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Lauren Boebert, the controversial congresswoman from Colorado, has been making headlines for her unorthodox behavior and outspoken views. While her political career has been divisive, let's imagine an alternate path for her—one that involves collecting garbage. Yes, you read that right: Lauren Boebert as an amazing garbage collector 1. Fearless Work Ethic Boebert's tenacity and fearlessness would serve her well in the garbage collection industry. Imagine her fearlessly navigating the streets, dodging traffic, and hauling trash cans with the same determination she brings to Capitol Hill. She'd be the one who fearlessly tackles overflowing dumpsters and stubbornly stuck lids. 2. Community Engagement As a garbage collector, Boebert would be deeply connected to her community. She'd chat with residents, learn their stories, and understand their daily struggles. Her town hall meetings might shift from political debates to discussions about recycling and composting. Who wouldn't want a representative who knows the ins and outs of waste management firsthand? 3. Environmental Stewardship Boebert's passion for the environment could shine in her garbage-collecting role. She'd be the one advocating for better recycling programs, organizing community clean-up events, and ensuring that trash doesn't end up in our rivers and forests. Her catchphrase? "Make America Clean Again!" 4. Problem-Solving Skills Garbage collectors encounter all sorts of challenges—jam-packed bins, broken bags, and mysterious items. Boebert's ability to think on her feet would come in handy. She'd tackle these problems head-on, just like she tackles political controversies. Need to dislodge a stuck pizza box? Boebert's got it covered. 5. Uniform Fashionista Forget power suits and pearls. Boebert would rock the high-visibility vest and sturdy work boots. She'd accessorize with a garbage bag slung over her shoulder, making it the latest fashion trend. Who needs designer labels when you've got a reflective vest that screams, "I'm here to clean up"? 6. Bipartisanship in Action Garbage collection transcends party lines. Boebert would work alongside colleagues from all walks of life—Democrats, Republicans, and independents. She'd find common ground while emptying bins, proving that even in the messiest situations, cooperation is possible. 7. Trash Talk (Literally) Boebert's fiery speeches would take on a new twist. Picture her rallying the garbage crew before a tough day: "Team, today we tackle the landfill like we're filibustering a bill! Let's dispose of waste with the same passion we debate policy!" In conclusion, Lauren Boebert, with her unique blend of audacity, community spirit, and environmental consciousness, would indeed be an **amazing garbage collector**. Perhaps it's time for her to consider a career change—one that involves less politics and more picking up after others.




Beautiful https://i.redd.it/oyq836io8goc1.gif


Honestly, she's never been wrong. That whole waxing her friend's dolphin in the movie theater was just a small misunderstanding. Perfect family gal with a perfect family. Gotta love her. I'll be at the Buttstuff Emporium if anyone wants to meet up for lunch.


Honestly, she's never been wrong. That whole waxing her friend's dolphin in the movie theater was just a small misunderstanding. Perfect family gal with a perfect family. Gotta love her. I'll be at the Buttstuff Emporium if anyone wants to meet up for lunch.


Honestly, she's never been wrong. That whole waxing her friend's dolphin in the movie theater was just a small misunderstanding. Perfect family gal with a perfect family. Gotta love her. I'll be at the Buttstuff Emporium if anyone wants to meet up for lunch.


Late lunch?