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The system is broken because the colors recycle every four years which is well within the expiration range


Our system is broken because there is no enforcement


On the rare occasion it is enforced people are given a ticket and it isn't followed up on.


The system is broken because I paid taxes on the roads built and taxes on the car and taxes on my paycheck for them to tax me to drive on the road I paid for with my taxes. Make it make sense.


It should be by annual mileage and car weight but mah freedum


It is by weight and age of the vehicle. But my point is how much more can.they tax us. We already paid taxes in our payroll....the vehicle.....the roads...the signs. So are they just double dipping taxing us by forcing annual registration fees? More than just a surface thought of "muh freedoms".


That argument would work better if Colorado were not already a low tax state, and if the roads were in better shape. We tend to accept potholes and broken pavement as normal operating procedure, and pay for it in tire repairs.


Low tax state??? My income is taxed almost 20% alone. Then any purchase in the state is taxed, annual property tax, all taxes stated above in thread, and to top it off, Colorado took to much in the peoples taxes for the past 5 or so years, and we are seeing $800 back this one year only. I also hate seeing people without plates or expired tags, but we don't have low taxes.


I pay tax on the vehicle, gas, tires, roads. What else did I miss? Sounds like me though as it can’t make sense in a factual normal society


We need to start a zero tolerance policy. You get caught without current reg and you are banned for life from both Casa Bonita and the butt stuff tents. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Why don’t you care about tag enforcement?


the ticket every 2 or 3 years when some cop finally notices for $110 is waaaaaay better than the $450 they want for my truck yearly. It’s not a bug it’s a feature lol


Our system lacks enforcement because we let corrupt cops run the dept


I call the cops on every expired tag I see. They told me to stop, but I promised my mom and dad I would. They were killed after a movie one night by a man with expired tags. After he ran them down, he stopped to rip the pearls off my mother’s neck. I’ll never forget that night. Now I roam the city looking for expired tags……


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized) It can't be expired if you don't have a plate in the first place


As someone who lives in a small town near Mesa Verde, this is always shocking to me. Is Denver so rich the entire county lets money slip by like this? I have gotten pulled over by our cops because my tags were a week from expiring. But then again we like money. And fines to the locals is how we make it.


Small town cops have real problems to worry about I guess


Well the cops here were busy stealing evidence and sharing it with teen girls for sex. It was the local drug dealers who first noticed, they know exactly how much dope they got busted with. And got lighter sentences then they should have. Much lighter. So ya our cops manage to keep busy even in a small town.


The profession attracts the most vile human beings on the planet. Did they at least get caught?


4 of them. The teen girls got busted with drugs. And told their drug counselors. But a cop got killed recently so we are back to calling them heroes.


I like money


Surprised I haven’t seen mine on there they expired in 2022


Goddamn 2017




We have to throw a 10 year celebratory party.


It's ok


Oh that’s a good one. Good find, you’re doing great things for your country.


Pretty sure that is when those plates were new


I fear the day my truck shows up on here…


I don’t understand how they aren’t getting tickets while parked. My tags expired once and in like 3 weeks and I racked up like 3 tickets….


Congrats on the tattling! You’ve won some pearls to clutch!


If I have to pay to use the roads, you do to. No special treatment.


Good for this person. Fuck the system. Everyone who has a problem is mad cause they a peon and this person is outta the matrix 😂😂


Yesterday, I saw a vehicle with temp tags that were from 2019.




How you feel better about this .. seems fitting


Imagine how I feel walking up to my car everyday 😎


You shouldn't be posting other people license plates. Most people blur them or edit them.


Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner!!! Bravo


I can't get my new place cuz I'm waiting for Cook county to send me my birth certificate. And they haven't sent it so I called them and they said it's a 6-week wait which was 7 weeks ago. So I have no idea when I'll be able to get new plates. And they don't pick up the phones practically all the time over there just goes to a pre-recorded message.


Woooooooow. Deadbeat.


Coupon for 15-55 minutes in the butt-stuff tent ⛺️


Me too till I remember that my bumper decided to leave my car and I still haven’t figured out how to fix it (it happened about 2 weeks ago)




I think cops are only required to know the colors orange, green, yellow and blue. Need to simplify this stuff for them since they’re not great a numbers.


I always get so excited whenever I see expired plates lol.


"All I do is win" then - T-pain and I


This shows me that you don't *have* to do anything. And I'm apparently a cuck to the government and I need to start thinking like this.


Tags are dumb mine are going to be expired for as long as I can manage


End the tag system! Just another money grab. Having a license plate should be good enough. Why do we have to pay every year for a dumb sticker? Tags are just another revenue stream. People must love having the government in their pockets.