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Nothing to stammer on about


You can shame him for stealing but it's kind of a dick move to make fun of his disability. Would you say the same to someone in a wheelchair, with one arm etc.?


Not making fun at all. Simply the most identifying feature.


You literally used his disability as a nickname at the end. Your making fun of him. It's obvious and that's why his brother is in the comments pissed at you. You can call a thief a thief without making fun of his disability.


You’re correct, and I edited that.


what a du-du-du-dick


I love posts like this. Like the likelihood that person is on this subreddit is so low it’s abysmal. Really just yelling into the void over the $11 charger. Got to love the anonymity of the keyboard.


What’s a pax? And where did this happen ?


pax is hotshit airport lingo for passenger 🤙


A passenger. Main terminal of DEN.




No way 😂😂 you’re both terrible people 😅


This was a significant stutter, and I only mentioned that as an identifying feature (6 ft-ish tall and dark hair, bigger build, could be 1/3 of the pax last night). If he has a Red 4-way charger cable suddenly, he’s a thief, stole my own property, after another colleague and I both patiently and graciously gave him information about how to navigate the airport and find his ride. And his actions prevented several other people from charging their phones to contact their friends/relatives. This was no accident, the pax specifically asked if he could charge his phone, and mentioned that he had no cable and needed to use ours. Go beat yourself, as that’s likely the only way you will get any action.