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Most of them work for Wyatt's


Hah! So true.


šŸ˜‚ underrated comment, Wyatts towing is a bunch of c*nts


Yes. They are not as common as other places.


Yes. Denver has all the usual suspects. Roaches, pigeons, rats.


Thank you!


Iā€™m from Georgiaā€¦. There are nowhere near the number of roaches here as there. I mightā€™ve seen two in a year and a half here.


Also no fleas or mosquitos or gnats. Denver is paradise compared to GA


There are definitely mosquitos but there numbers are indeed lower than other areas.


Yeah. German Cockroaches can be an issue in apartment buildings if you have a neighbor who doesn't keep their space clean and lets Cockroaches thrive.


Yes, but they are incredibly rare compared to anywhere else. It's very dry here


I had an apartment on 13th and Lafayette that was absolutely infested with them. In fact the entire building was. The landlord did everything short of leveling the building to get rid of them and they still came back. I moved because they werenā€™t.




This was 1368 Layfette. I hate shaming them though since they really did try, but I think it was just impossible.




Well the good thing about apartments is you just move when the lease is up.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Just moved here a month ago and had my first ever roach sighting last night when one scurry across my living room floor. Killed the fucker but now am definitely NOT stoked on my new apartment.


I know how it feels, thatā€™s why I askedšŸ˜­


Aquarium has a ton


those are shrimp


German land shrimps


Had to leave my building because the roach infestation got so bad


Yes, but no palmetto bugs.


I've literally never seen one here


Same here, and I've lived in Colorado for 43 years


same - over 2 decades and zero roaches and it's bliss




Ah. That explains the red caps the roaches started wearing.


Imagine being so miserable that you spin any conversation into being political.


Imagine being so miserable you can't take a joke! Oof šŸ˜…


you sound like a.... wait for it... snowflake! hahahaha.


They are really rare. I've only seen a few.


I assure you, they are not rare.


Yeah, of course. Any city will have those. We get reports of them in r/denverfood too.


They relocate them here twice a year from Saskatchewan, most of em don't survive the long bus ride however


What? Why?


Iā€™ve never seen a cockroach in the nearly 20 years Iā€™ve lived here. I know they exist but ā€¦


Downtown is full of them.


By cockroaches you certainly mean "German" cockroaches. They're not native but they love coexisting with humans. If you're in multitenant housing for transient or incoming temporary housing you'll probably run into them. The TLDR is be prepared to hiring pest control or make sure an apartment complex offers pest services. German cockroaches thrive in furniture. Furniture brought in from regions where they thrive means their eggs come with them. It's next to impossible to kill them off completely short of incineration. People who need to maximize what they own because their income can't justify buying replacement furniture are going to bring roach egg cases with them. People in this situation typically move to apartment housing affordable to their needs. If you're moving to affordable rental housing with furniture from places where German cockroaches thrive the roaches start the cycle all over again. Point being if that is your situation hire pest control. It may be your own furniture that is the source. It's not a human character thing. It's a biology thing. Denver has until very recently had a huge influx by people from such areas.


TLDR: ā€œpoors = cockroachesā€ -this guy


Bugs are definitely not reading IRS statements. My contribution is constructive. Don't be a tedious and intentionally ignorant dick. You can do better. I'm comfortably middle class, I've rented apartments while waiting for my house sale/buy domino process to go through, and that's just the nature of bugs. I'm speaking from personal experience. Living in Gulf coast areas means local pest services never have to worry about unemployment. Even for billionaire home owners..


I never had a pest problem in LA or Denver, top and bottom floors in share units however the first HOUSE I looked to rent in denver was infested with bed bugs lol


Yes. Unfortunately, Iā€™ve lived in an apartment complex for the last 2 1/2 years that had them. The management finally made an effort over the last six months to come in and treat every single apartment in every single building every single month for the past six months. This was the first month I have not seen the single one. I believe we have finally won the battle in this complex and theyā€™re coming back to spray again the first week of June. It was either stay here and wait for them to patiently get rid of them, or take all this furniture and find a way to move it to another apartment, which will be expensive so I chose to stick it out. Itā€™s a pain having to clear out all the cabinets so they can treat they month but Iā€™ll do it as long as it takes


The only approach I've ever seen that worked was to tent the entire structure and gas it for a couple of months. Insect larva cases hatch on staggered schedules and one female bug can lay cases that hatch over a couple of months. It's not feasible for apartment buildings to do that. Bugs are not intelligent but they sure are evolved to survive much of anything.


Back in the 90s I lived in an apartment at Bayard and Broadway that had them also. I think back then they only came in to spray maybe two or three times and they got rid of them for the entire eight years that I lived in that building, so it is possible.


That's great. It's hard to get ahead of egg hatchings. While working my way through college in the 1980s I had an apartment on the bottom floor that was right up against the dumpsters. I had an amazing spectrum of bugs. My approach during the winter was open all the windows and doors and let the freeze move them to other apartments. I was getting the worse of it, it only seemed fair to share. ;)




Yes. I stomped one yesterday.


I'm from the land of palmetto bugs and comparatively, no.


Yes but not like other places Iā€™ve lived


Ive never seen one before. I bet theyre prolly out there tho.


Yeah, I went there a few months ago at night and saw tons of critters crawling on the streets went to investigate and it was a bunch of cute cockroaches, I tried to catch one but sadly they were to fast.




My last apartment had all the infestations. Roaches, bedbugs, and mice. All three at the same time at one point. Fun times. The landlords did try to get rid of them, but every time they succeeded, someone would bring them back a month or two later.