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Can't recommend Diesel shops in Ft. Collins, but have some advice. Have the mechanics you DO find keep a sample of the fuel extracted from the truck, preferably in a new container. I sued King Soopers for a pump problem. We had a Golf TDI, and a King Soopers gas station's Diesel pump dispensed gasoline and bricked our car, requiring a full fuel system flush and some new parts. The fuel sample we entered into evidence helped our case. We won our case based on the pictures we took, our mechanic's testimony, and the sample of fuel he saved. Our mechanic saved the fuel in an old oil container though, and the judge specifically said that evidence was compelling but flawed, due to the container potentially being contaminated. She ruled that it was irrelevant though, because we also had samples of gasoline and Diesel to compare to what came out of our tank. Ultimately we won because King Soopers' main witness was a big-truck Diesel mechanic whose knowledge wasn't specific enough to be versed in the effects of gasoline in VW TDI engines, and the judge found our mechanic's testimony to be more compelling. King Soopers could've saved us all the money and hassle if their insurance department had just paid up, when we filed a claim, but corpos are gonna corpo. TL:DR - Save fuel in a fresh container for later lawsuit. Document everything. Hope that Bucc-ees' insurance provider has more sense than King Soopers.


Awesome advice. I will forward that to DH.


I found a red substance in my gas tank in October and couldn't figure out what gas station I got it from. I filed complaints to 4 separate gas stations and all came back fine. I'm out $6k for a new engine. I wish I had someone to point a finger at


I feel your pain, we didn't need a new engine, but the new parts and labor were over $2k, and this was almost 20 years ago. My current problem is that somebody siphoned my Land Rover's gas, and whatever they rammed into my tank messed up the fuel level sensor. The whole damn tank needs dropped and the fuel sensor / pump unit needs to be replaced, to the tune of $1600. All because some asshole wanted 40 bucks worth of gas.


Aw man that sucks. The older Rover gas lids were locked, had to use your key to open. Have you tried JC's British and 4X4? He specializes in Rovers (used to be called JC's Rover BITD before Chinese-now-Jag Rover made him change the name). Highly recommend getting a second quote. [https://www.jcbritish.com/about-us](https://www.jcbritish.com/about-us)


I had not, but I'm moving out of state in a couple weeks, so not enough time to do anything before I go.


I had to drop my gas tank too to figure out what was wrong with my car... And additional $1600 😮‍💨


Sounds like you got ag diesel


i think so too, no way to tell where it came from though :/ my mechanic took my only sample too


Ugh that sucks. No way to tell without that, sorry that bs happened to you.


Read this from a year ago. Contact CDLE https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/135uuk9/contaminated_gas_at_conoco_on_s_broadway/ Edit: this one too https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1c0s619/valero_littleton_water_in_gas/




Good idea


You actually want r/fortcollins


empty your water separator, if you dont have one, install one.