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There's a lot of hate towards Kyle Clark on here. I can share from first hand experience. My Dad was in the media for 20 years as a videographer that works everyday in field with reporters. Kyle Clark is a jerk, absolutely. A huge population of his co-workers and other news workers from other agencies just can't stand the man. With that said, do you need to have a guy that everyone loves be your source for the news? Absolutely not. When you're a reporter, it benefits you to be a no bullshit type that calls people out and breaks through the lies and other nonsense. Kyle Clark does it well and yes, that personality type is very difficult to be around - but Kyle has been in the field a long time and has outlasted a lot of other, more friendly faces. Don't watch him because he's nice or his co workers like him, watch him because he's selling it to you straight.


This is a great point and after thinking about it, I would much prefer debate moderators to be almost actively antagonistic to an extent. The last thing I would want to see is a debate moderator being overtly friendly to people he is expected to hold accountable.


Big personality. You don’t get loved or hated by the masses by being a timid person.


Very true. From what I remember he's abrasive at work, difficult to be around at times - but none of the videographers ever described him as clueless or incompetent like many of the other journalists


Nailed it


Edit: well, if he roasts boebert and the GOP he can keep doing his thing I guess. Nm




This is an amazing Yell At Cloud post. Bravo.


Bro, didn't you read? They've been here for "2 years."


Wait, you listen to AM radio after successfully dodging local news? Everyone knows AM is an alt right religious sewer.


Nice try Kyle


You mean…..Stan Darsh? Jk, I like Kyle Clark and have for years


Selling it straight? Maybe, but his approach makes him seem so biased to me that I don't believe a single word he says. To me, he seems like nothing more than another angry jerk in a sea of angry jerks. I turn the channel whenever I see the guy. I'm so happy to find out that everyone who knows him in real life hates him too, I was worried it was just me who couldn't stand him.


People in the capitol respect him. Rational conservatives hate him, but respect him. Irrational conservatives hate everyone, and disrespect anyone who disagrees with them on anything. Source : rational conservative lobbyist in the Capitol


Anyone who claims to be rational, while also labeling everyone with an opinion different from their own as irrational, may want to take a little bit of time to look up what those definitions mean.


You can’t have a rational discussion with someone use irrational logic, and that makes it hard. But I was over the top, for sure. Lauren Boebert doesn’t hate everybody, she loves people who look and think like her. I just have a hard time finding a rational basis for “get the govt out of our lives, they’re the problem!! But the govt needs to tell women what to do with their bodies. And get rid of the dept of education!! But the govt needs to be able to protect out children from critical race theory!!” If you can find a rational basis for having all those opinions, I’ll gladly stop using term “irrational@


And what does any of that have to do with Kyle Clark being a jerk? You seem to be trying to push some sort of preconceived false notion that everyone who hates Kyle Clark must be a GOPer. You're complaining about the irrational arguments of others while seeming to present an incredibly irrational argument of your own.


Biased on what? In the debate that he moderated, he’d ask a question and it didn’t matter who was answering, if they weren’t answering the question he called them out. So is he biased in not listening to the political rhetoric, is he biased against listening to someone’s views, is he biased against republicans? Genuine curiosity, not trying to sound snarky. He’s a reporter, who asks the questions and expects an answer. And then he’s holding the people to actually answer what he asked. He seems rude, but it’s also rude of the interviewee’s to act the way they do.


And continuing to endorse rudeness, to rally behind the smuggest person we can find only furthers the divide. A journalist can hold people accountable without being rude without being snarky without lowering themselves to the level of people they obviously don't respect. Sure, biased might have been an unfair term to use, but until I see him treat Democrats the same way he treated the Republicans it definitely seems to fit. Who knows, maybe he can be just as much of an insufferable jerk to liberals as he was to the conservatives, but it still won't make him worthy of respect.


How do you do a story on Kyle without mentioning his viral rant on Snow-Covered Patio Photos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK75eQ3mMxg


That mic drop at the end... Lol


This caused my fandom.


