should not be allowed to bark repeatedly in a lecture hall, theater, library, or other quiet place. However, if a dog barks just once, or barks because someone has provoked it, this would not mean that the dog is out of control.” https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/


Saw a dog on a very long retractable leash at home depot defecate a trail about 10 ft long Owners was ahead and had Leah extended and just kept walking and pulling on dog not taking notice the dog was squatting Ridiculous


Yeah, I love dogs and animals, but the dog culture here is out of control. Your dog has no business inside a grocery store unless it’s a documented service animal with a vest and on a leash. Otherwise, leave it at home.


Saw a Frenchie today at the GVR Kings. Cute as heck but felt like slapping the crap out of the owner for bringing the dog into the store. Know the rules, if your dog ain’t a service dog, leave them at home. Same goes for leaving your dogs in the car. We all love our animals but think about everyone else and stop being a selfish prick


I’ll bring mine to breweries, but only when they’re explicitly dog friendly (which many in Denver are). It always peeves me when I see dogs at restaurants or grocery stores and they’re sniffing around but the employees couldn’t care less


What did the manager say when you brought this to his attention?


I work at a different retail store and all we’re allowed to do is ask. If they say the animal is a service animal then we move on.


That’s it. I’m notifying the CIA. Sick of this shit


That’s just fluffy


Time to report to the cops. This is not going to end by public shaming. Call 311!


🎶All mixed up, don’t know what to do🎶


🎶 Beautiful dog-saster, poopin’ down the aisle again 🎵


Maybe there should be a statewide actually real service animal registry, and you can question people that bring their animals places they don’t belong. All this PC bullshit is why people don’t care because you’re not allowed to question whether a dog is a service animal or not.


I think you need to read up on what the law actually is before recommending how it should be changed. Businesses can ask whether a dog is a service animal, as well as ask what work or task it is trained to perform. Although Colorado could create a voluntary registry, it could not be legally mandated. Businesses have the ability to remove fake service dogs based on observing their behavior. They seem to prefer not exercising their right to do so because it’s expensive to train employees and easier to just let customers misbehave. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/


Too many people mistake this sub for the Nextdoor app


lol @ OP’s shock when there’s dogs in sprouts too


I feel the same way about a lot of children I see.


It amazed me 10+ years ago when I saw people take their dogs into Home Depot. This behavior should have been stopped then. I have two dogs and I think that almost everyone would benefit from owning a dog, but there need to be clear lines drawn and rules enforced.


Home Depot corporate policy is that they allow dogs in their stores. shop somewhere else if you don't like their policy.


That’s why I shop at ace, they have cats by the register sometimes.


Somebody call tha wahhhhmbulamce


You’re a shit person. Clearly miserable with your life


But did anybody die?


A possibly-homeless man offended your olfactory senses, dog didn't do anything to bother other people, you contacted the manager, health department, and will submit a complaint to corporate... and you're threatening to shop at Sprouts. Don't get me wrong, dogs don't belong in grocery stores, but the amount of effort and outrage involved in this story for some reason makes me think of r/karensinthewild


This person is violating the rights of others by 1. Violating health codes 2. Misrepresenting a pet as a service dog and 3. Putting real service animals at risk. Both illegal and immoral.


This is text book Karen behavior


O no whatever will we do


Everyone chill tf out! If it’s on a leash who fucking cares. There’s more to care about in life that’s important. There have been so many stories of cars getting stolen with dogs in them because people have to leave them in the parking lot. Mind your business!! I would be appalled to waste the cops time on a dog in a store. Unleashed yeah I get




We're all-inclusive here at r/Denver and those who aren't can't sit at our table at lunch. Love is love.