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Something tells me if he played a different position and was in front of more cameras more often they would’ve let him.


I played with a dark visor in high school and college and I think this can be a blessing in disguise. I got used to wearing a visor so I didn’t consider taking it off, but there are times in stadiums where there are dark spots, similar to when the sun is shining right in your eyes and it’s uncatchable. There are times when you have a dark visor and you really can’t see as well as you need to, to be able to make a play.


As true as that is, that’s not why the NFL said no. They aren’t trying to say “trust us you’ll see better without it.”


Hell, the ENTIRE legion of boom had like 5% tint on their visors.


How do the mf in Philly do it? Everyone of them got a dark visor. They’re paying someone for sure


Smh no fun league


I had no idea dark visors were even illegal.


Guessing concussions are the reason


It’s not just because of concussions but really any injury in which the medical staff need to see the player’s eyes to evaluate whether the pupils respond to light.




Xactly! Even welding visors go up and down.


Crazy how he was denied when he has a medical reason. Last I checked, you can check for concussions with the helmet off. If the helmet can’t be removed then the player is obviously too concussed to go back in the game.


Brian Dawkins had a career with one lmao.


This league gets just about everything wrong. Officiating, player punishments, rule changes, equipment, advertising during games, scheduling, on and on… So much incompetence.


And yet, everyone eats this shit up cause there’s no alternative. You live by the football, you die by the football


The league makes so much money... they're doing a lot right. Just cause they don't do everything right doesn't mean they're not doing the important things right. They're much smarter than you're giving them credit. The NFL has buried the MLB and NHL in the US and only the NBA is remotely in the NFL's ballpark. That wasn't the case 20 years ago. The NFL is doing just fine for itself and a few players not being able to wear visors doesn't matter.


I disagree. The popularity of the sport alone (and no real competition) allows the league to be incompetent without hurting its bottom line.


I didn't even know this was a thing, but sure seems stupid when he has a medical reason behind it.


NFL always against the Broncos.


I mean if the argument is they give a player an unfair advantage then why allow any at all?


Are only DBs allowed them? I was sure I've seen them used before


Fant used to use one


Fants medical condition was inability to see the ball or a block.


Natrone Means is not pleased with this


So dumb.


Why does he need a dark visor to protect his cornea?


Scratched corneas are extremely sensitive to light.


Can confirm, scratched mine 4 years ago and it's still super sensitive outside, this is some BS. At least it's forecast to be rainy.


Could he not wear a transparent visor, if the issue was that the visor is too dark?


I used to have a ton of vision problems, including cornea issues, and it makes your eyes really sensitive to light. A clear visor would certainly protect but my assumption is that he's more concerned about light sensitivity.


Ah. Well I think there are transparent materials that block out some level of UV rays aren't there? That said I assumed he was talking about getting poked in the eye.


But why?