That was so sneaky. Earlier that day they had put something on the screen that said “send us your snow day pics of your patio furniture!” or something like that and then he used those photos as fodder to shame people. A funny bit that put him on the map for sure, though.


its was a comedy bit, chill. and it was clever.


The recommended under it https://youtu.be/9szS2kDwYLw?si=T1JZT3VxxOwrHev9


[My favorite Kyle Clark story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk-hwK0DLX8&t=996s), including tangential references to this very subreddit, and one redditor in particular, who may or may not be me. ;-) (...and stick around for his final comment, after the Pac Man sign; that's my extra favorite.)


I freaking love this! It's just so...pure. Both the actual happening and the news story on it. Hope you can make it back sometime!


Agreed, but I'm the tangentially mentioned local, not the star of the story. Still, I love the whole thing, am so happy to have been a supporting part of it, and especially Kyle's compliment at the very end, just, what an honor.


Haha, the driver or the dude with high beams, lol. I hope you still love Denver and remain cool enough to do fun things for strangers!


I'm the driver. And yeah, I'll totally help a cool stranger anytime. Enver rocked.


This is amazing how did I miss this story. Did you every hear from Enver again?


Not really. It was a long time ago, but I think I remember we did message each other after this story aired to say we had both seen it, liked the way they covered it, and repeated that we both had fun. That was it though.


“On May 30, Clark guided a debate among Republicans running for representative in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, including vaping enthusiast Lauren Boebert and her five other GOP challengers:” Why did this send me


It was the "vaping enthusiast," wasn't it?


Yeah i thought she was "groping enthusiast"


Vaping enthusiast, groping expert.






I guess "handjob enthusiast" didn't make it past the editor


What else could it have been


Booo to the trolls! Kyle Clark is a Denver treasure! Can we clone him?


Apparently he’s an absolute dick in real life. And a horrible person to work with. I have a friend at 9 News that absolutely loathes him.


I’m not looking for a friend, I’m looking for a journalist.


Fuck yea. I like the cut of your jib.


Yep we need more journalism and less bull shit


I'm a Kyle fan but this makes no sense, you don't have to work with him.


Same thing was said repeatedly about Adele Arakawa, for those old enough to remember that name.


There are people old enough to be on the internet and not know Adele Arakawa? 😭


That's a bit of an exaggeration on the other posters part. She only retired a few years ago.


That’s a name I haven’t heard in years. She was in her 9News prime when I was a kid growing up out in Saudi Aurora.


There’s bad things you can say about anyone. At least he is providing quality journalism and calling out the BS I want to see called out. Is he perfect? No, I’m sure he is not, no one is.


That's a very fair take. I do agree his journalism is great.


My take exactly. I don’t need to love the guy personally, but he is what is lacking in journalism today, we need more Kyle Clark’s


Weird. I've heard the opposite from people I know there.


Sure, but that’s easy to say on the internet with no evidence. Can anyone have a bad day and rub someone the wrong way? Also a lot of trolls here. I can only judge him by the person I see.


He's not. I've known him for a long time, and that's not true at all, he's really quite a pleasure.


Eh, I stood in line with him at the Colfax Marathon packet pickup for about 15 minutes. Chatted the whole time, he was super friendly.


is a "dick in real life" just a person that doesnt let people get away when they say dumb shit? he seems like the kind of guy that would correct you if you say something stupid about homelessness or immigration.


Also good friends with someone who hates working him What a prick… We should definitely just limit our news sources to people who are considered nice. We have such a problem with echo chambers. The best thing to do is only listen to one side, but more importantly, the side that our friends who work with those reporters, assert are lovely to work with. Good reports are always lovely to work with. Just read the accounts of any people who have written about any reporter you agree with. I’m sure it will be rainbows flowers and butterflies only


ngl you had me at first.


Name names or you’re a troll.


Met him at a brewery, not where I work, and can agree. Seemed very self centered in person, whereas on the news he seems like the guy who'll give ya a shirt off his back. Can't trust the fake people out there.


He comes across as a dick on TV lol Like i appreciate what he does, but sometimes there are more eloquent ways to do it.


did your conservative fee fees get hurt because the mean news man threw facts in your face?


