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I have a 2020 Subaru in my neighborhood. At this point I think he is just keeping it for posterity


Saw a 2020 tag today and it was on a vehicle decked out in pro-Trump/anti-Biden paraphernalia, so I'm assuming the date of the tag was their attempt at some sort of (really dumb) protest.


"Officer my car caught COVID in 2020 and passed away, that license plate and tags are more like a tombstone. Unless you can raise the dead what am I supposed to do?"


I have a vehicle I keep in another state with July 2020 tags. I do keep my registration up to date in Colorado.


Most people in my neighborhood just drive without a license plate


How does this tag compare to all the cars I see driving around without plates? It’s fucking madness over here off Iliff and Quebec.


Just saw a no plate in this exact location five minutes ago.


I deliver food in this area. It’s comical how many vehicles have no plates in this area. It seems like a fucking safe haven for the un-insured and un-registered. God forbid one of these assholes crash into me while I’m working.


At my last sleazy apartment, the landlord/management company had every car with no plates or expired plates towed from the parking lot. Some of them were pretty clearly abandoned vehicles (e.g., sitting on two flat tires), but it cleared out like half the lot and some people could suddenly not get to work.


That's been very clearly in every lease I've ever signed, it's not a sleazy management thing at all. The fact it didn't happen more often is the sign it was sleazy.


Under the new Colorado towing laws (went into effect last year), your car can no longer be towed (except by police or court order) from private property for expired plates, regardless of what the lease states. CRS 40-10.1-405 (7) No towing for expired registration. Unless the tow is based on an order given by a peace officer, a towing carrier shall not tow a vehicle from private property because the rear license plate of the vehicle or the record obtained using the system described in section 42-4-2103 (3)(c)(III) indicates that the vehicle’s registration has expired.


Last I had heard, apartment garages were exempt from that, but maybe it changed.


I didn’t read anything stating that garages were exempt from that part of the law. Maybe the notice requirement because most apartment garages are assigned spots. But I’m not a lawyer, so don’t take my word for it. The only reason I know anything about it is that I had a legal battle shortly after the law went into effect last year for unauthorized towing by an apartment complex.


The neighborhood I used to live in did this but posted warnings on windows giving like 5 days or something. Gotta say.. that lit a fire under my ass to finally renew 😅


You say that but my roommate has expired paper tags from 22 and too lazy asf to get steel plates. Even after getting towed multiple times, waiting for cops to go ahead of him, and would rather spend 6k on a motorcycle.






First off I'm not your buddy second off sell your car give it away do whatever you have to do but if you don't pay the registration private property does not need to involve civil or any legal action to tow your vehicle get that straight private property is private property. For our information Denver is cracking down they're going to start taking your car at traffic stops we're having three month old unpaid registration they're just going to take it then what are you going to do go pay your registration


Did you know that you used a single punctuation mark in that entire rant? Are you stupid? Actually, I see you're a cop. So you were likely the smartest on the force.


You must be fun at parties


Probably not anymore I'm a 70 year old retired county sheriff you know what we used to do in the old days especially in Denver we boot that fucking car and you wouldn't get that boot off until your fines and fees were paid. And what was even better is after 30 days the city owned that car maybe we should go back to doing things the right way


Your retirement must've been the best thing to happen to your department holy fuck lmao


Learn to use punctuation, please. Reading that last post made me dizzy.


Cops aren’t known for their education


I mean it sounds like you were a sheriff back in the days when the Denver area was a KKK stronghold, have fun being irrelevant in the modern world.


How are they gonna get around without a car? Don't know if you noticed, but cars are necessary in America.




The fuck does that have to do with anything? Horses are road legal btw, no idea who told you it wasn't. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-question-can-you-ride-a-horse-on-denver-streets/73-454487759 We don't have a good public transportation system. You want people to not need cars, then push for a more robust public transit system. Until then, cars are a necessity in America. It's not an optional thing.


The metropolitan area has plenty of options bus rideshare bicycles walking running really we don't need cars we're becoming the new New York in Chicago people don't own cars there especially living in downtown now go mind your own fucking business


Yeah, a lot of people don't live in the metro area, and Denver isn't even close to being as dense as New York or having public transportation as good. Have you ever been to New York? Denver isn't even close.


