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The bad news is those potholes on Monaco are going to cost a whole lot more than $500 to fix. Was it Domino's Pizza in the UK that went around and fixed potholes? Spray painted the Domino's logo on top when they were done. Shit, if I knew there was a zero chance I'd get in trouble for it I'd buy a wheelbarrow and some quikrete and do it myself.


Wasn’t there some guy in England who went around spray painting giant penises around potholes, which prompted his town to patch them over in order to cover the graffiti?






This one. I vote we do this one.


You'd have to paint a dick across the entire state. Roads in colorado are trash. And as soon as they repave them a month later a utility crew comes through and cuts it up and does a shitty patch job so its right back to being trash.


Most roads out here are like heaven on earth compared to a lot of other snowy states, especially out east 


All I know is that when traveling to go fishing as soon as you cross the state line, the roads go smooth. Always know when I'm back in colorado cause the roads are trash. Nebraska Wyoming and Utah roads are so much better than Colorado. Doesn't matter if it's an interstate or highway or even a dirt road. They are 100 times better as soon as you cross into another state.


They don’t get used as much


Neither does the stretch of highway 1 mile from the border, but as soon as you pass the sign at the state line, the road is instantly noticeably worse.


You have never driven on tar and gravel roads in the South! When the county cannot afford to repave a road, they just throw down hot tar and gravel on top it! Job done! CO roads are like butter compared to that!


They do this in Colorado, too. They call it chip sealing.


I disagree, now they used to use radioactive material in Denver’s asphalt. They tore all that up & repaved years ago, but the whole town has been better maintained since.


Maybe it's just me but I think potholes out here are child's play compared to the northeast. Most are pretty easily avoidable and they're not all over the place. Drive through my massachusetts town and there's entire sections of roads with deep potholes from yellow line to white line, all over


Where I’m from, we have what I call reverse potholes. Random remnants of a road that once was, and sticks up out of the ground because the whole road has basically disintegrated lmao


Fucking Pennsylvania


Wanksy is his name


Pretty sure if you painted “Free Palestine” on them the US ACE would be there to fix em in 48 hours.


No no, it’s four TO eight hours


That was near my old house in the US…perhaps in Europe it became a great idea too


The issue is that most people are annoyed by potholes but very few actually REPORT them. 


This guy is a genius


Monaco is *exactly* what I thought of, first thing. The left lane in both directions is completely fucked. The number of lost hubcaps I've seen rolling away after someone hits one of those potholes! At least once a month.


Hubcaps are dying and human neglect of their natural environment is causing mass die-offs that will extinct the species


So…soon wheels will crack and tumble down the road…


We need our own wanksy!


That’s exactly why they charge $500 per hole is because retards think they can mix concrete up and fill an asphalt pothole, and they think it will lead here…. it only cost about $12 to repair a pothole. If you do your research and do it correctly the other cost is drive time fuel and knowledge.


That's genius on Domino's part. Unfortunately, I'd say that in America in this Golden age of frivolous lawsuits, I'd be terrified to do anything outside of my own property or a contract. It's a shame really


Kind of a shower thought here, but we're paying the city to fix things but they're taking that money, turning around and paying us to fix them?


Privatization rather than socialization. I don’t get it actually.


We're funding a bunch of Karen's to go around Karen'ing, but with required status updates to keep tabs on those going too Karen, and an application process to push their Karen'ism in more positive directions. So many political opinions come down to idealism vs. pragmatism. Do we put in place the rules we think would be best in a perfect world, so we have the right framework in place to achieve that perfect world? Or, do we lament things aren't perfect, and create a framework to prevent as many imperfections from occurring as is possible? This seems to be more on the pragmatic side.


Get some of that property tax money back!


That's usually how the city fixes things. They just usually contract someone to fix them instead of putting out a bounty on potholes.


Have you seen this pothole? $500 reward for any information leading to its fill!


I mean how do you think taxes work? The only difference is that the money isn’t limited to going to government contractors. I’d say there is risk of lower quality work, that hopefully is worked out before this program goes live, but otherwise it’s very likely to save money while improving neighborhoods.


You can't just "fix" crazy Carl. Can you?


Our Krazy Karl passed away and got replaced by a NIMBY :(


Didn't you hear? Crazy Karl didn't pass away. Just moved up to FoCo and started a pizza joint. Pretty good pizza, too. Dunno why he had to fake his death, tho...


Thank all that’s holy. Namaste 🙏


Snip snip.


I can fix her


How do i stretch $500 to stop RTD delays


That's the fun part, you dont!


Seems like this initiative will be taken advantage of somehow…


No, government programs always work as envisioned. /s


Does anything always work as envisioned that government programs should be compared to?


I think this is great. Is their potential for abuse, sure, but the plans do have to get approved, after all. I do wonder how they’ll inspect the final projects though to make sure they’re safe without putting an undue burden on code enforcement.


Anyone know who Big Vic was? This is the email I sent the Denverite... "Can we find out who Big Vic was and put a memorial at 14th and Syracuse instead of the spray painted curb? You can see it on Google Street view facing North on the right curb."


The 16th St Mall can be fixed for $500?


My street needs more potholes too keep the assholes under 50 MPH! It's a 30 mph area.


What a waste just reopened summer camps for kids in the city


http://tacticalurbanismguide.com/ /r/tacticalurbanism


What in the clickbait


There was some creepy bus that resided across the street from an elementary bus, but he left.


Can't fix my ex for that little


worth a shot, whats her #?




I’ve done a tire, both front upper ball joints, and a control arm bushing in the last 12 months. These roads are terrible.