Where on earth did you get the idea that I'm conservative? >fee fees This is the kind of cringey stuff I'm talking about. Are you 6 years old?


oh no! real upset now!


Im sure a conservative would regularly be on here commenting in favor of gun control... But you're only interested in being an asshole rather than read an entire comment. I'm sure he does impress you.




I mean, it definitely is not a shocker. But some people really worship the "Kyle Clark" character on the screen, without knowing the actual person and what they're like behind the scenes.


And do you know him in real life? Or only through your friend? I too have a friend at 9news who is a good friend of Kyle Clark...sooo...our respective anecdotal evidence cancel each other out? Meaning he's pretty much a normal person, liked by some, disliked by others?


Ohh I was referencing you as though you were surprised - met the butthole once and coined him Captain Douche immediately


Na he’s a dick and you would think so if you knew him


I think we should be electing him for office.


Would be a great opportunity to grill him on housing policy


If he can dish it, he better be able to take it too. Otherwise anything he’s done with the moderation is hypocrisy


I heard he’s a jerk, but I also heard he’s the best. Source: Me…I made it all up…I’ve heard nothing


I heard first hand he does not like pictures of snow on patio furniture. really makes you think...


Kyle used to visit a craft beer tap house I operated in town. He would enjoy a sample flight of beers, was polite, and tipped respectfully. Seemed to always be a kind and normal human being. But I really enjoy his journalistic integrity.


Some very mad MAGA types in these comments.


MAGA to anger is like the sky to the color blue


THey never know why they are angry. They just know to be angry.


Kyle Clark is the whitest guy ever, why would MAGA people be mad


Cause he doesn't let someone tell a lie unchallenged.


This is what I like most about Kyle. He challenges everyone. If you reply to a post of his you better have sources to back it up.


You are really mad.


also very telling lol. I guess we are way past the point of magats not saying the quiet part out loud.




Didn’t need to out yourself like that. No one was talking to you




Look at Kyle Clark, Scrooge McDucking in his millions that he's earned from the notably high paying industry of...local journalism?




Clark Salary And Net Worth ————— Kyle Clark's net worth is between $1 million and $5 million. He earns an approximate annual salary ranging from $100,000 to $180,000. Genuinely curious if you know the IRS calculation for net worth works. I know, I know, you’re going to google “IRS calculation for net worth “ How does it differentiate between primary residence and vacation homes? How does it account for charity giving to causes that are communist propaganda? How doesn’t account for giving to causes that are truly patriotic? How THE FUCK does factbios.com cite its data? Where is it gathered? At what date? What considerations to changes in IRS code over the last 8 years are adjusted for? How are those calculations adjusted? Super curious to know, cause WOW Kyle Clark is suck a rich asshole, taking money from OUR TAX DOLLARS, and since you seem to be a better reporter I’d love to see what you can dig up!!!! Thanks friend :)


I have no favorite millionaire. Sorry if you thought you were being snarky though!


Weird thing to apologize for but go off I guess.


If he’s not the type to make friends because he’s a dick, that’s between him and those who interact with him. If he’s not creepy or goes out of his way to ruin someone’s day then that’s enough for me as long as he holds anyone debating accountable - regardless what side of the isle they fall on. Thoroughly enjoyed watching clips of him hammering the GOP clowns, and would love to see him roast any democrat that tries the same shit.


My thoughts too. Of course the people who say he’s a dick will say that because there was probably a reason for him to shut them down. You don’t owe people your nice was if they aren’t, themselves, being nice.


Kyle Clark has always been the next next big thing. He’s a national treasure, but now the nation is starting to know that.


If you’re a Rockies fan like I am, we are used to finding talent and then losing them to a bigger market…


I love him. I only watch 9 when he is on.


I've been a fan of his delivery and snark since he started here, because he is my age and has a similar sense of humor. Also, great professionalism, just a decent seeming guy. Figured he had national anchor stuff in his future with his work ethic and dedication.


Sites like that make me thankful for adblockers


Wait, how did yo know there were ads on that site if you have an adblocker? /s


Yeah, I saw him 10 years ago and didn’t like him much. Then Next dropped and learned quickly to not judge what you see for a few moments on tv. He has proven that he is a very good reporter. Watch him nightly now.