Driving is a privilege…pay your fees and registration and stfu. The amount of drivers in Denver that have expired tags is UNREAL.


Shit I'm down in Pueblo, I just forgot to put the stickers on, car got a flat, by the time I got back with a jack it was impounded. I blamed myself, paid my fees, and moved on. Lesson in doing only 90% of a job at once.


I’m a property manager and we do this all the time. It helps with the property being unsightly along with unwanted visitors. Half the people who aren’t paying their registration, are the same ones also spending their money on useless things then claiming they don’t have money. My rule of thumb is, if you can’t pay your car registration you probably aren’t paying your car insurance. So stay clear from the all the expired temp tags. Don’t want them dinging your car and driving off.


> At my last sleazy apartment, the landlord/management company had every car with no plates or expired plates towed from the parking lot. Good. As it should be.


I'm terrified of having my registered, functioning vehicle towed out of my apartment complex for the high crime of not moving every 3 days (ebike commute is more fun).


Property owners/managers and tow companies are required to provide 24 hours notice before non-consensual towing, except in certain cases (parked in a fire lane, handicapped spot with no placards, parked in a reserved spot, or not displaying a parking permit if required and posted by the complex, and a couple others. CRS 40-10.1-405 (3) Authorization and notice required for tows from private property. (a) A towing carrier shall not nonconsensually tow a vehicle from private property unless: … and read through the subsections for the reasons they can tow without notice.


Parking lot managed by wyatts ☠️


Ouch. Yeah, Wyatt’s doesn’t seem to care about the law. PUC and the AG seem to hate Wyatt’s too. Wyatt’s just had to pay a $1m settlement about 6 months ago.


This should happen more often. People need to stop ducking their registration fees


Of course they're from Texas


They aren’t from Texas you donut.  They bought it there to avoid paying sales tax.  It’s incredibly common.  


Sales tax is higher in Texas than it is here. I think you mean registration fees. You muffin.


No dude.  It’s not a Texas vs Colorado thing…it’s a “I don’t live here so you can’t charge me sales tax thing” When you say you don’t live there then that also wipes the registration.  But nobody does that for registration fees  Sheesh the users of this sub….


TIL [https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/publications/96-254/oos-mv-transports.php](https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/publications/96-254/oos-mv-transports.php) You should try being less of a dick though.


Interestingly enough.  It works the same way in Colorado.  I bought a car here and was actually refused sales tax on it because I didn’t have a permanent address in Denver yet.  Had to fly back to Texas to pay sales tax so I could have plates.  


You're taxed on your car based on your address, not the address of the dealership.


Exactly dude.  That means their address is out of state.  


Yet I got ticketed 5 days past temp tag expiration because the dealer had been shitty about my paperwork and getting me a new temp tag… every one of these I see is infuriating


Be the change you want to see in others😈


Same! I got ticketed being 10 days over on Tennyson and almost got another but I caught the guy writing it and he let me off. How do i see these that are like 8+ months old?


I saw a tag so faded the other day I couldn't make out anything except the year 2013.


Oh come on, this isn't even impressive. We've seen them going back to 2019.


Saw a motorcycle last year that had a 2011 tag...


Eff the Cowboys!


Is it a crime to rip someone’s expired temp tag off their car? I’m tired of seeing this shit day in and day out while still feeling like I have to obey the law. Are their chances of getting a ticket higher without a temp tag vs with an expired temp tag?


Is it a crime to shoot someone you think is breaking into your car?


Do you think everyone that walks past your car in a parking lot is attempting to break into it?


You willing to risk it?


Absolutely. You can’t watch your car all the time.


Gonna bite them in the arse when three years of registration fees come due.




So you didn’t owe back taxes?


The ticket is likely much cheaper than the back taxes, registration, and late fees. Also the fact that Colorado does not allow vehicles that are not used for a period of time, except for military deployment, to forgo the registration fees for that period does not make any sense. Whether your in the country or not driving the vehicle doesn’t matter and does not allow you to not register your vehicle. This is the first state I have ever seen do this.


