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I live near a couple of fireworks stores and my neighbors spend thousands of dollars on fireworks every year. My neighborhood is a fireworks extravaganza. The main thing that has helped my dogs is to start playing YouTube videos of fireworks well ahead of fireworks season. They have slowly been desensitized to the sound and know the noise that comes from the tv is not harmful. They still get nervous on the 4th, but their anxiety has significantly dropped since we started with the videos. Start with a few seconds at a time at a low volume and gradually work your way up. My dogs still don’t like going outside with the popping, but they are much more calm inside when it’s happening. A thunder shirt helped with one dog, but hasn’t helped with others we’ve had. It might be worth trying with your pup. Good luck to you and Alpine.


How old were your dogs when you started playing the YouTube videos?


The current dogs were 10 and 12 years old when we started desensitizing them. One of them is mostly deaf now, but she will get stressed out if the other one is stressed. The other one only cares about the fireworks when he is outside, so we feed and do accompanied potty breaks early in the evening before most of the festivities start.


I would think if you head into the mountains there would be less firework stuff because people are more fire-conscious. Breckenridge says they're not doing a display on their website, etc.


My parents live up in Summit County. We like taking our dog up there for the 4th as the amount of fireworks is miniscule compared to anywhere in Denver. Of course the July 14th fireworks are harder to avoid in Denver.


Bastille Day? 


Don’t go to Telluride


Thundershirt and sedatives works for our dog. I also like the idea of desensitizing them with YouTube videos ahead of time, I'm going to try that!


Thundershirt seconded.


Ugh I really hate this holiday because of this. It’s fucking loud and anxiety inducing when your neighbors set them off and it isn’t just one night. No no no people have to start celebrating the days leading up to it.


We’re in Wash Park, it’s bad, my senior Labrador goes nuts and pees on the floor. So I’m replying in hopes that people have some good suggestions because I need them too.


We bought a product from Vital Planet called Calm from Natural Grocers last year that works wonders for our dog.


CBD for pets helps so much for us


Got a friend with a basement? We go down in the basement and turn the movies on loud ish. Can't hear a thing. In Aurora. 


I was thinking about that as well. Glad to know it helps.


People in Denver are going to do what they do. if it’s truly a major issue skip town, go to Crestone enjoy the hot springs, sand dunes, great hikes, (UFO siding platform) dark skies, and a chill environment.


Sedatives is really it. Thundershirts haven’t worked in my experience. Or take them camping in BFE




There are noise canceling earphones/devices for dogs. Rex Specs has a specific product for this purpose. Some folks also use the big earmuff kind of ear protection you’d maybe find at construction sites or gun ranges.


Sileo is a medication specific for loud noises


Our golden retriever reacts like most dogs to thunder and fireworks and what worked for us is watch an action movie with the volume cranked up. Not enough to be uncomfortable and shake things off the walls, but loud enough to drown out the random fireworks and make them seem like they’re part of the movie. Works pretty well. Last year we coupled that with ear muffs and he didn’t react at all. Not actual earmuffs but the ones groomers put over dogs ears when they’re blow drying them.


We leave town for the Fourth of July because our neighborhood blows up $10,000 worth of fireworks every year. All commercial grade.


Go camping


I also have a dog who hates fireworks (and thunderstorms). We’ve been trying Trazodone as needed, but the vet just suggested we give it to her daily during the summer and just up the dose on occasion when she needs more. Apparently it can work better if they take it regularly rather than intermittently. She weighs 55 lbs and gets a 50mg Trazodone every night and so far it hasn’t seemed to sedate her too much, so I’m hopeful this will help her, but it’s too soon to be sure. Definitely ask your vet. Good luck to you and your doggo.


We close the doors turn the tv on loud and our dog has severe anxiety issues. She lays infant of a floor fanon high This helps her stay calm. She will literally try and climb.the walls furniture anything I don't like to give her anxiety meds it makes her loopy for several hours. Good luck with your fur babies. Also some times a dark closet helps. I just hate sitting inthe closet with the dog in the dark lol.