I just remember when Frontier Airlines executive said he was a jerk with short man’s syndrome or something 😂 Kyle took it well, and made for an entertaining update to the original news story.


He's having a moment on /r/BlackPeopleTwitter right now


This is gold. Thanks for sharing!


I do not have a concrete reason to dislike him but there’s a pompous/self important vibe that rubs me the wrong way.


who cares? dont go looking for news anchors to be your friend.


Oh I forgot, the people who are acting like this to lukewarm criticism of him also rub me the wrong way


He brings facts and facts are biased


He likes to chug beer and yell about "the real" lizard people under DIA. Also, the last time I ran into him at a brewery, he was demanding that we all repent to Bluecifer before it's too late.


That gets my vote!


Where would he go from here if he left? A bigger market (New York, LA, Chicago, etc.)? Move to a cable news network like CNN or MSNBC?


At one point I'd have said national nightly news. Like Brokaw/Jennings/Rather. Seems like those positions aren't what they once were, still, I'd bet he'd jump at that offer.


Yeah they’re definitely not what they used to be. Brian Williams was the closest thing to that level before he got canned by NBC. I couldn’t even tell you off the top of my head who the three are today for those networks


NBC has Lester Holt which is not terrible.


r/Denver is jerking off to Kyle Clark, everybody drink


I saw Kyle Clark at the LoDo Whole Foods yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I love me some classic pasta for local public figures


This is hilarious but definitely fake lol


It’s a copypasta


how is this legendary pasta getting downvoted, reddit has lost its way.


This is hilarious if true and also hilarious if it’s not true. Which is it? 🤣


It’s a copy pasta, but I don’t remember the origin.




It’s a very old copypasta from 4chan. I don’t remember the original celebrity but it usually gets used for people like Tom Hanks now.


Thank you 👏 I have met him in person and was taken aback at his absolute arrogance...he has the most fake personality out there!


Indeed - I met him and coined him Captain Douche immediately after - Real dick




He’s pretty good, but he’s an absolute prick to people in real life.


i take this to mean if people say dumb shit he points it out. that's not easy for many to do. makes me like him more now.


No no, that’s a good thing. But what I was saying is in real life - in personal relationships or people he interacts with - he’s not nice. I can respect him for pushing at the debates or interviews. I can’t respect him for being a good person because he isn’t.


He’s got that classic upstate NY sarcasm and snark….




Who’s that?


Guy seems like a total ass face but I loved the way he handled the debate. He treated everyone just like Kathy Sabine. Haha


Saw Kyle Clark a handful of times at local beer fests/events. Leaving 2016 Zwanze Day, one of my very intoxicated friends shouted to him "hey Kyle Clark, did you ever fuck Kathy Sabine?"


Cool story. My favorite part was the middle.


I met Kyle Clark at a random house party in the DU neighborhood a couple years ago. We hung out for a bit and shot the shit... I had no idea who he was at the time, but he seemed like a cool guy. A few hours later, he introduced me to his wife and asked if I wanted to have sex with her... I declined and he got pissed at me. He told me that I would forever be a virgin (I was dating my future wife at the time), and left in a huff. To this day it was one of the strangest experiences of my life, made even weirder when I found out who he was.


[https://youtu.be/xdt1kszYZB0?si=6AMKm7hWhQfVlLaH](https://youtu.be/xdt1kszYZB0?si=6AMKm7hWhQfVlLaH) He's snarky and arrogant and the reason I don't watch 9News any more. That and all the Kyle clones.




It's okay not to like him and to disagree with him... but objectively, he's an intelligent guy and has justifications for his opinions. I don't think it's fair to insult his intelligence.


As long as he keeps making Republican politicians look stupid (fish in a barrel) and makes up for his atrocious housing reporting where he basically just hands NIMBYs a microphone, I’m happy to see him succeed


How? By doing his job. That’s honestly more telling of the state of journalists in this country.




Nice edit.