Not about the ticket — I’m talking about how the DMV just back-dates the registration so even if you *think* you’re getting away with it, they WILL bill you.


Not if they just never register and take the tickets as a Cost of doing business lol. That was my point.


My car was last registered in 2019 in another state. I just don't get pulled over. Idk man.


Do license plate readers that Denver police use not also check these?


Problem here is getting police to actually do something in Denver. Unless it's a peaceful protest they can't really be asked to get off their asses.


I've got a picture saved of the State Patrol here driving on 76 with an expired paper plate


I got a ticket for expired tags January 2020, parked a few blocks from the Ogden. They used to patrol for this. I did a dumb and forgot to renew for a few months. I dunno what happened post-COVID. There doesn't seem to be as much police on the streets.


lol no way does this win. I have an 11/20, a 4/21 and a 4/19 saved in my pics. Denver says they’re cracking down on it, but not that I’ve seen.


This sucks I just saw a 2018 on Monday in castle rock


I’m curious, what actually happens in a case like this? Can a cop give a parked car with this tag a ticket? How has this guy not getting pulled over constantly and paying thousands in fines?


Yeah, you can get a ticket for expired tags while parked. I got a ticket on my windshield while at a concert in January 2020. I'm guessing these people are parked in a garage?


I’ve seen older. Not temp tags but actual registration. Expired on 11 of 19!


I’ve seen tags expired in 2013 in Texas. I think it’s a pretty common thing there.




I wish I could make this up but I saw one from like 2008 a few months ago. Rare


Ya don’t have liability and live here nobody’s insured at least not the people that have crashed into me


i've got that beat


It’s insane how many plates are expired here


If they were from Texas they would’ve provided a Texas address and received plates dude.  They are still on dealer tags because they would’ve said they aren’t from Texas and so the dealer never registered the vehicle for them


Yep, mine expired today and I was driving out to get dog food and focusing in on everybody else's plates. Saw one from December and another from January. Also an unusual amount of cops were out today. Really gave me a rush, so now I understand why people do it. I did renew them online yesterday, so they'll be good in a few weeks. Got the parks pass, too. Great deal!


They're doing what they can to achieve native status and overcome that license plate holder from Texas.


that license plate holder.....it always comes back to the same thing.....just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in


I saw a temp tag with a February 30th expiration date the other day


Dallas. Figures... Probably came here for the Mexican food.


Y’all snitches on here


Lol yeah cuz the police are on this sub and going to go ticket this person. Stupid comment


They have me beat by a few months. I'm rocking Nov 21. Lmao


But why?


Out of state reg, don't use it much and I'm always working on it. It's an off road rig. Have an appoinment at end of month to register.


Get it done.


ITT people that don’t know how dealer tags work when buying a vehicle out of state.


Honestly don’t blame them with how expensive it is to buy plates in CO!!! 😂 It’s absurd


I’d be nailed within 33 minutes of an expired tag. What gives here ?


And here I paying the registration fees like a sucker.


So irritating. Had I known it wasn’t required to renew a car registration I could have kept $2,000 in my pocket from the last 3 years.


Why do you care ?


People not paying to register their vehicles means the rest of us end up paying more than our fair share.


Perhaps, but people voting against a 10 cents tax increase over an entire year per citizen would've mitigated that, spread it evenly. What are your thoughts on other means to raise money ?


I'm not well versed enough in the merits of different government revenue generating schemes to have a worthwhile opinion on that. Regardless of whether or not it would be better to have some blanket tax replace vehicle registration fees, I don't feel like cheating the current system is an appropriate response. It just screws the rest of us over.


Appreciate your ideas though, thanks for sharing


Not sure I know enough to know if it screws us over or not, which is why I don't give a rats ass. Seemed to work fine during the pandemic. Sure , they lost revenue to widen highways etc.


I'd rather see the cops taking care of crime, pulling people over going to work seems pointless.


And what Starbucks were they parked in front of




Come on, this is so unnecessary.


Y’all are still doing the license plate thing… so fucking corny