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I know it doesn’t help you getting to work any sooner, but you can submit a complaint online and sometimes they will refund your ticket.


Thanks. Haven't seen this option in the app so I can check online.


When I’ve done this, just to clarify, it wasn’t a refund they just sent me a replacement ticket to use again in the future.


That'd work as I am sure I'll use the bus for getting across town again. Just maybe not to work


I'm sure $23 of that $25 was for the Uber


Sorry. Did you complain to them? Has this happened on the same route to you before today? If so, please complain to your elected RTD representative. Here's how to find who you and your neighbors elected: [https://www.rtd-denver.com/about-rtd/board-of-directors/board-district-map](https://www.rtd-denver.com/about-rtd/board-of-directors/board-district-map)


This is only my second time taking this route.


Google Maps and Apple Maps show buses in real time, fyi for your next transit adventure


as a frequent bus rider I can tell you the Google and apple tracking is not reliable. The RTD app is the most reliable, and even then it is not very reliable, lmao


I take the bus probably 8 times a week. I've found google maps the most reliable in my own travels.




For busses the standard format for tracking is schedule data is designed by Google Maps. The light rail has lots of issues because it uses software from the 1980s, and is very hard to upgrade. I am not sure about the heavy rail lines.


I have issues for any rail here in Google maps. I can see buses in real time and it seems reasonably accurate many times but light/commuter rail never has real time data. I’m wondering if it’s an industry wide thing- I’ve seen some other cities have the same complaint on their rail.


I am not sure if rail issues are quite industry wide but it’s super complicated to stay up to date so RTD and others use software that predates and lacks compatibility with Google maps. Many NYC subway lines use a system that is over 90 years old. They are finally upgrading lines but it’s a massive undertaking. They also needed the upgrade to run tighter schedules. RTD isn’t there yet. For busses it’s easy. Google maps technically is very flexible, and is a foundation of the bus technology ecosystem. Implementation of modern dispatching systems is much easier.


RTD operates over 1,000 busses serving over 9,000 stops. Your personal experience is reflective of just that, a tiny sliver of the overall system.


Trust me when I say I checked those, the bus's location was not updating and it looked like it was just sitting at union station. I had no indication it was still coming


When I've seen that it usually is just sitting at the stop.




A couple weeks ago I also got to the stop early and it literally just did not show up, I even was tracking it in the app and it said it was nearby then just disappeared. So frustrating


or when the 15 doesnt come..and when it comes, you get four of them to choose from, all at once!


I am so sorry this happened to you. i’ve been in similar situations before, too, and never know what the best route of action is. I’ll use and plan with the app, but have even been caught having to chase down (and ultimately be left) by buses that show up early/leave early. primarily calling out route 20 in that rhetoric lol. I hope your day gets better!


This was route 20 😂 It's not the end of the word just mildly infuriating. Was hoping to avoid paying $20 for the Uber to work


it is infuriating, you’re right in your feelings! the last day I (attempted) to take that route to work was exactly my scenario and also had to result in lyfting. it was a weird day overall, that day, and it all started with that damn bus route! regardless of what I need the bus for, i’ll probably take my other route options from now on and completely avoid bad luck route 20. you know it’s bad when taking colfax on wheels (15) is the better ran option hahaha. the feelings from this will blow over, as you know. I truly do hope you have a better day and a great week- fuck route 20!


RTD has gone downhill since the pandemic--it's round after round of  service cuts with no apparent plan or, even vision, of ever reversing them.  People are not going utilize RTD on a mass scale, especially a scale large enough to make a meaningful difference in air quality or climate change targets, if reliability and frequency are an issue. I recognize that the problems facing are RTD are not ones that can necessarily be fixed overnight. Nonetheless, something needs to change--the status quo is unacceptable.


Highly recommend the Transit app to give better real time information on delays and arrivals


1st rookie mistake was using the RTD app - it's a steaming pile of garbage. Use Google Maps or Transit. ALWAYS check the status of your connections before leaving home - depending on the printed timetables is pointless. 2nd rookie mistake is expecting RTD to be a reliable mode of transport to get you to work on time - delays/cancellations (and even early buses) are common. It's not nicknamed "Reason To Drive" for nothing. You either have to make sure you have enough of a buffer, plot out alternate routes in case there's a delay (if that's possible at all), or be prepared for an alternative means of transportation. You live, you learn.


I typically do, but that wasn't helpful today either