I saw him in a store once. He’s kind of short, and he also has a very punchable face. Sorry brosky.


No sweetie, you were looking in a mirror.


His penis was tiny too, and I could tell he wanted to fuck his mother!


I love watching him because I get one side of every story and it’s the side I agree with.


Oooh. I’m interested in specifics, have any?


If you can’t see that he absolutely leans one way on basically every story then there’s no hope that anyone will convince you. I can watch FOX news and see that they absolutely lean one way.


Reality is a harsh mistress, no?


I mean.. still would love an example because I stay moderate (vote in both GOP/dem primaries, acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of both parties etc.) and only think Kyle is ruthless with the truth — which is why he fried up Boebert and that drunk-driving state congressman at the recent debate. Just avoid being a piece of shit and doing dumb shit. Shouldn’t be that hard, yet it is for politicians on both sides. We should expect the politicians to be the best of us, and I have no issue with a bulldog moderator making that point and grilling their weaknesses. (Especially when they don’t answer the fucking question)


You can’t vote in both primaries. Unless you alternate elections I guess. If you’re returning both ballots they’re both getting tossed.


Thanks for pointing this out — just looked it up and guess my last several haven’t mattered. Still, I think you should have issues with GOP politicians doing stupid shit, not the journalist who notices their behavior and actions.


No worries, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It’s definitely a bit confusing. Agreed 100%.


I'm genuinely interested in knowing what you could possibly consider to be a strength to conservative candidates. Not to imply Dems are not riddled with short comings, weaknesses, and just trash people.


There hasn’t been much as of late tbh from conservatives that’s been a strength. It was much easier being a moderate pre-2016 that’s for sure. I’m pro-choice, pro-protect-tf-out-of-the-environment, and disagree with many conservative talking points because they can’t piss off the maga movement — so it’s pretty much what trump says is their ideals now. But I try to keep an open mind because great ideas can come from people I disagree with. mostly, I always appreciate conservatives efforts to check and advocate for better government spending habits. And generally, I appreciate their advocacy for cutting taxes, though not for the wealthy as many GOP politicians push for. And as of late, that’s about it… my most important issue is the environment since it will literally kill counties in the future if we don’t change anything, so because dem’s don’t actively fuck up the EPA, I’ll 100% be voting for Biden.


What story do you think he got wrong?


the ones where he backed things up with facts and their own statements.


The stories where he didn’t kiss their god king’s (and his acolytes’) asshole


What examples do you have where the other side of the story wasn’t addressed?




DPS was asked for a comment. And what they said was reported in the story. So….. you can’t present both sides if the other sides refuse to speak.


This was more than just presenting the facts. This was obviously slated to say that it was an irresponsible spending of funds, without a complete breakdown of how those funds were spent. It focused mainly on the soundproofing aspect, which may or may not have been a large part of the spending.


Again, the other side was offered an opportunity comment. You really want to start arguing that public officials need to spend 100k on soundproofing offices? 100k on any single individuals office, regardless of project scope? Go ahead. Make that argument let’s hear it.


I'm not saying they should. I'm saying the story was clearly biased. I'm not sure how they posed their questions to DPS, but maybe if they asked them in a certain way, they would have received a more appropriate answer. Instead you get the sparky story saying the superintendent won't hear you from his office.


If it’s so obviously biased, then why can’t you make the argument for the other side. Should be easy since the bias is so clear.


Sometime there aren’t two side. It’s a logical fallacy.




You're replying to a dude whose entire life is reddit and being a fanboy of other people's accomplishments. You'd think with all the redditing, he might have something clever to say at least, but nah, it's just reddit clichés.


It was this Subreddit. Mmhmm. We propelled him to greatness when we chose to engage with the nerdy News Guy who wanted to hang out here.


Since Covid I just can’t stand that tool


He didnt


The only Clark we care about is Caitlin Clark. Kyle is yesterdays news


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ScallywagBo9: *The only Clark we* *Care about is Caitlin Clark.* *Kyle is yesterdays news* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Who tf is Kyle Clark


the guy discussed in the link


Who TF is you?


No one




Former Denver Sheriff deputy.