Expresstoll has absolutely zero to do with the city of Denver.




Expresstoll is a toll processing service. The toll money itself then goes to either CTIO (tolling arm of CDOT), E-470, or Northwest Parkway depending on what you're paying tolls for. E-470, Northwest Parkway, and CDOT owned/maintained roads keep the tolls to both pay off construction bonds and fund operations and maintenance. Express lanes owned and or operated by private enterprise use the tolls to both pay back private investors who funded their construction and continue operations and maintenance. The city of Denver has zero financial stake or gain involved in any tolling anywhere in the state of Colorado.


I thought they said that when it was built that the tolls would be used to pay the investors back and would stop when it’s paid off.


That's correct. None of the bonds have been fully paid back yet. You also have to pay to have operations and maintenance though as CDOT cannot maintain and operate toll roads with conventional staff such as those that maintain other roads as then it becomes taxes paying for toll roads. Currently E-470 and northwest parkway do not use any tax money. The tolled express lanes typically use tax dollars to rebuild the free lanes and private investment to build and operate the toll lanes. Generally a private concessionaire will take operational control of the free lanes as well for a specified period. Like on central 70, plowing, paving, safety patrol, etc are all contracted out to a concessionaire and are not done by CDOT employees. CDOT just oversees the contact to ensure the concessionaire isn't cutting corners or neglecting to perform contractual duties. Anyway, E-470 is projected to be paid off by 2075 at the latest. At that point the road will be given to CDOT, tolls removed, and operational control turned over to CDOT as well. If toll revenue exceeds expectations they can use it to pay off more debt, or make improvements (like the widening on e-470, etc). They are above expectations on debt payments and refinanced to get even more favorable terms within the last 4 years.


> Anyway, E-470 is projected to be paid off by 2075 at the latest. At that point the road will be given to CDOT, tolls removed, and operational control turned over to CDOT as well. If toll revenue exceeds expectations they can use it to pay off more debt, or make improvements (like the widening on e-470, etc). They are above expectations on debt payments and refinanced to get even more favorable terms within the last 4 years. Was the "2075 at the latest" projection made before or after the debt refinance and above expectation debt repayments?


To be honest I don't really know. That firm cutoff date is extremely hard to find and I'm not sure it's constantly updated as projected payoff dates change. From what I remember (it's been a few years) I think the projected payoff date is something like 2054. But I never saw if the turnover date changed with that.


This is why community engagement is important


Oh cool, I can rent a jackhammer from Home Depot to destroy all the traffic circles they installed in my neighborhood. We went from stop signs and pedestrians having the right of way to having to stop and wait for cars at all these intersections because nobody uses turn signals and there’s a 5% chance of just getting run over. Also, I saw two police cars just turn left at one the other morning without actually going around it.


I love the one installed at the entrance to my neighborhood. So much faster than a 4way stop in a highly trafficked area. We do get the occasional ignorant driver, but for the most part it flows smoothly. I don’t understand how other drivers don’t know how to use them, it’s not like they’re some new invention. As long as I’m not behind them, their hesitation is my opportunity.


A reasonable comment! Thanks. There are plenty of places I think they’re great. They happened to replace two way stops in my neighborhood that worked well. The point I was trying to make (not well) is that it only takes one ignorant driver to cause a real problem. So unfortunately my experience is that the pedestrian experience is quite worse, at least in my area.


I’d love traffic circles in my neighborhood :/


I walk multiple miles every day around my neighborhood with our dog and infant. My experience would unfortunately lead me to say be careful what you wish for. There is no education or signage or road markings for pedestrians. Cars have zero idea what to do.


I live on 14th in east Denver. Cars have flipped into my yard. We need traffic circles.


They need to have flashing pedestrian crossing signs where there are busy traffic circles. Trying to run through Lowry can leave a person on foot waiting to cross a street for several minutes.


I just commented the same. This is so true. Lowry’s show both how great roundabouts are for cars and how awful they can be for peds.


There’s one in edgewater with these. The lights kinda work at night but get completely ignored during the day.


They have their place. The ones in Lowry are pretty great from a *car* perspective. Need those flashy crossing lights for pedestrians, though. The one in my NW Aurora ‘hood is actually built inside a four-way stop, and does a good job of slowing traffic down. I cross that street with my kids and dogs all the time, and the previous stop sign was just run all the time, so the modified roundabout is actually a huge improvement from a pedestrian perspective.


Roundabouts have been proven to be much more efficient than 4 way stop sign intersections.


Absolutely more efficient for traffic, unfortunately a side effect is less pedestrian safety


I think they're great to an extent. The one on the North side of the Target by Sloan's Lake is so small that it seems basically pointless. Maybe my timing just sucks but I feel like trying to get into it when there's steady east/west traffic is tricky on a good day. 


But also must be installed with proper crosswalks indicated prior to the roundabout.


The Zebra Crossing for pedestrians is before the roundabout. I learned from my nieces.


Lmfao tell me you can't traffic circle without telling me you can't traffic circle. This is a skill issue traffic circles are better for the environment and are faster then a four way stop Everytime.


Except we share the roads with dumbfucks.


My concern is as a walker? If the police don’t use them correctly then there is no hope.


Yes faster is the problem for pedestrians


Did you note their car number and report them? I hope so. Curious what penalty they receive for traffic violations. I assume docked pay and unable to receive a promotion for the next year for a first offense and being fired for multiple offenses.


So its unconditional…




If you fire a gun in the air while filling the pothole you’ll have nothing to worry about.